Clouds of Tyranny (10 page)

Read Clouds of Tyranny Online

Authors: J. R. Pond

Tags: #thriller, #adventure, #fantasy, #sci fi, #post apocacylptic

BOOK: Clouds of Tyranny
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Alex ran to the man in front and jumped into
him landing her foot into his chest and spring boarding against the
wall; she walked along the wall as if there was no gravity for a
few steps before leaping off and swinging her sword. The two men in
the rear froze in amazement and she decapitated the one on the
left, and then impaled the man on the right. She placed her hand on
his face as blood oozed from his mouth and pushed him off her sword
violently. She turned where the leader stood fifteen feet away and
thrust her sword so it was pointed at him. Locke watched on as a
bolt of lightning shot out of her sword and sizzled the soldier’s
flesh and boiled his blood; portions of his skin bubbled from the
heat and his inside ceased to function. All three men were lifeless
as Locke walked toward her. “Not as weak as I thought. HA!” laughed
Alex. Locke stared at her in amazement. “You’re a…spellcaster?”
asked Locke. “Locke!” yelled Alex as she motioned her palm behind
him. Locke turned to see a soldier crawling on the floor with a
knife sticking out of his throat aiming a pistol at him in a final
resort to take Locke’s life. The floor beneath his head puddled up
with water then began to sparkle with ice just before a spear of
ice shot up through the bottom of his chin and exited through the
top of his head. A stray bullet hit the floor, missing Locke by
several feet. “Whoa,” said Locke. “That answer your question?”
asked Alex







Terra had spent the
morning trying to avoid all the inhabitants of the Returner’s lair
who all seemed to have questions about her ‘abilities’ until Smith
found her and managed to keep everyone at bay. Now, Terra was with
Smith and Ruthie in the training room; a place where their soldiers
could practice their swordplay and target practice. Smith had set
up several wooden structures about six feet in height for Terra to
practice with that resembled that of large unpainted bowling pins.
“Okay, fire away,” said Smith with arms crossed waiting to see what
she could do. Terra reached to her side where her firearm sat. “No.
Use a spell,” ordered Smith. Ruthie interjected with “She can only
heal injuries.” “All I ask is that she try,” retorted Smith. Terra
released her grip from the .45 pistol that still lay in its holster
and stared at Smith. “Just look straight to your target and
concentrate.” Terra let out an aggravated sigh and looked to the
wooden object Smith expected her to destroy, thinking as hard as
she could. She thought back to when she pushed that imperial
soldier out the window and he flew several yards away when he was
twice her size. She felt her palms tingle.
Maybe if I use my hands like a gun,
she thought. She stretched her arms in front of her and
pointed her palms toward the wooden structure. The object twitched
for a moment, like the last bowling pin that always stays up when
it looks as if its going to fall, then she closed her eyes and
strained her mind to obey her will. She heard a loud crash. When
she opened her eyes, the object that was once twenty feet from the
wall was now lying next to it on its side. “Coooool, ” wooed
Ruthie. “Good,” said Smith, “Now, lift it.” Ruthie looked over at
him still smiling a little, “You mean with…” “Yes,” responded
Smith, “With your mind.” Terra pointed her palms once more at the
object and strained her head so intensely that she felt as if she
were going to break a blood vessel behind her eye. “Come on Ter,”
whispered Ruthie to herself. “Mmmmm, “ groaned Terra. The object
kept rolling itself into the wall periodically. “You’re pushing!
Lift!” yelled Smith. Terra was getting annoyed at being told what
to do: as if moving things with your mind is the most natural thing
in the world to him. She kept straining for several minutes with
Smith’s words constantly badgering her self-esteem. “Lift, dammit!”
Smith kept yelling. Terra was red in the face; here eyes were
narrow, teeth grinding against one another with a loud squeak with
each grind. “Lift!!!” yelled Smith again. Terra’s ears were raw
with his constant yelling. Terra was done. “Shut up!” she yelled as
she thrust her fingers forward. A red stream shot out of each set
of five fingers hitting the object on it’s side which was against
the floor. A geyser of flame erupted from underneath it lifting it
ten feet in the air. When it dropped, the wooden object was
engulfed in flame around its now black surface. Terra and Ruthie
jumped back in unison. “Whoa!” yelled Ruthie as Terra just stared
blankly at what she had created just out of anger,
Good thing I wasn’t facing Smith just

After Smith put out the crimson flames with
a white powder they kept in the training room for emergencies, they
exited and walked into the main dining room where people ate and
conjugated. “Good work Terra, really great,” commended Smith to
Terra, “Sorry for yelling back there, but I needed you to push
everything else out of your mind. That’s how these spells work;
they are created by channeling your body, mind, and spirit into a
single force unstoppable force.” “Yeah, that’s what I read,” chimed
in Ruthie.

When they reached the main room near the
entrance they saw a small group of people crowded around something.
“Dammit! Give him some room!” yelled Pearl dramatically. The crowd
backed away and Terra, Ruthie, and Smith could now see what the
fuss was about; Pearl, Clyde, and Ray were back from their mission.
In the corner, the black shepherd was whining in his big dog voice,
“It’s okay, Hans,” said it’s master. The three of them were side by
side; Pearl and Ray were holding up Clyde who was in the middle.
Clyde’s blue bandana that once was a clothing garments atop his
head was now being used to pressurize the wound on his right
shoulder, but blood still dripped through the blood soaked cloth
turning it violet purple. Ruthie was in shock at the sight of her
brother. Aside from the shoulder wound, Clyde had gunshot wounds in
his right shin, upper left leg, and the very center of his stomach.
“Clyde!” screamed Ray, “you have to walk!” Pearl looked at Clyde’s
face, “Your big, man, we need your help. Come on, just a little
further.” Smith went over to the left doorway leading down the hall
towards the infirmary and yelled, “Doc!” The doc knew that when
Smith called him the situation was dire; he came running down the
hall as fast as he could. “Geez. Stop right there!” ordered the
Doc, “Carry him gurney style!” They stopped and Pearl got behind
Clyde and cupped her arms under his armpits and Ray put his own
head between Clyde’s ankles and the both lift him so he was lying
flat in midair. They speed walked him into the infirmary as Ruthie
stood there with her hand over her mouth and tears raining down her
face at the thought of her big brother not making it through this.
Terra put her arm around Ruthie’s shoulders and Ruthie leaned in
against Terra’s chest and put her arms around her. She sobbed
violently as Terra comforted her.

It was late afternoon in Pan’dier when Locke
and Alex managed to escape the core of the town and were now in the
tree line that bordered Pan’dier. “Well, we made it, Locke n key.”
Chuckled Alex. Locke just looked at her with a blank unplayful
stare. “Ya know,” said Locke, “We’re not out of the woods yet.”
Alex looked around at all the trees, “Yeah, we just got in the
woods.” She stared over at him hoping for at least a little laugh
at the pun…nothing. “I gotta think. Where is the nearest tunnel?”
said Locke out loud to himself. “Tunnel? The sun bothering you?”
asked Alex. “No, that’s our way back to HQ. Unless you’d rather
walk for about a week dodging your buddies the whole way.” Alex
made a B-line to a large bush surrounded by redwoods. “I was
thinking more on the lines of-“ Alex dug inside the bush and
eventually pulled out a large steel device; it was metallic red
with glossy black stripes, a large bar above the front wheel (which
Alex was pulling it out by), a wheel in the rear behind the long
seat (Locke assumed you straddled it much like you would a horse),
and a wheel in the middle. “An iron horse?” questioned Locke. “Mmm,
horse of a different color. But enough puns for the day.” She
dragged it as they walked through the remainder of the woods.
“Okay,” said Alex, “Where is your ‘HQ’?” “North,” answered Locke,
“Northwest, by the wall of separation due south of Sangrohl.” “Hmm,
okay. We should probably stop somewhere first and rest till the
morning; the empire will be looking for us.” Locke nodded at the
smart idea, “We can stay in Magdore, to the north. I have friends
there and they would never give me up if the empire were to ask
questions.” “Good,” said Alex. They were approaching the end of the
trees and woodland debris. “Alright, “ said Alex as she jumped onto
the seat and gripped the handles, “All aboard.” Locke looked at it
like a cat looks at a dog it’s own size, not afraid but curious. He
slowly lifted his right leg over the rear end of the seat and eased
himself behind her looking at what she was looking at; a series of
switches beneath the handles and a red coin sized button in the
center. She flipped a few switches, then pushed in the small red
button with her thumb. RRRRRRROWR!!! The vehicle made a loud
growling sound, then quieted down and just rumbled and vibrated
beneath them. There was a dial around the right handlebar; the
‘iron horse’ growled louder as she turned it. Alex, flipped a
switch underneath the red button, “Hold on!” she yelled over the
sound of the wheeled beast. “What?” yelled Locke as the machine
shot forward and instantly cupped his arms around her belly as they
traveled with tremendous speed through the grassy plains toward

Ruthie and Terra were
sitting at a table waiting for the doc to come and tell them Clyde
could have visitors or at least that he was alive. Ruthie was
trembling at the thought of the worst news imaginable; that her
brother was dead. Terra had yet to see Ruthie like this; little
miss happy-go-lucky was a wreck from the inside out and looked as
if she was about to lose her sanity. “Ruth?” said the doc as he
stood over them. Ruthie leapt up to face him, “Yeah?” she asked
holding her own heart. “He’s sleeping now, but you can see him.
Just be quiet, please. He needs his rest.” “Will this be the last
time?” asked Ruthie as her eyes filled with tears. “Not by any
means, Ruthie. He’ll be fine. No missions for a while and I
wouldn’t suggest you jump on him or roughhouse like you usually do.
He’ll be on bed rest for at least a week, then I just want him to
take it easy for an additional month before leaving the base or
doing any training.” Ruthie let out a long sigh of relief, “Whew.
Thanks doc.” “Of course,” he responded then walked over to a table
and sat down waiting for Ruthie to go see Clyde so they could have
privacy. “Come with me Ter.” Pleaded Ruthie. “Kay.” They walked to
the infirmary door. “Go ahead Ruthie. I’ll be out here.” “Thanks.”
Ruthie walked in and Terra stood by the door that was slightly
ajar. She could hear Ruthie’s movements; metal chair scraped
against the tile floor as Ruthie sat down. It was quiet for several
minutes. “I am barely speaking to you,” said Ruthie to a sleeping
Clyde as she paced back and forth along his bed, “You a real ass,
you know that? Making me worry. You promised you’d never make me
cry…and ya did.” Ruthie sighed. Terra peeked through the crack in
the door and saw Ruthie holding Clyde’s hand in both of hers as she
stood over him; his large hand was as big as both of hers. Terra
could see Clyde lying on the bed in only his white underwear and
gauze wrapped around all of his wounds as Ruthie sat down in a
chair next to the bed. On the side of the bed opposite Ruthie was
an IV drip running into his arm. Ruthie was holding his hand and
looking at him sleep with tears running down her face and smiling
at him. Terra was confused about the relationship between Ruthie,
Locke, and Clyde,
Are they real

It was just before dusk when Locke and Alex
arrived in Magdore; they could see the orange sun setting to the
west. It would be very romantic if they knew each other a little
more; Locke was definitely attracted to Alex despite her flawless
physique. Locke could never stop himself from getting attracted to
strong women; soldiers turned him on. Alex circled the town. “Over
there!” Locke yelled as he pointed to a building on the edge of
town with a large steel door used for storing and shipping
products. Alex jerked the vehicle hard to the left toward the large
steel door, her knee almost scraping the gravel road surrounding
Magdore. She pulled up to the door and flipped the switch under the
red button causing the machine to come to a complete silence as it
slowly coasted to the door. Locke dismounted and walked over to the
steel door and banged on it with the bottom of his fist three times
sending a thunderous echo through the room behind the steel door.
There was a wooden door next to the large one with a small viewing
window. A head popped up on the other side of the window framing
the middle-aged man’s facial features; big brown eyes, messy black
hair, and a thick push broom mustache. The man pressed the side of
his face against the window to get a good view of who was knocking.
His eyes met Locke’s as Locke waved and the man’s eyes widened and
put up a ‘just a minute’ finger. The steel door slowly raised and
Locke and Alex could see the man pulling a chain downward with both
hands to raise the door until it was about halfway up; a few feet
higher than Locke’s head. Alex dismounted and began pushing the
vehicle inside. “Long time,” said the man; he was a short stalky
man wearing jeans, a brown long sleeve shirt, and a blacksmith’s
apron. “Too long,” said Locke as he shook the man’s hand. Alex
rolled the machine inside and leaned it against the brick wall in
the back of the man’s shop. Alex looked around; she saw broken
doors, many types of locks, pains of glass, and sheet metal with
tools sprawled all around the storage room. She walked over to
introduce herself and noticed the man had been looking at her the
whole time with a big grin on his face. “Who is this?” said the man
lustfully. “Alex, nice to meet you.” Locke scoffed, “This is
Milton,” said Locke casually. “Locke, you know I don’t judge,” said
Milton with his palms up, “But, did you join the empire?” “No,”
said Alex, “I quit the empire.” “Oh, fair enough. So, tell me, what
can I do for you, my friend.” Locke looked at Alex’s attire then
his own, “Clothes would be nice. And a place to bathe and rest, and
maybe some food?” “No problem, I’ll arrange for lodgings. In the
meantime, go upstairs and see my wife for clothes. She just locked
the door so the place is all yours.” “Thanks,” said Locke as he
walked toward the stairs that led to the shop upstairs. “Oh.” Said
Milton, “Two beds?” “Of course,” scoffed Locke. Alex grinned an
evil smile, “Well, we don’t wanna waste clean sheets.” “Two will be
fine. Thanks Milton,” said Locke with assertion. Alex winked at
Locke assuring him it was a joke.

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