Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (18 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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Still a little shaky from being held by an angel, she nodded and sculled down the shot of rum he handed her from the table.

During dinner Zoren went out of his way to include Cassie in the conversation and made her feel very welcome in their world. He was very sweet and not overpowering at all now he wasn’t using his powers on her. She found it easy with him this way and after a few more drinks he was just one of the guys and that’s when the party really started to liven up. The meal was certainly unusual: Cassie had her first real taste of star food that she had to put aside. She decided that it didn’t matter where you were in the world or the universe; rum is just yummy rum, so she indulged heavily in that golden liquid instead.

As the night progressed into dawn, they all became louder and when the craziness escalated and they just started laughing at anything stupid, Kayden made a move letting them know it was time for them to leave.

The sisters tried to get them to stay but Cassie felt it was more the single men they directed the invitation to. Woody was the spokesman and declined politely, saying they had to go home so they could bed the horses down. On the way out Cassie said that the sisters also wanted to bed something down but it wasn’t horses, and those guys just wouldn’t be in it. This made them laugh more.

Kayden gave her playful smack. ‘Come here, woman,’ he said, pulling her over to him and wrapping an arm around her. ‘Bad cloud girl.’ He hugged her, amused.

Zoren staggered out with them, his arms around Woody and Jason. Ethan and Conor staggered out too, arm-in-arm, still joking around. When they got to the horses, Jason, Conor and Ethan came over and gave her a group hug.

‘You’re a good mate,’ Jason said.

‘Great night, kiddo,’ Ethan slurred and then chuckled.

‘See you at home, cloud girl,’ Conor hiccuped.

Conor and Ethan put their arms back around Jason. ‘Come on, mate, you better let her go before the boss makes us pay on the trip home.’

Jason agreed and let her go.

Kayden was talking to Zoren so once the boys left her side, Kayden moved closer to reclaim his woman. Woody nudged him off.

‘Finish your chat, she’s fine,’ he said, sliding his arm over Cassie’s shoulders and leaning up against his horse with her. Cassie leant into him and started to relax again. If there was one thing she had learned so far about Woody it was that he had a calming control over her that always made her feel at ease.

‘It was a good night, hey Woodsta?’ she said, still a little giggly.

‘You held your own tonight, Cass. You did us proud.’

‘Woodsta, I think I’m going to pass out,’ she said as she slipped out of his arms like a slithering snake. She felt herself being lifted into arms before she hit the ground. ‘Damn, you’re quick. Thanks Woo—’ she slurred before passing out.

Family Friends

It was midday before Cassie dragged herself out of bed. The men were still asleep everywhere: on couches, chairs and the floor. She stood at the sink, sculling her second glass of water and trying to focus on how she had made it home when Kayden came in from outside.

He was as bright as a button. ‘Morning, sunshine! How’s the head?’

‘Morning! Um, fine … hey, how did I get home?’ she asked.

‘You passed out. Are you feeling okay?’

‘Fine, I think, just a bit fuzzy on the details. I didn’t do anything stupid, did I?’

Woody and Jason woke first and rolled over, amused at their conversation. They threw cushions at Ethan and Conor, making them sit up and look around to see what was going on before flopping back down when they realised it was just their mates annoying them.

Woody leaned on his elbow. ‘No, you just told Zoren he needed to smarten up and not send us into any more traps,’ he sniggered.

Jason joined in ‘Yeah, we loved it. Someone needed to have a shot at him about it.’

Ethan stretched. ‘And you told the sisters they need to visit a stylist for their hair.’

Cassie went a deep shade of pink and put her hand to mouth, covering her awed expression. ‘I did … really? My God, that’s so terribly rude.’

Conor sat back up, joining in on the conversation. ‘And you told us all you loved us heaps of times, didn’t she, guys?’

Shocked at her behaviour, Cassie glanced over at Kayden. He didn’t seem concerned at all. ‘You were charming and delightful. Nobody took offence to your jest.’

‘The sisters … did they seem offended at my remark?’ she asked, frowning at her lack of tactlessness.

‘No not really. They were more shocked when you asked them which one of us was their favourite and wouldn’t give up until they ‘fessed up,’ Kayden said, amused.

All the boys started laughing, pushing and poking each other, ribbing each other for the sisters’ choices. Adora naturally picked Woody; Kewana couldn’t decide between Jason and Ethan and finally said she’d take both. Dyna the youngest, picked Conor.

Conor came into the kitchen to get a glass of water. ‘But of course we were only their second choice. Your boyfriend was first pick and now he is off the market we get his leftovers,’ he said, taking big gulps of water. ‘Damn boss could have had any one of them and he wants our girl,’ he joked, kissing her on the top of the head as he walked past.

Kayden came around the other side of the bench to Cassie and held her gently. ‘It was all in fun and my men weren’t much better. They had the sisters quite embarrassed with their jokes and I don’t know if Zoren will get over being rubbished the way he was. I might have to put restraints on the lot of you next trip,’ he said, looking around and acting serious which made them all start laughing again.

Then the stories came out about what they had all said, making Cassie feel a lot better about the little bit of stirring she’d done.

Break Through

Cassie loved her mornings now. She felt contented with who she was and for the first time in her life she thanked the heavens every day for bringing her to the Cloud Riders and most of all to Kayden.

It was early dawn and the paddocks this morning were green and lush after the rain they had received over the past few days. Cassie had been playing with Starburst and commented to Kayden how, as if by magic, her horse had grown up overnight. ‘He looks nearly as big as Zoltan.’

‘Yes, he’s magical just like his dad.’

‘I never really thought about who fathered him. I thought horses just did it with whomever they pleased.’ She was intrigued that Zoltan was the father.

‘Zoltan will only breed with one mare here and no other horse dares encroach on his territory.’

‘Wow, he is like his owner then,’ Cassie kidded him playfully.

He grinned and took a long look at Starburst, running his hands over his back and down his legs. ‘Yes, I guess he is.’ He snatched her up in his arms. ‘He and I have found our soul mates and boy, let any other male try to move in on our females and look out,’ he chuckled, teasing her back. He brushed her lips with his. ‘And yes, he is grown up enough. So your little magic playmate is ready to be broken in for you. I’ve just summoned the team. They’ll meet us back at the house.’

‘What?’ She tried to keep her surprise in check. ‘Am I allowed to ride on my own?’

‘Truthfully, sweetheart, I’ve fought against it entirely for selfish reasons. Been outranked by Zoren though. He wants you on your own horse so I can get back to leading the team. He reckons we won’t see your full potential until I let you fly free, so to speak. As your leader, I agree but as your man, shit, I love the feeling of you against me and will so miss this sassy body stirring me up during the trip,’ he chuckled, slapping her backside playfully. ‘Now, go get your new ride so we can take him back with us.’

Cassie felt an excited rush. ‘I promise we won’t let you down,’ she said as she ran down to the water’s edge to grab him. Clutching his mane as they walked back up to Kayden she looked radiantly happy. ‘Starburst here is very smart and combined with my powers we’re going to make a good team.’

Kayden laughed. ‘Alright, you don’t have to convince me but you do have to convince Woody. He’s the one with the special gift that can help you develop powers so you can use them without anger. You’ll need to prove to him that you can summon up your powers without using anger to make them strong. Okay?’

The guys had already arrived by the time they returned. Cassie found them in the kitchen cooking breakfast and it smelt delicious. Cassie had a shower before joining them at the table. By then it was packed full of bacon, eggs, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, hash browns and the largest slabs of toast she had ever seen—catering slices, she was told. She had missed the gang and sat down, talking and digging in before Kayden finally joined them. He came out with his shirt off, looking all manly and yummy as he pulled out a chair next to her.

‘Eb llits ym traeh er’uoy a kunh,’ she said quietly and he laughed.

Ethan laughed as well and she looked at him suspiciously. ‘Can’t fool us anymore with that lingo, girl. I’ve been practicing.’

He looked at Jason and he nodded as if they were conferring. ‘Be still, my heart you’re a hunk.’ He leaned over the table. ‘That’s what she said, hey boss?’

Kayden punched his fist. ‘We can’t have any secrets with you lot of quick-arse whiz kids around.’

Cassie decided to outsmart whiz boy. ‘Tcelletni ruoy revo hpmuirt ot yaw a dnif lliw I.’

It took Ethan longer this time and then he chuckled. ‘Ah … a reverse flip. “I will find a way to triumph over your intellect.” Very clever, cloud girl but not clever enough.’

‘Okay, I give in. Beaten fair and square.’

He looked chuffed, the little shit, she thought as she piled more food on her plate. She decided she’d better up her game and find other ways to beat their clever minds. A challenge! The thrill egged her on. God, was she becoming them now she was linked to them?

‘Your games are fun, cloud girl but don’t make it so easy next time.’ Ethan sat down, grinning as a damn cat would just after eating a mouse and by the looks on the others’ faces she knew they had been helping him.

‘Ah, now I get it. This is my payback for calling him radar.’ She swept her eyes around at all of them. ‘Ganging up on the new girl, are we?’ she giggled. Catching her eye, Kayden gave her a big grin as well. ‘No … tell me they didn’t get you involved.’

Kayden burst out laughing and hugged her. ‘Sorry, sweetheart but you did wipe the floor with us all playing cards. We men have to stick together when our pride has been dented and you are such a delightful competitor.’

‘Fair enough, boys, this is game on.’ She started laughing. ‘You are all going down for this.’

Jason kissed the top of her head and sat beside her. After putting the rest of the plates of food in the middle of the table, Woody looked at him, screwing his lips up in a smirk, ‘Scoot over man, this is my seat. Moving to the chair opposite Jason attempted a protest only to be shutdown quickly.

Woody put his hand up. ‘Not negotiable, Jason. Don’t even try.’

Ignoring the show of pecking order, Jason passed around the bacon and they all chatted as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
He has clearly let them know it is Kayden, me and him, and then the others.
After cleaning up Cassie joined the men and stood up on the fence with them watching Jason and Ethan break in Starburst. Cassie however was still curious about Woody and jumped down, following Kayden into the stables to discuss it.

‘How come the guys don’t backchat Woody?’

‘I wondered if you’d pick up on that,’ Kayden smirked. ‘I guess I should have explained it earlier but I’ve been overloading you with so much to get you ready for the next trip I didn’t want to confuse you with whom to take orders from.’ Kayden leaned against the stable door and rubbed his brow: the little habit she’d noticed he had when he was stalling for time while he worked out how to say something. ‘I’ll try and explain this the best I can. As a team, we power up and share the power between us, always distributing it evenly. I assess each task and only draw from each of them the power required. Drawing too much too quickly can drain our supplies.’

‘You mean like I did when I overused mine.’

He nodded. ‘Exactly. If we did that and were attacked on our way home or something else came up, we would be helpless. Therefore we share. Now, to answer your question regarding Woody: he is my second in command and is the only other one on my team who can draw power as I do, only he is even more gifted in this area than I am.’

‘Woody is like me, isn’t he?’

Kayden nodded. ‘Very much so. The way you just knew how much power to pull from Zoltan and me before your final strike on our last mission Woody can do the same, only he can use any vessel. Whereas you draw only from the light, he can also draw from the darkness, only it is dangerous and unpredictable and can’t be controlled. Innocent souls disappear within that cloud of murky malice. That’s why I was so tough on you out there. A Cloud Rider is saintly, a gift from God and whatever the cost, we must survive for the better of all humanity. My only other option out there would have been to allow Woody to draw from the most powerful source known, evil.’

‘Wow. So he’s like the coolest sorcerer ever, but a good one.’

He nodded. ‘Yet, while he is my right-hand man, you and he are equal and he was letting the boys know that. Try not to judge him too harshly for what he did in there. He meant no disrespect. It is a great honour to have Woody sit by you as an equal. In my time I have rarely seen him do this.’

Cassie was stunned. ‘That’s quite an honour then. I keep forgetting you men have come from an ancient era and many of the rules of old still apply.’

He grinned and moved from the wall he leant against, going over to her. Cassie felt his massive arms go round her and leaned into him as she listened to his voice that had gone husky and sexy. ‘That’s why I hate sharing you, sweetheart. The wait for someone like you to come into my life has taken forever and then some. That being said, I have to stop being so possessive and give Woody the time he needs to show you how to use your powers correctly. We both know your family has squashed your ability to draw on your gift naturally so I believe a session or two with him will sort it out in no time.’

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