City of Nets (105 page)

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Authors: Otto Friedrich

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Oberammergau Passion Play, 21–22, 624

Oberon, Merle, 26

O'Brien, Pat, 77, 79

Obringer, R. J., 355–56

O'Connor, Frank, 575

Odets, Clifford, 429, 436, 449–50, 550, 553, 611

Odlum, Floyd, 134, 217, 494

O'Hara, John, 628

Oil discovery (1892), 6

Olivier, Laurence, 26, 31, 34, 40–41, 620

Only Angels Have Wings
, 211

Open City
, 530–31, 535, 581

Oppenheimer, Jules, 338

Ornitz, Samuel, 438, 474, 611

, 557, 558–61

Otis, Harrison Gray, 32, 100–1

Ott, Fred, 7

The Outlaw
, 177–79, 329, 445, 589

Owens River Valley, 32, 166–67

OWI Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP), 303–7

The Ox-Bow Incident
, 149, 206


(zoot suit) riots, 199–205

, 530–31, 581

Paley, Dorothy, 319, 329

Pan American Airways, 444, 445, 485

The Paradine Case
, 426, 618

Paramount Studios, xii–xiii, 10, 21, 25, 62–63, 90, 91, 102, 108, 134, 146, 194, 217, 231, 234, 235, 279, 282–84, 299, 306–7, 330–38, 350, 362–63, 505, 506, 516–21, 627

Parker, Dorothy, 13, 66, 75, 100, 108, 599

Parks, Larry, 438, 440

Parsons, Louella, 36, 131–33, 209, 389, 589, 608, 616

Pascal, Ernest, 107

Pathé, 29

Pearl Harbor, 70, 142–47, 156–57, 159–65, 167–68, 220, 272–73, 492

Peck, Gregory, 57, 312, 325–27, 328, 527, 544–45, 571, 625

Pelican Productions, 425–26

Pépé le Moko
, 18n

Perelman, S. J., 12, 230–31

Perkins, Maxwell, 236, 238

Petrified Forest
, 118–19

The Philadelphia Story
, 76

Pichel, Irving, 438

Pickford, Jack, 562

Pickford, Mary, 100, 268, 505, 562, 603

Pidgeon, Walter, 402

Pierce, Jack, 288–89, 294–95

Pinkerton, Allan, 110

Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, 110–13

Pin-up girls, 178, 179, 384

Pius XII, Pope, 626

The Players, 301–2, 307

Play It as It Lays
, 10–11

Poe, Edgar Allan, 290

Pons, Lily, 26

Porter, Cole, 383

Porter, Edwin S., 7–8

Post, C. W., 298, 299

The Postman Always Rings Twice
, 228, 338–42

Postum Cereal Company, 299

Powell, Dick, 302, 402

Powell, Eleanor, 156–57, 300

Power, Tyrone, xiv, 36, 126, 149, 259, 558

The Power and the Glory
, 299–301

Preminger, Ingo, 536–38

Preminger, Otto, 149–50, 259–65, 484, 600–1, 631

Pressburger, Arnold, 181–83

Preston, Robert, 124, 184

Previn, André, 57–59

Production Code.
Hays Office (Hollywood Production Code Administration)

Prohibition, 119, 370–71

Pruette, Lorine, 577

Psychiatry/psychoanalysis, 68, 319–27, 500–1, 518

Pulitzer Prize, 506


Queen Mary
, 36, 37, 616–17

Quinn, Anthony, 206

Quo Vadis
, 536, 625, 626, 628


Rachel and the Stranger
, 564

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 49, 60

Racketeers, 87–98

Raft, George, 26, 115–16, 119–20, 190–91, 234,
, 372, 377, 603

Railroads, 6, 7, 32, 100–1, 144, 161, 374

Rainbow Productions, 506

Rainer, Luise, 158

Rains, Claude, 126, 194, 195, 197

Rake's Progress
, xi, 507–9

Rand, Ayn, 359, 456–58, 573–81

Random House, 344, 355

Rankin, John, 412, 430, 433, 435, 462n, 473, 521, 522

Rapf, Harry, 100, 490–92

Rapf, Maurice, 100, 106

Raphaelson, Samson, 104, 108

Rathbone, Basil, 28, 41

Rathvon, Peter, 481, 484, 493–95

Ratoff, Gregory, 556

Raye, Martha, 415

Reagan, Maureen, 122, 150

Reagan, Nancy Davis, 634

Reagan, Ronald, xii–xiv, 1–2, 76–79, 122–28, 150, 184, 191, 220–21, 238, 281, 402–3, 430, 441, 460–61, 472–73, 496, 546–47, 555, 633–35

Real estate boom, 100–1

, 76, 193, 236, 280

Reed, Carol, 557–58

Reed, Rex, xiii, 123n

Reinhardt, Gottfried, 139–40, 222–23

Reinhardt, Max, 58, 83, 175, 222–23, 260, 266, 271, 280

Religious epics, 349, 536–38, 574–75, 624–28, 631

Remarque, Erich Maria, 69

Renoir, Jean, 79

Republic Films, 104, 556, 623–24

Revier, Harry, 629

Reynolds, Debbie, 616

Reynolds Tobacco Company, 434

Rings on Her Fingers
, 144–45

The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny
, 8–9, 87, 137, 183–84, 408–9, 416

RKO, 11–12, 25, 29, 108, 128–34, 205, 218, 282, 291, 292, 307–8, 364, 482, 484, 485, 494–95, 498, 505–7, 536, 582–83, 588–90

Roach, Hal, 220–21, 256, 269

The Road to Singapore
, 48

The Robe
, 349, 626, 627

Robeson, Paul, 553

Robinson, Casey, 123–25, 195

Robinson, David, 566

Robinson, Edward G., 70–71, 116, 119, 120, 235, 462n, 511–12, 519, 547–49, 631

Robson, May, 103

Rockefeller, John D., 133

Rockefeller, Nelson, 128, 133, 205–6, 217

Rogers, Ginger, 76, 238, 437, 543, 616, 633

Rogers, Lela, 437

Romm, May, 319, 321, 323

Rooney, Mickey, 19, 318, 632

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 219, 436

Roosevelt, Elliott, 175, 442–44

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 19, 33, 73, 80, 81, 89, 102, 105, 161, 164–68, 186–87, 197, 204–5, 218, 219, 272, 283, 303–5, 307, 331, 358, 383, 430, 433, 442–44, 450, 453, 516, 521, 555, 577

Roosevelt, Theodore, 32, 161

Rose, Billy, 519

Rosentiel, Lewis, 371

Ross, Lillian, 489

Rossellini, Roberto, 530–31, 534–35, 581–591, 631

Rossen, Robert, 438, 449–50

Rosten, Leo, 21

A Royal Scandal
, 600–1

Rozsa, Miklos, 326, 326n

Rubinstein, Arthur, 36, 41,
, 60, 142–43, 146, 568–69

Russell, Jane, 175–79, 633

Russell, Rosalind, 616

Ryan, Sylvester, 621–22

Ryskind, Morrie, 459


Screen Actors Guild (SAG)

Salt, Waldo, 438, 480

Samson and Delilah
, 624–25, 628

San Andreas Fault, 9–10

Sanders, George, 41, 377

San Fernando Valley/Reservoir, 31–33

Santa Ana winds, 11

Sarnoff, David, 134, 496–97

Saroyan, William, 222, 555

Satterlee, Peggy LaRue, 244–45, 246–48, 250–51

Sayre, Nora, 219n, 528, 576–77, 580

, 115, 116, 171, 175, 345

Scent of Mystery
, 627

Schaefer, George J., 128, 131, 133–34

Schary, Dore, 109, 482–84, 486, 489–96, 499–503, 514, 527, 536–38, 544n, 546, 563, 590, 625

Schenck, Joseph, 21, 92–98, 208–9, 256n, 260, 261, 269, 405, 481, 483, 513

Schenck, Nicholas, 3, 21, 27, 88, 91–94, 96, 105, 134, 256n, 481, 492, 496–500, 503, 625n

Schenley's, 371

Scherman, Harry, 523

Schickel, Richard, 50

Schoenberg, Arnold, xiv, 43–48, 55–56, 60–61, 67, 83, 84, 85, 393, 394–98, 498, 529–30, 622–23

Schulberg, Benjamin P., 27, 98, 112, 300, 362

Schulberg, Budd (Seymour), 98–100, 105–8, 187, 515, 614

Science fiction films, 573, 626

Scott, Adrian, 438, 475, 482, 484–86, 493, 495, 611, 621

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 95, 122, 185, 290, 358–59, 402–3, 460–61, 472–73, 546–47, 634

Screen Cartoonists Guild, 359

Screen Directors Guild, 545

Screen Playwrights, 106, 108

Screen Publicists Guild, 359

Screen size and effects, 103, 624, 627

Screen Writers Guild (SWG), 104–10, 131, 140, 183, 238, 358–59, 437, 464, 470–71, 473–74, 481, 544

Seagram Distilleries, 371

The Sea Wolf
, 340–41

Seitz, John F., 605

Selznick, David O., xi–xii,
, 8, 25–31, 34–35, 37–38, 41, 56–57, 64, 76, 112, 191–93, 236, 253–55, 280, 291, 309–15, 319–24, 327–29, 390, 426, 493, 498, 505, 518–19, 533, 561–62, 597–98, 620–21, 628, 630–31

Selznick, Howard, 26–27

Selznick, Irene Mayer, 26–27, 309–11, 314–15, 318–24, 329, 493, 582, 632

Selznick, Lewis, 21, 22, 26, 27

Selznick, Myron, 26, 30, 31, 116, 193, 319

Sergeant York
, 74, 177, 196, 448

Shadow and Substance
, 266, 267, 270, 275

Shapiro, Jacob (Gurrah), 370

Shaw, Artie, 321

Shaw, Irwin, 222, 449–50, 533

Shearer, Norma, 24, 172, 348

Sheean, Vincent, 71–72

Sheehan, Winfield, 208–10

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 186–87

Sheridan, Ann, 21, 126, 127, 191, 212, 472–73

Sherman, Moses Hazeltine, 6

Sherwood, Robert, 13, 118–19

Sidwertz, Morris (Little Moe Sedway), 374–75, 381

Siegel, Ben (Bugsy), xiv,
, 369–82, 416–17

Siegel, Don, 573

Siegel, Maurice, 370

Sienkiewicz, Henry, 625

The Sign of the Cross
, 624

Silberberg, Mendel, 108–10, 483

Simmel, Ernst, 320–22, 525

Simon, Norton, 631

Simon, Richard, 523, 526

Simon and Schuster, 523

Sinatra, Frank, 143, 378, 441, 513

Since You Went Away
, 59, 313

The Sin of Harold Diddlebock
, 308

Siodmak, Curt, 185–86, 290, 293, 294

Sister Carrie
, 361, 363–64, 494, 620–21

Sistrom, Joe, 230, 232, 333

Six Companies, 34

Skelton, Red, 630

Skouras, Spyros, 553–54

Smell-O-Vision, 627

Smiley, Allen, 380–81

Smith, H. A., 454–56, 460

Smith Act of 1940, 438–39

The Snake Pit
, 558, 571

Sokolsky, George, 471–72, 544

Somewhere I'll Find You
, 151–53, 340

The Song of Bernadette
, 83–84, 313–14, 390

Song of Russia
, 272, 437, 454–59, 614

Sorrell, Herbert K., xiv,
, 357–61, 398–408, 458

Sound in films, 22–25, 58, 59, 104, 170, 409

Spanish explorers, 9–10

, 323–27, 329, 527

Sperling, Milton, 106, 256

Spiegel, Sam, 382

Stacher, Joseph (Doc), 379–80

Stalin, Joseph, 135, 219, 272, 364, 365, 451, 457, 612

Stanford, Leland, 7

Stanwyck, Barbara, 233, 234, 238, 302, 578

A Star Is Born
, 128

State of the Union
, 506

Steele, Joseph Henry, 586–89

Stein, Jules, 153–54

Steinbeck, John, 225, 258, 518

Steiner, Max, 58, 59, 196

Steuermann, Eduard, 393–94

Stevens, George, 505, 615

Stewart, Donald Ogden, 66, 108, 429, 454, 459, 486, 545–46

Stewart, Jimmy, xiv, 34, 149, 505–6, 633

Stock market crash of 1929, 403

Stokowski, Leopold, 41,
, 49–50, 52

The Story of G. I. Joe
, 562

Strange, Glenn, 294–95

Strangers on a Train
, 618–20

Stravinsky, Igor, xi, xii–xiii, 38–39, 50–55, 60, 83–85, 266, 427, 507–9

Strickling, Howard, 152, 316–18, 499

Strictly Dishonorable
, 297–99

Strikes, 91–93, 105, 185, 356–61, 398–408, 458–59

Stripling, Robert, 435–37, 449–51, 459, 466–70, 474, 476–79

, 584–593

Sturges, Preston, 176, 295–308, 555

Sudeikina, Vera, 39, 52

Sullivan, Ed, 566

Sunset Boulevard
, 601–7, 628

Swanson, Gloria, 133,
, 597–99, 605–6

Screen Writers Guild (SWG)


Taft, William Howard, 227

Talking films.
Sound in films

Tayama, Fred, 146–47

Taylor, Elizabeth, 536, 542, 543, 615–17, 625

Taylor, Robert, xiii, 177, 238, 402, 430, 437, 454–60

Technicolor process, 30

Television, xi, 2, 22–23, 58, 496–97, 622–24, 629, 632–33

Temple, Shirley, 19, 74

The Ten Commandments
, 624

Tenney, Jack, 204, 358

Thalberg, Irving, 23–26, 45–48, 55–56, 106, 490, 497–98

Thalberg, Sylvia, 100

That Hamilton Woman
, 72–73

Thau, Benny, 103, 103n, 497

Thaxter, Phyllis, 311

The Third Man
, 557–58

This Gun for Hire
, 144, 473

This Is Cinerama
, 627

This Is The Army
, 184, 189–90, 220

Thomas, J. Parnell, 403–4,
, 430–34, 437–38, 442, 451–53, 460, 463–71, 473–75, 478, 479, 481, 571, 613–14

Thomas, Lowell, 627

Thomas, Olive, 562

Thompson, Dorothy, 436, 523

Thomson, Virgil, 58

3-D, 627

Three Comrades
, 69–70

The Threepenny Opera
, 138, 487

Tibbett, Lawrence, 260, 371

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