City of Nets (102 page)

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Authors: Otto Friedrich

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Tateishi, John.
And Justice for All: An Oral History of the Japanese American Detention Camps
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Taylor, John Russell.
Hitch: The Life and Times of Alfred Hitchcock.
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Ingrid Bergman.
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Golden Boy: The Untold Story of William Holden.
New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983; New York: Berkley, 1984.

Joan Crawford: A Biography.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978; New York: Bantam, 1979.

King Cohn: The Life and Times of Harry Cohn
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Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970; New York: Pocket Books, 1972.

Walt Disney: An American Original.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976.

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The Films of Olivia de Havilland.
Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel, 1983.

The Films of Ronald Reagan.
Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel, 1980.

Thompson, Verita.
Bogie and Me: A Love Story.
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Thomson, David.
America in the Dark: The Impact of Hollywood Films on American Culture
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Thomson, Virgil.
American Music Since 1910.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971.

Tierney, Gene.
With Mickey Herskowitz. New York: Wyden, 1979; New York: Berkley, 1980.

Tornabene, Lynn.
Long Live the King: A Biography of Clark Gable
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Truffaut, François.
Le Cinéma Selon Hitchcock,
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Trumbo, Dalton.
Additional Dialogue: Letters of Dalton Trumbo, 1942–1962.
Edited by Helen Manfull. New York: Evans, 1970.

Johnny Got His Gun.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1939; New York: Bantam, 1967.

The Time of the Toad: A Study of Inquisition in America and Two Related Pamphlets
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Turner, Lana.
Lana: The Lady, The Legend, The Truth.
New York: Dutton, 1982; New York: Pocket Books, 1983.

Tuska, John.
The Detective in Hollywood.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1978.

Tyler, Parker.
The Hollywood Hallucination.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1944.

Ursini, James.
The Fabulous Life and Times of Preston Sturges, An American Dreamer
. New York: Curtis, 1973.

Viertel, Salka.
The Kindness of Strangers.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969.

Völker, Klaus.
Brecht Chronicle.
Translated by Fred Wieck. New York: Seabury/Continuum, 1975.

Wallis, Hal, and Charles Higham.
Starmaker: The Autobiography of Hal Wallis.
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Walsh, Raoul.
Each Man in His Time.
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1974.

Wansell, Geoffrey.
Haunted Idol: The Story of the Real Cary Grant.
New York: Morrow, 1984; New York: Ballantine, 1985.

Warner, Jack.
My First Hundred Years in Hollywood: An Autobiography.
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Warren, Doug.
James Cagney: The Authorized Biography.
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Warshow, Robert.
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The Public Is Never Wrong: The Autobiography of Adolph Zukor
. With Dale Kramer. New York: Putnam, 1953.


The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader's search tools.


page numbers indicate photograph captions.


Academy Awards, 19, 34–35, 56, 64, 74, 76, 83, 102, 134, 188, 235, 279, 280, 301, 314, 326n, 441, 473, 530, 531, 571, 600, 626, 631

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 101–4

Across the Pacific
, 157, 159

Actors Equity, 185

Adam Had Four Sons
, 193

Adler, Larry, 532n

Adonis, Joey, 370, 376, 378–79

Adorno, Theodor, 320–21, 393–94

The Adventures of Robin Hood
, 58, 189

The Adventures of Sam Spade
(ABC Radio), 122

Advice to the Lovelorn
Miss Lonelyhearts
, 13, 113, 541

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Agee, James, 414-15

Ahn, Philip, 158, 159

Aircraft industry, 147, 167–69, 171–72, 174–75

Air Force
, 344

Albert, Eddie, 124

, 18–19, 190, 193–94, 464

Algren, Nelson, 550–51

All About Eve
, xi

Allis-Chalmers, 434

Allyson, June, 314, 473, 616, 633

Aly Khan, 389, 557

America First Committee, 73

American Federation of Actors, 94–95

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 88, 356–57, 399–402

American Jewish Committee, 494

American Legion, 133, 239, 416, 482, 544, 546, 570–73

American National Theater and Academy (ANTA), 428–29

American Tobacco Company, 553

An American Tragedy
, 362–63, 615

Anderson, Judith, 126, 224

Anderson, Maxwell, 534

Andrews Sisters, 144

Andy Hardy series, 19, 138, 318, 319, 339–40, 458, 632

Angels with Dirty Faces
, 181

The Animal Kingdom
, 280–81

Animated films, 48–52, 55

Annenberg, Moses, 373, 555

Annie Get Your Gun
, 500–2

Anouilh, Jean, 565

Antheil, George, 61–62

Anti-Communists, 238–39, 412–14, 429–486, 609.
See also
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Anti-Nazism, 19, 50–52, 54–55

Anti-Semitism, 67–69, 73, 98–100, 134, 185, 257–58, 260, 348, 430, 438, 462n, 473–75, 493–94, 494n, 509–38

Antitrust suits, 22, 108, 134, 282–84, 503–7

Arbuckle, Fatty, 624

Arch of Triumph
, 584

Arlen, Michael, 522

Arnold, Hap, 152, 282

Arnold, Thurman, 283–84, 506

Around the World in Eighty Days
, 383–84, 555

Associated Actors and Artists of America, 94–95

Astaire, Fred, 184, 185, 212, 501, 616

Astor, Mary, 132, 160

Atomic bomb, 147, 326, 424, 609

Aubry, Cécile, 558

Auden, W. H., 507–8

Authors League of America, 104


Babes in Arms
, 500

Bacall, Lauren (Betty),
, 348–53, 462, 463, 472, 631, 632

Bacher, William, 354

Balaban, Barney, 90, 483, 599, 600

Balaban, John, 90

Balanchine, George, 51, 53

Ball, Ernest R., 258

Balzac, Honoré de, 38, 123, 125

Bank of America, 167, 623

Barrow, Clyde, 119

Barry, Joan,
, 266–67, 270–71, 273–77, 413

Barrymore, John, 196, 242–43, 363–64

Barrymore, Lionel, 103

, 494, 495, 498

Baumgardt, David, 476

Beeding, Francis (pseud.), 323–24, 326

Beery, Wallace, 342, 343

Behrman, S. N., 83–84, 500

Belfrage, Cedric, 364

Bellamann, Henry, 123–28

The Bells of St. Mary's
, 459,
, 584

Benchley, Robert, 457, 599, 628

Bendix, Tess, 336

Bendix, William, 184, 335–37, 522

Ben-Gurion, David, 536

Benjamin, Maurice, 446

Bennett, Joan, 600

Benny, Jack, 224, 533

Bercovicci, Konrad, 39–40

Berg, Alban, 393–94

Bergman, Ingrid, xi, 37–38, 191–197, 236–40, 313, 325–27, 459, 530–35,
, 581–91, 594, 631–32

Bergson, Peter, 517–18

Berlau, Ruth, 136, 428

Berlin, Irving, 96, 184, 189–90, 220, 500

Berman, Pandro, 25

Bessie, Alvah, 241, 438, 440, 449–50, 474, 494n, 513, 610–12

The Best Years of Our Lives
, 441, 571

Biberman, Herbert, 35–36, 440, 474–75, 610n, 611

Biddle, Francis, 146

Biden, Edmund Preston, 296

Biden, Mary Dempsey, 296–97

The Big Pond
, 298–99

The Big Sleep
, 120, 230–31, 350–53

Billy the Kid
, 175–77, 329

Bioff, Willie (Morris),
, 87–97, 208, 356–58, 373, 381, 399, 405

Birdwell, Russell, 28–30, 176–79

The Birth of a Nation
, 632

Bison Company, 6–7

Blacklisting, 106, 107, 281–82, 340n, 355, 447, 452, 480–86, 494n, 538, 543–54, 572, 634.
See also
Hollywood Ten

The Black Rose
, 558–61

Blacks, 11, 30, 67, 200, 201, 218, 224, 350, 510, 514, 551, 552–53, 561, 612

Blind selling, 282–84, 503–7

, 74–75, 464

Block booking, 282–84, 503–7

Blood and Sand
, 212, 213

Bloom, Claire, 565–67

The Blue Angel
, 82

, 63

The Blue Dahlia
, 330–38

Bobbs-Merrill, 577

Bogart, Humphrey, xiii, 18, 75–76, 115–22, 157, 191–97, 279–80,
, 349–53, 441, 462, 463, 472, 543, 578, 631

Boggs, Francis, 6

Boosey & Hawkes, 507, 509

Borden, Ethel, 316–17

Borneman, Ernest, 559

Borzage, Frank, 506

Boulder Dam/Hoover Dam, 33–34, 374

Bowman, Lee, 215

Bowron, Fletcher, 146, 162, 204

Boyer, Charles, 18, 36, 63, 140, 277, 541

Bracken, Eddie, 303, 305, 306

Brackett, Charles, 63, 230, 328–29, 599, 601–2, 605

Brackett, Leigh, 350

Bradford, Roark, 343

Brando, Marlon, 542–43

Brecht, Bertolt, xi, xiii, 8–9, 38, 57, 87, 135–40, 160, 179–84, 321, 408–9, 416,
, 419–29, 436–41, 476–80, 486–87

Breen, Joseph I., 69–70, 124–25, 340n, 410–11, 585

Brewer, Roy, 238, 357–58, 399, 401–2, 458–59, 546

Brewster, Owen, 442–45

Bronfman, Samuel, 370–71

Brooks, Louise, 118, 119

Browder, Earl, 35, 365, 464–65

Brown, Kay, 191, 192n, 311–12

Browne, George, 88, 89–92, 96–97, 357, 399

Buchalter, Louis (Lepke), 90–91, 119, 370, 373

Buck, Pearl, 45–48

Buckner, Robert, 186, 187

Budenz, Louis, 434–35

The Bulwark
, 361–62, 365

Buñuel, Luis, 251–52

Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP), 303–7

Burrows, Abe, 426

Byrnes, James F., 157–58, 482–83


, 556–57

Cagney, James, 75–76, 119–20, 171, 185–88, 189–90, 212, 224, 279–80

Cagney, William, 185–87

Cain, James M., 160, 228–29, 230, 232, 235, 338–39

California Metals Company, 374

Cansino, Eduardo, 206–11, 388–89

Cansino, Margarita, 198, 206–17.
See also
Hayworth, Rita

Cantor, Eddie, 462n

Capa, Bob, 532–33

Capone, Al, 89, 90, 115, 373

Capra, Frank, 129n, 158n, 194, 218, 256, 505–6

Captain Blood
, 58, 189, 280

Carmichael, Hoagy, 350

Carol, Sue, 335, 336

Carradine, John, 292, 293

Carroll, Paul Vincent, 266

Carson, Jack, 124

, 18, 190–91, 193–97, 219, 237, 347, 350, 448, 531, 545, 584

Caspary, Vera, 262

Cassini, Oleg, 155–56

Cather, Willa, 346

Catholic Legion of Decency, 305, 411–12, 415–16, 544, 588

Cat People
, 291

The Caucasian Chalk Circle
, 421

Celler, Emanuel, 430

Cellulose film shortage, 157, 158

Censorship, 16–17, 138, 179, 182, 303–7, 337–38, 340n, 385–86, 562.
See also
American Legion; Catholic Legion of Decency; Hays Office (Hollywood Production Code Administration); Johnston Office

Cerf, Bennett, 11, 16, 19, 355

Chambers, Whittaker, 434

The Champ
, 342–43

Chan, Charlie, 429–30

Chandler, Cissy, 330, 331, 333, 337

Chandler, Harry, 6, 167

Chandler, Raymond, xii, 67–68, 87, 120, 230–35, 329–38, 342, 350–53, 371–72, 599, 617–19, 620

Chaney, Lon, 186, 187

Chaney, Lon, Jr., 193

Chaplin, Charles, Jr., 268, 273, 408

Chaplin, Charlie, xi, 5, 22, 28, 39–40, 51, 71, 96, 132, 181–82,
, 265–77, 367, 408–16, 494n, 505, 543, 555, 563–71, 593, 594

Chaplin, Oona O'Neill,
, 275, 277, 413, 566, 567–68, 570–71

Chaplin, Sydney, 268

Chasen's, 301, 629

Cheever, John, 221–22

Chevalier, Maurice, 298–99

, story behind, 10, 32–34

Chinese, 67, 158–59, 161, 510, 609

Christmas in July
, 302, 303

Churchill, Winston, 72–73, 197

Cinerama, 627

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

Circella, Nick, 90, 91

Citizen Kane
, xi, 128–34, 216, 299, 387, 389, 559, 607

City Lights
, 409, 564, 565

City of nets, Mahagonny as, 8, 87

City Streets
, 112

Civil Rights Congress, 621–22

Clark, Tom, 504, 609

, 311, 312

Click track, 59

Clift, Montgomery, 541–43, 604, 615

Cloutier, Suzanne, 560

Coburn, Charles, 126, 377

Cogley, John, 572

Cohan, Agnes, 188

Cohan, George M., 185–88, 189–90

Cohn, Harry, 21, 66–67, 84–85, 106, 129, 129n, 154, 191, 210–13, 215–16, 291, 318, 345n, 371–72, 383–388, 481, 513–14, 597–98, 623, 630

Cohn, Jack, 21, 481, 623

Colbert, Claudette, 20, 63, 122, 224, 300, 302, 313, 632

Cole, Jack, 208, 385

Cole, Lester, 104, 170n, 429–30, 438, 441–42, 453–54, 475–76, 479, 481, 484, 611–15

Collins, Richard, 107, 438, 455, 614

Colman, Ronald, 28, 41, 154

Color in films, 22–23, 30

Columbia Pictures, 13, 21, 62, 66–67, 108, 124, 129, 210–11, 291, 404, 522, 630

The Commandoes Strike at Dawn
, 55

Committee for the First Amendment, 439–42, 461–63, 471–72, 481, 556

Communism, xi, 18n, 35, 74–76, 105, 107–09, 238–39, 271, 272, 358, 364–66, 398, 406–8, 412–14, 437, 438, 449–50, 452–60, 473–74, 498–99, 543–54, 566–81.
See also
Blacklisting; Hollywood Ten; House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Conference of Studio Unions (CSU), 357–60, 398–408

Confessions of a Nazi Spy
, 70–71, 74, 181

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 94, 271, 359

Conlin, Jimmy, 303

Contracts, studio, 277–284, 354–55, 633–34

Coolidge, Calvin, 76, 284

Cooper, Gary, 15, 26, 28, 63, 74, 112, 177, 194, 236–40, 295, 346, 372, 430, 460, 532n, 573, 579–80, 631

Cooper, Merian C., 627

Cooper, Veronica Balle, 580

Copland, Aaron, 58

Corbaley, Kate, 23, 25

Cortez, Ricardo, 114

Cosmopolitan Films, 132

Costello, Frank, 370, 378–79, 600

Council of Motion Picture Organizations, 546

The Count of Monte Cristo
, 6

Cousins, Norman, 523

Cover Girl
, 208, 212–15, 227, 384–385

Coward, Noel, 263–64

Cowley, Malcolm, 355, 436

Crain, Jeanne, 571

Crawford, Joan, 28, 137, 330

Cronin, A. J., 296

Crosby, Bing, 4, 32, 106, 224, 459, 626

, 475, 484, 485–86, 493–94, 527, 536

Crouse, Russel, 506, 553

Crowther, Bosley, 78, 455–56

Crum, Bartley, 438, 446–47, 476

Conference of Studio Unions (CSU)

Cuba, 371, 378–79

Cugat, Xavier, 205, 377

Cukor, George, 603–4

Cunningham, Alan Gordon, 535–36

Curfews, 160, 180–82, 186

Curtiz, Michael, 188–90, 195, 219

Czinner, Paul, 180


Dada poetry, 82

Dahl, Roald, 580

Dali, Salvador, 325–26

Damita, Lili, 241

, 279

Danker, Lorena,
, 499

Darvi, Bella, 630

Davies, Joseph, 219, 271, 450

Davies, Marion, 130, 132, 163, 318, 607–8

Davis, Bette, 19, 25, 28, 114, 124, 153–54, 172–73, 189, 194, 279–80, 448, 598, 628

Davis, John W., 284

The Day of the Locust
, 10, 11–16, 201

Dead End
, 115, 119

Debussy, Claude, 49

The Deer Park
, 543

de Gaulle, Charles, 344

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