City of Nets (103 page)

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Authors: Otto Friedrich

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de Havilland, Olivia, 253, 280–82, 355, 448, 571, 633

Demarest, William, 303, 306

DeMille, Cecil B., 160, 505, 543, 545, 555, 574–75, 605–6, 624, 629

Depression, 19–20, 33–34, 48, 95, 158, 168, 230, 277, 300, 356

Desilu, 217

DeSylva, Buddy, 234, 236, 303, 305–7, 330, 599

Dewey, Thomas E., 371, 383, 434

DeWitt, John L., 145, 163–64

Dickstein, Samuel, 74n, 434

Didion, Joan, 10–11, 130

Dies, Martin, 74–76, 185–86, 403–4, 430, 433–35

Dies Committee on Un-American Activities, 75–76, 162, 430, 434–35.
See also
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Dieterle, Charlotte, 180

Dieterle, William, 136, 140, 180, 328–29

Dietrich, Marlene, 65, 601, 633

Dietz, Howard, 151

Di Frasso, Countess, 372

Disney, Walt, 23,
, 48–52, 55, 147, 205, 238, 343, 357, 430, 458, 555

Dmytryk, Edward, 438, 440, 440n, 475, 481, 484, 485–86, 493, 495, 610n, 611, 614–15

Döblin, Alfred, 82, 141

Dockweiler, John, 244, 245, 373–74

Doctor Faustus
, xi, 391–98, 561

Documentaries, wartime, 217–18

Domergue, Faith, 176, 308

Donlevy, Brian, 300

Dos Passos, John, 346, 463–64

Double Indemnity
, xi, 227–35, 329–30, 339, 599, 601, 603

Douglas, Donald, 147, 167, 168

Douglas, Lloyd, 349

Douglas, Melvyn, 75, 462n

Douglas, William O., 506

Dozier, Bill, 330, 506

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
, 193, 534, 584

, 287, 290

Dramatists Guild, 104, 105

Dreiser, Helen Patges Richardson, 361–62, 365, 366–67

Dreiser, Theodore, 361–67, 415, 494, 615

Drugs, 240–41, 314, 497, 500–1, 550–51, 561–64

Duel in the Sun
, 56–57, 327–29, 579

Dukas, Paul, 48–49

Dunne, Irene, 122, 238

Dunne, Philip, 35–36, 441, 462, 485

Durant, Tim, 270, 273

Duvivier, Julian, 18n, 79


Earthquakes, 9–11, 102

Easter Parade
, 501

, 16–17

Edison, Thomas Alva, 7–8, 20, 282

Egyptian Theater, 4–5

Eisenhower, Dwight, 272, 474, 573

Eisenstein, Sergei, 362

Eisler, Gerhart, 435–37, 478–79

Eisler, Hanns, 57, 414, 427, 435–37

Ellington, Duke, 561

Endore, Guy, 449–50

Engel, Carl, 44

Engels, Frank (Ohio farmer), 138–39

Epstein, Julius, 187, 191, 193–95, 195, 449–50

Epstein, Phil, 187, 191, 193–95, 195, 449–50

European Film Fund, 82, 180

, 537–38, 631

Extremes of Hollywood, 13–16


Fadiman, Clifton, 16

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 20, 40–41, 268, 505, 506

False fronts, 3, 29

, 48–52, 55

A Farewell to Arms
, 113, 631

Fascism, 35, 290–91

Father of the Bride
, 502–3, 615–16

Faulkner, William, xi, xiv, 13, 280, 342–46, 347, 350, 353–56, 514

Fay, James W., 413–14

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 70–71, 146–47, 161, 162, 406–7, 432, 460–61, 544, 545, 550, 552, 566–71, 621

Federal Theater Project (WPA), 74

Federated Motion Picture Crafts, 92

Feldman, Charles, 316–18, 318n, 348

Fenichel, Otto, 320, 322–23

Ferguson, Homer, 444–45

Feuchtwanger, Lion, 80, 81, 321, 420–21

Feuchtwanger, Marta, 81, 136

Feuermann, Emanuel, 60

Film distribution system, 282–84, 503–7

Filmmaking courses, xii

Filmmaking pioneers, 6–9, 20–27, 632

Film noir
, 117, 263, 386

, 10–12, 29–31

Fischer, Ruth (Elfriede Eisler), 435

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 11, 16, 20, 24, 28, 36–37, 40, 69, 77, 500, 628

Flamingo (Las Vegas), 369–70, 379–82, 416–17

Fleming, Victor, 532n, 534

Flynn, Errol, xiii, 17–18, 28, 122, 189, 194, 196–97,
, 240–51, 253–55, 276, 279–80, 344, 374, 442, 448, 474, 563, 634

Fonda, Henry, 26, 124, 144–45, 149, 206, 302

Fontaine, Joan, 173, 193, 259, 280, 312–13, 506, 633

Ford, Glenn, 385, 386

Ford, John, 238, 259, 327, 543

Foreign Correspondent
, 71–72

Foreman, Carl, 573, 614

For Whom the Bell Tolls
, 143–44, 191, 196, 235–40, 531

Foster, William Z., 365–66, 566

The Fountainhead
, 456, 575–81

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
, 361

Foy, Brian, 262–63

Frank, Bruno, 141, 142

Frankenstein films, 58,
, 284–95, 326

Frankfurt School, 320–21, 394

Freeman, Y. Frank, 75, 109, 234, 330, 338, 481, 599, 600

French, Charles K., 6–7

French, Philip, 22n

Freud, Sigmund, 38, 68, 319–20, 321–23

Friese-Greene, William, 627

The Front Page
, 171, 516

Fuchs, Daniel, 277–78

Furthman, Jules, 350

, 64–66, 74–75


G. Schirmer, 44

Gabin, Jean, 18n

Gable, Clark, 23, 28, 30, 151–53, 171, 238, 346, 349

, xi, 135, 419–20, 422–29, 479–80

Gangsters in Hollywood, 371–74, 425–26

Garbo, Greta, 34, 36, 43, 45, 325, 633

Gardner, Ava, 172, 278, 321, 633

Garfield, John, 116, 153, 271, 279–80, 340–42, 462, 512, 513, 549–54

Garland, Judy, 34, 321, 441, 458, 198, 499–503

Garnett, Tay, 340–42

Garson, Greer, 184, 616

, 531

Gaynor, Janet, 102

Geller, James, 228

General Electric, 498, 635

General Foods, 485

Gentleman's Agreement
, 452, 521–28, 571

German measles, 155–56

Germany and German refugees, 36–66, 79–85, 117, 135–42, 160, 179–84, 389–398, 419–29, 486–87, 529–30, 591–95.
See also

Gershwin, George, 45, 58

Gershwin, Ira, 441, 462, 472, 500

Getty, J. Paul, 270, 603

Giannini, A. P., 167, 623

Gibney, Sheridan, 109, 449–50

Giesler, Jerry, 245–51, 274, 276, 373, 563–64

, 208, 384–87, 389

Ginsberg, Henry, 307, 330, 332

Gish, Lillian, 39, 632

The Glass Key
, 335–36

Goddard, Paulette, 28, 39, 184, 225, 269, 441

God Is My Co-Pilot
, 159, 344

Goetz, Edith Mayer, 256

Goetz, William, 256–57, 259–60, 262, 313, 441

Going My Way
, 10, 235, 459, 626

The Gold Rush
, 268, 409

Goldwyn, Samuel, 20–21, 29, 31, 54–55, 98, 185, 267, 420–21, 432, 446, 448, 481, 482, 482n, 505, 512–13, 518, 539–41, 581–82, 630

Gone With the Wind
, xi–xii,
, 23, 25–31, 34–35, 124, 191–93, 236, 280, 312, 313, 327, 516

The Good Earth
, 24, 45–48, 55–56, 158

Gorham Silver Company, 616

Gorky, Maxim, 137

Grable, Betty, xiii, 154, 259

Graham, Sheilah, 616

Granger, Farley, 620

Grant, Cary, xiii, 41, 154, 191, 224, 277, 444, 506, 531, 582, 633

The Grapes of Wrath
, 518

Grauman, Sid, 4–5, 147

Grauman's Chinese Theater, 4–5, 15, 235

The Great Dictator
, 39–40, 71, 265–66, 269, 271, 273, 409, 412, 415, 565, 568

The Great McGinty
, 300–1

The Great Train Robbery
, 7–8

Green, William, 358, 400–1, 402

Greenbaum, Harry (Big Greenie), 373

Greene, Graham, 192, 557–58

Greenstreet, Sydney, 116, 194

Grey, Lita, 268–69

Griffith, D. W., 505

Gussow, Mel, xii, 527

Guys and Dolls
, 513


Hail the Conquering Hero
, 306, 307

Hambleton, T. Edward, 426, 480

Hammerstein, Oscar, 66

Hammett, Dashiell, 11, 108, 110–13, 121–22, 230, 335–36, 599, 618, 621–22

Hangmen Also Die
, 181–84, 420, 427, 436

Hansen, Betty,
, 245–47, 249–50

Harbou, Thea von, 64

Harlow, Jean, 170

Harriman, E. H., 32

Hart, Moss, 519, 527

Hathaway, Henry, 354, 558–60

Havoc, June, 462, 462n

Hawks, Howard, 115, 175–77, 211, 327, 345–52, 549

Hayes, Helen, 9, 26, 39

Hays, Will, 133, 283, 340n

Hays Office (Hollywood Production Code Administration), 40, 69–70, 71–72, 120, 123, 124–25, 228, 235, 295–96, 303, 362, 550–51, 562, 585

Hayward, Leland, 518

Hayworth, Rita, xiv, 184,
, 206–17, 227, 382, 384–89, 441, 557

Hearst, William Randolph, 130, 132–33, 133n, 163, 203, 219, 548, 607–8

Hecht, Ben, 20, 28, 61–62, 72, 129, 131, 175, 324, 516–21, 526, 619, 628

Heifetz, Jascha, 46, 60

Hellman, Lillian, 108, 111–12, 622

Hell's Angels
, 169–72, 177

Hemingway, Ernest, 69, 236, 238, 346–50, 545–46, 549, 631

Henreid, Paul, 195, 196, 237, 243, 462, 471–72

Hepburn, Katharine, 28, 441, 506, 633

Herbst, Josephine, 12

Herrera, Enrico, 199, 204

Hersholt, Jean, 128–29

Higham, Charles, 117

The High and the Mighty
, 56

High Noon
, 573, 580

High Sierra
, 114–16, 120

Hill, Chick, 380

Hill, Virginia, 376–81

Hilton, Conrad Nicholas, Jr., 615–17

Hilton Hotel Corporation, 615–16

Hiss, Alger, 434, 609

History/nostalgia business, 1–5, 628–29

Hitchcock, Alfred, xi, 71–72, 158, 184, 193, 280, 323–27, 426, 506, 531, 535, 617–20

Hitchcock, Alma, 619

Hitler, Adolf, 35, 36, 38, 39–40, 64, 67, 69–71, 134–36, 320, 364–65, 395, 478, 612, 625.
See also
Germany and German refugees

Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, 35–36, 66, 364, 457

Hobson, Laura Z., 521–28

Hoffenstein, Samuel, 262, 362–63

Hold Back the Dawn
, 63, 231

Holden, William, 149, 599, 604–7

Holländer, Friedrich, 58

Hollywood, origins of name, 5–6

Hollywood Anti-Nazi League, 35, 76

Hollywood Board of Trustees, 9

Hollywood Canteen,
, 153–56, 628

Hollywood Historic Trust, 629

Hollywood League for Democratic Action, 66

Hollywood “premiere,” 5, 15, 34–35

Hollywood Production Code Administration.
Hays Office (Hollywood Production Code Administration)

Hollywood Ten, 18n, 35, 170n, 438–41, 448–50, 471, 481–86, 513, 538, 543–54, 556, 593, 608–15

Hollywood Walk of Fame, 3–4

Hollywood Waxworks Museum, 1–3

Holocaust, xii, 68, 166–67, 182, 257–58, 321–22, 415, 529, 535–38

Homosexuality, 385, 422, 493, 592, 620

Hoover, J. Edgar, 70–71, 161, 375, 406–7, 548, 566–67

Hope, Bob, 36, 37, 48, 142–43,
, 224–27, 632

Hope, Dolores, 36, 37, 142–43

Hopper, Hedda, 132, 133, 184, 312, 473, 514, 519, 544, 544n, 566–67, 570, 587, 616

Horkheimer, Max, 320–21

Horowitz, Vladimir, 49, 60

Horror films, 284–95, 326

Houseman, John, 144, 232–33, 330–32, 335, 425–28

The House of Dr. Edwardes
, 323–24, 326

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 74–76, 107, 239, 403–4, 412,
, 431–486, 527–28, 543–54, 555, 571–81, 593, 601, 609, 614

Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki, 162, 165, 166

Howard, Jean, 316–17

Howard, Leslie, 118–19, 288

Howard, Sidney, 28

Howe, James Wong, 124, 212

How Green Was My Valley
, 134

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Hughes, Ella, 169

Hughes, Howard, 167, 168–79, 307–8, 329, 442–46, 462–63, 494–95, 498, 506–7, 582–83, 588–90

Hughes Aircraft, 308

Hughes Tool Company, 169, 171

Hugo, Victor, 625n

Human Cargo
, 209

Hunt, Helen, 210–11, 386–87

Huntington, Henry, 32

Huston, John, 33, 114–17, 157, 218, 253–55, 300, 440–41, 448–49, 462–63, 471–72, 536, 549, 625, 633

Huston, Walter, 20, 116, 175, 187, 327

Hutcheson, Bill, 401, 402–3

Hutton, Betty, 303, 305, 502

Huxley, Aldous, 13, 39, 507

Hyman, Bernie, 139–40


International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)

Imaginary city, Hollywood as, xiv–xv, 19

Indecency charges.

Independent producers, 299, 493, 505–7, 537–38, 541–42, 618

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 110–11

, 37–38, 191, 192–93, 236

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 95, 96, 269, 372, 555–56, 568

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 88, 91–95, 103, 356–61, 398–408, 458–59, 546

International Films, 257

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