Christmas Delights 3 (4 page)

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Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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And so much more, thank you.

He edged only a fraction of an inch nearer. Phin grabbed
James and pulled him close. Their lips met. Chair legs scraped and crockery
clinked, as they obliterated the last wisp of space between them. James found
himself standing, backed up against the table, enveloped in Phin’s arms. He’d
happily drown in Phin’s kiss. He was being sucked to the bottom of an ocean,
but the brine was nectar, and he hadn't the will to pull for the surface. Phin
might be an immortal spirit warden—
— but he tasted deliciously

Their bare chests rubbed together, and every sweet glide of
skin against skin sent James’ desires soaring skyward. James touched and
worshiped each ridge and furrow of Phin’s well-muscled torso, and Phin
reciprocated his explorations, raising goose bumps down the sweep of James’
back, as they fed on each other’s keen mouths.

When they broke the kiss, all James could do was gasp then
dab his swollen lips. “Bedroom?”

Phin nodded, but despite the raging erection pressed against
James, Phin’s expression became solemn again. “I’d like that, but this is
serious, James. I think…I think I love you.”

James’ heart turned somersault. Heavens, men weren’t
supposed to say that to each other, were they? At least, English blokes didn’t.
It seemed Celtic tree-shifters were more romantic.

“I…I love you too.” Bloody hell. Where did that come from?
Fixing deep in Phin’s eyes, which twinkled with delight, James knew his choked
confession wasn’t a lie. “Um, is that a problem?”

Phin pressed his forehead to James’. “Not as such. But you
must understand, if we sleep together more than a dozen times, we’ll become
soul-bonded for eternity. You’ll become immortal like me.”

“Oh.” James panted. He ought to sit down and think
matter through, but heavens, he stayed hungry for Phin, however hard and fast
the sledgehammer revelations hit.

“I’ve never had to tell this to a man before,” explained
Phin. “I never met anybody I thought I’d want to be with forever, until…”

James pressed his fingers to Phin’s mouth. As long as they
didn’t shag twelve times this day—tempting, but they’d have to stop for dinner—
he’d have time to back out. Having got to know Phin over the course of half a
year, he didn’t believe he’d want to, but right now, only two matters seemed starkly
clear. He wasn’t running away this time. And he’d never think straight till he
scratched the insatiable itch of his lusts. “I want you,” he murmured. He
traced a line of hair down Phin’s taut belly, reaching for the fly of those
smart trousers. “I want this. I want us.”

He unhooked Phin’s top button, they ground together, and a
floodtide of mutual cravings burst free. They tore their clothing from between
them, and James’ last rational thoughts vanished in the exhilarating rush of
sensation. Phin resumed those hungry kisses, and James repaid the attentions
with every fiber of his being, his rawest desires unleashed.

They never made it to the bedroom. They staggered,
intertwined, from the kitchen and consummated their love before the crackling
hearth, writhing like animals on the rug. Phin hitched up James’ knees and
fucked him hard and deep. James lost himself in Phin’s gaze, and no
reservations clouded his euphoria. He adored Phin; he had faith in him, never
more so than now, as their delicate connection hardened to steel. Everything
he’d learned in the past few hours still felt like a dream, but it didn’t
matter. His orgasm building, James screwed his eyes tight. Stars flashed and
exploded, like at the dawn of time, and he quaked beneath a torrent of primal
energy, surely wrought in the untamed wildwoods of Ireland or Virginia…or who
knew? Sweet heavens, no ordinary being possessed him. Phin plunged to his core,
and the earth vibrated with a seismic power. Lust-drenched shouts mingling,
Phin and James peaked as one.

James floated for an indefinite period in the afterglow,
rising beyond the clouds and soaring through clear blue skies, unified
completely with the man buried inside him. Then, gradually, coherent musings
returned to him. He lay on the carpet in front of the fire, sweaty and
breathless and entangled with Phin. He bit back the desire to ask for another
bout of sex, to hell with the consequences. He fixed on the Christmas tree,
garnished with tinsel and silver baubles, and an alarming notion struck.

“Um, Phin, that’s not the pine who attacked me, is it?”

“Oh no. Neither is it the one you started to chop.” Phin
dropped a kiss to James’ hair. “This placid girl doesn’t mind at all, and I
promised I’d replant her just as soon as you’re through with her. You okay with

James nodded, too contented to care about the strangeness of
this exchange or even be as fearful as he ought with regard to evergreens. He
lifted his chin from Phin’s chest to enjoy the sight as well as the scent of
him. He would’ve claimed his lover’s lips again, had not his wall clock begun
to strike nine.

“Agh! I ought to get in touch with my parents. They’ll be
off to bed pretty soon, or I might’ve missed them.”

Reluctantly dragging his lover up, James explained about the
cruise and the additional time zone trouble. They hurried to the kitchen—then
dashed out again to dress. It wouldn’t do to introduce his boyfriend to his
parents while he and Phin remained butt naked, even over the internet.

The moment James flipped the laptop open, his mum’s message
box popped up.

“There you are, dear. Merry Christmas. I suppose you slept
in. We’re just about to call it a night. Oh!” She spotted Phin, who’d moved to
stand behind him, and stretched her bleary eyes wide. James maximized the square.
She beamed, seemingly delighted, and beckoned that her husband should join her.
“I see you’ve got company. Care to introduce us?”

“Mum, Dad, this is Phin.”

As he explained more, Phin squeezed his shoulder, and James
clasped Phin’s hand. James’ parents seemed thrilled he wasn’t alone, and though
the conversation was brief—they were dead tired after their day of partying in
the South Seas—he sensed they approved of his choice.

When they’d gone, he rose and turned within the circle of
Phin’s arms. “So what do we do now?”

Phin lifted his brows. “I’d say more coffee. Then we whip up
breakfast with bacon and all the works and finish decorating that tree. She
likes to look pretty. Oh, and I need to fetch some stuff from my bike. I’ve got
a gift for you.”

Another one? Christmas morning sex was good enough.

He couldn’t contain his grin. It would be fun to swap
presents. “Sounds good to me.”

James reluctantly extracted himself from Phin’s embrace and
went to find the eggs. His smile endured till his face ached. He was dating an
immortal tree-shifter who enjoyed sex and a hearty breakfast just as much as he
did. Who’d have thought? Glancing at the gorgeous man rifling through the
fridge and grumbling that James had no soda bread, his mirth spilled into
laughter. This festive season was turning out far from lonely. And he might not
have much time to read his books, but heck, he’d learned some remarkable new





With thanks to my wonderful beta readers: PR Zed, Lori
Toland, Blaine D. Arden, Elin Gregory, and Anna Zabo.

About Kay Berrisford


Kay loves writing stories where she
can indulge her love for research while imagining two hot guys getting it on.
Her m/m love stories are based in historical fantasy universes or explore
paranormal happenings in the present day.

She lives in Southampton, Hampshire,
UK, with her beloved other half.


[email protected]
or visit Kay at her website


Titles by Kay Berrisford:


Catching Kit (Loose Id)

Simon, Sex, and the Solstice Stone
(Loose Id)

Lord of the Forest (Loose Id)

Bound for the Forest (Loose Id)

Bound to the Beast (Loose Id)

Locking Horns (Loose Id)

Prisoner of the Mountain Watch (free


Christmas In Hawaii,
Valynda King


River is a mess, well so he thinks. He has OCD and
Agoraphobia, disorders he has been learning to deal with since he was a kid.
Now as an adult and years of hard work and therapy he has a job working from
home as a trouble shooter for a technology company. Everything seemed fine
until a new owner bought the company and his world tilted on its' axes. Now
he's on a plan heading to Hawaii just before Christmas. His anxiety is through
the roof on the verge of a panic attack and the only light at the end of this
tunnel is the Adonis sitting a few rows back and knowing he was finally going
to meet Coolidge.

Edited by Kris Jacen


Trademark Acknowledgements

: The Coca-Cola Company

: Frito-Lay North America, Inc.

Babylon 5
:Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P.

The Timberland Company

Walgreen Co.

Chapter One




The flight attendant was very upset with me; she couldn’t
understand why I had purchased two seats in first class if I was traveling alone.
I was trying very hard to keep my breathing under control as she kept getting
closer to invading my space. My guess is she felt that this would prevent me
from causing a scene but it wasn’t me causing one, it was her.

“I’m sorry, sir, but what is your name?” Her small eyes grew
smaller as her lips curved into an artificial smile. I could see right through
it which only proceeded to make my heart race.

“River Lawrence,” I replied, I could hear my voice begin to
shake with the panic that was setting in.

“Mr. Lawrence,” she said, “I realize that this is a bit of
an inconvenience, but it would be much easier to watch this sweet little girl
if she were sitting in first class.” Again she smiled, giving way to her
resemblance of a stepford wife.

I didn’t believe her, she seemed to be enjoying this. “Yes,
well thank you for understanding that it would be an inconvenience,” I replied.
I studied the little girl—who really wasn’t a little girl—more like fourteen
and she seemed to be every bit as embarrassed by this whole ordeal as I was. “I
really don’t think she would be happy sitting next to me.”

The girl breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t want to take
out the card that was given to me by my psychiatrist, explaining my condition
along with his contact information should I have a panic attack, and really I
shouldn’t have to. I paid for these seats. There were whispers among the
passengers who seemed to be getting agitated with me and I started feeling
trapped. I had taken my medication earlier but with my anxiety level on
overdrive, it hadn’t kicked in. I squeezed the stress ball I had in counts of
four. Then I would rest and breathe slow through the count of four. My doctor
gave the ball to me; she was hoping that it would give me something to focus on
while I took the five hour and forty-five minute flight from LAX to Honolulu.

This whole thing was a mistake. I never should have agreed
to this trip. Coolidge developed the software for the company; I didn’t know
why I had to go, I am only tech support. I should have told the new owner of
the company to shove it; so far he was making my life a living hell. Just
getting out of my house had been an ordeal. With
rituals I had to go
through and the time it took to complete them the cab driver almost left me.
When I finally settled in the back seat, after the many times of buckling and
unbuckling my seat belt he asked me if I was crazy, and told me he didn’t want
any trouble. I assured him that he wouldn’t have any trouble but I didn’t
address the crazy part because in truth there are days, a lot of days, I feel
exactly that. Everything is a count of four for me or has to have the number
four in it. I have to lock and unlock the door four times and that requires I
lock the door, turn the knob four times, count to four, unlock it, open the
door, count to four, close the door and repeat. This has to be done four times
before I can safely leave without having some kind of an anxiety attack. Not
all doors, just my home or at a hotel. I need to feel safe and secure. It’s
necessity, a pain in the ass and something I wish I could control.

Just as things were getting out of control Adonis showed up.
Not really Adonis but if Adonis were real it would be him, because no mere
mortal could look like this. I had noticed him before we boarded the plane. His
skin was the color of mahogany and his hair was cut close to his head giving
the appearance of a shadow, with a square jaw, full lips and broad nose. He had
to be as tall as me, at six foot seven that doesn’t happen very often. I tried
not to make eye contact as he walked by me heading for the economy seats. His
big brown eyes looked as I felt, frustrated. Like he would rather be anywhere
in the world other than on this plane which is something I could identify with.

“Ma’am,” he said, causing the flight attendant to cast her
gaze at him, gifting him with a real smile. He gave a slight smirk, his full
lips thinning out, making his features hard. “Yes, sir.” She breathed out in a
voice that said she would gladly join the mile high club with him. I would also
be glad to join that club but there was no way this guy was gay and there was
no way someone that looked like that would want someone like me.

“There is an empty seat next to me and there are two seats
across the aisle, they don’t seem to be occupied.” His soft but deep baritone
voice vibrated through me, making the hairs on my arms stand up and my heart
pounded in my chest, it sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. “I mean if
you just want her closer those are good seats and she’ll have some place to
stretch out.”

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