Choices and Illusions

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Authors: Eldon Taylor

BOOK: Choices and Illusions
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Revised edition with five new chapters!

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Praise for Choices and Il usions

Eldon Taylor
is an award-


New York Times

“Read this book! We are living at a time when people are searching for answers to

best-selling author of more

fundamental questions in their lives. This book can be, if applied, a road map to personal
than 300 books and audio

enlightenment and empowerment. I believe it can ‘tune in’ the frequency you are currently
and video programs and is

operating on. More important, it helps you see that you can manifest change.”

Choices and Illusions

the host of the popular radio


John Edward,
psychic medium, and author of
After Life
and S

Provocative Enlighten-

Understanding Your Angels and Meeting Your Guides

This fascinating book holds an important key.

His most recent works

New York Times best-selling author

Whether you’re interested in the science of think-


I Believe, Mind Programming, What

“More and more people are reaching out today in search of answers to life. Sometimes
ing and beliefs, how your own mind operates, how


Does That Mean?, What If?,

the search is to understand relationships, improve performance, or become successful—


others control your thoughts, why things just don’t


and Subliminal Technology.

unfortunately, most people look outside of themselves for both the answers and the best
work out for you, how you can create the life you’ve


Eldon is also the inventor of the patented

actions. They excuse themselves with rationalizations. If only the universe would give me
always wanted, how you can realize your true poten-L

InnerTalk technology and the founder and

a break. If only he or she would change. If only I had been born differently, and so on. If
tial, how you can find peace, or, on a grander scale,


president of Progressive Awareness Research,

you’ve found yourself somewhere in life where you don’t want to be, then read

how you can help make the world a better place, this

Inc. He has been featured as an expert in

and Illusions: How Did I Get Here and How Do I Get Where I Want to Be?”

book provides insights for all. Simply reading it will


films, print, television, and radio. He has also

Marci Shimoff,
professional speaker and #1
New York Times
best-selling author of open your eyes to new worlds of possibilities. You’ll

Happy for No Reason, Love For No Reason,
Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
been called a “master of the mind” and has

change once you’re exposed to the illusions most live

appeared as an expert witness on both hypno-

under and by, and putting into practice any of these

sis and subliminal communication. His books

“When you realize just how much of your actions are automatic and how many of your
very simple teachings will open the door for you to

and audio-video materials have been trans-

choices are actually made by your subconscious, you understand the illusion we all have
achieve your highest potential.

lated into more than a dozen languages and

lived most of our lives! Eldon Taylor’s book
, Choices and Illusions,
delivers both
Choices and Illusions
tells the story of one man’s

the path in and the way out to move from where you are to where you want to be,


have sold millions worldwide.


journey into the workings of the human mind and

and it does so in straight talk everyone can understand. This book should be


our reason for being. The adventure is every bit as

required reading for young and old alike!”


exciting as the best scientific discoveries.
Eldon Tay-

C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D
., author of
Energy Medicine
’s approach is pragmatic, and his conclusions are


inspirational and soul enhancing. Along the journey,


you’ll hear fantastic stories of divine intervention,


Hay House USA

Also available by Eldon Taylor:

see why you think and do what you don’t wish to do,

P.O. Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100


(760) 431-7695 or (800) 654-5126

and understand the very clear message that it’s never

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