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Authors: Eldon Taylor
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WELLNESS: Just a State of Mind?
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How Did I Get Where I Am,
and How Do I Get Where I Want to Be?
Eldon Taylor
Carlsbad, California • new York City
london • Sydney • Johannesburg
Vancouver • Hong Kong • new delhi
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Copyright © 2013 by Eldon Taylor
Published and distributed in the United States by:
Hay House, Inc.: www.hay® •
Published and distributed in Australia by:
Hay House Australia Pty. ltd.: •
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Cover design:
Julie davison •
Interior design:
nick C. Welch All rights reserved. no part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Taylor, Eldon.
Choices and illusions : how did I get where I am, and how do I get where I want to be? / Eldon Taylor.
pages cm
ISBn 978-1-4019-4338-7 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Success--Psychic aspects.
2. Choice (Psychology) 3. Self-perception. I. Title.
BF1045.S83T38 2013
Hardcover ISBN:
16 15 14 13 4 3 2 1
1st printing, revised edition, September 2013
Printed in the United States of America
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To the One Source, which created all and
with which we are intricately interconnected—
which includes you. And to three special
aspects of that One Source:
Roy, the wind beneath my wings;
Lois, who made sure the dream lived on;
and Ravinder, who taught me the meaning of love.
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Foreword by Cristian Enescu, M.D
. ............................................................xiii
....................................................................................................... xv
Introduction to the First Edition
Introduction to the Second Edition
.............................................................xix Chapter 1:
Choices and Illusions ..............................................................1
Chapter 2:
Engineering Belief ................................................................ 13
Chapter 3:
The Full Power of Your Beliefs .............................................. 17
Chapter 4:
Creating Self.......................................................................... 21
Chapter 5:
What We Perceive and Fail to Perceive ................................ 31
Chapter 6:
Psychological defense Mechanisms ..................................... 51
Chapter 7:
Who Owns Your Thoughts Anyway? ...................................65
Chapter 8:
Information Processing Without Awareness ........................ 73
Chapter 9:
A Simple Model of Mind and Behavior ................................85
Chapter 10:
The nature of Controversy ................................................. 109
Chapter 11:
Practical Hypnosis .............................................................. 121
Chapter 12:
Mind Is not a local Event .................................................. 127
Chapter 13:
The Subtraction Game ........................................................ 141
Chapter 14:
The Courage to Challenge Yourself .................................... 149
Chapter 15:
Breaking the Trance ............................................................ 159
Chapter 16:
The Kingdom Within ......................................................... 165
Chapter 17:
Change ................................................................................ 173
Chapter 18:
Conclusion .......................................................................... 197
................................................................................................... 207
Appendix A: Science of InnerTalk
® ............................................................209
Appendix B: Utah Prison Study
................................................................. 213
Appendix C: Personal-Empowerment Stories
............................................. 215
Appendix D: Affirmations for Unlimited Personal Power
........................... 229
Recommended Resources
........................................................................... 231
.................................................................................................. 233
.................................................................................... 237
About the Author
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FOrE wOrd
I lay back on the couch after finishing this book, and I closed
my eyes.
At first I did not know why I had such a strong desire to
read it again and to keep it on the nightstand close to me. Then
I understood.
What every cell of my body was now experiencing was a new,
powerful energy—revitalizing, rejuvenating, and inviting me to
start taking action immediately. It was the energy that only hope
can bring.
Yes, what this book brings to the reader is hope. It represents
the life-saving ring thrown from an unexpected boat in the middle
of the ocean to an exhausted swimmer who has lost hope of reach-
ing the shore. It is the road back to the civilized world that an
explorer, lost in an unfriendly jungle, suddenly discovers. It is the island with a landing field that a pilot of a plane almost out of fuel suddenly sees through the clouds above a rough ocean.
This book offers the reader not only a powerful insight into
how the subconscious mind is dictating human behavior, but also
the solution to regaining control of our existence on this planet.
And this is where the book stands out. We are finally able to
acquire an understanding of why different things happen to us in
our lifetime and also how to start changing our destiny, no matter
how far away we are from this knowing.
It is a book for all, the initiated as well as those still under the power of the illusions of this life.
It is a book designed to awaken the human consciousness.
What a wonderful relief to know that it is never too late to start
changing, and also to know that we are always in full control of
this process!
In my career as a neurologist, nothing produced a more dra-
matic effect on my patients’ state of mind and their ability to
recover from any condition than the sudden realization that they
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are themselves capable of influencing their own health, that they
themselves are in the driver’s seat, not the doctor.
After reading this book, the spiritualists will definitely claim
dr. Eldon Taylor as one of their own.
At the same time, the numerous scientific studies proving the
validity of his approach in mind training with InnerTalk, done by
reputable researchers, will place dr. Taylor among scientists.
So, the only possible conclusion is that dr. Taylor is both a
scientist and a spiritualist.
By bridging these fields, he becomes a pioneer in what I believe
could be considered the science of spirituality.
last but definitely not least, dr. Taylor is a humanitarian.
Those who have become acquainted with his work over the years
easily realize that it is inspired by love, an unconditional love for a human race at a crossroads and desperately needing to redefine
itself in order to survive. His entire work and life are dedicated to this purpose.
I am firmly convinced that as long as people like dr. Taylor
exist, there is still hope for our planet to be saved and for our civilization to continue its progress toward enlightenment.
Cristian Enescu, M.D.
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to me the other morning while I was acknowledging and giving
thanks for all the blessings in my life. As I thought of many just
from the day before, I remembered two small house martins play-
ing with me while I watered the family’s strawberry bed. One of the birds actually landed on the coffee cup in my left hand. The other
bird sat less than six inches directly above my head on a branch of the elm tree that overhangs this garden. As if teasing me, they both then darted in and out of the stream of water from the garden hose
held in my other hand. The entire scene was simply magical. The
two birds apparently had no fear of me. I enjoyed their frolic and
returned their teasing with an occasional movement of the stream
of water as they flew through it to land on a low-hanging branch.
For a few moments the birds and I knew no boundaries in terms
of the traditional fear-laden relationship that all too often abides between man and nature. I even mused that it would have been
something like this if the story of the Garden of Eden were to be
drawn out in detail. There was a special sort of oneness—oneness
from the One Source, the oneness that goes beyond the common
denominator of atoms and molecules shared by all; it was the
oneness of consciousness that abides in peace, balance, and har-
mony—harmony with all.
This vision in my mind of the events with two small birds and
my feeling of happiness and joy that I believe was shared by the
birds gives rise to the meaning and purpose behind this book. To
the realization of your birthright, may you find this work worthy
of your time and energy.
Be well and happy,
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