Choices (27 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Choices
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“If you want, I could stick a bag over my head, would that help?” He’s trying to be serious but I can see he’s enjoying this, hiding a smile.

“No, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t matter what you had over your head, I would still be distracted.”

“We can continue this lesson later if you prefer.” I laugh as he leans in and kisses me. Right before he tries to sneak his tongue in my mouth, I hold my hand out and push his chest back slightly.

“Let’s get back to the lesson. I want to learn and I want you to teach me. And I love you for caring enough to want to.” I place my hand over his left cheek and graze his skin with my thumb. He smiles and kisses my hair

“Okay, so as long as you learn the basics the rest won’t be too difficult. Let’s go over…wait the reverse. I forgot about reverse. It can be sneaky and will jump out at you. Push down on the shift lever but don’t do this unless you’re completely stopped.” I watch as he demonstrates.

“You know, I always thought it was cool to see people shake the shifter, I’m guessing while they are changing gears. It always looked like the car was spazzing. Sorry, I just thought I’d throw that out there.”

“Um, yes I can see that I guess.” He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have.

“Have you ever done it in a car? Like in the back seat? Or even the front seat?” Taken aback, he looks up and gapes at me. What the hell is wrong with me? Oh yeah, pregnancy side effect.

“Wow, you’re a hormonal crazed woman aren’t you?” I laugh and bang my head against the head rest a few times.

“Sorry. These damn hormones are ruining your wonderful lesson. I blame the hormones. I blame being a girl and being pregnant at that. Oh Lord, that’s not like me Carter, just forget everything I’m saying.” I cover my face embarrassed. I’m not one to blurt shit out like this but I can’t help but like this fearless girl that’s taking over. She really surprises me. Carter doesn’t seem to mind her either.  He takes my hand and kisses my palm, while keeping his eyes locked on mine. My stomach does a happy flip.

“Relax; you know I find this side of you to be really sexy and then the embarrassed side to be really cute. Quit freaking out. But if you really want to know…yes I have.” I’m not surprised by that fact. Who wouldn’t want to take this amazing guy in the back seat and have their way with him? They’d have to be dumb not to. And in this moment, I want nothing more than to drag him over the console and in the small back space and show him a good time.

“Um, okay so when do I put it into drive?” I ask, looking for a distraction.

“Well, maybe today we just cover the basics and we can come back another time to continue with the next step. That way it’s not too overwhelming for you.” I study the gears. It’s silent and I feel a shift in the car that is palpable to both of us. I swallow some saliva, licking my lips while wondering what Carter is thinking.

“Are you comfortable enough with the gears?” I nod, unable to use my voice. I look up at Carter looking back at me with such intensity. “How are you feeling?” He asks, gently rubbing my belly. And aside from the butterflies taking flight there, I feel great. But I can’t help but feel something else is about to happen.

“Fine.” I answer quietly. His hand slows its pace, almost stopping and our gazes meet. My heart beat picks up and his lips lift on one side. I feel my breathing become uneven and my lips dry. I can’t help my eyes landing on his mouth again, wanting them to touch me, kiss my skin.

“Do you want…” I grab his face and kiss him fiercely before he can finish his thought. He rests one hand on the seat holding him in place, while his other hand travels from my hair to my back. “Okay, lesson over.” He whispers against my mouth. A chuckle escapes my throat.

Now, normally I’d just throw myself in the seat and have some fun, but I don’t think Kylie would appreciate me bouncing her around. I have to be more cautious, which puts a damper on my plan of attack.  He kisses my neck and collar bone as my hands travel up and down his hard chest. My body is screaming for his touch, begging for me to get closer. “Carter.” He lifts his eyes to look at me, “Back seat?”

“Are you sure you want to?” I shake my head, a little too enthusiastically. “But the back seat is so small. It wouldn’t be very comfortable.”

“Are you calling me fat?” I ask jokingly. Right away he appears to be offended, shaking his head slowly. I instantly assure him I meant nothing by it. He kisses me again, trailing his lips down my neck and right above my breastbone. I can feel the need from my body and I know he can feel my heart trying to leap out of my chest with every beat it makes. We kiss a kiss that brings out a groan from deep within my chest.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

We both break apart reluctantly. Carter scoffs and grabs his phone to check the text. His brows furrow and he itches his head.

“What’s wrong?”

“My sister. She needs me. Perfect timing huh?” I pout my bottom lip. He kisses it, and tucks a few stray strands of hair behind my ear. His fingertip lingers on my cheek causing me to shiver from his touch. “I’m sorry to ruin this moment. Normally I wouldn’t hesitate to throw you in the back seat but we can’t do that yet. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard.

“I know. That’s why I can’t help loving you and your sexy thoughtful self.”

“We’ll come back and resume our driving lesson. But Cassie needs me to help her with something. And she doesn’t ask for my help often so when she does, you know it’s important.”

“Oh I know. And that is totally fine. She’s family and when family is in need, you answer. While I love the idea of resuming our driving lesson because you’re such a great teacher, I’d like to come back and finish our recent “lesson”; you know the more educational lesson.” I smile sexily. He grabs my hand and squeezes, giving me a reassuring smile.

“Thank you for understanding Gracie. And yes, that lesson will definitely need our attention again, but not in the back seat of a Honda. Maybe in the bed of a truck.” I hug him to me and kiss him once more before getting out switching places with him. My heart is soaring and I feel like I’m flying. How can one person make another so incredibly happy without even really trying?

“I hope she’s okay. Your sister, I mean. I hope everything is okay.”

“She’s fine. I’m sure, it’s nothing.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” He smiles but shakes his head.

“I love your kind heart. But I think you should go home and rest. I did get you out of bed kind of early. We’ll get together later, I promise.”

“It was worth it Carter. Getting up early, it was more than worth it.” I fold my hands in my lap and rest my head on the head rest.

“Maybe we can go into downtown Dallas later, if you want.” I consider this for a moment, even though I hate going there. I always get lost and it’s just too big for a small girl like me.

“Maybe.” I reply, suddenly tired. I guess going home is not such a bad idea. I need a nap.

“Are you okay?” My hand clasps onto his as he is shifting gears. His fingers intertwine mine for the rest of the drive home. I lean my head against the window; the cold glass on my skin feels good.

When we pull up to my house, I’m jolted awake from my quick snooze, not realizing I had fallen asleep. My cheek feels numb from the cold window pressed against my skin. Carter meets me at my door and helps me out. I’m a little drowsy as we’re walking up the walkway. I look around, not able to help the feeling of something being off but not sure what it is. “You don’t have to walk me to the door. I know you need to go.”

“I just want to make sure you get in okay.” As soon as I open the door, my eyes widen with the biggest smile on my face.



Chapter 39

First of all, I nearly scream in shock. Secondly, pieces start to form in my head at the events of today, with why my parents and Carter were acting so weird, trying to get me to leave the house this morning. And thirdly, I turn around and scan the street, noticing more cars along the curb than usual. Oh and let’s not forget the “Baby Shower” banner that hangs in the door.

I can’t decide whether to cry or scream with glee. I walk in and find my mother, Meg and my grandmother smiling at me. I kiss my Grammy and give her a big wet kiss on her cheek.

“Oh my God, what’s all this?” The living room is decorated with streamers and the banister has pink and purple balloons taped along the edge. A table sits in the family room with a baby decorated plastic cloth covers it with presents filling the space.

“Are you surprised?” Carter asks from behind me. I smile at him, tears falling down my cheeks.

“Hey Gracie, congrats on the baby girl. I can’t wait to meet her.” Cassie appears at my side. I hug her and look at Carter over her shoulder. He’s grinning and then winks.

“Did you orchestrate this?”

“Not entirely, it was Meg and your mom for the most part. But I did plan the driving lesson. You know, because I’m sneaky like that. Of course, I thought it was a good excuse to get you out of the house. And plus, I remembered you saying no one taught you to drive so I figure this was the perfect cause.” And that’s why I love him, always thinking of ways to make me happy. I kiss him hard as more overwhelming tears fall from my eyes.

“Thank you! God, thank you! This is amazing!”

“Well, bestie how was your driving lesson?” Meg smirks hugging my shoulders. I laugh at her and lay my head on her shoulder.

“I’m so surprised by all of this. I had no idea. But I gotta say, I had an amazing lesson with Carter.” I wiggle my eye brows and slowly Meg catches my drift.

“You guys did it in the car? You naughty girl, you.”

“I wish, or more correctly my naughty side wishes. But we didn’t get that far. It did get nice and steamy though.”

“Hey, I’m going to take off. My job here is done. I’ll be back later.” I pout briefly but instantly perk back up and give him a kiss.

“Okay, thanks for the driving lesson. I had the best time. I can’t wait to do it again next time.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him and he laughs, pulling me closer.

“You better stop that or I’m going to take you upstairs.”

“Okay enough mushy stuff here you two. We’ve got a party to get started.” Grammy appears at my side. She pats Carter’s back and thanks him for his help.

Once he leaves, I turn to look at the wonderful group of women that are celebrating this amazing day with me. “I just want to say that this was a complete surprise. Mom, you are sneaky. You definitely had your poker face on today.”

“Of course, sweetheart. I’m glad Carter came up with the driving lesson idea. Did you learn a lot?” I stifle a giggle that gives away my meaning of “lesson” and simply just nod my head.

“Yeah, I’ll say she learned a lot about driving a stick.” Meg blurts out, a grin on her face that makes me squirm. I nudge her shoulder to shut up and she just laughs at me.

I walk into the kitchen where there are trays of turkey sandwiches, fruit salad, veggies with ranch dip and cookies displayed on the counter and island. My stomach rumbles loudly.

“You look beautiful.” Grammy appears next to me, digging into the veggie tray.

“Thank you Grammy. I’m glad you could make it.” She kisses my nose.

“Carter is a keeper. I’m so glad he stuck around.” I smile, grabbing a couple of triangular shaped sandwiches and fruit. “Me too.”  I kiss her cheek.

“You know, Grandpa would be so proud of you, my sweet girl. You’ve turned into an amazing woman.” My eyes water, and I swipe at them before tears leak out.

“Thank you. I miss him so much Grammy, so much. I really wish he could see me graduate…and have my baby.”

“He’s with you in spirit, remember that.” She whispers and then leaves the kitchen. I look around and wonder if he was in the room with me, if he could see me. Would he be proud of me? I hope so.

“Well, you look beautiful Gracie.” I look down and notice I’m still in my sweats, feeling a little self-conscious.

“I wish he would have at least made me wear something more appropriate since he knew what I was walking into. How are you Sylvia?”

“I’m good. Are you ready for your birthday coming up?” Oh yeah, my eighteenth birthday.

It’s hard to remember my birthday when other things occupy my mind. “I guess. I’ll be legal, so I guess that’s something.” Not like it really matters.

After another thirty minutes of eating and conversing, Meg gets everyone’s attention. There are a few women I’m not familiar with but I’m assuming they know my mother.

“Excuse me everyone, it’s time for the mother-to-be to open her gifts.” She waves her hand toward me. “Gracie, come sit up here please.” I make my way to the table with lovely wrapped gifts and sit in a fold out chair. “Okay, when you unwrap the gifts I hand you tell me what they are and who they’re from. I’m going to write it all down in my nifty notebook.” I smile and nod and start opening.

I open the first one which is from Cassie and read the sweet card. “Oh wow, look at all this stuff.” I say as I find the bag full of bottles, diapers, wipes, bibs and onesies. “Thank you Cassie.” I repeat the stuff to Meg to record. I move on to the next gift which is more bottles, a diaper bag and baby toys.

As I’m opening more presents, it starts to sink in, feel more real that this baby of mine is coming and I’ll get to meet her soon. I pull a ‘Rachel’ at the prospect of opening more gifts being a bit too overwhelming. But I push through anyway.


Diaper Genie- Nancy

Mobile- Liz (friend of Sylvia’s)

Bassinette- Grammy and mom

Car seat- Grammy and mom

“Okay, I’m going to finish this later. Can we move on to some games or perhaps eat some cake? Something that doesn’t turn me into a weeping willow?” I move the gifts to the side and pick up the trash.

“Okay, moving on. Right now, I’m passing along some yarn for everyone to cut, guessing the measurements of Gracie’s baby bump.” Oh this should be fun.

Everyone plays and a woman my mother knows comes the closest to my measurement. Though my bump is not terribly big, this game makes me feel slightly overwhelmed. But I put on a happy face because by God, it’s supposed to be fun and these ladies are taking time out of their day to be with me.              

Next we do some crossword puzzles and word searches-which I practically majored in. I start clapping my hands together excitedly. No one can beat me, I’m unbeatable.

Cassie wins the word search. Another woman Janet wins the crossword puzzle. I had two words left that kept me from winning. I was so close. I guess overconfidence kind of screws you over.

“Okay now we are playing this game I heard about; it’s called ‘Name The Children From These TV Families’ this should be fun. I’m sure most of you know all of these.

              Fred and Wilma’s child on the Flintstones

              Who are Ross Gellar’s two children’s names on Friends?

              Name the three kids from The Simpsons

              Name the four children on Family Ties

              Name the Huxtible children-there are five of them

              Name the six Brady Bunch kids

Okay, ready. Go!”

I get the first three done right away-I watched too much TV apparently. But what gets me stuck is the kids on Family Ties. I can’t remember two of them. I knew the characters that Michael J. Fox and Justine Bateman play but the other two totally stump me. Damn. If the Wonder Years kids were listed on there, I’d remember…or Boy Meets World. Oh, I miss that show! I leave that blank and move on, getting all of Bill Cosby’s kids down and of course the Brady Bunch gang. Who doesn’t remember that gang? I sure miss old TV. The shows we have now are stupid and senseless.

“Time!” Damn, I did not win. I suck.

“Yay, I won. Does it mean I watch too much TV if I got them all right?” Sylvia asks.

“No, it just means you’re a badass! And you beat me.” I stick my tongue out playfully. She hugs me; I hug her back just grateful to be playing these games. I’m not really a sore loser, not like Carter is.

Once we finish the games, its cake time-my favorite part. The cake is exquisite, made by Sylvia herself. She bakes cakes on her free time. The cake is chocolate marble with pink icing-decorated with a bottle, rattle and the words “it’s a girl” written on it. My mouth waters and I almost don’t want it to be eaten but instead displayed on the wall, like a picture.

“Wow, you’re an amazing cake baker and decorator.” I tell her, trying not to drool. I’m weak when it comes to sweets.

“I’ll bake you one for your birthday if you want.” My eyes light up and I hug her.

“You don’t have to do that.” She waves her hand off like it’s no big deal. “Thank you.” It’s moments like these I’m counting my blessings, lucky to have such thoughtful people in my life. I smile.

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