CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All (8 page)

Read CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All
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Chad stood there not knowing what to say.


MiKayla shook her head. “Oh my God, you did know.” She softly cried.   


Chad walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry, babe. I couldn’t come back. I would’ve put you in harm’s way. I never would do that no matter how bad you feel or how much you hate me right now.”


“You don’t get it, Chad. I had a rough time this past year adjusting to my new life. I moved miles and miles away here to Augusta to get away from all the pain that was there. I needed to be closer to my family. I don’t know what was going on with yours. After I lost the baby, your mom and your brother kinda just stopped calling and coming around. It was like they had no more use for me.”


“Don’t talk like that. My mom has always been fond of you. She didn’t know anything.”


MiKayla looked at him and rolled her eyes. That was hard to believe. He and his mama were tight as thieves and loved each other dearly. If he was still alive then she knew about it, and him lying about it wasn’t making the situation any better.


“I think you should leave. I just don’t want to do this right now. I have a lot on my mind that I need to sort out.”


“A lot on your mind like that nigga that was here? The one you went to see in my car?”


“That’s none of your business.” She said.


“It’s every bit of my business. I’m back, because I want to do right by you. Let me make it up to you.” He pleaded. 



“You have nothing to make up to me. I can’t even stomach looking at you right now. I’m literally starting to feel sick right now.”


Chad stood there feeling helpless. He was no fool, he knew that time had passed them by and that she could possibly end up with someone else. However, he always felt that he held that soft spot in her heart and whenever he returned, she’d be waiting. Unfortunately, with Monty in the picture it didn’t happen the way he was hoping.


“Okay,” he finally said. “I’ll leave, but only for you to think things through. I don’t want to though, but I will. I’m sorry about our son. I truly am. I honestly never stopped loving you.”


“Yeah well, tell that to somebody that gives a damn.” She angrily stated, and with that she walked passed him, slapping him in the chest with the letter that he’d written as it hit the floor.


Chad stood there for a moment, and then leaned down to pick the letter up. He shook his head, and then walked out of the bedroom. As he neared the living room he could see MiKayla with her cell phone in her hand as she wiped her tears. There was nothing he could say to her to ease her pain so he quietly made his exit.


Once he was inside of his car his cell phone began to ring. He picked it up to see that it was his mom calling.


“Hey mama,” he spoke. “What’s up?”


“You know that MiKayla just called me.” She told him.


“I figured she was calling you for some reason. What’d you tell her?”


“I didn’t tell her anything, because I didn’t answer. I don’t know what to say to her. I feel so sorry for her, but how could I face her once I knew what you were about to do to her. I told you that you were going to get caught when you first started seeing her. I don’t know how you thought you could keep up that charade for a year and a half, and then when she got pregnant--”


“Ma,” Chad cut in. “Not now.” He told her. “Don’t talk to her if she calls, and then you won’t have to worry about any of this. Let me handle it.”


“Why don’t you leave well enough alone, and just leave? Do you think that this is over?”


“Let me take care of this, okay.” He said, and with that he ended their call. With an unsure shake of the head he backed out of the driveway. Regardless of what he’d done it was something that kept him hanging on to MiKayla even after the years he’d been gone. “I will fix this,” he said just above a whisper.



Chapter 6


Rico pulled up in Monica’s driveway to pick up his son, Aiden. He’d been a little distant from Monica since Mona had left him. Three weeks had passed and she wasn’t giving him any positive signs that she would take him back. This within itself was very frustrating. He really wanted to be with her and it was regrettably sad that it took her leaving him to realize that he didn’t want to lose his woman or his baby girl.


He looked up at Monica’s house. Not knowing what kind of tricks she had up her sleeve. With Monica he never knew what to expect and the last thing he wanted to do was end up in the bed with her.


“I hope you ain’t on some sneaky shit today,” he whispered as if Monica was sitting right next to him. He apprehensively reached for the latch on the door to get out just as his phone rang. He looked down and saw that it was Mona calling him. Quickly he answered it.


“What’s up, babe?” He said not wanting to sound too desperate, but inside he really was.


“Hey, I just wanted you to know that Caylin needed more pampers.” She told him.


“Is she out now or can I bring them by on tomorrow?” he questioned. He was feeling somewhat frustrated with the situation by now. Mona had turned cold on him and he didn’t know how to deal with it without losing his cool. She was every spit of Monty’s sister with her stubborn attitude and nonchalant ways. When she meant something she meant it, and there was nothing he could do to fix it until she was ready.


“She’s good for today, so you can bring them on tomorrow if you’d like.”  


“Is she alright? Are you alright?” Rico questioned just wanting to prolong his time on the phone with her.


“Yeah, we’re both good.”


“I miss you. I miss Caylin.” He added sounding pitiful and regretting every bad decision that he’d made in their relationship.


“Honestly, we miss you too, but you’re not ready to be in a committed relationship. Therefore, we’re not ready to be in the same house with you nor do I need you in my life on those terms.”


“I am ready, baby.” He said. “I know that I’ve done some crazy things not thinking it thoroughly through, but I’m past that now. I want you, babe. I need you in my life.”


Mona sighed thinking that she really did want to take him back, but she knew that he wouldn’t learn any lessons if she allowed him to treat her that way. She had to stand up for herself and demand respect or he was only going to give her so much of it.


“Baby,” Rico called out since she hadn’t responded. “Please, just come home. We can work this out.”


Mona softly smacked her lips, and then said, “I don’t know if you get it.”


“I get it,” Rico quickly cut in. “I honestly get it. Just give me one more chance.” He pleaded, almost feeling like he wanted to cry.


“What makes you think that you deserve one more chance?” Mona questioned.


“Becaus-” He started, but couldn’t get it out because of the sudden taps being heard on his driver window.


“Rico,” Monica called out. “You okay?” Rico looked up at her and shook his head as a sign of saying, not now. However, Monica tapped on the window again since she couldn’t see him clearly behind the tinted glass. “You okay?” she called out again.


“Where are you?” Mona curiously asked. “Don’t tell me. You’re at your baby mama’s house.”


“I came over to get Aiden. I was feeling lonely since you didn’t respond to my message of wanting to come over and spend time with Caylin.” He said opening up the car door as a clueless Monica stood there looking at him. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.


You can be so fucking annoying at times.
He thought as he stared at her with an irritated shake of the head.


Mona decided to end their call since he’d not said anything at that point that she really cared to hear. “Oh well, kiss Aiden for me and I’ll talk to you later. Go tend to your needy ass baby mama. You’ve probably been tending to her all along anyway.” She slid in.


“Babe, why you gotta act like that?” he questioned. “Mona? Babe?” he called out looking over at Monica as she shook her head at him.


“That young girl got you fucked up.” She said, and then turned to walk back in her house like it had pissed her off.


Rico took the phone from his ear since Mona had hung up on him. As he stepped out of his car, he responded. “Ain’t nobody got me fucked up.”


“Yeah well, if that makes you feel better keep telling yourself that.” Monica responded as she entered her house with him right behind her.


“Why you gotta come outside tapping on my window and shit, anyway?”


Monica turned to face him. “Look nigga, don’t come in here with that bullshit. I can’t help that your fiancé left your ass. Hell, you ain’t the only one with problems.”


Rico frowned. “Who else got problems? I know the infamous Monica Hunter ain’t got no problems.”


Monica glanced back at him with a slick roll of the eyes. “Everybody has problems. Just because they don’t show them, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.” She said as she down on her plush couch inside of her entertainment room.


Rico stood there for a moment. “Why you all relaxing and shit?” he pondered with an unsure look. “I just came to pick up Aiden and I’m out. Where is he at in his room?”


“He’s not here. My sister and mom are in town so they came and got him for the day.” Monica said with an innocent bat of the eyes.


“Why you didn’t tell me this before I got here?” Rico questioned.


“I still needed to speak with you.”


“We could’ve spoken over the phone.” He said feeling bothered.


Monica had a feeling that he’d act this way. He’d been giving her the cold shoulder since Mona left and she figured that it wasn’t going to be as easy to get him to sleep with her. However, Mona may have made it easier for her to win him over by leaving.


“You don’t have to snap at me, you know. I’m not the one that left you. Well, not yet anyway.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rico asked giving her the side eye.


“Well,” she started. “You may as well have a seat for a second.”


Lord, what is this woman about to say? I know she can’t be pregnant, so what’s the deal?
He thought.  


“Come on, Monica. Just spit it out.”


“Well, Aiden and I may be moving to Florida to stay for good. I have some property down there that I inherited from my great-grandmother. It’s worth a lot of money.”


“So, what does that have to do with you moving?” Rico questioned. “You’ve been handling your business from here without skipping a beat.”


“Yeah but now, my dad wants me to be the face of this property. Meaning, he wants me around so that people will know who I am as a representation of what belongs to me and my family. I can’t really go into any other details right now, but I need you to know that this move might just happen within the next couple of months.”


Rico sadly glanced over at her then dropped his head. “So, you’re taking my boy?”


“Don’t act like that. I’m not taking him from you. You’re welcome to come visit us any time you want to. You can even come get him when you have lil breaks from work. I just have to do what’s best for me and him while securing our future. You seem to be so lost in what you got going on that I’m certainly not putting my eggs in that basket again.”


“You never had your eggs in my basket.” Rico told her as he cut his eyes her way.


“Hm,” Monica hummed followed by a long drawn out sigh. “Oh, but I did at one point. You were just too busy proposing to the other mother of your child and not paying any attention to me.”


Rico shook his head. “You know it wasn’t like that.”


“I don’t know what it was like. I know we used to fuck every now and then, but then you stopped that all together. What… do you think that I’m just going to sit around and wait for you?”


“I never said that and I never asked you to.”


“Well good; and since you put it that way then Aiden and I have no reason to stay.”


Rico intently stared at her. At first he didn’t know what to say, but then he just said it. “I don’t want you to leave and take my son with you.”


A part of Monica felt bad for him. She knew that he was hurting from the break-up with Mona, but at the end of the day he didn’t have those feelings for her.


“You don’t have to take my son,” he said.


“You can’t keep him. Your workload is too much. What else am I supposed to do?” She questioned him.

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