CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All (18 page)

Read CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

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Brendon nodded his head. “Yeah, I was pretty sure that she was filling you in.”


“She feels that she’d rather keep it real with both of us. I just want you to know that I’m cool with that. I know that nothing intimate is going on.”


“Yeah, we’re really just good friends.” Brendon said. “But, I’m glad that y’all are getting along for the sake of MJ. He loves his mama and his daddy.”


“You got that right,” Monty agreed. “We love him, too. I guess that’s why I’m cool with how me and Candy are handling things now. I know I’ve hurt her in the past and all I wanna do is make up for that.”


“Well, I can say that she has noticed the change in you. She told me.”


Monty smiled. Hearing Brendon say that made him feel good. He’d definitely been keeping his dick in his pants and he didn’t care for seeing or fucking around with no one else. He just wanted to get his shit together and win his girl back.


“How do you feel about us getting close again?” he questioned.


“I can’t lie. I’m happy that she’s in a good space. I didn’t come here to take your girl or to sleep with your baby mama. I really didn’t. We met and just instantly liked each other. She is good people and I know that. I just want her to be with someone that’s gonna treat her right.”


Monty nodded his head. He could tell that Brendon loved Candy, but he respected her more. That was more than what he could say for himself as he thought about how bad he’d treated her.


“I’m like you, Cuz. She deserves to be happy. It took me a minute to get to this space myself, but she’s been through a lot. And if anybody should have it easy from here on out it should be her.”


Brendon was shocked as he sat there listening to Monty. He was talking like a man that was definitely changing in his feelings and his ways. The thought of Candy moving on with somebody else had damn near made him an honest man. It was amazing how much power a woman could have over a man when she’d gotten her shit together and moved on.


“So, you’ve been good, Cuz?” Brendon questioned. “Have you kicked all the women to the curve?”


Monty nodded his head. “I have, man. I really have. I even let MiKayla go. I had love for her, but I wasn’t in love with her. It took me to see Candy with you to realize that.”


“Cuz, you were mad that day when you came in my room. You’d said something about her and another man,” Brendon mentioned as he recalled that day. “You sure it wasn’t what had happened with her that’s got you feeling this way? I mean, at one point you had almost left Candy for her.”


“You right,” Monty said. “I was foolish. I’ve done some foolish things. I can’t lie, I was really feeling MiKayla. I don’t know what it was that attracted me to her.” He said then thought about his earlier conversation with Catherine. “I had a serious talk with mom before I came over here and she told me that MiKayla was vulnerable when we met. She believes that I unconsciously saw the sadness within her and wanted to make her smile again. Hell, that could be true, but I thought it was her ass and those smooth, brown legs under that lil skirt she was wearing.” He said with light laughter as he continued. “I’m gonna keep it real with you. MiKayla hit me up with an email earlier today that made me wanna go see her, but not for the reasons you may be thinking. I felt bad for her and her situation, but I can’t save her. I’m not in love with her and she needs someone that’s going to take that pain away. I hope she finds that. I really do, but it’s not me. That’s the only reason why I didn’t go over to her house. I don’t wanna lead her on anymore. My problem before this was that I’d gotten distracted trying to save someone else when the person that I should’ve been trying to save was my own girl.” He honestly admitted. “They say you don’t miss your water until your well runs dry. I hate it took this for me to wake up, but better late than never.”


“You’re right,” Brendon said. “I guess in time we’ll see what Candy plans on doing since she’s living life so freely now.”


“Well, hopefully not that freely,” Monty stated. He still wasn’t keen on the fact that Brendon could end up sleeping with her which is why he knew he had to step his game way up.


Brendon grinned at his comment. He knew where Monty was coming from, but he didn’t want to pretend like he didn’t have a thing for Candy, because he did. However, he wouldn’t cross that line either unless he knew for sure that she was sure.


What Monty didn’t know was that Brendon’s heart was just as vulnerable as hers. Sleeping with her wouldn’t be as simple as just fucking some basic female that came along. He could turn that off without ever even turning it on, but with Candy that’d be a whole ‘nother story.


Monty stood up to leave. “Well Cuz, it’s been real, but I gotta go get my boy.” He said.


Brendon stood up to walk him out. “I’m glad that you stopped by.” He told him as they gave each other dap.


“I’m glad too.” Monty responded, but before he made his exit he stopped to face Brendon with a smile on his face. “Aye Cuz,” he said.


Brendon’s raised a pondering eyebrow. “What’s up?” he questioned.


“I love her, man. I really do. I also know how you feel about her too, but I can’t let you have her like that.”


Brendon smiled, and then said. “May the best man win, Cuz.”


Monty smiled with a raise of the eyebrow. “May he,” he responded with a for sure smile, and with that he made his exit.


Chapter 14

A swift month had passed as Candy woke up and rolled over in bed. She stretched her arms out with a slight yawn like she was up but still kind of tired. Maybe it came from staying up till the wee hours of the morning talking to Monty about the new house that he had found. He was moving in it within the next few weeks and was pretty stoked about it.


They talked about when they first kissed and how it was when they made love for the first time. Their conversation had gone from that to how he messed up and he knew it. But, more importantly on how he was going to make it up to her if she gave him another chance. They also talked about the nice dinner they shared at California Dreaming just hours prior and the passionate kiss they had when he dropped her off. It was that kiss that led them back to the first kiss when their phone conversation first started.


“Damn Candy,” she said to herself. “Don’t get caught up.” She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Being with Monty lately had been doing something to her. He was indeed changing into the man that she’d been hoping he would’ve been all along. However, the main reason why she felt that she had him by the balls was because of the close relationship that she still had with Brendon. This within itself kept him on his toes and this Candy absolutely loved.


She looked over on her nightstand at her ringing cell phone. “Damn, what if that’s Brendon and he wants to know how my night went? I don’t wanna have to tell him that I kissed Monty; not right away.” She said looking at the phone as it continued to ring. “Should I answer it? Shit, I’ma have to keep it real with him. Nah, I’m not.” She said finally reaching over for the phone as she looked at the caller ID.


“Mommy!!!” she happily shouted while quickly answering the phone. “Hi Mom,” she said filled with excitement. It was always a joy to talk to her mom Nancy. 


“Hey baby girl, how are you doing?” Nancy asked with a smile on her face. “Talking to her daughter was one of the best highlights of her life. She always got an immediate high off of the good feeling Candy’s voice gave her.


“I’m good, mom. How are you?”


“I’m great,” she responded.


“That’s good,” Nancy said. Candy made her proud. She had stepped into an adult position overnight and was handling it quite well for herself.


“So, what’s with this early morning phone call? Not that I ever mind hearing from my mommy when she calls, but I wasn’t expecting it to be you.” She added thinking that it was either Brendon or Monty, but since Monty was probably still asleep then it sure as hell had to be Brendon.


“Well, SURPRISE!! It’s your mommy.” Nancy said as she mocked her causing her daughter to laugh.


Candy was always excited to hear from Nancy. Other than MJ, Nancy was her world. They were super tight and loved each other dearly. Without a doubt, they had each other’s backs no matter what.


“So, what have you been up to?” Catherine pondered like she always did. “What’s the latest on this lil thing you got going on with Monty and Brendon?”


Candy smiled. She loved her situation just fine. “Well, I’m cool with both of them, baby daddy and my new best friend.”


Catherine grinned a little, and then asked, “Your new best friend, huh?” 


“Yeah,” she blushed. “I like him. He’s cool people.”


Nancy shook her head. Her baby girl had grown up so fast in such the little time she’d been gone. She loved the fact that she was taking a stand in her life, and not falling prey to getting hurt again. She was definitely smart on that part, but she didn’t want her to take it too far.


“So, what’s going on with your baby daddy?” she questioned while continuing to mock Candy.


“Weeeell,” she said blushing like she did when she was a youngster watching Monty come in the house all sweaty from playing ball with his shirt off. “Baby daddy and I are getting along great.” She answered her.


“How great?” her mom asked.


“We’re in a good space.” Candy admitted. “He’s been really trying to prove to me that he’s changing, but of course I know that he’s a work in progress. He even showed me his paperwork from the doctor last week. He has a clean bill of health.” She happily stated.


“Well, I think that’s good.” She said.


“I see him almost in a different light now, mom. I thought I’d never get that back. I’m starting to see that spark in his eyes like I used to in the beginning of our relationship.” She said with a smile, and then her facial expression quickly changed. “But, don’t get it twisted, mom. I’m not being a fool for love so easily this time. He has got to work for this. No lie.”


“I don’t blame you, baby girl. Don’t let a man run over you or treat you bad and sit back and take it. Show him upfront what the deal is and you won’t have those issues later.” She said thinking that in the beginning of her and Will’s relationship he was definitely the player, but she never left. She just beat bitches asses, and then eventually killed him over it. She should’ve just put her foot down and left him like Candy had done Monty. If she would’ve, it wouldn’t have ever gone to that extent and he’d still be alive.


“I was burned once. He won’t burn me again and I sit back and take it.”


“It’s good to hear that. Are you protecting yourself?” Nancy questioned just to feel her out and see if she’d been sleeping with either of them. To her that wouldn’t have been a good look, but she was hoping her daughter wasn’t going that far.


“I’m not having sex with either of them.” Candy told her.
But, I did kiss baby daddy last night.
She thought. She definitely wasn’t about to say that not knowing if her mom would be happy about her getting back comfy with Monty in that way or not.


“That makes me happy. Just because you’re good friends or close with a man doesn’t mean that you have to sleep with them. Your temple is your treasure. Cherish that and make a man work hard to get it. He’ll appreciate it more.”


“Thanks mom,” Candy said. She was glad to still have her mother to be able to get advice from. There were never any ill feelings toward her mom for killing her dad. She hated it happened, but she knew why. There had to be a breaking point, and unfortunately Nancy’s took her to the end of her limits. “I always appreciate your guidance.”


“I’m grateful to be around to still be able to give it to you.” She said with a receiving smile. “What are your plans today? It’s a nice Saturday to be doing something fun.”


“It is,” Candy said as she gotten out of her bed and was now peeking out of the bedroom window. “I’m actually going to an all white party tonight at Brendon’s club.”


“An all white party?” she questioned. “That sounds extravagant.”


“It is,” Candy responded with a smile. “It’s going to be nice. Brendon is going to have white and red roses all over the place, chocolates at all the VIP sections, bottles of Dom Perignon, and catered food. The décor is going to be amazing. I already know it if it’s going to be anything like the grand opening. He really goes all out. That’s why his spot is booming like that.”


“You gotta spend money to make money and, at least, he knows what it takes to keep the crowd coming back.”


“He does,” Candy agreed. “I wish you could see my outfit. I’ll be wearing a white BCBG Josanna Ponti bodice lace dress. Its mid thigh; hugs my upper body and flares out with white lace at the bottom. It’s too cute.”

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