CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All (22 page)

Read CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All Online

Authors: Tiece

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

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Monty shook his head. “Nah, I ain’t seen cuz all night.” He responded.


“That’s strange.” Candy whispered. She knew that he was probably mad at her for kissing Monty, but she never expected him to just flake on her without saying goodnight.


“Don’t worry about him. I’m sure that he can take care of himself.” Monty told her.


“I ain’t worried about him.” Candy said with a frown on her face, but a part of her was certainly lying.


The people in the club had started clearing out slowly, but surely. The party was great, but so much chaos had broken out that people were just ready to go. None of the guests were complaining as the ladies left with white and red roses, chocolates, and feeling good off of the best coconut drinks in town. The men were just happy to be taking a tipsy lady home. He was for sure to get a little bit if he played his cards right.


“You ready to go?” Monty questioned Candy.


“I think I am ready to go,” she said. “I know this may be out of your way, but I’ll need a ride home. Dee left with your homeboy from around the way.”


“Yeah, I told him to make sure that she made it home safely. He’s good people.” Monty said. Candy smiled. If nothing else, Monty would make sure that they were taken care of. “I’m ready when you’re ready. Hell, Kina is gonna close up so we’re good.”


Candy glimpsed over at him. It seemed that he knew something that she didn’t know. “Well, let’s go.” She said grabbing her purse and following him out of the club.




Monty stopped by the store to get some gas as Candy called Brendon’s phone again, and again it went to voicemail. She looked up noticing that Monty was paying for the gas. Quickly she swiped up his phone and checked his call log. She didn’t see where he and Brendon had spoke, so she went straight to his messages. The first message she read was from Brendon.


Hey cuz, sorry I didn’t get to see you, but I had to leave early. I’m with Trina, but I’ll call you later. Kina is going to lock up with the security guards so you’re cool to leave. Bren


Candy quickly put the phone back down as Monty walked out of the store. “Damn,” she whispered. “He took that kiss that far that he’d leave with Trina?” she disappointedly shook her head. Playing them both seemed to now be playing out.


Monty pumped the gas, and then got back inside the car. “Now off to your house,” he said strapping on his seatbelt.


Candy looked over at him with a smile. “That’s the plan,” she said leaning her head back. The lights at the store danced in circles around her from the buzz that she was feeling. “To my house we go,” she said as Monty pulled off and headed in the direction of her house.



Mona had made it home and was now in a mid thigh length, cotton night gown. She’d been crying and dodging Rico’s calls. She’d even cursed him out and hung up in his face.




                Rico drove around town wanting so badly to go to Mona’s house and beg for her forgiveness, but he knew that she wasn’t trying to hear it. “Fuck it,” he said after looking through his text messages. “We’re gonna have to talk tonight.”


                After driving for the next twenty minutes, Rico pulled up in the yard. He was nervous, but he had to set the record straight. He turned off the engine of the car and got out.”




                Mona sat on the sofa feeling like it was time for her to let Rico go. She’d gone through a lot with him, but he wasn’t worth keeping if all he was going to do was fuck around on her with different women.


Knock, knock, knock…


got up off of the sofa and headed over to the door. “Who is it?” She called out while at the same time opening the door. She already knew who it was as she stood face to face with the one man that could comfort her.


“Hey boo.” He spoke.


“Hey Ross,” Mona spoke back. She rested her head on his chest and cried. He held her tightly in his arms as they stood in the doorway of her house.


“It’s gonna be alright,” he whispered.




Knock, knock, knock…


                Monica opened the door to look in Rico’s pitiful face. “Well, hey baby daddy.” She said with a smile. “I’m glad that you could come over.”


                “I only came over to tell you that what we had sexually is completely over. As you know, Mona knows about us and when I get the chance I’ll fill her in on what I feel she should know. One of those things is that we will not have anything intimate anymore. If ain’t about Aiden or business, then it ain’t about nothing else.”


                Monica stood in the door with a disappointed shake of the head. “You are a fool in love.” She said.


                “You’re just mad that I’m not a fool in love with you.” He said, and then turned to leave without saying another word. He was clearly calling it quits and she knew it as she stood there half-naked in a lacy, baby doll, one piece lingerie set.




                The next morning, Candy rolled over and peeked one of her eyes open. “Aaaaaawl,” she said holding her head. She hated when she woke up with hangovers. She’d drank four too many of those coconuts and at the moment, she couldn’t bare anything that smelled like a coconut. My gosh,” she said grabbing her stomach. “Damn, I shouldn’t have drunk all that shit.” She eased out of bed and grabbed her cell phone to check to see if she had any missed calls or messages. She noticed that Brendon had called and that she had a voice mail message. Quickly she listened to it.


                “Good Morning, Beautiful. I see that you’re still not answering your phone so I’m on my way over to explain what happened last night. You at least have a right to know.” He said and then the message ended.


                “I have a right to know,” she pondered just as the shower water in her bathroom came on. Without moving her head, her eyes glanced toward the bathroom door.
What the fuck? No I didn’t. My God, it wasn’t a dream.
She thought as her eyes scanned her bedroom floor seeing the clothes that she and Monty had on scattered about. “Oh my God,” she whispered. After waking up alone, she thought that she’d just had a hot wet dream that involved her baby daddy. Wet dreams had become common for her since she hadn’t been giving up the goods. She started picking up the clothes off of the floor still in disbelief that she let Monty ease his way back between her legs.


Ding dong… ding dong…


                “Oh shit,” Candy whispered thinking about Brendon coming over. She quickly grabbed her robe and headed for the front door. She made sure to close her room door since the shower was on in hopes that she could get Brendon to leave right quick.


                She peeked out the window and took in a deep breath of relief after seeing that Monty’s car wasn’t parked out front as the night’s event’s started reminding her of what had happened. He had pulled the car up in the garage and she let it down.


Ding dong… 


Candy thought, and then quickly opened the door. He was going to wake up the whole house with all that crazy doorbell ringing so early in the morning.


                “Hey,” she said the minute she opened the door.


                Brendon stood there looking like he’d had a long night. “Hey,” he spoke. “You wouldn’t believe what kinda night I had.”


                “I probably could believe it,” Candy said feeling like he and Trina must’ve had a really nice time screwing around.


                “Look Brendon, right now isn’t the time. I’m just waking up and I have a hangover. I don’t wanna talk about anything that happened last night. You kissed Trina while I was looking. You proved that we aren’t together like that and I’m cool with that.” She said just hoping that he’d take that as his queue to leave.


                “I was wrong for that,” he said. “Let me explain.”


                “No explanations needed.” Candy said. “We’re still friends.”


                Brendon frowned as he looked at her. Her hair was all over her head and she seemed a bit nervous. “What’d you do last night?” he questioned.


                “I uh,” she said, but Monty stepped around the corner with a towel wrapped around him. He didn’t even see that Candy was at the door talking to Brendon, but Brendon certainly had peeped him out through the crack of the door.


                “Aye babe, what’d you do with my clothes?” he questioned.


                Brendon gave Candy the side-eye. “Hold up,” he said looking like she’d just broken his heart.


                “They’re on the chair,” she called out.


                Because he couldn’t see her, he figured that she was in the kitchen looking for something to eat. He then headed back down the hallway to put his clothes on.


                “So did Cuz stay the night with you?” Brendon questioned.


                “Yeah,” Candy confessed with a drop of her head. She felt bad as hell.


                “Did you and him… Did y’all have sex?”


                “Well, uh…” Candy said as the memories flooded her mind of what really had happened after the club that night.


Somewhere between the trip from the store and to her house the temperature had turned up. Candy wanted nothing more than to forget about Brendon being with Trina, so she unfastened her seatbelt and leaned over and kissed Monty on the cheek. He smiled at her as he continued to drive.


                “You better put your seatbelt back on.” He told her.


                “What if I wanted to ride you right now while you’re driving?”


“Ride my dick?” Monty questioned in disbelief. Candy must’ve been feeling really good. “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he told her with a handsome smile spread across his face.


“I’m serious,” she said, but before she could perform the task they were pulling up in her driveway.


Monty pulled under the garage. Ten minutes later, they were entering her house laughing and giggling. Surprisingly, Monty knew that she’d had more than her fair share of drinks, and so he actually walked her into her bedroom making sure that she got in the bed safely. As he tucked her in, she pulled him close to her and started kissing him passionately in the mouth.


“Babe,” Monty said. “You’re drunk.”


“I know,” she said ignoring him. Her kisses was tempting him as he fought the moment hard, not wanting her to regret it the next morning.


“You don’t want me?” She questioned.


“Damn,” Monty whispered. “Hell yeah, I want your sexy ass.”


“Well, have me.” She damn near pleaded feeling horny as hell.


“Damn,” Monty whispered again. “Candy, you’re gonna make me be bad and God knows that I’m trying to be good.”


“I need a bad boy tonight.” She said. Her hand reached down inside his pants to feel his thick pipe. “Sssss,” she teased him.


                “Alright now,” Monty said with a soft chuckle. “You already know what that’s gonna lead to.”

                Candy smiled. “I want it to lead to you giving me some of that good dick.”                

Monty frowned while backing up a little bit. “You okay?”

                “Yes,” she grinned. “I’m fine.” She said, and helped him out of his shirt. She kissed down his fine, chiseled chest. Her fingers slid in the inside of his boxer shorts. “Are you going to take these off?”


“Candy,” he called out. “You sure you wanna do this?”


She didn’t say a word, but seductively she helped him come out of his pants. She then went straight for his dick since it was standing at attention while gently sucking on it.


                “Daaaaaamn,” Monty whispered with his closed his eyes. Candy held his thick dick in her hand and licked from his dick to his balls, and then back up the shaft of his long dick. “Shiiiiit,” Monty moaned while holding the back of her head with his fingers locked together.


Candy took her time sucking his dick and teasing him as she wet his shaft up with the warm saliva from her mouth. She’d look up in his eyes with a sexy stare only making him hornier and hornier. Monty’s eyes rolled back the minute Candy’s mouth covered the head of his dick and teased it by twirling her tongue on it.

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