Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Online

Authors: Sabrina Sexton

Tags: #Fiction, #Lesbian, #BDSM, #Erotica

Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) (16 page)

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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Two then,” Krista said. “It was just a game after all.”


The two teams joined ranks in the middle of the field and Krista explained her idea to go to a bar and buy a few rounds. Everyone agreed to meet up and Tyler named a nearby bar. While Krista was talking with the guys about the game, he packed up the picnic stuff and took it back to the car.

An odd arrangement of conflicting emotions had settled in his chest and he needed to get them figured out before tonight. It was never good for a Dom to play with unresolved emotions in the mix. He thought about the game, going over each snap in his mind and the way Krista had totally snowed him. The only thing that could be more embarrassing was if he’d been playing ball with his friends instead of some random guys they’d just met.

Krista had been precise, knowledgeable, strategic and unstoppable on the field. On top of which she threw her body around with abandon, tackling the guys and making plays. If she hadn’t been playing against him, he’d have thought it was pretty hot. As it was, he almost did anyway.

The thing that was really bothering him, is that she had set this whole thing up from the word go. The picnic spot, the bet, the kiss – it had all been part of her plan to get back at him. She had totally played him. At least he knew not to underestimate her in the future. He just hadn’t planned on taking a beating at the hand of her and her team.

Tyler looked over at her laughing with her team mates as they relived highlights from the game. It was hard to stay mad at her when she was having so much fun. Plus there was a small voice in his brain telling him that he might have deserved a little payback. Clearly that’s what this was about. And whether she had told him before hand that she knew more than just a little about the game or not, she would have won. Even with a heads up, he would never have expected that she was could handle the ball or the game like she had. He would just have to suck it up and take his ass whooping. Decision made, he returned to the group as they made plans to meet at the bar.



Chapter 15




Hey,” Tyler said as they climbed into his car. “It really was a good game. You’re a hell of a player.”

Thanks,” Krista said, glad to know that Tyler wasn’t going to nurse hurt feelings. “And maybe next time, you won’t be so quick to play jokes.”

I certainly will think twice about it,” Tyler said. “Although part of what made the game fun was knowing that you were getting back at me. I might be willing to risk it, just to see what you’ll do.”

Tease at your own risk,” she said, grinning. “So what would you have picked if you had won?”

I would have made you pick one of those guys to bring with us tonight,” Tyler said matter of factly. “I would have shared you with him, both of us fucking you at the same time.”

Oh my,” Krista said, her pussy clenching as she envisioned it in her head.


Krista didn’t say anything else as they drove to the bar. Her imagination had clearly run away with her as she stared off into nothingness. Tyler looked over periodically and realized that this was something they had to do, whether or not he had lost the bet. He had figured the idea would entice her, but had no idea she would respond this strongly. He wondered which one of them was occupying her mind at the moment as they pulled into the parking lot of the bar.

We’re here,” he said loudly to get her attention.

Oh,” Krista said, shaking her head as if she was coming out of a daze. “That was quick.”

Umm, sure,” Tyler said, knowing what had really happened. Even if Krista hadn’t clearly been thinking about it, her hardened nipples and flushed chest would have given it away. Tyler took the knowledge and tucked it away to use later.

I’ll go inside and grab us a table,” Krista said as she looked around for the other guys and didn’t see them.

Ok,” Tyler said. “I’ll wait here for everyone.”

I don’t really drink beer,” Krista said. “What do you think I should get?”

I’d do a pitcher of
,” Tyler said. “They have it on tap here.”

Ok,” Krista said. “Do you want anything?”

No, I’m driving,” Tyler said.

Krista leaned up and gave him a quick kiss.

Thanks for being cool about the game thing,” Krista said, smiling.

It was fair,” Tyler said, turning her towards the door and giving her a little swat on the ass.



Krista filled six glasses from the pitcher and passed them around the table. She lifted her own jack and coke in salute.

Thank you guys for playing ball with me and Tyler this afternoon. And a special thanks to my teammates without whom I could never have won the game. Cheers!”

A chorus of “cheers” went around the table.

Krista if we ever get to play with you again,” David said, “I want you on my team.”

Ben lifted his glass. “Amen to that,” he said. “Although for someone who tackles like a dude, it was infinitely sweeter for you to ride me to the ground.”

Here, here,” David said in agreement.

I think I got a raw deal. I would have rather been on the losing team,” Xavier said. “No offense, Tyler.”

None taken,” Tyler said, lifting his own glass of soda. “I’m still trying to figure out how she always managed to launch herself off the ground like that. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she had rockets in her shoes or something.”

I’ll never tell,” Krista said with a smile.

What about you Eric?” Tyler asked. “You have fun today?”

Unlike the rest of you,” Eric said, “I thought today’s game sucked.”

Oh yeah?” Ben asked. “Why?”

I was too busy trying to keep from getting face planted by a girl to enjoy myself,” he spat. “You guys keep fluffing her ego. I’ll be back.”

Eric slammed his glass on the table and headed off to the bathroom, stunning the group into silence with his acidic response.

I think I’ll go get some more drinks,” Krista said, trying to fill up the awkward silence.

Don’t worry about him,” Steve said. “He’s an ass. Plus he’s mad that he lost to a girl and had to pay me twenty bucks. Don’t let him get to you.”

It’s a whatever,” Krista said, turning to head towards the bar.

I’m going to talk to her,” Tyler said after a minute, an idea forming in his mind.


Krista ordered another pitcher of beer and a second drink for herself from the bartender as Tyler walked up behind her. He grabbed her roughly and put his mouth against her ear.

You broke Eric’s ego when you used him to get back at me,” Tyler whispered. “I think you should make it up to him.”

Krista turned in Tyler’s arms so she could face him.

How?” she asked.

Go to the bathroom and suck his dick,” Tyler said very seriously.

What?!” Krista exclaimed.

Go the bathroom and suck his dick,” Tyler said. “Do it now Krista or you’ll miss your chance.”

I can’t believe you want me to suck another man’s dick,” Krista replied in a hushed whisper, hoping no one would overhear.

I don’t want you to suck another man’s dick,” Tyler said. “I want you to suck another man’s dick because I told you to. Now do as I said and stop questioning me. I’ll take care of the drinks.”

Yes Master,” she said, feeling her pussy throb at the thought. She’d never thought in a million years that a man she was dating would tell her to do something like this or that she would like it if he did. As she walked to the bathroom, she kept telling herself she should be upset. Too bad it didn’t help alleviate the throbbing inside her.

Krista made her way to the men’s restroom and glanced around the room. No one seemed to be looking at her, so she pushed the door open and walked inside. When the door closed behind her, she leaned against it with her eyes closed, trying to work up her nerve.

What are you doing in here?” Eric asked, glaring at her as he washed his hands in the small sink. Apparently, he hadn’t wanted anyone else to see quite how upset he was. But now that they were alone, that didn’t seem to be the case.

Tyler thinks I used you in my bid to get back at him for something that happened earlier,” Krista said. “He thinks I should make it up to you.”

And you thought following me into the bathroom and talking about it would make me feel better?” he asked, rinsing his hands and grabbing a paper towel from the dispenser to dry them off. “Well that’s one thing that you have in common with regular women. But you’re wasting your time. Men aren’t wired that way. I don’t want to talk about it. I want you to leave me the fuck alone.”

Actually,” Krista said pushing herself off the door and walking towards Eric, “I had something different in mind.”

What?” Eric replied sardonically. “Another drink?”

Krista stopped when she stood next to him and reached out her hand. She dragged the hand down his chest, letting it stop against the front of his shorts. Eric’s dick twitched against her. She grabbed his hips, pulling him around so he could lean against the sink. Her tongue, licked a path around her lips as she dropped to her knees in front of him.

Don’t you want to find out about those long, deep strokes I mentioned?” Krista asked. She lifted his shirt and licked his stomach along the edge of his shorts, enjoying the salty taste on her tongue.

What about your boyfriend,” Eric asked.

What about him?” Krista asked. “He said to make it up to you. I used you before. The only way I can think of to make it up to you is to let you use me back.”

She pulled his shorts down a little lower, running one finger along the inside edge. The tiny hairs on his abdomen seemed to be calling her and she couldn’t wait to play with them.

Don’t you want to use me?” she asked Eric, looking up at him through her eyelashes.

Well, yeah,” Eric said. “But what if someone comes in?”

They’ll see a guy getting his dick sucked and turn around,” Krista replied. “Or they’ll stay and watch. Whatever, it doesn’t matter.”

What if one of my friends comes in?” Eric said.

I doubt that will happen,” Krista said, nuzzling against the front of Eric’s pants. “Tyler probably told them we were talking and to give us a few minutes. But if not, who cares. Don’t you think it would be kind of hot for one of them to see me sucking your dick after what happened on the field today?”

Yeah,” he said, realizing that his dick was already hard, just from hearing her talk about it. “Yeah it would be.”

So stop making excuses,” Krista said.

Fine,” Eric said as he pushed himself off the edge of the sink. Krista pulled his shorts down, an inch at a time, kissing his abdomen as she went. Finally, his erection sprang free and he leaned back against the sink.

Very nice,” Krista said, licking her lips.

Eric had a nice dick. Long, but not too long and thick. It was perfect for this. A single drop of pre-come gleamed in the lights. Krista reached out with her tongue and licked it off before wrapping her lips around the head and sucking him into her mouth. The salty tang of his sweat was fascinating and she relished it before taking him deep into her mouth.

Oh god,” Eric said. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

Krista pulled back so she could speak, letting a trail of saliva hang from his dick to her mouth as she looked up at him. She’d seen enough porn to know that he’d appreciate the visual.

Believe it,” she said.

She sucked him back into her mouth, taking him into her throat this time.

Krista began making long, deep strokes, just as she’d said. Each stroke started at the head of his dick with a flick of her tongue before sliding all the way to his base.

Holy fuck you are good at that,” Eric said.

Krista wrapped her hand around the base of his dick, and began going faster.

You like that don’t you,” Eric said as she moaned around his dick. “I bet you are a dirty, little come slut. Sucking my dick in this bathroom, like a fucking whore.”

Krista moaned again. At this moment, she felt like a dirty slut and was surprised to find that it was making her hot.

That’s right, slut,” Eric said, grabbing her head and shoving it down the length of his dick. “Take it all the way in your throat.”

Krista removed her hand so he could press her head as far down as he wanted.

Fuck yeah,” he said, shoving in and out. “You want it don’t you, slut? You want to make me come in that hot little throat of yours.”

Krista kept sucking and moaning, knowing the vibrations would drive him crazy. The way he was talking to her turned her on and she wished she had some way to ease the throbbing in her pants.

Suck it, slut,” Eric said. “Show me you want my come.”

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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