Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) (15 page)

Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) Online

Authors: Sabrina Sexton

Tags: #Fiction, #Lesbian, #BDSM, #Erotica

BOOK: Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)
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He rubbed the sunblock into any area with exposed skin and handed the bottle back to Krista.

Thank you,” she said leaning towards the picnic basket. “So what did you bring us to eat? I’m starving.”

Tyler and Krista ate their sandwiches, enjoying each other’s company and the gorgeous day. The football players had come closer and Krista was suddenly inspired.

Why don’t we ask those guys over there to play football with us?” she asked.

They look like they’re already playing a pretty serious game,” Tyler said, glancing over.

I’m sure I can talk them into it,” Krista said.

Why not?” Tyler said. “If you can talk them into it, of course.”

So if I can,” Krista asked, “want to put a wager on who will win?”

I didn’t know you liked to gamble,” Tyler said.

I don’t,” Krista responded. “But me whipping your ass in football isn’t really a gamble. It’s pretty much guaranteed.”

You think, do you?” Tyler asked with one eyebrow raised. “And if I win?”

Anything you want,” Krista said.

Anything?” Tyler repeated.

Yes, anything,” Krista replied. “Whoever wins gets to pick what they want – one freebie request to be determined later, no take backs.”

You’re on,” Tyler said already trying to decide what he wanted when he won. “Any rules?”

Nope. Anything goes,” she said. “You know I can actually see the wheels turning in your mind. It won’t matter because I’m going to win.”

Not likely,” Tyler said. “I used to play in high school and I’m very competitive. So don’t think I’m going to take it easy on you because you’re a girl.”

I’d be offended if you did,” Krista said as she finished her sandwich. “I’m going to talk to them and see if they’ll play with us.”

Krista had been watching the guys play since they got here, planning something of this nature and had a pretty good idea of who she wanted for her team if they agreed to play. She was hoping to get them to stop playing before Tyler had a chance to work out the same thing. She grabbed the football and jogged over to them, putting a little extra shake in her run so her hair would swing.

Hey,” she yelled in a friendly voice. “Excuse me.”

The six guys stopped what they were doing as Krista jogged up to them.

Hey guys,” she said as she stopped. “I’m sorry to interrupt your game, but I was wondering if you could help me out with something.”

Krista spun the ball around in the palm of her hand. She wasn’t sure why, but having a football in her hand always changed her. It was the only time that she didn’t feel awkward or shy. She loved the feeling of confidence that it inspired and figured she would need it to get these guys to help her.

Depends on what it is,” one of them said.

Here’s the thing,” she said. “My boyfriend and I made a bet on a football game, me against him. And we need people to play with us.”

She spun the ball again. It wasn’t a major trick, but she figured the guys would be more likely to be willing to play with a girl if they thought she had at least been exposed to a football.

I’d really appreciate it,” she said hopefully.

Do you know anything about football?” another one said. “Do you know any routes? Can you catch?”

I know enough,” Krista said. “I used to play for a coed team back in Philly so I’m not completely green.”

All right,” he said. “I’m in. If for no other reason than because you’re cute and I might get to tackle you.”

Krista looked him up and down. “You’d have to catch me first,” she said with a wink.

Ooooh,” the blond guy said. “She got you Eric.” He looked back at Krista. “All right, we’ll play.”

You speak for everyone?” Krista asked.

Trust me,” he said walking towards her. “They are all thinking the same thing as Eric. He’s just the only one ballsy enough to say it.” He held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Steve.”

Krista reached out and shook his hand like she did when meeting new people at work, firm with a solid shake. This was one of the guys she was hoping to get on her team and he’d never take direction from her if he thought she had a girly handshake.

Krista,” she said. “And that’s Tyler over there under the tree.”

Nice to meet you Krista,” Steve said, introducing the other guys.

I was watching you play earlier,” she said, pointing to two of guys. “Xavier & David, right? You two were both playing quarterback. What other positions do you play?”

I can run pretty well,” Xavier said.

I can run or receive,” David said.

Awesome,” Krista said. She wanted to get the guys talking and build some rapport with them.

Sam,” Krista said. “To be so much shorter than the rest of these guys, you have some serious moves. I saw you juking these guys left and right out there.”

Sam grinned. “Well, they all outweigh me by at least thirty or forty pounds so I’m a bit quicker. Makes me a good running back.”

You’re taller than me,” Krista said with a laugh. “Course that’s not saying much. But I’d take you on my team.”

That’s big of you,” Sam said, laughing at his own joke. “Get it? Big?”

That was horrible,” Krista said laughing. “You know that right?”

So what position do you play?” Ben asked.

I usually play quarterback,” Krista answered. “But I’m pretty fast and have good hands so I can always take a receiver slot if necessary or running back to change it up.”

Really?” Xavier said. “You don’t have the build for a quarterback. I mean I could fit my hand around your whole bicep.”

I’ll be honest with you guys. I can’t lob the ball sixty yards down the field or anything. But within 35 yards, I’m deadly accurate. Plus, I understand the timing to run routes. So I’ll put the ball where you can catch it, guaranteed.

You talk the talk,” Eric said. “I guess we’ll find out if you walk the walk.”

Krista laughed, responding easily, “Keep your eyes on my ass and find out. It’ll give my guys an advantage on the field.”

Damn Eric,” Ben said. “She got you again.”

Eric just laughed. “I’ve always liked a girl with a quick tongue.”

Everyone laughed, but Krista came right back at him.

Too bad,” she said. “My tongue only goes for long, deep strokes.”

Give it up, dude,” Steve said, clapping Eric on the shoulder. “She’s running circles around you.”

Besides,” Xavier said. “Her boyfriend is on his way over and he’s got like thirty pounds on you. I think he could take you.”

I was just having some fun,” Eric said. “You know, getting to know her. And she said she played ball on a co-ed team so she’s got to be used to it. That team I played for always gave the girls a hard time.”

I’m cool,” Krista said. “It’s not like I didn’t know going in that I had to be good with something other than my mouth. The rest of me can back it up.”

Krista winked at Eric knowing he would appreciate the word play.

One more thing guys,” Krista said. “My boyfriend doesn’t know I used to play and I’m hoping to impress him. Can we keep that between us – at least until he catches on anyway?

All the guys said they would.

You got to know, though,” Ben said. “A pretty girl like you, talking about sports is dead to rights sexy. But if you can play the game as well as you talk it, impressed may not be what he comes out being. No guy likes to get beat by a girl. Especially not one he’s boning.”

Krista opened her mouth to respond when she heard footsteps coming up behind her.

Hey guys,” Tyler said as he jogged up to the group. “I’m Tyler.”

The six guys greeted Tyler good naturedly as he draped his arms around Krista’s shoulders, effectively claiming her. Everyone introduced themselves and talked for a minute, getting to know each other and talking about the positions they play.

She told me anything goes,” Tyler said, getting back to the point. “She hasn’t been up here bribing you guys to lose on purpose has she?”

Like I would,” Krista said, ducking out from under his arms and hitting him on the shoulder. “All women fight dirty, as a general rule. But I don’t need to cheat to beat you. I have an advantage.”

Oh really,” Tyler said. “What’s that?”

You’ll see,” she said. “Unless you need more time to let your food digest?”

Krista batted her eyelashes at him and knew how he would respond.

I don’t think so,” Tyler said. “You’ve already had enough time to charm these guys out of their pants. I don’t think you need any more.”

No one is pantsless,” Krista said. “Although there might be some merit to the idea.” Krista pretended to think about it for a second. “Naw, it’d be too distracting. I might forget the object of the game.”

Ha. Ha.,” Tyler said, pretending not to be amused. “So we’re picking teams now right? I’ll be a gentleman and let the lady pick first…”

Why thank you,” Krista said as she and Tyler divided the guys up into teams. Steve, Sam and Xavier were on her team. Ben, David and Eric with Tyler.

So what’s the play area that you guys have been using since there’s no field here?”

Ben outlined the area and explained the modified ruling system they used since there obviously weren’t enough people to play standard football. He made sure both Krista and Tyler understood and called it game time.

So are we flipping for first ball,” Krista asked.

Naw…,” Tyler said. “We’ll keep with tradition and let you go first.”

Uh-uh,” she responded. “I didn’t mind taking first pick because one of us had to. But I don’t want you saying later that you gave me the game. We flip. Anyone got a quarter.”

I do,” David said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a quarter and handed it to Steve.

I picked first so you call it,” Krista said to Tyler.

Steve flipped the coin into the air.

Heads,” Tyler said.

The coin landed in his palm and he slammed it on the back of his hand.

Tails,” he said looking down and showing the coin to both teams. “Our ball. Side bets anyone?”

No way you guys are gonna beat us,” Eric said. “Twenty on us for the win.”

Done,” Steve said, thinking to himself that it would be an easy twenty. He had a feeling Krista could back up everything she said.

Krista walked over to where Tyler was standing, reached up on her tip toes and pulled his head down for a kiss. She put everything into the kiss, using her teeth and her tongue expertly.

For luck,” she said innocently as she pulled away and went to stand with her team. “You’re gonna need it,” she called back over her shoulder.

Tyler watched her jog away.

Snap out of it man,” Eric said, snapping his fingers in front of Tyler’s face. “You know she did it on purpose and I don’t want to have to give up twenty bucks to Steve.”

I know,” Tyler said grinning over at Eric. “But she’s a hell of a kisser.”

We can tell,” David said nodding towards the bulge that had risen in Tyler’s shorts. “Do something with that before the game starts, man or I’m not hiking the ball to you.”

I got it,” Tyler said, adjusting himself as the two teams moved towards opposite ends of the field.




Krista called her team over and gave them all a big hug now that the game was over. They had won. When the score hit twenty one to nothing, Ben, the reasonable one apparently had called it.

You guys were great!” she exclaimed, ecstatic that they had won.

Not just us,” Xavier said, admittedly impressed. “You play better than most of the guys I know. Shit you play better than me.”

You know Eric is pissed,” Steve said, giving her a high five. “He figured you were all talk, or he wouldn’t have thrown in twenty against you.”

Not my fault,” Krista said. “I warned him.”

True,” Steve said. “But no guy believes a random girl can actually play ball. Even if they have some skills, you tackle them once or twice and they’re usually done.”

You did,” Krista said stating the obvious. “From the first play on, you didn’t question me or my play calling once and you put up your own twenty before the game even started.”

Yeah, well, I don’t know,” Steve said. “I just had a feeling.”

Whatever,” Sam said. “We kicked their asses.”

Yeah we did,” Krista said, brushing imaginary dirt of her shoulders. “We should go to a bar and celebrate. A round on me for everyone.”

Steve looked over at the other team. “I don’t know if one round will be enough. Even your boyfriend doesn’t look completely thrilled to have had his ass handed to him and Eric looks downright dangerous.”

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