CFNM Revenge Tales (3 page)

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“I’m sure he is,” replied
Amy giving him the once over, impressed with what Daniel had been hiding all
these years.

“I’ll only be a
moment,” said Mrs Lumley holding the door open. ”Carry on with your drawings

Amy took a mental
snapshot of Dan’s hard penis, wishing her art classes had been this much fun,
before smiling and following Mrs Lumley out. Within moments of Mrs Lumley exit,
Haley decided it was time to have some fun.

“I do like your big
Dan,” she said, casually tilting
her head, as she looked it over.

Dan remained silent,
unwilling to grant her a response. This was all he needed.

“Especially when its
,” said Haley continuing her
teasing. “You don’t seem to have any trouble getting it
, do you Dan?”

He shook his head and
glared at her. Haley was warming to this.

“Maybe you should put
on a show for us like last week, we girls would like that wouldn’t we?”

“I certainly would,” smiled

The other girls
remained quiet, enjoying the tete a tete between Haley and Dan, understanding
that this was her chance to exact some revenge for the photos he’d taken of

“Piss off Haley,” said
Dan, finally losing patience.

“Moi?” said Haley
looking the picture of innocence. “Aren’t you enjoying this Dan?”

Dan felt his temper

“Judging by your big
boner it certainly looks like you are,” said Haley, causing yet more laughter
amongst the girls.

“You know Haley, you
can be a right little bitch,” said Dan trying to control his frustration.

Dan watched Haley get
up, and turned his head away from her as if in disgust, seems like she can’t
take a bit of her own medicine he thought to himself. A few seconds later
however, he felt what could best be described as cold splodges landing on him.

“What the?” He looked
down to see droplets of blue paint over his belly, a few on his still raging

Then up to see Haley
sat back in her chair, grinning with a paintbrush in one hand, the bristles
being held back with the other.

“Who’s the little
bitch now,” she said smiling.

Dan snapped, jumped
up, his anger boiling over, his penis bouncing as he waded over to Haley and
grabbed her by the arm, picking up the small pot of blue paint as he did so.

“Lets see how you like
it,” he said about to tip the pot over Haley.

“Daniel what on earth
do you think your doing!” It was Miss Burnett.

She’d come to check up
on the class, had heard raised voices from the corridor and now this. She was
far from impressed. Dan froze, as Miss Burnett strode over, grabbed him by the
arm, and marched him to the sink, his erect penis waggling all the way, much to
the amusement of the girls.

“If you’re going to
behave like a little boy then you’ll be treated like one,” she said wiping away
the paint from his chest with a wet cloth, as the tail of it rubbed against his
sensitive penis.

"You really need
to grow up Daniel,” said Miss Burnett, continuing her chastisement of him.

Dan looked up to see a
grin on Haley’s face. She wasn’t the only one, the girl’s had all stopped
drawing, watching instead the arrogant jock get cleaned up by Miss Burnett.

“What’s happened
here?” asked Mrs Lumley returning to the classroom.

“It seems Daniel here
has a problem following orders,” said Miss Burnett, vigorously scrubbing around
his groin where a few drops of paint had dried, her arm unavoidably rubbing
against his sensitive glands.

“Maybe you should let
Daniel take care of that,” suggested Mrs Lumley seeing the glazed look in
Daniels eyes.

All that teasing he’d
endured meant his young body was primed. Dan felt a sudden pulsing and
throbbing in his penis, ‘Oh no this can’t be happening.’ Miss Burnett sensed it
too and immediately stopped with the cloth. It was too late, despite his
desperate attempts to control himself, an all too familiar sensation rose
within him. His penis convulsed and a thick stream of pearly white cum exploded
from him, as if demonstrating to the girls what a particularly forceful
volcanic eruption looks like. After the initial shock, laughter and giggles
filled the room as Dan’s penis continued to pulse in spasms as his balls
emptied themselves.

Jane and Mrs Lumley,
regaining some composure as Dan’s involuntary performance came to an end,
quickly ushered him into the adjoining office where he’d previously undressed.
There, he quickly closed the door to block out the raucous laughter and chatter
of the girls next door, and took some deep breaths, trying to recover his
senses. What had just happened?

When Dan sheepishly
emerged from the room five minutes later, clothed this time, nearly all the
girls had gone. Only Haley stood saying her goodbyes to Mrs Lumley, before
leaving she flashed Dan one last triumphant smile. It was the final straw as
far as he was concerned, but before he had opportunity to storm out the room
Miss Burnett stopped him. She wanted one final chat.

Mrs Lumley thanked Dan
for his contribution to the class, told him not to be too embarrassed by what
had happened. ‘Yeah right,’ thought Dan as he was left alone with Miss Burnett.

“Daniel, I realise
that must have been incredibly embarrassing for you and I can only apologies
for my unintended actions."

Dan remained silent
looking down, still mortified.

“I know its difficult
for you to understand right now, but excessive pride can sometimes be a
hindrance in life, and that if you’re to be a success in any aspect of your
life, not just on the sporting field, you’re going to have to accept a certain
degree of authority.”

Dan nodded and,
encouraged, Miss Burnett went on to tell him a few more home truths. As his
anger waned, Dan opened up a little, even muttering one or two apologies of his
own for his behaviour at the college. Finally someone was getting through to
him. He left on good terms with Miss Burnett and despite it being the most
excruciatingly, embarrassing experience of his young life, he’d look back on
the past fortnight, in later, wiser years, with a certain fondness. He’d shake
his head and chuckle at the memory of Miss Burnett and that minx, Haley, and
indeed the young buck he once was.

That night, however,
he was anything but wistful. At dinner he was quiet and morose. When his phone
buzzed he expected it to be a teammate updating him on how the game had gone.
He almost spat out his food when he saw his nude, hard, self, staring back at
him. It was the picture from the gymnasium, tagged with the message:

‘Think this belongs to
u stiffy. Oh by the way nice show Big Boy!!! lol Haley xxx.’

Dan quickly put his
phone away, muttered some excuse for not finishing dinner and retreated to his
room, slamming the door behind him. There he collapsed on the bed, put his face
in his pillow and exhaled deeply.

Unsurprisingly that
night Dan was unable to sleep. As he tossed and turned the day’s events were
still running through his mind. Thoughts of his unfortunate accident, images of
it, and the girls who’d seen it, replayed like a film in slow motion, time after
time. That smug self-satisfied look Haley had given him wouldn’t shift. When
Dan looked down he saw his sheets had ballooned tent like, his penis resuming
its earlier, uncontrollable stiffness. He lay back in bed, held his hands to
his face and shook his head. It was going to be a long night, in more ways than

of a Kind

Mike chalked the tip of the pool cue, “you got this,” his
buddy Chris was telling him. He looked across at the two Austrian girls they
were playing. Both of them were bubbly, blonde, young and sexy. He smiled at
them. All he had to do was pocket the eight ball and the game was theirs. He
bent down, coolly drew back the cue, and wham, down it went.

“Good game ladies,” he
said, smugly picking up the cash from the table.

“Nice shot, you play very
good,” replied busty Annika, in her cheerful native accent.

“Here.” Mike handed
her the cash. “We really couldn’t take your money.”

“And a gentleman
also,” said long limbed Joanna, her friend.

“Yep, that's us.”

Mike looked across at
Chris with a knowing smile. The two men had been shamelessly and, not so
gentlemanly, ogling their opponent’s assets throughout much of the game. There
was a time when they’d have taken advantage of a situation like this. Instead
they said their goodbyes to the girls and returned to their seats, glimpsing
their reflections briefly in the mirror behind the bar as they did so.

They were both tall
good looking guys in their mid thirties. Never had much trouble attracting the
opposite sex that was for sure. Mike had a rugged, handsome face, short dark,
curly hair. Chris on the other hand, had more angular pointy features. His fair
hair was tousled and a smattering of stubble covered his strong jaw line.

It was evening, the third
day of their holiday. They’d nipped out for some beers, while girlfriends
Jennifer and Louise rested after a long day of skiing. The quartet had rented a
cabin at the swish, alpine ski resort. They were the work hard, play hard
types, who liked being active and in the outdoors. Although the women weren’t
averse to a little pampering, something they’d experienced little on this

In fact Jennifer and
Louise were becoming more than a little miffed with the way the holiday was
going. Their men always dashing off on the slopes, initiating snowball fights,
leaving the place a mess and generally acting like teenagers. It really was
like snow turned men into little boys again.

As the men drank up,
unbeknownst to them, their girlfriends back at the cabin were hatching a plan
to change a few things. Blissfully unaware, the men toasted to the holidays
success and after several more beers, readied themselves to leave.

“Another beer guys,”
asked Maria, the cute brunette who’d been waiting on them all night.

She was wearing tight
jeans with a cut off vest top, the sort of outfit to entice guys to the bar on
cold nights like this. Mike and Chris certainly weren’t complaining.

“No, that’s okay
honey, we better be making a move,” said Chris, his gaze lingering on her
cleavage longer than he probably realised.

She smiled and took
away the empty bottles in front of them. Both the guys watched her as she
turned and walked away.

“Mmm, that girls got
one fine ass,” said Mike, slightly tipsy from the several beers they’d drunk.

“Come on big guy, lets
get you back to the cabin, we’ve both got some pretty fine ass waiting for us.”

When the men got back,
Jennifer and Louise were relaxing comfortably on the sofa, wine glasses in
hand, a roaring fire before them. They’d known each other since their
university days, in short become the closest of friends.

Chris gave Louise a
peck on the cheek and sat down beside her. She was an elfin beauty, with straw
blonde hair, was delicate and elegant in appearance. Mike took off his jacket
and sat down on the single armchair sofa.

“Where’s my kiss,”
teased Jennifer, an English rose type, with full, but soft features.

Mike got up and kissed
her on the cheek, giving her a little tickle as he did so.

“Hey that’s for
later,” said Jen, slapping his hand away.

Mike sat back down
grinning. He’d remind her of that.

“I hope you boys
didn’t get up to any trouble while you were gone,” Louise said, looking at them
somewhat accusingly, knowing full well what the two of them could be like in
each others company.

“Who? Two fine
upstanding citizens such as ourselves, of course not,” replied Chris.

“Hey, enough of the
sarcasm mister,” said Louise, pinching his arm.

Chris feigned an
expression of pain. Louise turned to Jen.

“See how mature he

Jen just shook her
head and laughed. Mike, seeing where this was going, quickly decided to speak
up and move on from the subject of maturity, before he was brought into the

“So what we got
planned for the rest of the night? How about we hit the hot tub or…” he said
grinning. “You girls could just put on your cosies, give us a little show right

The two women rolled
their eyes.

“Actually, we thought
we’d play a game of cards, girls versus boys,” said Jen.

“I thought you hated
cards,” replied Mike, somewhat incredulously.

“As it happens Louise
here has rekindled my interest. So what do you say boys or don’t you think
you’re up to the challenge?”

“Well wonders never
cease, get over here Chris and get your poker face on, it looks like we’re
going to have to lay down the law to these ladies.”

The couples moved away
from the roaring fire and over to the dining room table, the men on one side
the women on the other. They substituted chips with round chocolates wrapped in
green foil. It didn’t take long before the men had accumulated all of them.

“Tastes good,” said
Chris biting into a chocolate, taunting Louise.

The women leant back
and looked at the smug faces of their partners. Now was the time to implement
the plan they’d decided beforehand. Little did the guys realise it, but
secretly Louise was something of a whiz at the game. Jen was about to suggest
they spice things up, when Mike inadvertently did it for her.

“How about we raise
the stakes a little,” he said, confidently eying the two women with a mischievous

“What do you have in
mind?” asked Louise.

“Swap the chips for
clothes, make this contest a bit more meaningful.”

“Nice idea, strip
poker, I like it,” said Chris patting Mike on the back.

“Wouldn’t that be a
bit unfair seeing as you have so much more of an advantage, I mean having
played this so much more,” said Jen, seeing what she could eke out of the male
hubris before her.

“What’s the matter
Jen, don’t think you’re up to the challenge,” said Mike, intentionally
repeating her earlier words back at her.

She put on her best
look of reluctant apprehension.

“I’ll tell you what,
we’ll give you girls a head start.” Chris took off his jumper, revealing a
tight navy t-shirt.

The ladies demurely
looked at Mike, who copying Chris took off his top. He had a crisp white
t-shirt underneath.

“Okay,” said Jen
noticeably perking up and dealing out the cards. “Lets get this game started.”

The game immediately
spun around in the women’s favour, with the guys quickly on the back foot and
discarding clothes at a rate of knots.

“Are you sure you’ve
not played this much?” asked Mike, peeling off his t-shirt exposing his strong
upper body.

The women shook their
heads. They were the ones now doing the smirking.

“Yeah right.” Chris
sensed a stitch up.

He’d fared no better
than Mike, and now only had two pieces of clothing left on, his red boxers and
the jeans that covered them. Both the guys had good bodies, they worked manual
jobs, all that labour had kept them in shape. The women had no complaints as
they surveyed the chiselled features of the two men.

“What’s the matter
boys having cold feet,” said Jen, enjoying seeing the cockiness of the guys ebb
away in front of her.

“They must be cold,
with no socks on,” teased Louise, more than pleased with how the game was developing.

“Alright, alright its
not over yet, don’t get too confidant,” warned Mike, trying in vain to offer
some resistance.

Not prepared to go
down with out a fight, the guys rallied and won the next two hands. Louise took
off her ugg boots to compensate.

“Ahh, that’s more
comfortable,” she said, still snug in a warm sweater, tight black leggings.

It was hardly the
striptease the guys had been imagining as they’d got the game under way. Their
girlfriends were both still fully clothed, no sign of naked flesh as yet,
except from themselves that was. It wasn’t about to get any better.

The more clothes the
guys lost, the easier Louise was finding it to read their hand, a twitch of a
muscle, a bead of sweat, it was all she needed. Despite their best efforts at concealment,
the arrogant fronts they’d put on weren’t enough. With their masks having well
and truly slipped, the men lost the next two games in quick succession.

“Things are beginning
to get interesting,” said Jen, watching Mike taking off his jeans, leaving him
in just his blue and white checked boxer shorts.

He sat back down
silently next to Chris, who was also now in just his boxers. Gone was the blokeish,
jovial, banter of before.

“Shall we continue?”
asked Louise.

“Maybe we should just
call it a night, I mean you don’t really want us to, you know, strip
completely?” said Chris, trying to back away from the seemingly inevitable.

“We certainly do,”
said Louise, not letting the guys off that easy.

She was enjoying this
way too much for that.

“I’ll tell you what
guys, we’ll give you a possible reprieve,” Jen said, seemingly taking pity. “If
you win the next hand, we’ll take everything off and give you boys the show
you’ve been pining for.”

“And if you win,”
asked Mike warily.

“Hmm,” said Jen,
tapping her fingers on the table. “If we win…now lets see, if we win. I’ve got
it, if we win you boys become our personal manservant’s tomorrow, doing
whatever we tell you. Oh and you’ll start tonight by losing the boxers.”

“Come on, that’s
hardly a fair deal,” said Chris, objecting, feeling somewhat ruffled by the
last half hour or so.

Mike was looking at
Jen weighing things up, he was a betting man and this was a fifty, fifty shot,
good odds in his eyes. There was no way he was turning it down.

“Deal,” agreed Mike,
his earlier insouciance returning.

Jen smiled.

“And you Chris?” asked

He looked at Mike and
then the two women whose calm, composed, exteriors, gave him pause for thought.

“Count me in,” he
said, however, buoyed by Mike’s confidence and of course not willing to puss
out in front of the ladies.

Louise shuffled the
deck of cards and was about to deal when Chris intervened.

“Hold on, lets make
sure this is a fair game,” he said, taking them from her and giving them
another shuffle, not fully trusting them after the about turned around in their
fortunes. They watched him amused.

“All ready then?”
asked Jen.

“We’re good,” said
Chris satisfied, passing her the pack of cards.

“No please, you do the
honours,” she responded coolly.

Chris dealt out the
cards and placed the remaining pack at the centre of the table.

Both couples eagerly
looked at their hand. Jen ran a hand through her hair and looked at Louise, who
in turn glanced at the two men. Chris rubbed a bicep, Mike’s pecs twitched.
Louise watched them with an impervious smile. As the cards were revealed the
men had a seven, eight, nine and ten, all clubs. They just needed a six or jack
of the same suit to complete a straight flush, the women had three queens, and
were chasing four of a kind. Everything hung on the last card.

The two couples eyed
each other over the table. Chris certainly wouldn’t object to seeing Jen’s
fulsome breasts hidden under that sweater. Mike turned over the last fateful
card, when the guys saw it their hands went to their faces. It was the fourth
queen the women had been seeking. Luck or skill, they’d completely outplayed
their partners, the ladies hi fived each other in celebration, bursting into a
triumphant laugh.

“How very apt,” said
Jen, lining up the four queens. “Seeing as we ladies have come out on top, so
to speak.”

Mike and Chris looked
down at the four faces staring back at them, and then up at their smiling

“Time to lose the
boxers guys,” said Jen.

The two men gulped as
reality dawned and, what had up until this point been a light hearted game of
fun, suddenly took on a more serious hue. They each looked their separate ways
as if searching for a way out, but knew they were cornered. Chris was
regretting not pussing out when he’d had the chance.

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