CFNM Revenge Tales (2 page)

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Dan didn’t respond,
instead was doing his best to avoid looking at smug Haley who was unashamedly
staring at his big penis, enjoying his discomfort and the fact he’d been firmly
put in his place.

“As you might surmise
by the nets, I’ve asked you boys to be here in order to help the girls out with
their badminton practice,” said Jane, walking through the tunnel of students.
“I know this is going to feel
and be very
for you.”

She peeked down at
Leon who was on the smaller side and wasn’t laughing this time. Instead the
boys were doing their best to avoid seeing the gleeful faces of the lovely
young women, who in contrast were soaking up the naked flesh of their male

Dan was staring into
the space behind Haley, doing his best to ignore her, but couldn’t help but
notice the nipples of her small, pert breasts were erect, and poking through
her thin top. Her short skimpy skirt certainly wasn’t helping either. He felt a
stirring in his loins and his heart rate quickened. The gym suddenly felt a
whole lot hotter, a whole lot smaller. Trying his utmost to control himself,
images of bugs, football players and family members, frantically ran through
his mind. It was to no avail, his penis was beginning to lengthen, noticeably
jerking upwards, undoubtedly stiffening.

Haley, of course, quickly
spotted what was happening and felt a surge of excitement. She was still
revelling in having Dan naked before her, never mind such a whopper of a penis,
and now this, this was just too good.

She was only too happy
to speed up the process by running a tongue over her delicate lips and toying
with a finger near her mouth. She looked angelic, the picture of innocence, but
she knew the effect it was having.

Dan’s penis soon stood
involuntarily at full mast, his body betraying his will. The more he had willed
it to stay down, the harder it had got. He looked down at his stiff cock for
confirmation. Mortified, his cheeks had blushed a bright crimson, he looked at
Haley who looked him in the eye and then slowly let her gaze drift down to his
now stiff penis. She was grinning from ear to ear, delighted at his arousal.
Dan closed his eyes wanting the ground to swallow him up. Jane had reached the
end of the row of bodies and was continuing her speech.

“I think this session
will be of great benefit to both male and female students alike,” she said
turning, making her way back through the tunnel of students.

Immediately she
spotted Dan and his erection. How unfortunate for him she thought fleetingly,
this’ll teach him. She stopped when she reached him and casually glanced down,
raising an eyebrow.

“Daniel, it looks like
you’re a little
, make sure you
loosen up before we begin.”

Her comment enticed a
round of laughter from the girls and drew any eyes that had somehow failed to
notice it. The girls all studied his nude figure, enjoying every moment. Dan
had never felt as humiliated as he did this second, never felt such a feeling
of inferiority to the opposite sex. For the first time in his young life they
well and truly had the advantage.

“Okay, enough time
wasting,” said Jane. “I want you to partner up with the person in front of you.
You’ll be playing mixed doubles, moving around the courts on my whistle.” She
blew into it signalling for them to get moving.

Dan strode past Haley
muttering curse words, heading to the far court, his big penis waggling from
side to side as he walked. Haley took another look at his firm ass as he walked
away. This was going to be fun she said slyly to Michelle.


When Haley joined Dan on the court, she handed him a racket.
She noticed his penis had deflated a little and now projected outwards rather
than upwards. Dan grabbed the racket, resentful at the sudden shift in power
between them. She could tell he was clearly trying to control his anger and
decided to wait a while before putting the boot in, resume her teasing of him.

On the other side of
the net was a buxom brunette named, Katie, and tall Leon, and his little
pecker. The girls initiated the game sending the shuttlecock back and forth a
few times, keen to get the boys moving and see their willies move with them.
They soon got them into the game and, despite being buck naked, it wasn’t long
before the boys’ competitive instincts came out as they tried to outdo one another.

For them the game
offered a slight distraction from the humiliating situation, though it was
impossible not to notice each other’s willies slapping and swinging up and
down, and side to side, as they moved around the court.

It was also impossible
for the boys not to notice the girls as they exercised their lithe young
bodies. Their golden smooth skin, bouncing breasts, and slim toned legs were
glorious sights to behold for a young man.

Dan couldn’t help but
look at Haley as she’d bend down or jump up, and be flashed a glimpse of her
tight white panties, her peachy behind. Predictably, and uncontrollably, Dan's
cock began to harden once again, much to the girls delight. Distracted by his
growing arousal Dan hit a few shots into the net. Not letting it pass Haley
turned and commented:

“Its not so hard to
get it up, is it Dan?” Her cheeky grin and glance down left him in no doubt as
to what she was referring to.

Dan looked away and
letting out his frustration, hammered the shuttlecock way over the net and over
the heads of Katie and Leon. When Jane blew her whistle for one pair to change
courts, Dan's penis was pointing to the lights high above. The fact that he was
the only one so visibly aroused, only made his embarrassment all the more

As they moved to the
next court, Haley couldn’t remove her smile as she eyed Dan’s continued
stiffness. She was flattered not to say impressed, maybe she'd forgive him
after all. Dan meanwhile was silent, doing all he could to avoid seeing her
obvious glee. This was not the way he'd imagined the day going when he'd woken
up this morning.

Their second
opponent’s were dark haired Michelle, Haley’s good friend, and a stocky, black
haired boy called Matthew. He’d always been extremely attracted to Michelle,
had been making advances towards her for months. It made his nudity all the
more galling. The fact that she was now getting to see exactly what he had to
offer was not lost on either.

The two girls cruelly
teased the boys as they played, bending over causing their skirts to ride up,
discussing their techniques and making comments about their ideal man. 'How
he'd have to be tall, have to be handsome and have to have a big knob like
Dan's.' The boys stayed silent throughout the ordeal, united by their

Jane’s whistle went a
third, fourth and fifth time and Haley and Dan moved onto various opponents,
his penis remaining rigid throughout, each of the girls taking it in turn to
study his horny, hard self. Jane wandered around the gym to the pitter-patter
of the boys scampering feet, pleased to see that none of them were proving any

She stopped to look at
Dan, amused to see his cock, rock hard, jiggling back and forth, slapping
against his belly as he played. His face was a permanent shade of pink. Dan
caught sight of her and his eyes flashed her daggers, this was all her fault he
wanted her to know. Distracted by feelings of anger swelling up within him, he
didn’t notice Haley sneaking up from behind, with a quick hand she placed the
shuttlecock over the head of his penis.

“Now I know why they
call it a shuttlecock,” she giggled holding a hand to her mouth and laughing

In a fit of fury and
in a flash, Dan grabbed her arm.

“You little fucking…”

“That’s enough
Daniel,” said Jane, striding over and intervening.

He let go of her and
extracted the shuttlecock still resting like a hat on his delicate member. Jane
was about to scold him when she was ushered over to an incident on another
court. Buxom Katie had fallen over and twisted an ankle. She blew her whistle
and cut the class short, before helping Katie out the gym.

The majority of the
boys rushed to their clothes and out the gym as fast as they could, relieved
the trauma was finally over. The beaming girls followed chattering and laughing
amongst themselves, watching the bare bums of the boys disappear into the
locker rooms.

Dan hadn’t rushed, his
macho pride still intact, he’d sauntered over to his clothes trying to seem
like what had happened hadn’t fazed him in the least. It meant as he was
approaching the doors he was the last boy in the gymnasium.

“Oh Daniel,” came
Haley’s voice from behind him.

He turned to see she
was holding out a sock.

“I think you forgot
something,” she said, dangling it from her hand.

He walked over to her.
Only he, Haley, and her good friend Michelle remained in the gymnasium. Much to
his consternation as he reached out and took it, Haley pulled a phone from
behind her back and snapped a picture of him frowning, nude and still hard.

“What the fuck,” he
said in surprise.

“What goes around
comes around,” Haley said smirking.

“You little shit.”

He attempted to reach
out and grab the phone from her, but Haley tossed it to Michelle.

“If you want the
picture deleted your going to have do something for me,” she said mischievously.

“Oh yeah, what’s

“Hmmm, how can I put
this, lube the tube, massage the meat, salt the salami. I want you to jerk off,
here, right now."

“Fuck off Haley,” he
said turning from her, walking back towards the door.

“Think about it,”
shouted Haley taking the phone from Michelle. “Every girl in college will soon
see you bare and uncensored. I’m about to press send,

Dan stopped in his
tracks. That was over two hundred girls and who knew where the pictures would
end up, how much humiliation they’d cause him. He walked back towards the two
smirking girls, knowing Haley wouldn’t hesitate after the pictures he’d shared
of her.

“You’ll delete it if I
do this?”

“Huh uh,” Haley nodded.

Dan dropped his
clothes, looked Haley dead in the eye and ran a hand over his penis, which had
drooped somewhat. Haley took her hand off the send button.

“There’s a good boy,”
she said as if talking to her pet dog.

"It looks like he
likes taking orders," grinned Michelle.

Given that Dan had
been rebelling more or less his entire life the comment came with a huge dollop
of irony. It was not lost on Dan. He shook his head, but his pace increased as
he gave into his desire.

It had taken only a
few strokes for Dan to return to his earlier stiffness. Haley and Michelle were
clearly in their element. Michelle couldn’t believe what Haley had got him to
do, or more precisely show them. Dan looked over the pair of them. The sexy
little bitches, he thought.

Despite his
frustration, however, he was becoming incredibly aroused and as he ran his hand
up and down his shaft, drops of pre cum appeared from the tip of his penis. Its
head was soon shiny and wet, turning a deeper shade of pink. The two girls were
also feeling the temperature rise, seeing a male acting out his most intimate
moment was a first for both of them.

They stood hands on
hips, watching transfixed. Dan ran his eyes over their legs and breasts, his
breathing becoming heavier. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t hold on any
longer. But, just as Dan’s performance was reaching a climax, to his extreme
horror, the side door of the gym suddenly opened, Miss Burnett entered.

Dan stopped stroking,
frozen in shock. It was all too late. His big cock convulsed helplessly and a
thick stream of cum, steadily gushed out, splattering on the hard gym floor.
The girls in complete and utter hysterics ran past him and out of the
gymnasium. Jane looked him up and then down in disbelief, as he tried to hide
his still throbbing manhood.

“Daniel get your
clothes on and clean up your mess. I’ll see you in my office. This is not
acceptable, not in the slightest,” she said bluntly, disbelieving of what she
had just witnessed.

As she strode out the
gym, she was not amused, but her lips curled upwards, well maybe a little. Dan
was left standing with his head spinning, feeling mortified, humiliated and
drained, wondering how on earth he was going to get away with this.

Big Man on Campus
Part 2
Pencils at the Ready

Dan made his way to the colleges art department. After his
humiliating incident in the gymnasium a week ago, he’d been firmly rebuked by
Miss Burnett. If he wanted to graduate he was going to have to straighten
himself out, she’d told him. Flaunting himself in such an obscene way was far
from acceptable.

That was rich he’d
thought, she’d been the one who’d made them get naked in the first place, he’d
have been quite happy to have kept his clothes on.

"And what about
Haley," he'd implored.

"Haley's a good
girl and I'll not hear a bad word said about her," Miss Burnett had told
him in no uncertain terms.

She'd also told him
that that if he was to successfully receive his sport’s scholarship, he’d have
to answer for his actions and face further disciplinary action. As it happened
she had just the job for him, seeing as he liked displaying himself so fondly.

As he entered the
classroom, he saw all the tables had been set aside and stools laid out in
front of a slightly raised white, rectangular, platform. Before it stood Miss
Burnett in her sports gear and the college’s art teacher, Mrs Lumley. She was a
woman in her late fifties with white hair, and wore a cream cashmere jumper,
long white sarong like skirt, and wedges on her feet.

The two women had been
discussing Dan that very moment. Jane explaining that it was about time he grew

“Speak of the devil,”
she said seeing him.

Dan’s sour expression
told her he’d learnt nothing from her repeated rebukes. This experience should
take him down a peg or two, she fully expected.

“I’ve been telling Mrs
Lumley here that you’ll be on your best behaviour. Isn’t that right Daniel?”

“Yes,” he groaned.

“I won’t be far away,
so make sure you are. You can use Mrs Lumley’s office next door to undress,
there’s a robe on the door,” she said gesturing towards the open door, a white
dressing gown was visible on the back of it.

Dan slunk through it
and shut the door. The two teachers began talking again. Mrs Lumley had been
pleased with what she’d seen so far of Daniel, not the attitude of course, but
the fine physical specimen he was, tonight’s class was in for a treat.

“I’ll be in the
gymnasium if there’s a problem, don’t hesitate to contact me,” said Jane
leaving as the first few arrivals to the introductory class entered.

Dan began undressing
in the office next door. He put his t-shirt on a chair and lent his hand on the
back of it. He should be playing a footy game this very moment with his
teammates he thought irritated, instead he had to let them down and do this,
for that bitch Miss Burnett. But there was no way he was not graduating, stay
around hear, no chance.

He heard voices next
door as he took off his jeans and imagined the old timers arriving for their
evening life drawing class, whatever got their rocks off he thought, shaking
his head. Removing the rest of his clothes, he put the white dressing gown on,
feeling a sense of freedom as his penis and scrotum dangled unrestrictedly.
There was a knock on the door.

“Any time your ready
Daniel, everyone’s here,” came Mrs Lumley’s voice.

Dan took a deep
breath, gave his penis a little stretch and sauntered out into the class. Within
seconds the world was crashing down on him. Sitting on the stools were not a
group of old biddies as he’d expected, but ten of his young, attractive, fellow
female students. Their floaty summer dresses, miniskirts and tight tops,
showing off their splendid feminine forms. Their wide grins, sunny smiles, left
him in little doubt that they knew what they were here to see.

A suddenly horrified
Dan spotted several of the girls from badminton practice and, of course,
sitting beaming with a knowing smile, Haley. It was the first time he’d seen
her since last week’s little incident. She was dressed in a thin white vest
top, short denim skirt and sneakers. Her best friend dark haired Michelle sat next
to her in a super short red dress. They both knew what they were here for, and
the response they wanted to elicit.

Dan gulped as he
stepped onto the platform. A golden silk cloth, had been laid out, on top of it
were three plump velvet red cushions. For a brief second he considered turning
around, putting his clothes on, and getting the hell out of there, but
remembered Miss Burnett’s words and what it would mean for his future if he did
so. For him it was the sports scholarship or a lifetime waiting tables.

“I’ll take that,” said
Mrs Lumley looking at his white gown as he stood under the spotlight.

Dan put his hands on
the cord and hesitated as he looked out at the expectant, smiling faces of the
girls. They had their drawing pads and pencils at the ready. The room had
fallen silent in readiness, only the tick, tick, of the clock could be heard.
His heart beat with it, his hands felt clammy, his cheeks as if they were
burning up. He unfastened the gown, let it fall from his shoulders, revealing
his muscular physique, his big dangling penis, his plump balls.

A few giggles came
from the girls. Mrs Lumley nodded approvingly as she took the gown from him.

“We’ll start with a
simple standing pose, if you could place your hands behind you and turn
slightly to the side,” Mrs Lumley directed him.

He did as he was told
in a daze, unable to look any of the girls in the eye, but nonetheless feeling
their gaze on him, running their eyes over his naked, exposed flesh. Feeling
intense embarrassment at the uneven distribution of power as he saw it.

“Good,” said Mrs
Lumley placing the gown on a nearby table, her eyes still on him.

Dan’s eyes were fixed on
the back of the classroom. He could hear the scribbling of the girls as they
started on their drawings. Mrs Lumley stood to one side giving them room to
express themselves. She was enjoying this as much as they were, it wasn’t often
she had such a fine young specimen for a model, especially someone so healthily
endowed as this.

As Dan tried his best
to forget his surroundings, his gaze was eclipsed by the back of Haley’s head.
She had stood up and was scrounging around for a pencil sharpener in the bottom
of her bag. Instinctively Dan’s eyes drifted over her, he quickly realised it
was a bad move.

She’d bent over
causing her short denim skirt to ride up, the pink-laced panties she wore were
all too evident, the thin crease between her ass cheeks and upper thighs all
too tantalisingly close. She was rubbing the front of one foot over the back of
her leg. Dan felt his penis twitch awakening from its slumber, his eyes shot
back to the far wall.

“Found it,” said Haley
quietly, but within earshot of Dan.

“I always like a
pointy pencil,” she said sitting down with a cheeky grin, looking to see
whether her little show had, had, the desired effect.

She noted pleasingly
that the glands of Dan’s penis had become a little fuller. The whole episode in
the gym last week had been one of the funniest moments in her entire life, she
was keen to see it repeated.

As Haley teased him,
Dan was doing all he could to regain his composure, running through his
favourite footy players, their teams, positions and birthdates. The litany of
stats gradually brought him under control, but the battle of wills between him
and Haley had only just begun.


“Very good,” said Mrs Lumley wandering amongst the girls,
looking over their drawings.

Ten minutes had passed
since they’d started, Dan’s eyes hadn’t moved from his spot by the wall. Mrs
Lumley stopped at Michelle.

“I’m having trouble
with his abs, they don’t seem to look right,” said Michelle, as the two of them
directed their gaze at Dan.

“Yes they are very
defined, a little more shading I think should bring them out.”

Mrs Lumley moved on to
Haley and looked down at her drawing, it was a good attempt she thought,
although she had rather emphasised his male quality. Mrs Lumley smiled amused.

“I’m not sure I’ve got
the proportions quite correct,” said Haley immediately catching Dan’s
attention. “I’m finding this quite hard, it’s a little bigger than I intended.”

Dan blinked, doing his
utmost not to give her what she wanted. The two women looked up from the
drawing and at Dan’s meaty member.

“No, I think you’ve
captured his likeness well, it certainly demonstrates what a fine specimen he

Dan felt like a rat in
a laboratory.

“Okay Daniel, I think
it’s time for another pose. If you’ll lie down for me, prop your head on the
cushions,” said Mrs Lumley, moving towards him.

Dan followed her
direction, lying on his back, his hands under his head, his knees facing the ceiling.
For a second he thought his penis would remain hidden, and he’d have a chance
to stare at the ceiling and try and forget he was the nude subject for his
fellow female students. Such hopes were dashed when Mrs Lumley tapped his knee,
indicating for him to open them and twist his body round, baring all to his
audience. Her final act was to gently turn his head.

Once more he faced the
girls, only this time directly in front of him, were several pairs of slender,
bronzed legs. Haley was casually flicking one foot of her crossed legs up and
down, as if knowing the power they wielded. The repetitive movement became a
source of torture for Dan as he tried to control himself. The battle between
body and mind soon started going only one way as he began losing the fight, and
his hormones started getting the better of him.

Haley immediately
noticed as his penis twitched a few times. Dan looked up to see her grinning at
him. He felt himself perspiring, a gleam of sweat covered his brow. His penis
twitched a third time and gradually began inching up his thigh. Mrs Lumley was
looking down at a drawing, giving a girl advice, not aware of the movement
occurring. Dan’s penis was now semi erect resting on his thigh, pointing almost
accusingly straight at Haley, crying out, saying look that’s the culprit.

Haley decided to take
things up a notch, she wanted him rock hard, to see his arousal at its maximum.
Uncrossing her legs, she slowly parted her thighs a little, revealing her tight
pink panties, the soft lips of her vagina outlined in the thin material. Dan’s
eyes widened and quickly looked to the floor. His penis, however, was
uncontrollably stiffening, the fact that Haley wanted this and was toying with
him, only serving to intensify his arousal.

Much to Dan’s embarrassment
his penis was soon resting on his belly, rock hard and straining upwards, the
bulbous head, shiny, reflecting the light overhead. He looked ready for sex,
was cocked and loaded. Haley smiled delighted, revelling at the sight of her
former boyfriend, learning once again what it was like to be so undesirably on

A wolf whistle came
from one of the girls clearly enjoying the show laid on for her. Mrs Lumley
looked up and couldn’t help, but smile when she saw Daniel and his clearly
excited penis.

“Its perfectly natural
girls. Please carry on with your drawings,” she said, maintaining an order of

“Mrs Lumley, I may
need some bigger paper,” said Haley, causing a ripple of laughter around the

Dan felt a curious mix
of irritation, anger and desire. He gave Haley a hacked off look, leaving her
in no doubt as to how he felt about her having fun at his expense. She just
smiled a saintly smile back at him, and then ran her tongue over her top lip
and let her gaze drift down to his big boner, leaving them in no doubt who’d
won this battle of wills.

For the next ten
minutes Dan held the pose, every second feeling like a minute, every minute
like an hour. His cheeks were pink, his cock rigid, he was feeling the heat
under the glare of the lights, the gaze of the girls. He was not the only one
whose temperature had risen. Several of the girls were having hot flushes as
they drew the naked stud. An undercurrent of suppressed sexual energy filled
the room. Their lascivious looks were broken as there was a gentle knock at the
door. Blonde haired Amy, one of the college’s secretaries poked her head around

“Mrs Lumley there’s a
phone call for you,” she said, before coming in for a better look, having
noticed the nude male model.

She couldn’t believe it
when she saw it was Daniel, a friend of her younger brother. The normally surly
confident boy she new was naked and hard, posing like a centrefold from
playgirl. Dan wondered how this experience could be anymore humiliating. He’d
always had a thing for Amy, but whenever he was around her, projected an air of
casual tolerance, never wanting to give anything away. He’d been on family
holidays with her, once during an exuberant water fight attempted to rip her
bikini top off her. Yet, now here he was, showing her everything.

“Hello Daniel,” she
said, her face lit up in a bright smile.

“Hey” he replied
through gritted teeth, unable to look at her.

“Daniel here’s being a
very good model for us,” said Mrs Lumley moving to the door.

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