CFNM Revenge Tales (9 page)

BOOK: CFNM Revenge Tales
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She took several snaps
of the hard, helpless politician. From every conceivable angle it felt to the stricken
Mr Jenkins.

“Very nice,” she said
laughing, as she looked them over.

“Satisfied?” he asked
tetchily. “Just get me off this thing.”

“I don’t think so. I
believe you’ve got an appointment with a certain Miss Steel.”

He bit his lip,
preventing himself from letting out a series of expletives that he might later
regret. Carla returned his blind-fold, and felt a burst of satisfaction as she
looked at the practically neutered politician.

“I’ll be contacting
you soon,” she said, stroking the underside of his chin, whispering in his ear:
“You’ll very much be my puppet for the foreseeable future.”

She cupped his balls
firmly in the palm of her hand, as one final token of her newly acquired power.

“Remember I own you,”
she said, squeezing, just enough to make him gasp.

Those were her final
words. She left him as she’d found him, tied up and unsighted, the only
difference being his shredded pants, his still hard prick. On her way out in
the narrow corridor, she pulled out a thick wad of cash and handed it to Miss

“Don’t hold back now,
treat him as mean as you can. I want the full works.”

“With pleasure,”
replied the young domme with a devilish grin.

The two ladies went
their separate ways with a bounce in both their steps, it had been a productive
day. As for Mr Jenkins, well, lets just say it would be more than a few weeks
before he’d be able to sit down in any comfort. Of course by then he was well and
truly under the command of a rising star in the political game, a certain woman
by the name of Ms Carla La Verne.

Part One
A New Product

Adam sat at the centre
of the large rectangular table, located on the third floor of the tall, shiny, modern
office block, in which he worked. He looked around the room. It was generally
used for meetings and the odd brainstorming workshop. Was modest, with
minimalist décor and windowless except for one wall to his right, which was
covered from floor to ceiling in glass panels. He ran a hand through his dark
hair as he peered at his reflection in the black façade.

At six foot three,
square-jawed, muscular, twenty-eight year old Adam wasn’t short on confidence.
He gave himself a little wink and smile liking what he saw, not at all
surprised by the lack of activity. It was a Saturday afternoon, like most of the
building it was empty, the staff would be off enjoying the warm weather

It was Laura, his work
colleague who had urged him to come in. Said there was a new product in the
offing, a major deal that could be tied up if they moved quickly. Sounded good
by him, meant he just had to give the go ahead. Would allow him to wrap things
up in half an hour or so, and take any plaudits that came his way.

Silly Laura, always
doing the hard work, like all women she was so easy to exploit, he thought
contentedly. This was going to be a breeze. He leant back, rested his feet on
table and relaxed to the gentle hum of the air conditioning.

Life was sweet, he’d
been at the company less than two years, yet leapfrogged many of his female
colleagues who’d put in far more effort, worked far more hours. He regarded
them as dumb and dim-witted, rather nice eye candy to have around. Just as he
fell into a light torpor he heard the clicking of heels.

There was a knock at
the door and Laura entered dressed smartly in office attire, navy skirt, silk
blouse, and sheer black tights. She was in her early thirties, with wavy
chestnut brown hair, a pretty but slightly upturned nose. Adam thought it
suited her haughty manner. To him, she was the sort of girl who must have
always got straight A’s, never done anything risqué or dangerous in her entire
life. If only he knew.

Laura looked at Adam,
even the way he sat looked cocky. She considered him obnoxious and arrogant.
Yes he was handsome, but he was also rude and disrespectful. Worst of all was
his deceitful habit of taking credit for projects she’d worked hard on, his
contribution being close to zero. It was time for her to reassert some control,
teach Adam, here, who was in charge.

Following Laura was
Susanna, whom Adam had never met. She was a medical professional with muddy
blond hair tied back in a ponytail, wore glasses and a tight pink shirt, above
a short grey skirt. The two women were not just slender and attractive they
were also intelligent. They knew how to get men to do what they wanted, as Adam
was about to find out.

They sat down either
side of him. Their aroma was soft and warm with a hint of summer fruits. Adam
glanced left, then right, noticing their short skirts, their crossed legs.
Finding something incredibly sexy about the contours created.

“So what’s the new
product you brought me in here for?” he asked sounding impatient.

“A new gel, which
improves a males stamina, boosts their virility,” replied Laura

She’d decided short
brisk answers were the way to go. It wouldn’t allow him to consider things too
deeply, not let him back out.

“Oh yeah, how, in what

“I’d hope you’d asked

Laura nodded to
Susanna, who took a clear jar from her bag and placed it on the table. The gel
inside was almost transparent.

“When rubbed directly
on the penis this gel can increase blood flow by twenty percent, increase
sensitivity, prolong male orgasm and prevent premature ejaculation. The tests
we have undertaken so far have been encouraging to say the least,” Susanna

“Blimey,” Adam said
smirking. “If it’s that successful then why do you need me? Sign us up, we’ll
take the stuff.”

Laura leaned over
towards him. He had a quick peek down her blouse as she did so, his mind filing
away an image of a white satin bra, covering perky, exquisite, breasts.

“Its not that simple,
we need someone from the company to act as a test subject, approve the gel, the
claims it makes. You know how things work.”

“Fine, give me a batch
of the stuff. I’ll try it over the weekend, feedback on Monday.”

Laura shook her head.

“You’re not
understanding Adam, we need to test the substance today, and it is essential
the test is invigilated by the two of us.”

She could see she was
finally getting through to him. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her.

“You want me to test
it here, with both you present, you’ve got to be kidding.”

This was asking a lot.
Yes it was important he had a say on any new products, but he didn’t expect to
act as a guinea pig testing them out. He looked at Laura sceptically.

“You’re serious?”

“Deadly,” she said,
putting the ball back in his court. “I would do it, but of course I’m not….”

“Not a man,” he said
cutting her off, still disbelieving of what they where asking of him. “And I
suppose you couldn’t find someone else other than me?”

Laura shook her head

“We’ve got plenty of
interest in the product. If you don’t make an offer by this afternoon, I think
you may have missed the boat,” Susanna chimed in.

Adam was silent,
weighing things up.

“You know whoever
completes the deal will be rewarded lucratively. The people at the very top are
monitoring this closely,” said Laura, knowing Adam would climb over dead bodies
if it meant a chance to progress his career, inflate his already enormous ego.

“And we’re all fully
grown adults here. You’ve got nothing we’ve not seen before,” said Susanna
encouragingly tapping the jar with her pink fingernails.

Adam nodded slowly,
unaware, contemplatively. Laura knew they had him.

“Alright let’s get
this over,” he suddenly said, decisively.

After considering
things, he’d wondered how bad it could be. Like they said he had nothing they’d
not seen before and the whole thing was strictly professional. In fact he was
rather proud of his body, maybe it would be good for his reputation, he knew
how women gossiped. Okay he’d give the ladies some entertainment, get them a
little excited, show Laura what she’s missing out on, then button things up,
not let things go too far. The stuff most likely wouldn’t even work.

“Good, if you’d sign
this please,” said Susanna thrusting a piece of paper at Adam. “Just medical

Once he’d signed the
paper, he stood up, the two women either side of him looked up expectantly.
Adam unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his trousers and very slowly unzipped them.
They fell around his ankles, revealing strong thighs, toned calves and a
distinct bulge in his dark blue briefs. Laura did her best to maintain a
straight face, act professional. She really hadn’t expected it to be this easy.

“You might want to remove
your shirt, just in case any gel were to get on it.” Susanna suggested.

She was slowly
twirling one foot around, drawing his attention to her smooth, sexy legs. He
removed his shirt revealing broad shoulders, a toned, tanned physique. A light
patch of dark hair covered his firm chest. He worked out as much as he could,
considered it important to look the part.

Laura took his shirt
from him, liking what she saw. She placed the shirt on the chair behind him, as
Adam moved down to his briefs. With his hands on the waistband he hesitated.

“You’re certain I
can’t do this in private?” he asked, understandably having second thoughts.

“Yes,’ said Laura
staring up at him, a slight smirk on one side of her mouth. “We need to see
, that’s
if you want the cachet of sealing the deal?”

Adam nodded and,
feeling unable to turn back, pulled down his briefs. He felt dizzy, like all
the air had gone out the room. The proximity of the women to his penis seemed
surreal. They both took in the sizeable proportions of his large circumcised
cock. Laura looked at his big smooth balls hanging heavily like ripe fruit. Her
smirk widened to a smile.

Susanna began putting
on some latex gloves and smearing the gel on two fingers. All the guys that had
tested it so far were average at best. Adam was not only handsome, but had a
big knob to boot. When Laura had suggested they try the gel on one of her
colleagues who needed to learn a few lessons, she hadn’t expected it to be such
a hunk of a man. This was going to be fun.

“Hold on a second,”
said Laura taking a ruler from her purse, laying it flat against Adam’s penis.

“What’s that for?”

“We need to find out
your length before the gel takes effect silly.”

Laura raised her
eyebrows and nodded impressed as she scribbled a big five on her notepad.
Susanna, gloves on, delicately took hold of Adam’s penis in the palm of her
left hand, and with the other began gently rubbing the gel into his delicate

“Oooh can I have a
go,” purred Laura, unable to resist.

Susanna nodded.

“Yeah, go ahead why
don’t you,” said Adam, ironically, having not been consulted.

Laura took a big wad
of the stuff and with enjoyment slowly massaged it into his penis, the two of
them covering it from the base to the tip, being sure not to miss a spot.

“Does that feel good?”
asked Laura grinning mischievously.

“A bit tingly,” he
replied, attempting to sound casual.

Adam’s healthy piece
of meat told a different story. It had slunk off his balls and was enlarging
rapidly. The two women finished rubbing in the gel, took off the gloves and sat
back to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Within seconds Adam’s penis was as
hard as a rock, pointing to the ceiling as if standing at attention for the two
smartly clothed ladies. Laura knew he was an asshole, but admired his big

Never in his life had
Adam felt his cock go from flaccid to hard at such a rate of knots. Never had
he felt so exposed. Laura and Susanna looked at each other with a knowing
smile. Their prey had just become entwined in their trap.

“The gel works quickly
as you can see,” said Susanna chuckling at the sight of Adam’s straining cock.

Laura took the ruler
re-measuring his now fully erect penis.

‘Seven and a half!’
she announced, somewhat elated at the proven potency of the gel.

Adam didn’t know what
to make of things. His head was spinning. Part of him wanted to pull up his
trousers, get out of there, but an even greater urge was to stroke his engorged
phallus. The latter irresistibly won out. At first he just held it, but slowly,
gradually, the desire was too much and with long steady strokes he began stroking
up and down his thick shaft.

He was almost
unconscious of what he was doing the sensation was so strong, so pleasurable.
The two women just sat back enjoying seeing a man immersed in his most private
act, jacking his meat so shamelessly before them. He’d worked himself into a
rhythm, jerking for a good ten minutes before Laura decided to interrupt him.
She clicked her fingers, snapping him out of his fug like trance.

“Having a good time?”
she asked smiling.

Adam’s cheeks turned
crimson as he became aware of his surroundings once more, and his complete and
utter lack of control.

“That’s enough of that
for now,” she said pulling his hands away.

He fought to keep them
off his throbbing manhood, and clasped one arm with the other behind his back,
not wanting to humiliate himself further. The pecs on his chest were tense, his
cock pulsing as Laura ran a single finger along the top of his shaft and then
back along its underside, circling the sweet spot under the frenulum, all the
while licking her lips.

“Very nice,” she said
looking at the juicy tip.

“As you can observe
the gel is far more potent than Viagra and his arousal will only continue to
increase until release,” said Susana peeking over the top of her glasses.

Adam could barely hear
what she was saying, the sensation in his penis obscuring any coherent thought.
The two women, clothed, comfortable and relaxed, were enjoying his distress,
his intense mix of extreme desire and discomfort.

“In the tests we have
conducted so far it has prolonged the period before orgasm, with the average
male ejaculating after thirty minutes,” said Susanna looking down at her watch.

“The full state of
arousal should occur in the next ten minutes, although every cock is different
of course.”

She grabbed hold of
his shaft, inspecting it forensically like something under her microscope. As
she did so there was a knock at the door.

“Perfect timing,” said
Laura, smiling that sunny smile of hers, tossing her hair back. “A few friends
of yours I believe.”

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