Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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Chapter 25

In Laois, Lord Faolan and Lady Paili were having an argument of their own. The council had gathered in the great hall and was making plans on when to attack.

Lady Paili taped her nails on the large black marble table. “We should attack them during the battle from the outside to chip off their numbers.”

“I do not wish to waste good men. We need to prepare for the invasion not send our men on little excursions. They left on enough of those with the plans to frame Blaine.” Lord Faolan said.

Paili’s smoldering eyes met General Daigh’s. She already had her plan in motion and by the Gods she wasn’t going to stop it. She handpicked the four men herself. Since Faolan returned not many remained loyal to her and would go against his wishes. Surprisingly enough General Daigh agreed with her plan. She knew that she still had control over him and used it.

General Daigh looked to Lord Faolan and it was all he took to hide his hatred. His return put a crimp in Daigh’s plan to rule by Lady Paili’s side. Faolan was the true power of Laois now and Daigh knew it would be more of a challenge to keep her. It was good he loved a challenge.

After Lord Faolan had gone missing he saw the kind of power Lady Paili wielded and decided he had to have her. Never in his life did he think she would send him to the altar until Damon failed. For some twisted reason that made him want her even more.

Damon looked over at General Daigh bewildered by him. He wondered why the twisted man still held a place in his sister’s heart. Lord Faolan was pure evil but he at least respected his sister to a certain extent. General Daigh was just plain demented. His thoughts were interrupted by the voices of the council members arguing of what they thought should be done and how to proceed. Even though they all knew that would be Lord Faolan’s ultimate decision.

Lady Paili made her excuses and walked out the door and Damon slid out of his seat and followed her out. She looked at him and let out a sigh as soon as the door to the throne room closed behind them.

“Are you going to prepare?

Damon bowed to her. “Yes sister.”

She brushed her hair behind her shoulder. “Good.”

hapter 26

As Brenna led her to the healers tent Lara felt her stomach knot. She peeked into the forge and saw Christian at a work table and Gobnait was nowhere she could see. Lara hoped she was already at the healer’s tent.

“Here we are, my Lady. The eating quarters are towards the back so we will have to make our way through a couple of the areas where we practice healing.”

Lara took a quick glance around the first area of the tent and noticed that there wasn’t a flap covering the entrance. Just a square cut into it for a door for convenience. A faster way to get the sick and wounded through without having to stop and lift up a flap each time. As Lara walked through she looked up and saw that the door flap rolled up from the ground and was gathered at the top. Gobnait was standing on the inside by the door and greeted them.

“I’m glad you made it.” Lara said and the knot in her stomach loosened up a bit.

“I will go ahead and announce you are coming.” Brenna said and hurried ahead of them.

Gobnait looked at Lara. “I was just coming to find you. All of the girly gossip in there was about to drive me insane.”

Lara put her hand up to her head with a dramatic expression on her face and let out a sigh. Gobnait burst out laughing.

“Be warned Doireann is going to bombard you with more questions about your realm. I think she’s obsessed. You look great by the way.”

Lara grinned at her. “I’ll mention it to my seamstress. She’s brilliant.”

Gobnait playfully hit her on the arm. “Thank you.”

“Ouch, Oh no now I can’t fight.” Lara playfully said as they both laughed.

Gobnait led Lara through a large room with many unoccupied cots into a small hallway and through a flap. The next room had tables stacked with aprons, water basins, and marble hand turned mortar and pestle sets. Lara recognized them from some of the digs she had been on. The bowl and stick were used to grind medicine and herbs. There were also small shelving units with doors where Lara supposed that held the medicine. Before she was led through the next small hallway and into the eating area she stopped Gobnait.

“Let me compose myself. I don’t know why I’m seriously nervous.” Lara said.

“Meeting a bunch of women you don’t really know can be nerve wrecking. Not to mention Bevin is a bit catty until you get to know her. She doesn’t like anyone to intrude in her little group.”

“I’m an intruder.” Lara said.

“So am I and I have known Bevin for years. We don’t see eye to eye on many things. This should be interesting.” Gobnait said giving her a sly grin and lifted up a flap that led to the small hallway and lifted up another flap and were in the
dining room.

A round table was set up beautifully with food on polished silver platters. Bevin, Fand, Doireann, Brenna and another Lara didn’t know were already sitting at the table. All had changed their clothes to simple fitted silken dresses. She looked at Bevin who was talking to Doireann and walked next to Gobnait to the table.

Lara said under her breath. “We must be the only ones who don’t wear a dress to the battle field.”

Gobnait snorted and took a seat and Lara sat beside her.

Bevin took her time looking away from Doireann making a point she was in control and finally looked in Lara’s direction. She swept her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

“Lara, I believe you know everyone here except for Kaylee.”

Kaylee waved at Lara. “Very nice to meet you Lady Battle Raven.”

“Very nice to meet you too Kaylee. Please call me Lara.”

She forced a smile at Bevin and put the pouch she was holding onto a delicate blue rose rimmed china plate.

“I have brought the hot chocolate. Where would you like me to set it up? Do you have any hot water?” Lara asked

Kaylee walked over to her. “I will take care of that. You should not have to serve anyone.”

“We are all equals here. If you show me where the hot water is, I could use some help with the glasses.” Lara said.

Kaylee showed her where the water was and set out some very ornate goblets onto a serving tray.

“Thank you my Lady. I am eager to learn.” Kaylee said.

“I’ve never have had hot chocolate using such extravagant goblets.” Lara said amused and set out the packets and showed Kaylee “There is raspberry and regular, enough for two cups each I believe.”

“Can you show me how to make it?” Kaylee asked.

“Sure.” Lara said as she started to tear top off of one of the packets and stopped.

Lara turned and looked at the group of women around the table and decided to ask the hostess. “Bevin, since you were so kind to set this up you can decide which we have first.”

“You are very sweet Lara.” she looked around at the others “We will start with the regular to go with the meal and the raspberry to go with desert.”

“That’s a very wise decision my Lady. The plain chocolate first.” Brenna said.

Lara’s eyebrows rose. Apparently we aren’t all equals here. She motioned to Kaylee.” It really is not that difficult.”

Kaylee intently watched as Lara evenly distributed the hot chocolate in the goblets and poured in the hot water. Lara picked up a spoon that was set on the tray next to the goblets. She examined the filigreed and jewel encrusted ends and shook her head. They stuck a spoon in each goblet and swirled the drinks around and
Kaylee picked up the serving tray. “Please Lara sit. I can serve
the drinks.”

Lara nodded to her. “If you insist.”

Kaylee sat a goblet in front of Bevin. “The water is still hot, my lady. Would you like us to pass around the food? That would give them a little time to cool.”

“Yes. Thank you.” Bevin said as she twirled the spoon in her goblet.

“Ugh, I burnt my tongue.” Doireann said as she set her goblet back down on the table and rubbed her tongue with her fingers.

“You should have known better” Kaylee said shaking a finger playfully at her.

Doireann stuck out her burnt tongue. “Just a little impatient I suppose.”

When the women were finished passing around the food Bevin studied Lara and decided to get what she believed out in the open.

“I see how you look at my Aodhan. Do you fancy him?”

“Way to make a guest feel welcome Bevin.” Gobnait said and if eyes could shoot daggers Gobnait would have been riddled with them.

Bevin was not pleased how things were progressing at her little lunch gathering. “It is a reasonable question.”

“Who wouldn’t fancy him? He’s a Lord after all. Lord Aodhan Mahon MacCionaoith” Fand said.

“Aodhan, a Lord?” Lara asked shaken by the thought. She only considered him as an outdoorsy type and couldn’t even picture him in a
Lord of the Manor

“He is not a Lord. Not until, heaven forbid, his father passes away.” Doireann said.

Lara decided to break the obvious tension between Gobnait and Bevin. Gobnait looked like she could jump over the table to pound Bevin, although . . . nope can’t think that. Lara looked at Bevin and nudged Gobnait who gave her a

“Are we through with the cattiness ladies?” Lara asked and looked at Gobnait who stuck her tongue out at Lara. “Very ladylike”

“I believe I asked you a question.” Bevin said not hiding her annoyance.

Lara felt the urge to stand up and walk out but resisted. “To answer your question Aodhan and I have been through a lot the past few days. He was a complete stranger when he shoved his way into my home and completely disrupted my life. Of course I care for him.”

Bevin tried to calm her insides as she looked into Lara’s piercing green eyes. It was as if her eyes were seeing right through her. Lara looked away from her and took a drink from her goblet.

“It seems a bit more than that.” Bevin said as she swirled her spoon in the hot chocolate. She took a drink and looked at Lara over the rim of her cup.

“Even if it is. You two getting married kind of puts a damper on any feelings I would have for him. I would
be the
woman in any relationship. I
share.” Lara gave her a piecing stare.

Bevin set her spoon down a little too hard and it made a sharp ring against her plate. She said with frost in her voice. “If I marry him.”

Doireann interrupted. “Ladies, please. There are more fish in the sea and either one of you would have many to pick from.”

Gobnait felt her head get muddled and gave Lara’s wrist a squeeze to calm her down. “Why are you here Bevin? Just like you noticed Lara and Aodhan. The whole camp knows about Dillon and you. It is not a secret he followed you here.”

Bevin closed her eyes and put her head in her hands. She looked as if all of the weight in the world was resting on her head. Lara tried to see both sides and actually felt sorry for her.

“If it’s something you don’t want to talk about. You don’t have to.” Lara said.

Bevin looked up at Lara her eyes were swimming with tears. “It is something you should know. I love Dillon and cannot imagine marrying anyone else. Dillon is a good fit for me. Aodhan is like a brother to me that is all.”

Doireann put her hand on Bevin’s arm to comfort her. Bevin looked at her hands that were folded on the table.

“What Gobnait said is true. Dillon followed me here. The reason I left is because I saw something that Liam did not want to believe. For the longest time I too had believed that the Danann were causing all of the trouble. All of the evidence pointed to it. That was until my father was killed.” Bevin said as her features softened more than Lara had ever seen.

“You don’t believe that it was Blaine’s General either?” Gobnait asked.

“Not only do not I believe. I saw the true assassin dart away after running my father through with a sword. I am thinking that father caught the assassin in the act but he never woke to speak of it.” she made a dismissive gesture with her hand. “Who am I but a mere distraught woman who was seeing things? That’s what Liam told me.”

“You decided to come here.” Lara said

“I could not talk any sense in Liam. We got into a huge fight and I ran off. Dillon caught up to me and came with. He loves me and believed me.”

“Did no one else believe you?” asked Lara

“General Kayne was ever faithful to Tormey and now is to his son.”

“Enough sadness for today. Lara, tell me a little bit more about your realm. Any similarities to this one?” Doireann asked.

Lara was grateful for the change in subject “In my realm there is a town very similar to Tralee. The town is called Dublin. There is more unspoiled beauty in this realm but the men sure act the same though. It must not just be a
thing.” Lara said and heard them all murmured in agreement at that point.

Lara looked to Fand. “Fand you have been awfully quiet.”

“She may seem quiet but you have to watch what you say. She absorbs and she remembers.” Brenna said as she playfully leaned against Fand and sat back up and reached for her cup.

“Since we are being blunt. Fand, how do you feel about Devlyn?” Lara

Brenna’s drink sprayed out of her mouth as she tried not to laugh and swallow at the same time. As Fand giggled she picked up her napkin and wiped her arm off.

“Devlyn? He is the handsome muscular blonde with dimples. He does seem to be a mite clumsy.” She put her napkin daintily down. “It makes me wonder how is it that he is known as a great warrior.”

Lara almost choked on her drink herself. “You really don’t know do you?”

“She’s oblivious.” Doireann answered with a mouth full of food.

Fand had a flustered look on her face. “Oblivious to what?”

“Oblivious to the fact that he’s head over heels for you. The only time I’ve seen him clumsy like that is when you are around. He loses all sense and I had to jab him today to tell him to breathe.” Lara said.

“He’s not like that training on the battle field at all. You should see him” Kaylee sighed “He’s so brutally beautiful.”

“Just don’t let him see you during the battle or else he will be stumbling over the enemy.” Lara said making them all giggle.

Fand looked at her thoughtfully. “Devlyn. Who would have thought?”

“Apparently all of us.” Doireann said.

Lara turned to Gobnait. “Seriously, you are so lucky you have Christian and not worry about finding the right person.”

“Couldn’t ask for anyone better. Personally, I’m glad he decided to come over to the Danann side. It took some convincing though since he was Liam’s chief armorer.”

Bevin decided to take control of the conversation again. This was her lunch party after all and shifted back into her hardened attitude that she had when Lara had first met her.

“Lara, are you going to attend supper at the Bonfire tonight? I am sure it will be unlike anything you have seen. There will be music, dance and food. General Ruark and Lord Blaine thought it would boost the morale of the soldiers.”

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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