Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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“You need to stop your pursuit if the idea of Aodhan and Bevin. At this point there really is no reason to make them get married. Bevin and Aodhan are putting on a show for you out of respect. Do you wish your son happiness?” Eion said.

“Of course I do. This is for the good of…” Orla interrupted him by putting her fingers over his lips and gave him a stern look.

“Stop right there. Aodhan and Bevin being married are not going to solve anything. I know you love her as a daughter as do I. Aodhan only loves her as a sister.”

Eion took another drink of the ale making his tongue even looser. “There is someone else that is in love with Bevin and another in love with Aodhan.”

It finally dawned on Blaine. “Dillon. By the one God! I should have seen it.”

Orla patted his cheek. “It is nothing to worry about my love. You are preparing for a battle. Not looking into affairs of the heart. If you wish for our
Aodhan to marry Milesian blood look no further than there.” She motioned over to Lara.

“The Lady Battle Raven?”

“Yes, my love. She won his heart the day they met.” Orla said.

Blaine thought of what he heard earlier and stood up. He tugged on his tunic and looked around.

“I am blind. I believe that I will deal with this predicament.”

Orla looked up at him in alarm. “What? Now? Should not this be done in private?” she asked and realized she was questioning his authority in front of others and smiled at him. “If you think this is best.”

“I believe it is. The sooner this is remedied, the sooner everyone will be happy. I am going to rectify the situation now.”

Eion looked up at him. “Do you think that you could keep me out of it? I do not want to seem like a nagging woman.”

Orla gave him a glare and took away his ale.

“If looks could kill, my Lady.” Eion said and winked at her.

Blaine let out a hearty laugh, stood up and stepped over the bench. He let out a loud whistle and bellowed. “I have an announcement.”

Everyone around the bonfire gradually drew quiet and turned to look at Blaine. “Due to an oversight by myself that my lovely wife so kindly pointed out.”

There was a stifled laughter in the crowd.

“I would like to remedy a certain state of affairs. Bevin, Dillon could you please come and stand by me?” Blaine said as he walked around to the side of his table.

Bevin and Dillon both stood up from their table with a look of confusion and concern on their faces. Dillon walked up to Bevin holding his arm out for her which she took and he walked her over to Blaine. Blaine grinned at Bevin and looked at his son who was looking at his father with an eyebrow raised wondering what his father was up to.

“I am calling off the engagement of my son, Aodhan MacCionaoith and Bevin Fitzgerald.”

He looked around as all of the soldiers cheered. Did everyone else know of this? He put Bevin’s and Dillon’s hands on each other he looked at them both.

“Please forgive my hardheadedness. Bevin, you are like a daughter to me. I give you and Dillon McKenna both my blessing if you would have it and if you would have him.”

“I will have them both happily!” Bevin said as she threw her arms around Blaine and gave him a huge hug. “Thank you.”

General Ruark made a couple of movements with his hand signaling and the music started up. Dillon picked up Bevin kissing her and carried her out to dance. Blaine sat back down by Orla and she kissed his cheek.

“You did the right thing husband.” She let out a bell of a laugh and Blaine looked at her puzzled. She gestured to where Aodhan and Lara were.

“Look at your son and Lara’s faces.” she said smiling at him.

He looked over at the table and he saw shock, a happy shock, as Lara and Aodhan were sitting staring at each other.

“This gives them something else more to fight and live for.” he said as he turned and leaned over to his wife and kissed her.

“May I have this dance, my Lady?”

She took his hand “I would be honored, my Lord.”

hapter 28

Out on the edge of the Danann camp Liam and Niall were standing hidden in the shadows where they could see the festivities. Liam had decided to sneak back out without General Kayne knowing. Niall had caught him while he was sneaking past the guards and insisted on coming along. To make sure that Liam didn’t do anything foolish like last time.

It was a wonder to both Niall and Kayne that Lara hadn’t yelled for the guards. General Kane about lost it when he heard her son had also showed up and was furious with Liam.

“The soldiers will be nothing but weary by tomorrow. I believe our troops will have the upper hand.” Niall said as he breathed on the spy crystal and wiped it with his shirt to get a clearer view.

Liam glanced at where Lara was sitting. “General Ruark will end it early. He will cut off the ale after they are done eating and the soldiers will have it all danced off before the night is over. The General will also cut the celebration short so they get some sleep.” His eyes scanned the area and settled back on Lara.

Niall brushed some dirt off of his pants “You would know him best. Why are we here? Or did you want to take a peek at the Battle Raven again.” He saw Liam flinch and straighten up and completely ignoring his question.

“I allowed you to come along only because you saw me leave. Look there, at Ruark.” Liam said and Niall watched as General Ruark made a gesture and the servers started to take the Ale and wine away. He made another and the musicians started to play a more lively tune. Liam noticed that Dillon and Bevin were openly together and wondered what had happened earlier for them to do so.

“Let’s get back to camp. I want to see how things are progressing. I would like to also make sure that the cooks have everything prepared for the morning meal before the battle begins.” Liam said and turned from the Danann festivities.

“Isn’t that what Grania? I mean your mother and her ladies are for?” Niall said and cringed at the look Liam gave him.

“We should go.” Niall said as he looked back at the celebration. He quickly grabbed Liam’s arm.

“No wait. This I have got to see. I think the Battle Raven is going to dance. Do you think it is the same in their realm?”

Liam looked over and saw that Kedryn was practically dragging his mother to where others were dancing. He watched as Kedryn walked over to the musicians and he was gesturing to the man with the drums the beat he wanted. He walked back to his mom who was red around the ears as everyone had stopped dancing and cleared the way to watch them. The band started to play a fast Irish jig with heavy drums.

Lara gave Kedryn an annoyed look. “You just had to go with the military jig didn’t you? How on earth do they know this tune?”

“Let’s just say I got to them earlier. I think it’s time this realm gets a
taste of something from ours.” he said with a sly grin on his face.

“Let’s get this over with and you owe me. I have to do this in a dress.” she said and glanced back to make sure she wasn’t too close to the huge crackling bonfire.

Lara started with a traditional jig and Kedryn joined in. She gathered up her skirt for some of the dance. They started mixing in a military style jig. It was a combination of stomping, crumping and steps from an old Irish jig all in one. An Irish jig of the likes no one in the realm they were in had ever seen before.

The whole crowd was whooping and cheering and when the music stopped Kedryn and Lara hit fists and saluted at each other and walked over to their table. While they headed back to their table people were smacking them on the back. Many asked that they teach them it when the battle was over.

On the outskirts Niall and Liam looked on taken aback. Niall ran his hand through his hair and turned to Liam. “By the God I have to learn that. It would pretty much kick my arse.”

They turned away from the celebration and snuck back to their camp. It was time to prepare for the final battle.

After the music had faded Aodhan smiled at Lara as she walked up to him. She walked up behind him and put her arms around his neck resting her head on his. He reached up and pulled her around him into his lap.

“Where did you learn that? And how did you mange it in a dress?” he asked as he watched her try to knot her hair up and realized she didn’t have anything to pin it up with.

“I have some Irish relatives in the military that made it up for fun. I’ll tell you what. You do it enough, and you would be feeling it in the morning.”

Aodhan lifted her up off of his lap and onto the bench. He stood up and stepped over the bench and bowed to her holding out his hand. “May I have this dance, my Lady?”

Lara noticed the music has turned a little slower. “Absolutely.”

She took his hand and he led her to where the others were dancing. Lara recognized the tune to be an old Irish love song. She heard a man start singing the Rose of Allendale.

“Funny thing.” Lara said amused as Aodhan spun her around.

“What would that be?” he asked as he twirled her away and back to him.

“Besides the shock that you can actually dance, my Lord. This is an Irish love song in our realm. It was claimed by and English man that he wrote it and that the Irish took over as their own love song. Allendale is a village in Northumberland, England. Do you think he’s descended from someone of this realm and doesn’t even know it?” she grinned at him.

“Possibly and of course I can dance. Mother made sure of that. And a village? Here Allendale is a woman who the rose is named after.” Aodhan’s eyebrow rose in amusement as Lara let out a short laugh.

He pun her away and back to him again and side stepped with her to where Dillon and Bevin were dancing. Aodhan nudged Bevin and she looked up and smiled.

“Happy now?” Aodhan asked her

Bevin looked into Dillon’s eyes. “Extremely.”

Aodhan twirled Lara around and she looked him in the eyes.

“Where have you been all my life?” Lara asked as she pushed her hair away from her face.

Aodhan kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. “In another realm.”

As the moon moved over in the sky General Ruark cut short the celebration. They all said good night to each other. Ruark, Scanlon and Blaine were heading to the manor house with their wives and Aodhan and Devlyn were left in charge of the camp.

Lara hugged Kedryn goodnight and watched as he, Lawler and Doyle walk away. She moved close to Aodhan and gave him a hug with her head on his shoulder.

“Stay with me tonight.” she whispered in his ear.

Aodhan kissed her neck. “I cannot and would not say no to you.”

Lara grabbed his hand and he walked Lara to her pavilion. Aodhan picked her up as she lifted the door flap and carried her through. He set her back on her feet in the sitting room.

“I have one request my Lady.” he said seriously and hoping she would take what he said the wrong way.

“Anything you wish.” Lara said as she moved closer to him.

“I will stay with you tonight but I do have one condition.”

She gave him a look. “Condition?”

“I would like us to wait.” he said and looked at the confusion on her face.

“You are truly a confusing man. None like I’ve ever met before. Are you sure you can stay without anything happening? You do want me?”

“I do. I would like there to be no war lurking around to push this quicker than it should be. Also, I would like to be married first.”

Lara looked at him stunned. Aodhan saw the bewildered look on her face. When he caught on to what she was thinking and almost laughed.

“By the Gods. You think I am a . . . Let me put it this way. You are the world to me and I will be up front with you. I would like our first time together to be special between us. I would like to be married to
first. That will make the night of the wedding special for both of us.” he raised his eyebrow and gave her a sly grin.

Lara reached out to him and gave him a huge hug and kissed him until she thought she might melt all of her insides away. She backed away and looked at him.

“Aodhan Mahon MacCionaoith. What makes you think that I would agree to your proposal of marriage? And promise of a wedding night?” she asked giving him a sly look.

Aodhan got down on one knee grabbed her hands and looked up at her. She looked down at him her cheeks reddening. She couldn’t believe what he was doing.

“Lara Eve O’Broin. If we survive this madness will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Lara looked down at him overwhelmed and she felt something she had denied herself since Wash died. Love. Lara bent down and kissed him and put her hand underneath his chin and brought him back to his feet.

“When we both come out of this alive you will have your answer. In the meantime, we will go by your rules. Just wait out here while I change.” she playfully patted his cheek.

Lara stepped into her sleeping area and dug though her new clothes and found a loose emerald green sleep dress that Gobnait had given her. She quickly changed and stepped back into her sitting area. Aodhan grabbed her hand and pulled her through the center flap and over to her fur covered pallet.

“Time to get some rest.” he said as he watched her sit down on the fur covered pallet and lounge back.

Aodhan stood and looked at her wondering if he should leave. The thought that something could happen to either of them during the battle kept him there. He wanted to spend as much time with her that he could before the battle.

“What are you going to wear?” Lara reached over to the lamp lowering the flame. Aodhan kicked off his boots and pulled his jerkin and undershirt off at the same time. He walked over to her and lay down on his back beside her.

Lara rolled over, kissed him and pulled a fur on top of them. “Good night my heart.”

“Good night a chroí.” Aodhan said and he pulled her close and she cuddled up on his chest and closed her eyes.

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