Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series)
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“Tell me a little bit more about yourself. I really don’t know too much. What was it like growing up in this realm? I bet you were a little hellion.” she mischievously grinned at him.

Aodhan quit poking at the fire and dropped the stick he was using into the fire pit. He sat back and watched her work.

“Not as bad as some. Father was strict and I have already mentioned about my education and how Carrick trained me as a tracker.” Aodhan brushed some dirt off of his pants and gave her a cocky grin. “Why so curious?”

“Don’t get a big head.” She put her elbow on her knee, rested her chin
on her hand and intently looked at him. The whole while using her other arm to flip the fish. Multitasking, every mom knows that to do that.

“While I was growing up I had, and still have, three close friends. I suppose only two now. Scanlon, Devlyn and Liam.”

Lara gave him with a questioning look. She thought that there could be tons of Liam’s.

“When Scanlon and I were younger we always pretended that we were trackers and scouts for a great army. Devlyn and Liam were the warriors and usually found me first but Scanlon if he doesn’t want to be found he won’t be.”

“Kind of like hide and seek.” Lara said.

“Your realm has that game too? I suppose our realms are not that different when it comes to children.”

“Did all of your friends end up becoming what they wanted to be?” she asked.

“Devlyn and Liam ended up being the best warriors in their class. Both were so talented that they were allowed to train under General Carrick, General Kayne and General Ruark. Training by any one of them is an honor for any warrior to have. To have all three is unheard of until Devlyn and Liam.”

“Are those Generals still around?”

“Yes.” Aodhan said as he felt a cool breeze and looked up at the clear sky.

“Ruark is the General of the Danann army the one that we are going to meet up with. General Kayne is with the Milesian army and Carrick is somewhat retired. He is in charge of the defense of the city of Tralee.”

“You said Liam? I caught the name before but it didn’t completely click until you mentioned Kane being the General of the
. That has got to be tough on you and why Kane?” she asked and watched as he threw another stick in the fire a little bit too hard. The sparks made Lara jump to the side and bump into him.

“Apologies. It is difficult to be at war with him since we grew up together.”

“Were you close to Liam’s father too?”

“His father and mine were close friends. Kayne was ever faithful to Tormey and stayed at his son’s side after he passed on. I would tell you how it happened and why we are at war with Liam. I would like to wait to tell that story for when we eat tonight. I really do not wish to repeat it.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Lara said and left it at that. She reached over and flipped a couple of fish off the pan onto a plate.

“I hope they return soon, that smells good and I’m getting hungry.” Aodhan’s hand snuck in for a bite and she slapped it away

“Hold on tracker boy. You’ll get your share.”

“I was just testing to see if you were cooking it right. What are the spices in the bottle?” he rubbed his hand where she had smacked it.

“Garlic, herbs, salt and pepper. I used a bit of this and a bit of that. It’s hit and miss until you learn how to use them. That’s why I have one bottle with a

“Where have you been all my life?” he said

She laughed. “In a different realm.”

Chapter 10

In the clearing Eion switched from showing Kedryn some Danann defensive moves to Milesian attacks. He tried not to show how impressed he was by the boy.

“The lessons your mom had you take did you some good. Your Milesian blood sure shows through in your fighting. Once you have both styles down and include your other skills you will most certainly throw any soldier off.”

“Milesian blood?” asked Kedryn.

“You and your mother are part Milesian and part Danann. I believe I mentioned it before.”

“Are you saying that if I fight like a Milesian and a Danann it would throw them off? Why would it do that? I can understand if I mix some Aikido or Muay Thai into it that it might throw someone off.” Kedryn said as he lowered the sword.

“Both sides are proud and strict in their ways and believe that theirs is superior. Who knows it could be a fear of change.”

Kedryn leaned the sword on his shoulder. “Each side only learns one style? That seems a bit bizarre.”

“I personally always thought was ridiculous. I believe we are done with the physical part for the night. Time for the truth meter.”

“It’s about time” Kedryn ran his fingers through his hair.

Eion had a look of contemplation on his face. “I can only help you so much. You will have to do the rest.” he sat down on the damp trampled grass and motioned for Kedryn to do the same.

Kedryn put the sword in its scabbard and sat down cross legged in front of Eion. As he set the sword next to his side, out of habit he reached into his pocket and instead of his flat worry stone he pulled out the object he had picked up when he was scouting with Aodhan. He started turning it between his fingers and stopped when he heard Eion speak.

“I would like you to concentrate on blocking or dissipating the certain energies that you feel. I am going to have you concentrate on myself. With no one else around it will help you concentrate better and learn faster. Once you recognize how to block one person you can start on your mother and Aodhan back at camp. You can move on to larger groups once we arrive in Tralee.”

“How do I know what energies to block?” Kedryn asked looking at Eion skeptically.

“I recall you saying that you could feel good and evil emanating from the person if a truth or lie is told.”

“Yes.” Kedryn said still not quite getting his point.

“When you blocked out the aura’s what was it like?”

“It was like evaporating a colored mist. Until I could see the actual person. How would that be the same?”

“Do you see any colors or mist coming from someone who is telling a truth or a lie?

“Yes and no. It’s like a lie is a dark glossy black and truth is a bright white. I can’t see them I can feel them.” Kedryn said

Eion glanced over at the bushes that rustles. When nothing appeared he turned to Kedryn. “Looks like nothing. What you will have to do is put a mental block on what you feel emanating from truth and lies. Are they similar for everyone?” ”

“Lots of people think that lies have shades of gray. With my power a lie is a lie and truth is truth.” Kedryn quit twirling the object through his fingers and put it back in his pocket willing to start learning.

“I would like you to concentrate on the feeling of the color first and see how that works. Make the feeling of the color fade to a dull gray or muted white. With time and practice you will be able to make it fade out completely. One step at a time. I believe that once you learn how you will block it out unconsciously without thinking about it. Draw on the power at will.”

Eion concentrated on the surrounding area to make sure no one else was close that would interfere in Kedryn’s training and started. He looked Kedryn straight in the eyes.

“I am going to start telling a few lies and see what you can do to block them. Feel and concentrate on what radiates off of me.”

Eion started talking about how he wanted the war to continue on and that he thought Faolan was a great Lord and leader. He said that he did not believe that Lara was a great warrior and he believed that Aodhan was a pampered self-centered little boy. Which at one time was not that far from the truth.

Kedryn almost lost concentration on the Aodhan comment. He stifled a laugh and continued to concentrate on Eion. While he was focusing on evaporating the lies they began to fade from a glossy black to a dull gray energy and to almost nothing. It suddenly snapped back to glossy black making Kedryn jerk back.

“It started to work. Snaps back a lot harder than the auras ever did. This is going to take a lot of work.” Kedryn said.

“I only expected you to get as far as a dull black. It will take time and practice. I believe you will achieve dissipating it. Much the same as the other.” said Eion as he examined Kedryn to make sure he was ok to continue on.

“I will now start telling truths. Concentrate the same way that you did with lies. That seemed to work out well for you.”

Eion started with how he disliked war and that the bloodshed should end. He said that Faolan was an evil man and that Paili was a woman of deceit. He told of how he thought that since Lara was a descendant of Badb that she was the one who could end this foul war.

Kedryn concentrated on the bright white energy he felt. This time it was a bit easier. He almost had it dissipated completely and got too excited about it. He quit concentrating and it snapped right back at him. When it did, Kedryn reached up and grabbed his head and started rubbing his temples.

“Headache?” Eion asked looking at him concerned.

“A dull one. I would get them when I was learning how to evaporate
auras. It finally got to the point that I didn’t get them anymore. It seemed that truth was easier to dissipate. Why is that?”

“It is possible the reason being truth is pure and a lie or deceit is evil. No matter how trivial.”

Kedryn stood up and felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. He sat back down with his head in his hands. Kedryn took in a couple of deep breaths and looked up at Eion.

“Head rush. I got up too quick. If the power of truths training is anything like aura’s. It will get easier.” Kedryn said as he unconsciously reached into his pocket and started twirling an object through his fingers.

“It will. This is something that you will have to practice every day. The more you practice the better you will be. I am thinking you should start with truth since you will be around myself, your mother and Aodhan. I am assuming that there are mostly truths surrounding us?”

“Only truths.” Kedryn said as he flicked what was in his hand in the air and caught it.

“Like everything else. What is that?”

“I grabbed it off the ground when Aodhan and I were scouting. Never thought much about it until now. Kept forgetting it was in my pocket.” Kedryn said as he twirled the golden object through his fingers.

It looked to be an amulet with an engraved falcon made out of what looked to be gold. Kedryn tossed it to Eion who caught the amulet his fingers feeling
dark energy emanating from it. He immediately dropped it onto his cloak using the edge of his sleeve to pick it up. The look on his face was as if Kedryn had just thrown him a snake.

“What’s wrong? What is it?”

Ignoring Kedryn’s question Eion started to weave a spell around the amulet. The stone that was the eye of the falcon started to glow a reddish orange. Kedryn stared at it mesmerized as the glow spread to the outstretched wings to the sharp talons below.

“I have only seen this once in my life. This confirms that Damon was the other that was in your realm. It would make sense that you found it scouting with Aodhan following the Danann tracker and Firbolg.”

“Where have you seen it before?” Kedryn shifted to a more comfortable position on the grass. He could feel the headache turn to a dull throbbing.

“Around Lady Paili’s neck. There was a meeting of the three lands about reviewing the truce and the possibility of forming a counsel. She was just a child when I saw her. It appears there is a charm on the falcon.”

“What type of charm?” Kedryn asked as he got to his knees and brushed some wet grass off of his back side and legs.

“At first I thought it was a detection charm. Faolan puts it on all of the amulets he gives to his high ranking officers. Or to people he would like to keep an eye on. The on this amulet has a very short range. There is another charm on this amulet that allows the holder the ability to control or detect any Pooka. It allows the control of a certain Pooka of the wearers choosing. That may explain
why you thought the cubs eyes were different. The amulet revealed the cub as a Pooka.”

“Why would Damon have it?” Kedryn asked

“Lady Paili loves her brother and would do anything to protect him. Her mother passed it down to her. It is my guess that she gave it to Damon when he left to go on his mission.” Eion examined the pendant and saw that the clasp was broken. He spoke a few words and the clasp was whole again.

“Is it safe for me to wear with my cross?” Kedryn asked as he sat on the heels of his boots and closed his eyes. The dull throbbing had increased to a major headache.

“The pendant is yours. The Pooka that Damon was controlling must be near. It will reveal itself in time. Unless you call for it”

Eion looked at Kedryn rubbing his temples and handed the pendant back to him. Kedryn went to grab his chain out from around his neck and realized it wasn’t there. He looked a bit anxious and put the pendant back into his pocket for safe keeping. Apparently Damon wasn’t the only one losing things.

“Mom is going to kill me. She bought the cross off of a dig. Are we done?”

“For the time being. I swear I can smell that fish from here. It certainly
smells too good to be just fish. I believe we are done here.” Eion said as he stood up brushing grass and dirt off of his cloak. He held out his hand and helped Kedryn up to his feet.

As Kedryn and Eion walked back into the camp, Kedryn couldn’t stop thinking about the Pooka. He wasn’t paying attention and bumped against Eion almost knocking him into the stream. Eion let out an oath as he grabbed Kedryn’s arm.

“Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention and my head is still a bit fuzzy. Are there other magical creatures in this realm?”

“There were. Now there is only one race of creatures of magic left. Even myself and Faolan are not of pure Druid blood.”

“Only the two of you?”

“There was another and he decided against his calling for love. The Pooka are near extinct much like the rest of the magical creatures in this realm. Their lines do remain true through certain blood lines of this realm.”

“Human blood lines. How did that come about?” Kedryn asked as he again took out the amulet and looked it over and put it back into his pocket.

“Before the last of the fairy race died out the fairy queen gave her healing power and the power of truths to the queen of the
. The Pooka were also on the verge of extension and decided that it would give one of its powers as a gift to the Danann line.”

“Guess that’s only fair. Obviously the Pooka survived. What power did the Pooka give and to who?” Kedryn asked.

“It is written that the Danann king was visited by a magnificent black horse with glowing yellow eyes. The Danann kings bloodline was given the gift of prophesies and warnings. Which you know is the power of the Seer. The gifts
are limited and one never knows when that gift will show up down the blood line. There were other magical creatures however most of the power I’ve seen in this realm is passed down through the Druid’s blood line. Or in your case the Morrigan blood line.”

“How did the Pooka survive?” Kedryn asked.

“The Pooka secluded themselves in caves in the Huath mountain range and were able to increase their numbers. Until Faolan discovered them. At one time I heard a rumor from a scout that Faolan had been using them to explore new ways of torture.” Eion shivered at the thought as he stepped through the brush into the clearing of the camp.

Lara looked up to see Kedryn and Eion walking towards her. She caught Aodhan sneaking another piece of fish and laughed as he snatched his hand away just in time. Eion looked at their exchange and looked at Kedryn. Kedryn shrugged and walked over to where his mom was.

“That smells great. You out did yourself. Either that or I’m just hungry for something different than what we have.”

“It looks like you didn’t have to wait too long.” Lara said and grabbed Aodhan’s hand as he playfully tried to sneak a piece again.

Eion snatched up a small piece of fish and smirked at Aodhan. He made a show of popping it in his mouth trying not to show his discomfort as he burnt his tongue. Eion instantly healed his tongue and looked at Lara.

“Time to eat and for campfire stories. I think it is time to add on a bit more to the shortened version that Aodhan gave you.” Eion said.

They gathered around the small fire pit and Kedryn took a seat in the grass by his mom. Eion sat down next to Kedryn and Aodhan next to Lara. As they settled down with fish, dried fruit and water Lara decided that they should keep with tradition. Hers and Kedryn’s tradition at any rate.

“Hang on everyone. Before we eat Kedryn would you like to do the honors?” Lara asked.

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