Cavewomen Don't Get Fat (30 page)

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Eileen, Lina, Lynda, and Nora: thank you for selflessly sharing your most personal stories with me about what life was like after going Paleo. Your kindness and generosity are deeply appreciated.

All the readers, family, and friends who continue to support my books and spread the gorgeous word. Your patronage and viral marketing are a driving force behind my brand.

Lastly, huge piles of love for my team at home, Jeremy and Benjamin. I would never be where I am today without your love and support. And Ben, I will never tire of hearing you tell me I'll be famous one day.

is a registered dietitian, holistic nutritionist, and the author of
Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous, Secrets of Gorgeous;
The Eat, Drink, and Be Gorgeous Project
. She frequently appears as a nutrition and health expert on television and radio, and has been quoted in countless publications ranging from
to the
Los Angeles Times
. She maintains a busy private practice in Connecticut.

for more information.




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