Catch 'n' Kiss (Are You Game?) (5 page)

BOOK: Catch 'n' Kiss (Are You Game?)
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Giving herself a mental slap, she switched off the car and got out. It shouldn’t matter what he thought. She didn’t need his approval of where she lived. Besides, she owned it. Well, she owned three quarters of it, the bank owned the rest. Perhaps the peeling paint and messy yard were the bank’s quarter. Jody glanced down the street then back at her house and tried to forget about the man she’d just driven away from. What mattered was what lay before her. Her house and the girls tucked safely inside its walls.

She didn’t need a man to give her a home. She’d done that herself without the help of the man she’d married. Nothing Dan offered could compare with what she had. But even as she thought the words, she knew she was a liar. The dampness of her undies and hum of pleasure still vibrating in her blood proved that.

Chapter Four

Dan glanced over at a silent Jody. The woman had barely spoken two words to him all morning at the office, and that was a feat in itself considering they’d had to pack equipment for this weekend’s job. They’d loaded the van in silence, climbed in and driven for over an hour and still she’d said nothing. It was starting to get on his nerves, but he didn’t know what the right words to disperse the awkward tension humming between them were.

He couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed by what had happened yesterday or pissed off at him for taking advantage of her. Again. He’d been angry with himself for ambushing her a second time until he’d accepted the fact that, right or wrong, he’d made a move and he had to live with the fallout. Of course, that was easier said than done, especially when he sat beside a stone-faced Jody. Dan figured he had two choices. Ignore it—which appeared to be how Jody wanted to handle it—or bring it up and discuss it. Right now, neither option appealed.

They had roughly another two hours on the road, so she was effectively a captive audience until they reached the hotel. Once they got to their destination, they’d be caught up in the prep for tonight’s welcome dinner, so if he was going to clear the air between them, now would be the perfect time. As much as he didn’t want to, Dan couldn’t take any more of this strained silence.

“About yesterday—”

“Stop.” She turned in her seat to face him. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Dan took his eyes off the road for a second to look at her. “What?”

“I don’t mix my personal and professional lives and we’re working right now.”

Was she for real? “Considering we were on the job both times I’ve kissed you, I’m not sure your argument holds.”

“We weren’t yesterday. We’d left for the day.”

He could see her squirming in her seat from the corner of his eye.

“Look. Can we just stick with work?”

“Why? So you can continue to ignore the sparks between us?” He couldn’t believe Jody thought that was even possible. Any idiot could see there was something going on. The air between them vibrated with the tension.

Dan kept his eyes on the road, but he could see her moving in his peripheral vision so he knew she’d turned away to look out the passenger window. Half of him wanted to leave it alone, not upset her, but the other half wanted to drag it out in the open and deal with it. Hopefully in a positive way—like Jody agreeing they should explore what had them drawing closer together with every breath.

“Jody.” He swivelled his gaze from the road to her and back again. “I can’t pretend it never happened.”

She sighed. “I know. I’m not asking you to forget, exactly. It’s just…I can’t deal with this right now.”

“When then?” He didn’t mean to push her, but he couldn’t help it.

“Can we just stick to work for now?”

Dan glanced over again to find her still facing the side window. Her shoulders were hunched and she was twisting her fingers together in her lap. As much as he didn’t want to drop it, he knew it was pointless to keep pushing. He wouldn’t get anywhere at the moment. He let out a breath. “If that’s what you want, but the second this job is over we’re dealing with us.”

“Thank you,” she murmured.

Manners had him almost saying you’re welcome, but he stopped himself because he didn’t want her thanks. Dropping the subject wasn’t what he wanted to do, except the only way he’d get his way was to back off and try again later. He leaned forward and hit the switch for the radio. Music filled the cab as they sped down the freeway at a hundred and ten kilometres an hour. Traffic was minimal this time of day so he was able to stick to the speed limit for most of it. If they’d left the office any later, they would have been caught in not only the evening rush home but the weekend travellers as well.

The next two hours were accompanied by the radio, a quiet Jody and Dan’s brooding silence, making for a less-than-comfortable trip. By the time he pulled into the driveway of the hotel, he was more than ready to get out of the tomb the van had become. As he hopped out and made his way to the rear of the van, a valet came over. “You’ll need a couple of trolleys for what we’ve got, mate,” Dan said.

The valet’s eyes bugged out when he peered through the back doors. “Right, two trolleys,” he said before scurrying back the way he’d come.

Jody stepped beside him. “I’ll check in while you get the equipment unloaded.”

“Okay. Make sure you ask for Keith Mooney, he’s our hotel contact for the weekend.”

“Will do.” She turned towards the hotel but glanced over her shoulder before she took a step. “Anything else?”

“No. We just need to get all our gear inside.” Jody nodded and Dan watched her walk away. Staring at her, he had to wonder if he’d ever get what he wanted. He always seemed to be staring at her back as she left him in her wake. He’d give anything to be walking beside her. She disappeared into the hotel as the valet came out pulling two trolleys. Dan frowned. It didn’t matter what he wanted right now. He had a job to do, and as much as he wanted to blow it off and deal with Jody and the pull between them, he couldn’t. Focusing on the van, he began stacking boxes on one trolley while the valet put their bags on the other.


Jody took a deep breath of air-conditioned air and slowed her pace as she walked to the registration desk. Being trapped in the car with Dan for the last three hours had just about broken her. So many times, she’d been a breath away from asking him why he’d kissed her. She wouldn’t ask about what had followed, it seemed to be a natural progression whenever their lips met. If they hadn’t been interrupted the first time they’d kissed, she had no doubt they would have ended up without clothes and in a similar state of passion as yesterday. Possibly more so. They were combustible.

She couldn’t ignore the chemistry any more than she could ignore the man himself when he sat a few feet away. Ten minutes tops. That’s all she had before he’d be with her again and all her intelligence went south along with every rational thought. Reaching the counter, she smiled at the woman behind it. “Hi, is Keith Mooney around? I’m Jody Walsh from Are You Game? He’s expecting us.”

“Oh, yes, he told me to keep my eye out for you. I’ll let him know you’re here.” The woman, Keisha if her nametag was correct, picked up the phone and punched a button. “Mr Mooney, the people from Are You Game? have arrived.”

Jody opened her bag and pulled out the credit card Cassie had given her for work use. She also retrieved the run sheet she’d printed off for herself before leaving the office this morning.

“Mr Mooney will be right out. I can check you in while you’re waiting.”

Jody stopped reading and returned her attention to the young woman. “Great.” Rattling metal had her turning to see Dan pushing a trolley laden with their equipment through the front doors, a valet right behind him with their luggage on another. “Could someone take our luggage to our room while we get set up for tonight?”

“Certainly,” Keisha said.

“Checked in?” Dan asked as he joined her at the desk.

“Doing that now, and Mr Mooney is on his way.”

“Good. I want to take a look at the rooms we’ll be utilising before we set anything up.”

“Why? I think what you had drawn up was good.”

“Yeah, I was lucky the hotel sent me the room sizes and layouts, but I still want to take a look before we unpack.”

He had a point. Sometimes something as little as the placement of a power point could throw out an entire layout. “Just let me know what you want me to do and when.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Jody realised their unintended double meaning.

Dan grinned and leaned closer, whispering in her ear, “I like the sound of you doing what I want, when I want.”

A shiver raced over her skin and her stomach flip-flopped before dropping low and sinking heavy and hot into her pelvis. She took a sharp breath and pulled in his unmistakable scent—a mix of coffee and leather and something uniquely Dan. Without conscious thought, she tipped towards him and would have leaned against him if they hadn’t been interrupted.

“Mr. O’Conner. Ms. Walsh. Lovely to have you both with us. I’m Keith Mooney.”

A striking blond man in black trousers and light-blue business shirt with the hotel logo on the left breast pocket came towards them. He was almost too good looking, and Jody had to look away or risk getting caught staring at his surprising beauty. She focused on Dan and found herself comparing the two. While Dan wasn’t quite as handsome, he wasn’t anything to sneeze at either. And while Keith was blindingly attractive, it was Dan who set her pulse racing and her breath hitching.

Dan extended his hand to shake the other man’s. “Pleasure is ours. We’re looking forward to working with your employees.”

“They’re all quite excited about the weekend seminar. I hope the trip up wasn’t too long.” He turned and offered Jody his hand.

It was the longest drive she’d ever endured, but not in the way Keith implied, so she shook his hand and lied. “It was very pleasant. It’s a while since I’ve driven through this part of the state.”

“You’re here at a good time too. We haven’t hit the freezing temps of winter yet and with the autumn rain all the plants have recovered from the brutal heat of summer.” Keith turned to Keisha. “Are they checked in, Keisha?”

“Yes, Mr. Mooney.” Keisha placed two key cards on the counter. “Ms. Walsh asked that their luggage be taken to their room while you show them around, so I’ll get Dave on that right away.”

“Good, good.” Keith grabbed both keys and held one out to each of them. “Right, if we’re ready, we’ll tour the conference rooms. Would either of you like something to eat or drink while we’re wandering around?”

“I’m fine, how about you, Jody?” Dan asked as he took his key.

“I’d like a bottle of water if I may.” She’d finished the small bottle she’d brought with her over thirty minutes ago, and with her body temperature spiking whenever Dan was around, her mouth had become as dry as the Nullarbor Plains. She took the key from Keith and slid it into the back pocket of her slacks.

“Give me two secs to grab your water and we’ll get started.” He walked behind the counter and entered a door. Gone less than a minute, he was back with her drink and leading them across the hotel lobby. “This is the original part of the hotel, the section we’re about to enter and the one your room is in are the additions. You’ll notice the architects and builders did everything they could to marry the old with the new. I think you’ll agree they did an excellent job.”

Jody cracked the bottle and took a sip while she listened to Keith explain how the hotel had gone from being a small forty-room boutique hotel to a four-hundred room one with conference facilities and five-star-resort amenities. She had to admit it was lovely, in particular the way gardens and seating had been incorporated throughout the public indoor areas to give the place a relaxed atmosphere. She would love to sit in one of the many nooks with a book in her hand. Shame she was here to work really. It would have been lovely to enjoy some down time.

They toured the two rooms set aside for their workshop sessions and neither of them found a problem with the layout and what Dan had drawn up from the specs the hotel had sent him. The larger room they were using for the night events met their demands as well, and with the wall of windows looking out over the gardens that would be lit up after dark, Jody thought it would have a magical feel once the lights were turned down low and the evening’s festivities began.


She spun to face Dan. “Sorry. What?” Looking around, she realised they were alone in the big room. Where had Keith gone? When had he gone?

“Did you hear anything I just said?”

Embarrassed to admit she’d completely zoned out, she tried to bluff her way through. “Sure. Tonight’s function is in here.”

Dan laughed. “Nice try. But, no. I asked if you wanted to go to the room for anything before we get started with set up.”

Her face heated. He’d caught her out. “Um. No, I don’t need anything.”

“Are you feeling all right?” He stepped closer. “You’re looking a little flushed.”

She definitely felt warm, but it wasn’t illness that made her that way. “It’s a little hot in here, that’s all. Plus, we’ve been rushing around for the last few minutes.” Okay, so they hadn’t been running or even walking fast. As excuses went, it wasn’t a very good one.

He stepped closer and pressed the back of his fingers to her cheek. “Are you sure? You feel a little hot to me.”

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