Catch 'n' Kiss (Are You Game?) (6 page)

BOOK: Catch 'n' Kiss (Are You Game?)
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Jody swallowed. It wasn’t his words that had her stomach clenching and her blood racing. Dan didn’t bother to mask the desire burning in his eyes. His hand might be gentle and innocuous, but those eyes…they were dark with arousal and dangerous to her self-control. She fought the urge to lean into him and instead pulled away. “I’m fine.”

Putting some distance between them, she headed towards the door to see if the trolley with their gear had found its way to this area of the hotel. She needed to get busy—distract herself—with work. Not that anything could divert her wayward hormones or her body’s reaction to being close to Dan. Jody knew she was in trouble. Pushing him away was becoming more and more difficult, and it was only a matter of time before she succumbed to the volatile chemistry arcing between them.



Dan wiped the sweat from his brow. They’d been working for three hours and the room was finally the way he’d imagined it. He’d wanted the tables set like the house tables in Harry Potter. Each group would have a long table and a house flag, in this case a department logo. Food and beverage, meet and greet and housekeeping. Management would be working alongside their staff—on equal footing—for the duration of the weekend.

Cassie had a marvellous program for her corporate sessions, and this one was tailor-made for the hotel industry. Over the course of two days, the participants would be working together in games designed to teach them problem solving and interacting as a team. He’d run these workshops before so he knew them well, but Jody had had limited exposure to the corporate side of the business. Until now, she’d been dealing with the adult and children’s party lines. He wanted her to be comfortable with the seminars she’d be running on her own.

“Okay, we’re done.” He headed over to where Jody was laying out the house flags on the end of the long tables. “Let’s go up to the room and run through the program for each of the sessions you’re doing. I want to be sure you’re familiar with all aspects of them.”

“Oh, I already went over them. I didn’t see anything that caused me concern.”

“Well, we’re done down here anyway. Plus, we have to get ready at some point.” Dan placed his hand on her lower back and urged her towards the door. “And I’m feeling a little hungry, so I’m planning to order some room service and sit out on the patio for a few minutes of downtime before the chaos begins.”

“I’m not hungry.” Was she trying to dodge him? Probably.

“It’s been hours since lunch, and it’ll be another few before dinner.”

“I don’t snack between meals,” she argued.

“I’ll order you a coffee.” He wasn’t about to let her weasel out of spending some time with him, which is exactly what she was attempting to do.

Dan thought he was home free when they reached the door only to run into Mooney. Who, Dan noticed, couldn’t take his eyes off Jody. A growl rumbled in his chest and he had to fake a cough to cover it.

“Hey, you’re done.” Mooney peered past them into the room. “Good, I thought you might like a guided tour through the gardens.” His gaze was focused on Jody once more.


“That would be lovely.” Jody stepped away from Dan’s hand and he curled his fingers with the need to grab her shirt and yank her back. “Dan was just heading—”

“I think a walk through the gardens would be great.” Dan tried not to grit his teeth. He wasn’t about to let this guy sneak off with his woman.
Ah, shit.
She wasn’t his. He knew that. But he couldn’t let her go off with Mooney on her own. Not when they still hadn’t reached an understanding. “Lead the way.”

“Oh.” The look on Mooney’s face almost made Dan laugh. Obviously, the guy had expected only Jody to accept his invitation. Dan smiled and held out his arm to indicate Mooney should lead. “Right. This way then,” Mooney mumbled as he turned.

Mooney led them out through a side door and into a lush garden with weaving paths and stone benches for those who wished to sit a while. Dan wasn’t into plants or gardening, but he could easily appreciate the beauty of the place. He listened with half an ear to the names Mooney rattled off as they passed each new bed of colour. Jody appeared to be soaking up every word the guy said, and Dan’s insides churned. Why couldn’t she pay
that much attention?

They made their way around the building to the rear where the hillside dropped away to reveal rows and rows of grapes. With the area being one of Australia’s premier wine producers, he wasn’t surprised to find the fruit vines, but until Mooney explained about the hotel’s own line of select wines served only to guests, Dan hadn’t realised the place was more than a hotel.

“We’ll be offering our wines to a few of Sydney’s bigger restaurants in the near future, but until then you’re only able to sample them here,” Mooney said.

“I’d love to try some. Are you serving them tonight?” Jody asked.

“Yes.” Mooney grinned. “Are you a wine connoisseur?”

Jody’s laughter echoed around them. “Hardly. I just like the occasional sip.”

“That’s more than you’re allowed.” Dan couldn’t fight his need to squash Mooney’s delight. “We’re working.”

“Oh, surely you’re able to have a glass or two?” Mooney asked.

“Nope. The boss has a very strict rule about drinking on the job.” Dan smiled smugly when Mooney frowned.

“Dan’s right. Even having a sip could get me fired.” Jody gave Dan a narrow-eyed look before turning to aim a smile at Mooney. “Perhaps I’ll be lucky enough to try it some other time.”

He wasn’t overly concerned by Jody’s supposed anger at him. She knew as well as he did neither of them would be drinking alcohol this weekend. Although, if she did have a couple of glasses she might soften towards him…

“Oh, look at the time.” Mooney held up his arm, displaying his watch in an exaggerated fashion. “I have something I have to do before I finish for the day. I’ll see you both tonight.”

Before either of them could say a word, the man was striding away and out of sight.

“Ouch!” Dan rubbed his upper arm where Jody had just landed a punch. She was surprisingly strong. “What the hell was that for?” Surely if she was going to hit him it would have been one of the two times he’d planted a kiss on her without permission or warning.

“For being an arse.” She turned on her heel and headed in the opposite direction to Mooney.

“When?” Dammit. She was running away from him again. Chasing after Jody was becoming an annoying habit. It didn’t stop him from following though.

Chapter Five

Jody slipped into the elevator and pressed the close-door button. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quick enough and Dan threw his arm between the doors just before they sealed shut. Of course, that meant the damn things opened again and he stepped right in and kept on coming. The look on his face was a good reason to move back out of his way. When he continued to come at her, she kept reversing until she came up against the rear wall just as the doors closed with a soft thump.

She swallowed over the throbbing lump in her throat. It could only be her heart because the stupid thing was racing so hard there was no way it had remained in her chest. He glared at her with green eyes turbulent with emotion. Anger then arousal flashed before his eyes lowered, his gaze following the sweep of her tongue as she slipped it out to wet dry lips. His pupils dilated and her breath stalled as he bent towards her.

He gave her time. Closed the distance in long, drawn-out seconds that allowed her to escape if she chose to. She knew what was coming. Could read it in his hooded eyes, the angle of his head and the smile kicking up one corner of his mouth. But she didn’t pull away. Didn’t turn her head. Not at all. Instead, she held her breath, tipped her chin up and waited for him to kiss her.

Their lips touched in a whisper-soft caress that did little to alleviate the need curling low in her belly. Jody couldn’t wait for Dan to take them deeper. Rising to her toes, she tilted her face and sealed their mouths fully. He groaned, the sound vibrating across her lips and sending shivers through her jaw. He flicked out his tongue, licked from corner to corner before probing the seam of her lips and seeking entry. Opening for him, she tangled her tongue with his.

Lost in the pleasure of kissing Dan, she moved closer, slid her arms around his neck and tugged him to her, pressed her body along the length of his so every part of her front touched every part of his. It was her turn to groan when he nipped her bottom lip while wrapping his hands around her arse and yanking her sex against his. He was long and thick, rubbing against her intimately as he rocked them together.

Jody moaned and moved even closer. She threaded her fingers through his hair, the soft strands sliding over her skin in a sensual caress as she held him to her. Dan’s hands weren’t idle either. One still gripped her arse, the other swept over her hip, up her side and between them to cup her breast. He stroked his thumb across her taut nipple and sent a jolt of desire arrowing straight to her core. She couldn’t help the whimper of need or the bucking of her hips.

A rush of air blew past and she had a split second to wonder where it came from before she heard a woman gasp. Abruptly brought out of her lust stupor, Jody pulled away from Dan. But he wouldn’t let her go. He held her close, cradled her against his chest when he leaned over and hit the button for their floor. Just before the doors slid closed again, she saw the stunned look on the elderly woman’s face. Heat filled her face and she buried her stinging cheeks in the curve of Dan’s neck.

“Shit. We really have to stop doing this in public places.” He smoothed his hands up and down her back in long, sweeping strokes. “One of these days we’re going to get carried away and end up getting arrested for indecent exposure.”

Jody could hear the humour in his voice, but she didn’t smile. She appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood, though she couldn’t find the funny side of once again being so caught up in Dan she’d forgotten where she was. The man was lethal to her common sense. He turned up and good judgement went right out the door along with every other reason she needed to ignore the way her body wanted his.

With a sigh, she slipped from his arms and moved to the front of the elevator. She didn’t say a word and, thankfully, neither did he. The bell dinged and the car eased to a stop. Breath held, she waited what felt like hours but was probably no more than a second, for the doors to open. Exiting, she scanned the plaque in front of her to determine which direction to go. They were on the executive level of the east wing, and according to Keith, their room would have a view of the valley they’d seen earlier as well as a terrace hot tub.

She turned right and moved down the hall at a clipped pace. Why she thought she could leave Dan behind when they were sharing a room was beyond her and, again, she could only blame the fact he seemed to disconnect her from her brain whenever he was near. She slowed her steps, allowed him to catch up halfway to the room so they could continue the rest of the way side-by-side. He produced his key before she could and slid it into the sensor to deactivate the lock.

The mechanism clicked, the light turned green and he pushed the door open. “After you.”

“Thanks.” She walked in and was immediately taken by the large window that did indeed give them a view of the valley. But even the spectacular scenery couldn’t hide the fact the room was barely big enough for the two double beds. Two beds no more than a foot apart. Beds they’d be sleeping in tonight. Dan slept naked. Naked.
Oh God.
She couldn’t do this. Spinning around, she smacked right into Dan’s hard chest, jarring her so hard her teeth clacked together.

“Hey.” He curled his hands around her shoulders to hold her still. “What’s wrong?”

She couldn’t tell him, not without appearing as though she were a halfwit. Then again, if the shoe fit… Taking a deep breath, she searched for something believable to say. Spying their bags beside the door, she came up with the perfect out. “Our bags. I was checking to see they’d arrived safely.” All right, not so perfect, but it would do if he stopped looking at her like she’d grown a second head or perhaps a third eye.

“They’re by the door.” He let her go and moved back. “I almost tripped over them when I walked in. Not sure how you missed them.”

“Um, well, I…” Why was it she turned into a stammering idiot around him? Oh that’s right, her brain disconnected whenever he got within sight.

“Hey, let’s see what this hot-tub-terrace thing looks like.” Dan walked past her and through a door she hadn’t noticed beside the window. He stuck his head back inside. “Wow, you
to come see this thing.”

With no other option, she followed him outside and found herself in little piece of paradise. Lush green vines covered the side walls designed to give the small space privacy from prying eyes. The tub was positioned against a half wall that allowed for an uninterrupted view of the sweeping hills below. Jody guessed you could fit four people in the hot tub if you squeezed in, but the area was definitely intended for one or two. Dan opened a cupboard that ran along the wall next to the door.

“Hey, there’s even a bar fridge out here.” He pulled out a Coke. “Want a drink?”

“No. Thanks.”

He bent over to replace the drink and Jody couldn’t stop her eyes from zeroing in on the way his pants stretched tight across his arse and thighs. Before she could get lost in the whole Dan intoxication again, she turned away and headed back inside. Perhaps a little space was needed, and not the kind found out on the balcony. Space as in miles and miles between them. She’d have to settle for a room and locked door for now. She grabbed her bag and flipped it over before unzipping it. By the time Dan came back in, she had her toiletries and tonight’s clothes out.

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