Cat Haus - The Complete Story (24 page)

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Authors: Carrie Lane,Cat Johnson

BOOK: Cat Haus - The Complete Story
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"Not here, okay?"

Ty nodded, and after one more visual inspection of me, dropped his hold. "Okay. You grab your bag and lock up the car. I'm gonna go inside and tell the attendant we're leaving it parked here overnight."

"But what are we going to do—"

"We'll figure that out later. For now, it can stay here."

"Will they let me leave it?" I knew it was crazy. My world was falling apart around me and I was worried about my car, but it was one of the few possessions I had in this world that I could call my own.

Ty let out a snort. "Baby, a hundred bucks and he'll let you do whatever you want."

"I'll pay you back." I spoke to Ty's back as he walked toward the building.

He didn't turn around as he said, "Don't you dare try."

What had happened with John was for the best. It had shown me the truth before it was too late. It was proof of what kind of man John really was. It forced my hand. Made me leave my comfort zone at the Cat Haus and take the next step. Not that I was that much further along in my life now. I was still a whore, just a private one for one man, rather than a public one for many.

But what happened when this one man found that one girl for him? Then what? What would I do then? Find another job at a whorehouse? Or another man to take me on as his kept woman?

Christ. What had I done with my life?

I was shaking when Ty returned, which didn't alleviate his concern for me I’m sure. About now he was probably thinking what the hell had he gotten himself into by making a deal to take on a hysterical whore. I had to get myself together before he decided I wasn't worth the trouble.

"Come on. Get in my car." He grabbed the handle of my suitcase in one hand and wrapped his other around my shoulder.

I was grateful for the physical contact at the moment. If I could have curled up in his lap while he drove, I would have. Instead I had to be satisfied sinking into the soft leather passenger seat with the knowledge Ty was next to me. He didn't question me on the drive to the hotel, which gave me some time to calm down. If I'd had to talk about it, I had no doubt I'd be sobbing again. He did shoot me a couple of concerned sideways glances, but all in all, Ty handled my volatile emotional state like a champ.

Once again I wondered why he didn't have a girlfriend. Why he needed me. That thought brought me full circle to what the hell I was going to do when he got one and an icy chill settled deep inside me that had nothing to do with the A/C pumping out of the dashboard. I wrapped my arms around my body and heard Ty mutter a cuss.

He reached out and flipped off the blower. "Tell me if you're cold, Cate."

"I'm not." The shaking that started at my very core and worked its way out wasn't caused by temperature.

The car was silent for the remainder of the drive to the hotel. Not even the radio played, which left the chatter of self-doubt the only noise in my head.

Ty pulled up to the front entrance of the hotel and left the car running as he opened his door. The valet came around to his side. Someone opened my door, I wasn't even aware of who it was. Then Ty was there, pulling my suitcase behind him while leading me by the elbow through the lobby I'd become familiar with.

"When do we leave here? When do you have to travel again?"

"Tomorrow." He glanced down at me. "You okay with that?"

"Yes." The sooner the better. Of course, I hadn't brought half my clothes with me. I'd have to . . . what? Go shopping?

I couldn't go back to get my stuff. I could ask Henry to ship it all to me. I hadn't exactly left on good terms, but he'd have to clear out my room anyway. But I'd need an address for him to ship to—


"Huh?" The door slamming behind us startled me. We'd reached the suite and I'd barely noticed as my mind whirled.

"Let's sit down." Ty ran his hand down my arm. "You need me to pour you a drink first?"


"You sure?" One dark brow cocked up.

"I'm sure." I was weepy enough without booze. Alcohol would only compound that.

"All right." Taking my hand, he led me to the couch. He sat and pulled me down next to him. "Tell me."

"He had sex with someone else." One look at Ty's pursed lips had me frowning. "You look like you have something to say. What?"

"I'm just thinking how you have sex with lots of people. Me included."

"It's my job!"

He dipped his head in a slow nod. "I understand that, and I don't know this guy or your relationship, but still, it's got to be tough for a man to picture his girl being with other men."

And that was the problem right there—I wasn't John's girl, so how could I be mad at him for having sex with someone else? That didn't negate the fact I felt as if my heart had been torn from my chest, thrown in the street and run over with a car.

"Look, Cate. I want you with me, more than anything, but I want you to come with me because you want to. Not because you're running away."

Panic hit me hard. I had to convince Ty I was fine or he wouldn't take me with him. Then what? Where would I go?

"I do want—" My hollow protest was interrupted by the ringing of the cell phone in my purse on the cushion next to me. There were few who had my number. Even fewer who ever called. I felt an immediate sense of foreboding.

"You gonna get that?"

I glanced at Ty, as if he held the answer, before I said, "Yeah."

Now that I'd made the decision to answer the call, I feared I'd miss it. I pawed through the contents of my bag, desperate. Finally my hand connected with the cell and I pulled it out. It was the Cat Haus number. Probably Henry checking on me.


"Where are you?" Nope. Definitely not Henry. John's growled question made my heart beat so hard it made it difficult to breathe.

"I left." My voice sounded as shaky as I felt.

"That wasn't my question."

"I'm in the city." Damn it. How could John intimidate me so easily and make me do exactly what he wanted? My anger returned. This was good. Anger gave me control. Strength.


"What do you care?"

"I care very much." His tone made me want to believe him, until the memory of Sahara walking up those stairs struck me.

"Fuck you."

He paused and I wondered for a second if he would hang up on me. "Cate, we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk." Now I was sounding like a brat, but I couldn't help it.

The wound was so fresh it stung. Yet in the back of my mind, where I tried to ignore it, was Ty's observation—I did have sex with lots of men. But maybe that is what made it different. Sex with multitudes made it mean nothing. Sex between John and I was special and he'd spoiled it.

"Cate." Next to me, Ty spoke my name softly. I raised my gaze to his as he continued, "You need to talk to him and settle this one way or another. Before you decide to come with me."

"Who is there?" John asked through the phone.

That threw me. I didn't know how to answer, so I didn't. "It doesn't matter."

"Stay where you are. I'm on my way."

"What? Wait—" I couldn't finish my sentence because he'd hung up. I turned to Ty. "He's coming here. How does he know where I am?"

Suddenly paranoid, I glanced down at the phone in my hand. Did he have a tracker on me? Was John some psycho and Ty and I were in danger? Maybe I should be calling the police, or at least hotel security.

"I left the address with the dude in the office last week. He insisted he had to know where you were for security purposes. You said your guy is the owner, right? He must have figured you'd come back here and he'd have access to the information." Ty's smooth forehead creased with concern. "You okay?"

"I don't know. I guess." I forced my eyes up. "Are you? You didn't bargain for all this shit when you invited me to be with you."

A crooked smile tipped up one corner of his mouth. "You're worth it."

At his kind words the tears threatened again and I bit my lip and tried to hold them in. Why couldn't I have fallen for Ty instead of John? Though that would have been no better. To Ty, I was a paid companion. Falling in love with him would have been just as bad, if not worse, than my doing so with John. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this business after all.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"We wait for him to get here. Sure you don't want that drink?"

"I'm sure, thanks." It was tempting though.


Twenty minutes later a knock sounded on the door, loud enough it shook the painting hanging in the entrance of the suite.

"Company's here." Ty, looking as if he was enjoying the drama, smiled and stood to make his way to the door. He swung it open and looked John up and down without saying a word.

"Is Cate here?" Ty's silence had forced John to speak first. I heard the achingly familiar voice from where I sat, shaking on the sofa.

"She is." Ty glanced back at me. "Cate, do you want visitors?"

I tipped my head to one side, indulging Ty's display. This was another game for him, just like the sport that had paid for this suite, and he was obviously enjoying it. "Let him in, Ty. Please."

He nodded. "All right. If you're sure."

I drew in a breath and said, "I'm sure." The reality was I wasn't all that sure of anything right now.

John came into the room and it was as if I could feel the air change and shift around me. I wanted to hit him with my fists and shout. Ask why he did this to me. While at the same time I wanted nothing more than to throw myself into his arms and feel him hold me.

Christ, I was messed up. He'd messed me up.

No. It was love that had fucked me up, not John. And I'd let myself fall in love with him when I knew I shouldn't. I needed to lay the blame where it belonged. Squarely on my own shoulders.

John stood in the foyer and looked at a loss about what to do next. We wouldn't be able to talk with Ty here. We all knew that. I turned to Ty. "I know this is your place and it's rude to ask, but do you think I could have a moment alone with him?"

"I guess." Ty's stare stayed pinned on John.

John didn't back down and returned the glare. They eyed each other for so long, John finally asked, "Is there something you'd like to say to me?"

Ty crossed his massive arms over his chest. They looked even bigger as the biceps bulged from beneath the edge of his T-shirt sleeves. "Just wondering what the hell it is that has a girl like Cate falling for a man like you."

"Ty, please." I did not want John knowing I had feelings for him. Though I guess my stormy exit from the Cat Haus had been some clue I cared more about him than an employee should care about her boss.

Ty shot me a glance. "All right. I'll give you some privacy. But I'll be right outside the door."

"I'll be fine. Thanks."

John watched Ty leave and then turned to me. I thought I saw pain in the eyes beneath his drawn brows. It raised a hope inside me I didn't want there.

"Cate, I have no right ask this—"

"You're right. You don't." Hurt gave me the strength I needed.

He let out a breath. "You're correct, but I'm going to ask anyway because the answer is important to me. Are you two together now?"

I briefly considered lying but what good would that have done? "No, we're not together, John. He's a client. Actually, I guess he's not that anymore. He hired me so he's my boss now. I'm his personal assistant. I'm going to be traveling with him from now on."

The cover story we'd come up with sounded even more like a lie when I said it out loud. We all knew what sort of personal assisting I'd be doing for Ty.

John took a single step forward, and then stopped, leaving a good bit of distance between us. "Don't go."

His statement surprised me enough I had to ask, "Why not?"

"Because I couldn’t bear never seeing you again."

"You have Sahara. Hell, you have a dozen other girls to choose from."

"I don't want any of them."

"It sure looked like you did when you called Sahara to your room. What happened, John? You arrived at the Cat Haus feeling a little randy after your flight, found out I wasn't back yet so you figured you'd take the opportunity to taste one of the other girls? What's the harm, right? I was gone. I'd never know."

"No, Cate. I came back to Nevada early because the thought of you being with him was eating away at me. I knew what day, and approximately what time you were due back. I stood in that window in my apartment and watched and waited . . . and saw you in his arms, kissing him goodbye, like two lovers parting."

John was jealous of Ty? That was crazy. "It's not like that with Ty. That was just work. It's my job to be whatever men want me to be. If he wants me to play his girlfriend for an hour, or a week, I'll do it. It doesn't make it true. I'm acting. And when I'm done, it's over for me."

"I don't get that, Cate. I don't understand how you can separate what you do with them and what you do with me."

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