Cat Haus - The Complete Story (22 page)

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Authors: Carrie Lane,Cat Johnson

BOOK: Cat Haus - The Complete Story
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I'd always crawl back into bed with Ty before morning, so when he woke up at sunrise and wanted to fuck, which he always did, I was there next to him. I sent him to his workout happy, and then I'd shower and order breakfast, knowing housekeeping would be there sometime before ten. But that schedule left me tired during the day, hence my daily nap.

Ty never seemed to mind coming home after practice to find me asleep in his bed. The poor guy never got to see it made, since I crawled beneath the covers the moment the maid left. That I napped naked probably helped.

From my facedown position on the bed, I saw Ty coming through the door of the bedroom.

"Hey." I smiled at him, still sleepy.

"Hey, yourself." Ty kicked off his sneakers and started stripping out of his sweatpants and T-shirt. He pulled the covers down and the cool air hit the skin of my back, warm from sleeping. "God, I love how you sleep naked. Even in the middle of the day."

"The cold sheets feel good on my skin." I watched his eyes narrow at my declaration. I guess he liked cold sheets too.

Gloriously naked, he kneeled on the bed next to me and, running his hands down my spine, pushed the sheets lower. He kneaded the muscles of my lower back. "The sheets aren't the only things that feel good."

"Mm, you're right. You're very good with your hands." That was no bullshit. His touch was firm enough to work deep into my sleep stiffened muscles, but not so rough it hurt.

Ty laughed. "I should be. I graduated top of my class."

I turned my head farther so I could see him better. "What class?"

"Massage class for my sports therapy degree."

"Really? That's what you went to school for?" Granted, we hadn't talked a whole lot in our time together, but we'd still had conversations. I was surprised his education had never come up.

"Yup. Something to fall back on. You know, in case I get hurt. Or for when I'm too old to play."

Seeing him at what had to be his physical peak, it was hard to think of Ty getting old. He set to work on me like a real masseuse and I let my eyes drift closed as a groan rumbled through me. "Damn, you're really good at this. Maybe you should quit football and do this for a living."

His laugh brushed against my ear where he leaned low over me. "You find someone to pay me to do this what I get paid to play ball and I will. But lucky for you, I'm willing to do it for free. For special customers, that is."

I was already naked, so it was no surprise when he slid his hands all the way to my ass. He delved between the cheeks and continued moving lower, hitting all the key spots hidden there along the way. He glanced over my clit much too briefly for my liking, but made up for it by slipping a finger inside my pussy and stroking in and out a few times before he returned to working the muscles of my back.

I groaned. "You're right. I am. Very lucky. No wonder you were the top of your class."

He chuckled above me. "I didn't do this kind of a massage in class or for the clients we practiced on."

"Too bad. You'd have made a fortune in tips."

I heard the telltale flip of a container lid opening, but still twitched when I felt the cool drizzle of oil hit my skin.

Ty moved the stream down by body until that too slid between my cheeks, seeping down to tease my ass before it continued lower. His big, strong hands followed the trail the oil had taken, making me glad I'd packed all my supplies for this week. They were in the top drawer of the nightstand where most hotels had their bible. I'd moved that sucker down to the bottom drawer. I might be willingly—even happily—living a life some considered sinful, but I wasn't about to tempt fate or the wrath of a higher being by putting my sex toys and lube in the same drawer as the Good Book.

I was starting to feel boneless from Ty's ministrations with his amazing hands even before he moved his attention down and spread my legs. I felt the cool air of the A/C hit my oil slickened pussy before the warmth of Ty's hand chased the chill away. With the deft movements of a professional, he continued the massage but with a focus on my more intimate region.

Two hands, ten fingers, and a good bit of knowledge—he used it all with the sole goal of pleasing me. Two fingers made a V to cradle my clit as he moved back and forth, rubbing around the spot where I craved his touch, but not quite hitting it, as if he knew that made it even more tantalizing. At the same time, two more long, thick digits stroked inside my pussy.

He soon had me clenching. A slight shift of his fingers and my clit took the direct hit of this man's talents.

I was writhing in minutes, coming harder than I ever had without battery operated assistance, all with only his hands. Inside, outside, he worked them both until I squirmed beneath his touch, half trying to escape from the pleasure that was nearly overwhelming, though not sure I wanted to. I hoped the walls were thick as my moans filled the room.

Finally, when I was twitching, so sensitive I jumped as if his touch was electrified, he let up on me and I could speak. "Jesus. What did you do to me?"

"My signature combo G-spot and clit massage. But I'm not done with you yet." He eased out of my pussy and then pressed the tip of one thick finger into my tight hole. I pushed against the pressure, opening the muscles so he could slide deeper. He groaned. "God, I love how you trust me."

"Of course, I trust you. You've never given me reason not to." It hadn't been a question, but I answered it anyway. My breath hitched as he twisted his finger and a second joined the first.

"I trust you too, Cate." His statement seemed to come from out of the blue.

"That's good. I'm glad." Why were we carrying on a conversation now? I forced myself to relax and get used to the feel of the girth inside me, knowing something far wider would be coming next.

"Maybe you should come with me." Ty pressed his fingers gently deeper, even as he continued the conversation.

"Come with you where?"

"On the road. Travel with me. Don't go back to the Cat Haus. Just be with me." He slid his fingers out.

I took the opportunity to flip over and frown at him. "What?"

Ty reached for the lube and drizzled a stream over his cock. He might be interested in holding this very strange discussion at the most inopportune time, but he obviously was still planning on fucking me too. He knee-walked between my legs and pushed my knees to my chest. His eyes focused on the point of entry as he lined up his tip with the entrance to my ass.

"Push out, baby girl." I did as he asked and watched his expression change as he pressed inside me. His nostrils flared as he drew in a breath through his nose and raised his gaze to mine. "Imagine doing anything we wanted, any time we wanted to do it. It would be just like this week has been. I could fuck you every morning, and again every night. Before practice, before my games, and again after. Even during halftime, if you came to the stadium."

Ty pressed deeper and let out a big breath tinged with a groan. He leaned over me to reach for the nightstand, driving him farther inside me. I couldn’t be too concerned with the cock impaling me because if I wasn't mistaken, he'd just asked me to—what? Be his girlfriend? Be his exclusive traveling call girl? I wasn't exactly sure.

Between Ty and John, uncertainty had become a state I was in far too often lately.

He emerged from the drawer holding a tiny vibrator, which buzzed with the single twist of his fingers. This man knew my toys as well as I did. Hell, he knew my body that way too. He spread my lower lips and held the vibe directly to my clit. I drew in a sharp breath as my body clenched around his.

"Come for me, baby."

The terms of endearment wouldn't have bothered me if they hadn't come on the heels of his strange invitation . . . and if it wasn't so tempting to accept his offer as I moved at lightning speed toward what I knew would be one hell of an orgasm.

TY was good at all of the sex stuff. Not to mention his was nice to touch—all hard planes and cut muscles. He was damn pretty to look at too with eyes the color of a sea that any woman would gladly drown in, set off by high cheekbones in a face the color of the lightest mocha.

I could stare up at this man every night and again every morning as he did all sorts of naughty and wonderful things to me . . . if it hadn't been for John.

Hell, if Ty had made this offer while Gus was still my boss, I would have packed my bags and never looked back even without knowing the details of what he was proposing. But things were different now.

"Stop thinking so hard, Cate."

I looked up to find Ty watching me. "You started the conversation."

"And I'm ending it." He wiggled the vibe, pressing it harder against me while hitting my clit at a different angle.

My body exploded. I couldn't have thought any more if I'd wanted to. Especially not once Ty let go of his tightly held control and thrust against the pressure of my spasms. As I came, he fucked my ass hard, reminding me exactly what I was, why I was here and why he'd given Henry that huge wad of cash for a week of my time. I was here to take whatever he could give, not to think about it.

Smart man. The reminder was exactly what I needed right now.


Ty pulled into a spot in front of the Cat Haus and shifted the car into park. I didn't know cars, but I knew this one cost a pretty penny. "So will you at least think about my offer?"

"Definitely." I said it, but I already knew my answer. Even if things felt odd between us, there was no way I could cut my only connection to John by leaving the Cat Haus.

"You tempted at all?" Ty asked.

I laughed at that question. "More than you realize."

He paused for a beat before those crazy gorgeous eyes focused on me. "Can I ask you something?"

Even Ty, in what had formerly been a nice, simple relationship where he paid me and I pleased him, wanted to ask me questions. What was it with all these men and their inquisitions? Wasn't anyone just happy to fuck anymore? I gathered my patience and nodded. "Sure."

"What's stopping you? I told you, it would be a straight up business arrangement. I'll match whatever you make here."

"It's not the money."

His jaw clenched as he nodded. "Then it's me."

"No. Why would it be you?" I liked him, genuinely. Yeah, I knew he had a temper that simpered just below the surface, but I could handle that. Just don't piss him off and everything would be fine.

"I come with the press up my ass. We could say you were my assistant, but eventually they'd assume we're fucking. That you're my girlfriend. And, you know, with me being black, that might bother you—" He shrugged, but I could see the thought bothered him.

"Race never even crossed my mind. Ty, honestly. I swear to you." Yeah, I'd thought how gorgeous whatever ethnicity he had in his background made him, but other than that, I didn't care if he was white, black or purple.

He stared at me long enough I think he had no choice but to see I spoke the truth. "Okay, then why not say yes? What's keeping you here at this place?"

I drew in a deep breath and did something that surprised even me. I opted to tell him the truth. "There's this guy I kinda like. He owns the Cat Haus."

His brows shot up as his mouth fell open. "Not what I was expecting. Wow."

I laughed at his expression. "I know. Girls like me aren't supposed to get attached to men and if I had any sense in the world, I'd go with you and not look back." It would be far safer than staying here and moping around like a sad puppy when John wasn't here and walking on eggshells when he was.

Ty drew in a breath. "All right. Just know the offer stands."

I smiled. "Until you get a girlfriend and don't need me anymore."

"Cate, it's been almost a year since I've had a girlfriend. I’m not holding my breath waiting for one who might never show."

Guilt washed over me. I knew this guy feared for his reputation and his career so much that he didn't sleep with any women except for me, and those times had been few and far between. A solution hit me from out of the blue. Sahara would love to go on the road with him. And she was so damn sweet and cute, what guy wouldn’t want to be with her? "I can recommend one of the other girls. She's really pretty—"

"No." Ty shook his head. "It's you or nobody."

I could be wined and dined and travel the country, staying in the best hotels all while only having to please one man instead of dozens, and that one man pleased me as well . . . and I was turning him down. I truly was the stupidest woman on earth.

I leaned in and pressed my mouth to his. "Thank you for the offer."

His gaze met mine. "But the answer's no."

I nodded. "Sorry."

"Can I still come see you here when I'm in town? Or are you retiring for this other guy?"

"I'm definitely not retiring. Please do come by when you're back."

Ty shook his head. "I can't say I exactly understand the situation, but all right."

"Don't worry. I don't understand it either." I reached for the handle and swung the door wide.

As I stepped out of the car and turned toward the trunk to get my bag, he called to me, "Hang on. Let me get that for you."

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