Cassandra's Challenge (16 page)

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Authors: Michelle Eidem

Tags: #science fiction romance

BOOK: Cassandra's Challenge
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“She stands Will. I had my doubts. But she
stands.” Turning he leaves the ready room. Getting up William
secures the hatch then heads to Cassandra.


Finding her sitting in a chair pulling on her
boots he walks over. Squatting down he rests his hands on her
knees. He’s relieved at what he sees. Her thick, black hair is damp
on her shoulders, the dark circles under her eyes have faded,
there’s color in her cheeks.


“Still sleeping, kept her supper down. You look
better.” He says looking into sharp focused blue eyes.

“I feel better.” She covers his hands. “You were
right, I needed the sleep.”

“You need to eat.” He pulls her to her feet.
“Hutu is on his way.” Her stomach rumbles at the thought. She grins
at him.

“Yeah I could eat.”

Hutu puts the tray down on the table, removing
both covers, the smell making her mouth to water.

“Smells great Hutu, thank you.” Cassandra smiles
at him.

“Mam, I just want to say how sorry I am that my
negligence caused Victoria to be harmed.” He starts.

“Hutu,” Cassandra interrupts him. “I don’t think
you were negligent. I know you’d never harm Tori. This isn’t your

“Thank you mam.” He is shocked at the generosity
of this woman

“So what’s breakfast?”

“It’s loblolly with thimbleberries. It will fill
you up.”

“Thank you Hutu.” The Admiral tells him. Leaving
them in the Admiral’s private chambers Hutu secures the hatch.
Cassandra sits down picking up a spoon to try a bite.

“Tastes like oatmeal.”

“It’s good for you.” William tells her as he
starts in on his, enjoying watching her eat. She doesn’t speak
until she’s finished the bowl.

“Your right again, I needed that.” Sitting back
she watches him. William finishes his the leans back he can tell
there is something on her mind.

“What?” Picking up the bowls she takes them to
the tray gathering her thoughts.

“The other night, before Victoria got sick we
were talking about her kidnapping.”

“Did she remember anything else?”

“No. But there might be away she can.” William
waits. “Victoria is an extremely smart little girl. She can read,
write and speak nine languages, well Earth languages.”

“How many do you?” He asks.

“What?” Cassandra asks distracted. “Oh, twenty
two.” William raises his eyebrow.

“But the point I’m trying to make is she learns
languages quickly, she could learn Regulian.” William gives her a
serious look.

“It’s a difficult language.”

“Please she can handle that.” She waves her hand
dismissing the difficulty. “The problem is how do you teach it? Is
there someone on the Retribution, a learning device? What?”

“We have a program that teaches it. Why would
she want to?”

“In her nightmares she can hear voices. She
knows they’re talking about her. If she knows their language she
will know what they’re saying. Knowing what they’re saying when
they don’t think she can means she’s not helpless. That knowledge
may shed some light onto why she was taken. She needs to know. We
all need to know.” He stands up walking over to her.

“When do you want to start?”

“As soon as you can get the program, it will
give her something to do while she’s recovering. Keep her mind

“So you’re going to learn it with her.” He stops
in front of her.


“I’ll order the program up, have it relayed to
the comm center in your quarters.” She puts her arms around his
waist giving him a grateful hug.

“Thank you.” William puts a finger under her
chin tipping her head up.

“You haven’t kissed me yet today.” As he bends
down Cassandra goes up on her toes to meeting him. The kiss starts
out soft and grows demanding before William finally breaks it off
leaving her breathless.

“I’ll go with you to make sure Tori’s settled.”
He leads her to the hatch. Cassandra nods.

“I need to stop by our quarters to get her a
change of clothes.


In Medical they find Victoria and Lucas
finishing first meal.

“You look better Aunt Cassie.” Tori tells her as
they enter.

“So do you.” She replies approaching the bed,
relieved to see color in the little girl’s cheeks, her eyes bright.
Lucas on the other hand looks a little ragged.

“So you slept ok?” Cassandra inquires.

“Yes she did.” Bliant answers as he enters the
room. “So how are you feeling this morning young lady?”

“Good, can I go home?” Bliant checks several
machines, disconnecting them.

“Not feeling sick to your stomach?” He


“Then I don’t see why you can’t return to your
quarters. Provided you take it easy for the next three or four
days.” He looks at Cassandra. “If she has any nausea I want her
back here right away.”


“Three or four
!” Victoria exclaims.
!” Cassandra and Bliant share a smile, she’s
on the mend.

“Ok let’s get you dressed then we’re out of
here.” Moving towards the bed the three men leave the room.

“So how was the night really?” William asks

“She slept well, but that chair is hideous. I
don’t know how Cassie stood it!”

“Go get some shut eye.”

“I need to get Tori settled first.” William
gives him a hard look.

“Cassandra and I will handle that.” Lucas
realizes the line is back.

“Tell her I’ll stop in later to see her.”

“Give them a few days, let things settle.”
Sighing Lucas nods and heads for his quarters.


“So are you ready to go?” Cassandra asks looking
at Tori.


“Let’s go then.” She holds out her arms.

“Aunt Cassie I’m not a baby, I can walk.”

“I know you’re not, but you’ve been sick. It’s a
long way to our quarters.”

“Is that where we’re going?”

“Where else?” She asks confused.

“The Admiral’s.”

“Tori….” Cassandra trails off.

“I’m not a baby Aunt Cassie. He’s your soul
mate. You love him. You should be together like mom and dad. He
needs you.” Cassandra doesn’t know what to say.

“If it were me, you wouldn’t keep me from

“This is my decision. We go to

“But you love the Admiral, right?”

“Yes Tori I do. Now let’s get you out of here.”
Jumping off the bed she takes Cassandra’s hand and walks out the
door. The Admiral is waiting for them.

“Ready to go?” He looks at from one to the

“Yes.” Tori replies.

“We’re going to walk to our quarters.” He’s

“Really?’” Is all he says as he turns, walking
with them out of medical.

“Where’s Lucas?” Tori asks walking besides the

“He needs to get some sleep before his next
patrol. He said to tell you he’ll see you later.”

“Oh.” Cassandra looks at William and realizes
he’d understood. The walk from Medical to their quarters isn’t all
that far, but for a little girl just recovering it seems that


“I’m fine.” When they finally they reach their
quarters Tori heads straight for the bed.

“Damn!” Cassandra whispers. “I should have made
her let me carry her.”

“I believe she has too much of her Aunt in her
to allow that.” Putting a hand behind her neck he tips her head up
pulling her close. “I’ll get the program sent so you can keep her
occupied.” She flashes him a grateful smile.

“You will sleep when she is.” He orders quietly
“Or I will be moving you both into my quarters. Don’t fight me on
this Cassandra!” He orders as she opens her mouth. “You know I’m
right! Hutu will be providing all your meals, call when you’re
ready for them. If she’s up to it, come to my quarter’s tonight.”
He pauses, “Otherwise let Hutu know.” Pulling her close he kisses
her deeply.

“Secure the door.” He says walking through it.
Cassandra secures the door then climbs in next to Tori, pulls her
close she’s asleep.


Entering the bridge the Admiral goes to his
consul sending the Regulian language to Cassandra’s quarters. That
completed turns to Quinn.

“So what’s on the agenda for today?”

Chapter 5


Waking Cassandra finds Tori already up, sitting
on the couch.

“Aunt Cassie?”

“Yeah?” She rolls out of bed.

“What am I suppose to do for
four whole
” Smiling Cassandra rubs her face.

“Well, I suppose I could make you scrub the

“Aunt Cassie! I’m
! I’ll
!” Knowing just how close she’d come to
dying wipes the smile off Cassandra’s face.

“Tori, do you remember what we were talking
about before you got sick? About learning Regulian?”

“Yeah.” Tori leans forward excited.

“Well I talked to the Admiral. He thinks it’s a
good idea. So he’s going to send they’re learning program to our
counsel here so you can study it while you’re recovering.”

“Really?” She loved learning different

“Yes.” Walking over the comm center she sees
there’s something there from the Admiral, she smiles at Tori.

“Looks like it’s here. Ready to get started
kicking some Regulian butt?”

“Yes!” Several hours later they’re interrupted
by a call.

“Yes?” Cassandra asks distracted.

“Mam, this is Hutu. Are you ready for second
meal?” Looking at the clock Cassandra realizes it’s past time for
Tori to eat.

“Yes, Hutu. I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner.”

“That’s not a problem mam, I will bring it
directly.” Putting the headset down Cassandra looks a Tori.


“Yeah,” She replies as distracted as Cassandra
had been.

“Hutu’s on his way with lunch. There’s something
you need to know.”

“What?” Her eyes move away from the screen.

“When you got sick the other night, it was from
the sauce you dipped your nugget in.”

“The sauce made me sick?” Tori gives her a
confused look.

“Yes.” Cassandra isn’t going to tell her someone
tried to kill her. “Hutu blames himself.”

“Why? It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t do it on

“No he didn’t. You might want to let him know
you don’t think it’s his fault.”

“Okay.” Tori jumps up at the knock on their
hatch. Opening it she lets Hutu in.

“Hi Hutu!” Tori smiles at him.

“Hello little one.”

“Is it nuggets?”

“Not today, Dr Bliant said you should have soup.
So…” He takes the cover off revealing ‘nugget soup’. Tori giggles,
he then removes Cassandra’s cover. Cassandra watches as he quickly
checks the plates making sure there were no ‘additions’.

“It looks good Hutu, thank you.”

“Yeah, thanks Hutu.” Tori walks up to the big
man, crooking her finger for him to lean down to her. Hutu looks at
Cassandra then squats down so they are at eye level. Putting her
small hands on his cheeks she stares into his eyes.

“I know you didn’t make me sick. So stop blaming
yourself.” She gives him a quick kiss then turns to her food.
Rising slowly Hutu finds he can’t speak with a nod to Cassandra he
turns and leaves. After the meal Tori’s eyes begin to droop.

“Hey kiddo, why don’t you lay down here on the
couch, take a little rest?”

“Aunt Cassie, I’m not a baby. I don’t need to
take naps.” She says huffily.

“I didn’t say you were a baby. But you’ve been
sick and your body needs extra rest. If you want to get back to
class you need to rest.” Cassandra grabs a pillow and blanket off
the bed.

“But the Regulian….” Tori protests

“It will be there when you wake up.” She drops
the pillow on the couch. “Come on, put your head on it.” As she
lies down Cassandra covers her. Teary eyes look at her. Cassandra
drops to the floor.

“Oh honey what’s wrong? Does your stomach hurt?”
Fear grips her heart.

“No.” She whispers as tears starting to

“What then?” Cassandra pleads.

“I miss mommy and daddy.” She whispers tears
quietly falling.

“Oh baby!” Cassandra pulls her into her arms
rocking her. “So do I!”

“I’m sorry I’m not braver.” Tori whispers.


“Brave like you.”

“Tori…” Cassandra’s throat tightens.

“Lucas and the Admiral are brave too.” Cassandra
has to close her eyes.

“Sweetheart, you are brave.” She looks into
Tori’s drenched green eyes. “You are. Who jumped out of that fire?
swung up into the Raptor.
faced the
Glitter Man and now you’re learning a strange language so we can
stop him. You’re the bravest little girl I know!”

“But I still miss mommy and daddy and grandpa.”
She whispers tears fall from Cassandra’s eyes.

“So do I. We’ll miss them for the rest of our
lives, baby. That’s what happens when you love someone. When
they’re not there, you miss them.”

“But it hurts Aunt Cassie, in my heart.”

Pulling her closer Cassandra lets her tears
fall. Something she hadn’t been letting Victoria see. That’s been a
mistake. How many others is she making?

“I hurt too, baby. I miss them all too.” Tori
wraps her arms around her. As they cry they find comfort in each

“Tori,” Cassandra pulls back a little, not
bothering to dry her eyes, Tori needs to see them. “We will always
miss them. We love them. They loved us. But we need to remember all
the good times we had together. We were a family. They would what
us to continue living, be happy. It’s what you would want for them
wouldn’t it?”

“Yes.” She whispers.

“So we remember them. We talk about them, all
the fun times we had. But we go on. Just living Tori, that’s

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