Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane (85 page)

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Caravaggio - paintings –

e Wignacourt
373–4, Plate 76
Portrait of Fillide
(lost painting) 175, 176, 444, Plate 34;
Portrait of Fra Antonio Martelli
, 372–3, Plate 75;
The Rest on the Flight to Egypt
137, 141–3, 150, 176, Plate 28;
The Resurrection of Christ
The Resurrection of Lazarus
52, 404–9, Plate 77;
The Sacrifice of Isaac
274–5, Plate 55;
St Catherine of Alexandria
150, 183–4, 185, 186, 444, Plate 33;
St Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy
143–50, Plate 27;
St Francis in Meditation
273–4, Plate 60;
St Jerome in Meditation
(1605) 426;
St Jerome Writing
1605) 301, 304, 333;
St Jerome Writing
(1607) 363, 371–2, Plate 74;
St John the Baptist
(1602) 225–7, 241, Plate 46;
St John the Baptist
1603–5) 277–8, Plate 61;
St John the Baptist
(1610) 412–13, 436–7, Plate 81;
St Matthew and the Angel
(first version; lost painting) 234–5, Plate 50;
St Matthew and the Angel
(final) 237–8, Plate 51;
St Sebastian
Salome’s Servant with the Head of St John the Baptist in a Basin
404, 418;
The Seven Acts of Mercy
339–45, 350, Plate 70;
Sick Bacchus
Self-Portrait as Bacchus
73, 82–5, 90–91, 154, 333, Plate 14;
Sleeping Cupid
381–4, Plate 69;
The Supper at Emmaus
221–5, 226, 230, 236, 330, Plate 45;
Supper at Emmaus
(Alban Hills version) 330–32, 333, 363, Plate 67

Caravaggio (town) 15–16, 45, 52; sales of land 57

Caravaggisti 353, 439–40

Cardano, Gerolamo: Aristotelian elements revised 160;
The Book on Games of Chance (Liber ludoaleae)

Carducho, Vicente, C. the anti-Christ of art 439

Carnival (pre-Lenten): Borromeo’s opposition to 30–31; plague and 50

Carracci, Annibale: on
Judith and Holfernes
by C. 182–3; Palazzo Farnese ceiling 69, 142–3, 212, 244, 283, Plate 8; rivalry with C. 143, 212–13, 219–20, 224, 264, 299, 303;
Assumption of the Virgin
212–13, 219, 312, Plate 43;
The Judgement of Hercules
142–3, Plate 29

Cassar, Girolamo (architect of Valletta) 366

Cassar, Paolo (Judge) 368

Castel Sant’Angelo (Malta) 366, 388, 389, 389–90

Castelli, Pietro,
Epistolae medicinales

Castiglione, Baldassare,
Book of the Courtier

castrati 131, 132–3

catacombs (Syracuse) 399, 400

catechism, new Roman Catechism (1566) 28

Catena (bandit), execution of 70

Cavalieri, Emilio de’: on Del Monte’s household 123–4, 127–9, 131; and
stile rappresentativo
Gioca della Cieca
La Rappresentazione di Anima e di Corpo
(opera) 130

Cavalieri, Tommaso de’ 96, 124

Cavalletti, Ermete, chapel in Sant’ Agostino 269, 288, 291

Cavalletti, Orinzia, commissions Loreto altarpiece 269, 291

Cecco di Caravaggio
Boneri, Francesco (Cecco)

Cellini, Benvenuto,
(bronze) 158

Cenci, Beatrice, public execution 253–4

censorship: Borromeo’s
Index librorum prohibitorum
30, 69;
St Matthew and the Angel
236–8; Sistine Chapel ceiling 34, 114, 227; Veronese’s
Last Supper

Cerasi, Tiberio: altarpiece from Carracci 212–13; paintings on wood rejected 213–14, 272; two lateral paintings by C. 209–20, 221, 273, 346

Cerriglio tavern (Naples), C. ambushed 415–20

Certoza di Garegnano, presbytery frescoes 54–5

Certoza di San Martino (Naples) 79

Cervantes, Miguel de,
Don Quixote

Cesari brothers workshop 79–82, 438

Cesari, Bernardino 79–80, 81

Cesari, Giuseppe (Cavaliere d’Alpino): Contarelli Chapel frescoes 80, 191, 192; employs C. 79–82, 84, 117, 438; loses early paintings by C. to Borghese 82–3; rivalry with C. 85, 91, 95, 362;
Perseus and Andromeda
, Plate 9

Cesi, Federico 401

Charles II, King of England 77

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 19–20, 66, 359–60

Cherubini, Laerzio 302, 353

darkness and light

Chieppio, Annibale (secretary to Duke of Mantua) 354

Christ, in
The Conversion of St Paul

Christine of Lorraine 116, 124

church architecture, Borromeo and 26–7

Cimabue 8

cinema, influence of C. 441–2

Cinotti, Mina 9

Circignani, Niccolò 79

Clement VIII, Pope 68–72, 74, 79, 117, 127, 170, 192, 245, 248, 254, 272–3, 309; Circignani’s patron 79; death of 283

clergy, celibacy 70

Cleveland Museum of Art 347

Cobaert, Jacques, Contarelli chapel altarpiece 191–2, 234

Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, views the Sant’ Anna altarpiece 414–15

coded paintings,
The Rest on the F
light to Egypt
142–3, Plate 28

Cointrel, François 237

Cointrel, Mathieu (Matteo Contarelli), Cardinal 191, 192, 193–4

Colonna family 9–11, 12, 14, 170, 299, 352; help C. in exile 3
29–30, 334, 339, 413–15, 43

Colonna, Ascanio 364

Colonna, Costanza 10–11, 12–13, 15, 76, 299, 364, 438; convalescence for C. after ambush 421; and C.’s last days 429, 434; C.’s last paintings 434, 435; helps C. escape from Rome 227, 329, 339; help’s C. to get to Malta 364–5, 385; reconciled with C. 413

Colonna, Duke Marzio 330, 352

Colonna, Fabrizio Sforza 11, 364–5, 368, 385, 388

Colonna, Luigi Carafa 339, 341

Colonna, Marcantonio 14–15, 352

Comici Gelosi 108–10

Commedia dell’Arte, stock characters 108

Communion attendance tickets 70–71

Le Concert Champêtre
(Titian) 126, Plate 22

(Piazza) 126–7, Plate 23

confession, Borromeo and 26, 28–30

Consiglio Segreto ‘secret council’ in Milan 20–21

Consolazione hospital, C.’s stay 82

conspiracy theories, regarding the death of C. 429–32

Contarelli, Matteo
Cointrel, Mathieu

Contarelli Chapel: completion of decorative work 191–4; paintings by C. 80, 117, 193–204, 234–8

convertites 178, 445

Cooymans, Jan Baptist 353

Corbiaro, Leonetto (Inquisitor) 368

Cortese, Giulio Cesare,
La conquista del Cerriglio
(poem) 416

Cortona, Pietro da 439

Corvo, C.’s black dog 399

Coryat, Thomas: in Milan 17–18;
Coryat’s Crudities

Cospi, Antonio,
Il giudice criminalista
advice to magistrates 104–5, 106

Costa, Alessandro, page of Wignacourt 373–4

Costa, Ottavio: connections with Knights of Malta 363; patron and protector to C. 143–4, 277–8, 298–9, 333

Council of Trent: Borromeo and 22–3; edicts observed in Rome 67–8; prohibited books 71; and religious images 34

Counter Reformation 23, 30; influence on C. 31, 144, 230; and religious images 34–5, 308–9; veneration of saints and relics 147–50

Crescenzi, Giacomo 192

Crescenzi, Virgilio 191, 192

Croce, Benedetto,
History of the Kingdom of Naples

The Crucifixion
(Circignani) 79

curfew laws, in Rome 70, 75

Dalí, Salvador 440

Dante Alighieri 12, 333

darkness and light: in C’s art 3, 40, 65, 78, 93, 144, 184–6, 202, 229, 232, 235, 278, 301, 331–2, 346–7, 371, 384, 405, 407–8, 421–5; in C’s life 3–4, 161–2, 413, 424; in Rubens’ work 353; in Tintoretto 64–5, 1
see also
painting technique

David, Jacques-Louis, paints the dead Marat 439

Degas, Edgar 398

Dekker, Thomas,
Lanthorne and Candle-light

Del Monte, Francesco Maria, Cardinal 113–24; baptism and early life 114–15; portrait of by Leoni 113; alchemy and pharmaceuticals 119–20, 159–60; Amayden’s stories 121–3; the art collector 98, 117–18, 136, 143–4; influence with the French 117, 122, 267;
of St Teresa 150; Medici connections 104, 115–17, 155, 156; musical interests 119, 121, 124, 127, 130–33; patron and protector to C. 19, 78, 98–101, 108–10, 116, 117, 136, 143–4, 153, 156, 157, 159–61, 186–7, 192–3, 210, 220–21, 226, 267, 270, 282, 297–8, 300, 401–2, 438; as seen by Emilio de’ Cavalieri 123–4, 127–9, 131; support for Galileo 119;
by Comici Gelosi 108–10

Del Monte, Guidobaldo 114, 119

del Monte, Niccolò Lorini 232–3

Delacroix, Eugène 202

Detroit Institute of Arts 176

devotional manuals 38

Dionysus the Elder, Tyrant of Syracuse 400–401

Dominic, St, the Rosary and 350–51

Dominici, Bernardo de, on
The Flagellation of Christ

Donatello: realism in sculpture 39;
(bronze) 182;
Mary Magdalen
(wood) 139, Plate 5

Donguidi, Ascanio, guidebook for pilgrims 148

Doria, Marcantonio, Prince 299, 300; takes delivery of
The Martyrdom of St Ursula

Duccio de Buoninsegna 440

duelling: a capital offence 70, 318, 325; etiquette 362

Dürer, Albrecht,
The Arrest of Christ

education, in Borromeo’s Milan 26, 53

Elizabeth of Hungary, St 233, 234

Erasmus 235

Este, Cesare d’, Duke of Modena, painting competition 299–300, 303–4

Eupompus (Greek painter) 92

The Bacchae

Evelyn, John, in Italy 96–7

executions, public 70

Eyck, Jan van 94

Faber, Johannes, on Del Monte 120

Farnese, Odoardo, Cardinal 69, 79

feet, in C.’s paintings 232–8, 280

Fenaroli, Alfonso, commissions
altarpiece 414

Fernández de Castro, Don Pedr
o, Spanish viceroy in Naples, and C.’s last paintings 436–7

Ferrara family relationship with France 20

Ferrari, Gaudenzio 39

figure painting 81; C.’s ambition towards 90–91

Fillide Melandroni (courtesan) 175, 176, 323; affray with Prudenza Zacchia 178–81, 324; last will and testament 444–5; models for C. 175–8, 181–6, 206, 280, 297, 298, Plates 32, 33, 35; portrait of 175, 176, 444, Plate 34

Finson, Louis (art dealer) 352

Flanders: oil painting tradition 34; skills of realism 94

Florence 20, 93

Fontana, Domenico (architect) 68

Fossaccia, Pietro de (waiter), attacked by C. 276–7

France: Holy Roman Empire and 20; influence of in Rome 69; rivalry with Spanish in Rome 69, 231, 283–4,
see also
Henri IV

Francis of Assisi, St 22, 103, 144–5, 147, 233; Nativity scene at Greccio 37, 410;
St Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy
(Caravaggio) 143–50;
St Francis in Meditation
(Caravaggio) 273–4

Franciscan meditation 32–3

Franciscans, attitude towards the poor 103

French Academy (Rome) 439

frescoes: Certoza di Garegnano presbytery (Peterzano) 54–5; Contarelli Chapel 80, 191, 192; Malta Grand Master’s Palace 369; Orvieto Cathedral 201; Pauline Chapel 212, 214; Sala di Constantino (Tommaso) 68; Tesoretto ceiling 159–61

Gabrielli, Ottaviano 281–2

Gagini, Antonello, Madonna sculpture in Caltagirone 393

Galilei, Vincenzo,
Dialogue on A
ncient and Modern Music

Galileo: Del Monte’s support 119; Mirabella and 401

Galleria Borghese 83, 412

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica (Palazzo Barberini) 273–4

Gallonio, Antonio,
The Tortures and Torments of the Christian Martyrs

The Garden of Prayer
(devotional manual) 38

Garzoni, Tommaso,
La piazza universale di tutte le professioni del mondo
102–3, 174–5

Genoa, C. in 298–300

Genre paintings: ‘concert’ pictures 126, 131–2; religious and devotional 33–6, 55, 137–50; rogues and tricksters 99–110, 118; still life 80–82, 85, 94, 134–7, 154, 411

Gentile, Deodato, Bishop of Caserta 428–9, 430, 431, 432–3, 434, 435–6, 437

Gentileschi, Artemisia 168–70, 172, 443; her
Judith and Holofernes

Gentileschi, Orazio 168, 443; Baglione libel case 245–6, 254–7, 259, 264–7, 273;
St Michael the Archangel
245–6, 265–6

éricault, Théodore 202;
The Raft of the Medusa
440, Plate 87

Il Gesù church (Rome), Baglione altarpiece 249

Giacomo, Salvatore di, history of
Prostitution in Naples

Giancarli, Artemio 109

Gilmore, David 43

Giorgione 64, 118, 126, 203

Giotto di Bondone 7–8, 39, 41, 440

Giugoli, Ignazio and Federigo, witnesses at Ranuccio’s murder 317, 320, 322, 325

Giustiniani family, possible help for C. to get to Malta 363

Giustiniani, Benedetto, Cardinal 246, 249, 251

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