Capri Nights (7 page)

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Authors: Cara Marsi

BOOK: Capri Nights
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She set her purse on a chair and headed for the kitchen. “A chef’s kitchen. Wow! A Wolf stove!” Feeling like a kid in a candy shop, she ran her fingers over the stainless steel of the six-burner stove with its double ovens. Turning to Alex, she said, “Wolf is one of the best, but why not an Italian stove, like a Bertazzoni?”

He shrugged. “Wolf is better. I prefer the best.”

“You sure do.” Widening her eyes, she took in the Sub-Zero professional-sized stainless refrigerator and the two side-by-side Asko dishwashers. With a kitchen like this, she’d probably never leave the house. She already felt at home here.

Despite the casual elegance and serenity of their surroundings, anticipation had Cat’s whole body alert and waiting.

Alex began taking items from the refrigerator. When Cat saw the ingredients for antipasto, she said, “I’ll make the antipasto.”

While she put together the delicate lettuce, plump olives, fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, lean prosciutto, and sliced artichokes, Alex prepared the pasta to top with olive oil and fresh shaved parmesan.

As they worked side-by-side, Cat hummed along with the operatic tune playing on the radio. She’d cooked beside others countless times before, but never with this feeling of sensuality overlaid with contentment. She could get used to this life, here beside Alex on this island made for lovers. What a pleasant fantasy, but her real life was half a world away. Pushing aside the bite of sadness, she resolved to enjoy the here and now.

“We make a good pair,” Alex said, mirroring her thoughts.

“We do.”

He touched her nose with his finger. “You have some tomato on your nose.”

She laughed. “I get food on me all the time.”

He kissed her lightly on the lips. “You taste good. Like tomatoes and olives.”

“I can’t resist tasting as I cook.”
And I can’t resist you

They ate at the kitchen center island. The sauvignon blanc from Alex’s family’s vineyards complemented the light meal. With a contented sigh, Cat finished her wine and shook her head when Alex held up the bottle, ready to pour more.

Cat put her hand over her glass. “I’ve had enough wine. The meal, the setting, the company, everything was delicious.”

“Are you ready for dessert?”

“Of course.”

His lips curved into a slow, sexy smile. “What do you want for dessert?”

“You.” The word slipped out. She surprised herself at her boldness.

At Alex’s smile of delight, she cradled his face between her hands and kissed him.

He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, desire gleamed in them. “You’re sure, Cat?”


He took her hand and led her up the stairs. As they moved down a wide, dimly lit hallway, they passed bedrooms with open doors. Alex pulled her into a room at the end of the hall. A lamp set on a glass-topped table illuminated the large space. A king-size bed covered in dark blue dominated the room. Filmy white curtains fluttered from windows that opened to the sea breeze. The pale glow of the rising moon carved a path along the white tiled floor.

The scent of Alex’s spicy cologne enveloped Cat as he took her into his arms. A surge of excitement shot through her. Giving herself over to the rush of desire, she wound her arms around his neck.

He tasted like wine and desire. Her stomach twisted into a knot of need. She parted her lips, wanting more of him.

Holding her, his mouth never leaving hers, he backed her up against the wall. She reveled in his groan of longing. Her body boneless, Cat melted against him, molding to his taut frame. She pushed aside the stirrings of doubt and fear that began to percolate within her. She would not think beyond this moment, with this man.

Alex trailed scorching kisses down her neck to the hollow of her throat. He cupped her buttocks and pulled her closer. His hard erection pressed against her.

“Cat.” At her whispered name, intimate and raw with longing, something deep and yearning stirred in her. She skimmed her hands over his broad shoulders.

“I want to see all of you, my Cat,” he said as he pulled away.

Swallowing around her dust-dry throat, she lowered the straps on her dress. Alex stopped her.

“I will undress you,” he rasped.

He reached back and unzipped her dress, then tugged it to her waist. She felt the slight shaking of his hands as he unhooked her bra. Her bra and dress brushed her sensitized flesh as they slid to the floor.

Alex touched her face. “

Then he turned his attention to her breasts. When he bent to take one puckered nipple into his mouth, she gripped his shoulders, afraid her legs wouldn’t hold her. Trembling when he feasted on her breasts, she dug her nails into the flesh of his shoulders as the warm, wet pool of arousal soaked her panties.

He removed her panties. She stood before him naked. The sea breeze, bringing the scent of flowers, whispered along her skin. With unsteady fingers, she started to unbutton his shirt. He gently pushed aside her hands and quickly undressed.

Breathing heavily, she let her gaze roam over his exquisite nakedness. With his broad shoulders, muscled chest sprinkled with fine golden hairs, and long perfectly formed legs, he was a masterpiece carved in marble and come to life. The sight of his penis—large, throbbing and ready for her—sparked fire along her nerve endings.

Taking her hand, he led her to the bed. He yanked aside the comforter and drew her down onto the bed with him. Gathering her into his arms, he stroked her face, trailing his hand to her breasts. “Since the first time I saw you, I wanted you.”

He rained kisses along her face and her jaw line. “My sweet, sexy, wonderful Cat.”

She flung a leg over his hip and pressed closer, rubbing against his erection.

He groaned. “Keep doing that and I won’t be able to control myself.”

“I want you so much, Alex.”

“Tell me what you want, what you like.”

“You inside of me. Now. We have all night to do whatever we want.”

“I like the way you think,” he said in a thick voice.

He reached over to the small table next to the bed, opened the drawer, and pulled out a condom.

When he’d rolled on protection, Alex positioned himself over Cat. His eyes were dark, almost black, with desire. An answering need pulsed through her. She raised her arms, welcoming him.

He sank into her, moving slowly in and out, filling her completely. Her body tightened as shivers danced along her skin. Arching up to meet his every thrust, she wrapped her legs around his hips and ran her fingers over his back, digging her nails into his flesh.

His hungry kiss devoured her as his tongue filled her mouth. Her body on fire, Cat uttered tiny sounds of pleasure. Their bodies melted together as if made for each other, heart and soul fused. She belonged here with Alex, in his arms, a part of him.

Her climax built in waves that rivaled the sea outside. She nipped his shoulder, tasting the salt of his warm flesh. He hammered into her, faster and harder. Their groans echoed through the room. She screamed as her orgasm ripped through her. Alex stiffened, then shuddered. He called out her name as he climaxed.

Tears of joy welled in Cat’s eyes.

Their breathing heavy, they lay wrapped in each other’s arms. Finally, he rolled off her and settled her over him. Brushing hair away from her face, he tucked it behind her ears. The longing in his eyes tugged at her heart. “My Cat.”

He pulled her head down for a tender, gentle kiss that captured her heart more surely than any words.

Cat pillowed her head on his chest and inhaled his unique scent mingled with the musk of their lovemaking. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

In the security of Alex’s arms, she’d finally found the acceptance and the belonging she’d craved.

Soon an ocean would separate them.


Alex put a hand over his eyes, adjusting to the sunlight streaming into the room. Beside him, Cat slept on her side, one hand tucked under her face. Propping himself on his elbow, he watched her, loving the way the sunlight brought out the red in her hair and the smoothness of her soft skin.

They’d made love into the early hours of the morning. A passionate woman who gave herself freely, Cat maintained an innocence, a wholesomeness that spoke to a need deep inside him, a hunger for trust and love.

Wanting her, he skimmed a finger down her face. She opened her big, beautiful blue eyes. Her smile reached into his heart and grabbed hold.

Buon giorno, cara mia
,” he whispered before kissing her full, inviting lips.

They made love again with a sweet desperation he’d never felt before. Holding her tightly, he wanted to imprint his body onto hers. Forever.

In a short time, she’d come to mean so much to him, but until his legal troubles were sorted out, he couldn’t think of a future with her, couldn’t think much beyond the next few days. He and Cat lived in different worlds, in different countries. He wanted her in his life and he’d find a way. He wouldn’t be the man he was today if he gave up easily.


Later, Cat, content and sated, sat with Alex on his patio drinking espresso and enjoying the breakfast she’d prepared.

Alex speared another forkful of spinach, mushroom, and potato frittata. “This is delicious, Cat. Almost as delicious as you.”

She laughed. “Thank you. For both compliments. I think you’re yummy too.”

His laugh joined hers. “You’re a great chef.” He leaned closer. “And a sexy, warm-hearted woman.”

Like the hot slide of the espresso down her throat, his words warmed her to her toes. She waved a hand. “You’ll spoil me with all these compliments.”

“I want to spoil you.”

Images of spending her days and nights here with Alex rose in her mind. Reality poked through the romantic dreams. The real world waited beyond these walls. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, wanting the dream to last a little longer.


After breakfast, Alex drove Cat back to her family’s villa. He concentrated on his driving, but his mind drifted to last night and this morning. She’d found a way into his heart and made him feel whole again. He glanced at Cat next to him in the car. Eyes closed, she rested her head on the back of the seat.

“Tired?” he asked.

“A little, but for all the right reasons.”

Pleasure at her words heated him like the sun, already high in the sky. He gripped the steering wheel as he negotiated a tricky bend in the road.

“I wish we could spend the day together,” she said. “But I have to get ready for the rehearsal dinner tonight.” She touched his arm. “I’m so glad you’ll be there with me.”

“If it weren’t for the chance to be with you, I would have politely declined Nolan’s invitation.”

He pulled up to the villa and parked the car, then turned to Cat. Cradling her face between his hands, he said, “I will miss you until tonight.”

“I’ll miss you too.” She kissed him tenderly.

He wanted to peel out of there with her in the car, to take her somewhere the world wouldn’t intrude.

“Alex.” She sighed and touched his face. “I can’t wait until tonight when I can see you again.” She grabbed the handle and opened the door. “No need for you to get out of the car.”

With the grace he found so appealing, she exited the car and ran up the steps. When she got to the top, she turned to wave at him.

Happiness, joy, and sadness formed a knot in Alex’s chest as he drove away. He had a meeting with his lawyer today. Soon, he’d learn his fate.


Surrounded by a cloud of euphoria, Cat headed to her room. The villa was quiet and she assumed the others were out. When she opened the door to her room, her happiness and feeling of goodwill fled out the window.

She gasped and stumbled to a stop.

Her beautiful clothes, her symbols of the new Cat, of her freedom, lay in tattered heaps on her bed. She dropped her purse on the floor. Dread pressed against her chest as she approached the bed. With a shaking hand, she picked up the orange silk dress she’d planned to wear to the rehearsal dinner. Someone had taken a scissor or knife to the beautiful fabric and shredded it until it was hardly recognizable as a dress. All her clothes had met the same fate, leaving Cat with only the clothes she now wore.

Tears sprang to her eyes when she spotted the lovely blue dress she’d bought for her mother. When she’d chosen the dress, she pictured her mother wearing it to one of her parties in Sausalito. Now, it was gone. Clutching the ripped blue dress to her chest, Cat sank onto the bed as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Who could have done this?

Angelina’s warnings about Bailey shot into Cat’s mind.


Red-hot anger propelled Cat from the bed. She threw the blue dress down and began pacing. Her mind conjured up images of ripping Bailey’s clothes to shreds. She clenched her hand, imagining slamming it into Bailey’s face. She’d rip out Bailey’s hair too. She pictured those long blonde extensions on the floor.

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