Capri Nights (4 page)

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Authors: Cara Marsi

BOOK: Capri Nights
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As if he felt her watching, he turned slowly. Their gazes connected across the room. His hazel eyes darkened with something that took the breath from her. With the lithe grace of a lion, he strolled to her.

Bailey ran into the room and intercepted him, reminding Cat of a football player going in for the tackle. Bailey grabbed his arm and stared up at him while she licked her lips seductively. “Good morning, Sandro.” She pressed one of her breasts against his arm.

“Morning, Bailey. Please call me Alex.” With a bland expression on his face, he disentangled himself from Bailey’s grasp and closed the distance to Cat.

“Cat.” He kissed her hand. “You are the most beautiful woman on Capri.”

With a loud grunt, Bailey stomped from the room.

Cat pushed Bailey from her mind, refusing to let the other woman ruin her day.

With a smile for Alex, Cat said, “I doubt I’m the most beautiful woman on Capri. Thank you for saying it though.” His words heated her like sweet, warm honey. She did feel pretty in the tan silk capris and the pale blue sleeveless top that brought out the color of her eyes.

He skimmed a finger over her bottom lip. “You are very appealing,” he said, his voice husky. “Any man who sees you will want you.”

She shifted, unsure how to answer.

He placed his hand on her shoulder. “Ready?”


His warm hand scorched her flesh, partially bared by her top. The way her body tingled at his touch, she was ready for much more than a sightseeing trip through Capri. Anticipation and a dollop of fear mixed a nervous potion in her stomach.

Once in the car, she asked, “Where are we going?”

Alex started the car and the Ferrari purred to life. “Have you been to the Blue Grotto?” He carefully maneuvered the car along the circular drive and onto the road.

“I went there when I visited Angelina years ago. It’s such a tourist trap.”

“With me it will not be a tourist trap. I guarantee it.”

Cat settled into her seat. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”


“Take my hand,
. Be careful.” The middle-aged man dressed in a striped sailor top and faded jeans held out his hand to Cat.

She took the proffered hand and stepped gingerly into the small boat. Alex followed her, squeezing into the wooden seat next to her. They’d taken a motorboat crammed with tourists to the entrance of the Blue Grotto, then switched to this rowboat to go into the cave itself.

She moved over to allow Alex more room even though they were the only two passengers. He draped his arm over her shoulders and drew her closer.

When they were settled, the sailor began rowing. “Young lovers,” he said. “Capri is made for lovers.”

“It is,” Alex whispered in her ear.

Her insides churned with heady pleasure as their sailor guide ferried them toward the cave opening. While they waited their turn in the long line of tiny boats, the sailor explained that the Ancient Romans feared the Blue Grotto as the mystical dwelling place of monsters and spirits. The Roman Emperor Tiberius filled the grotto with statues and used it as his private swimming hole.

Although Cat listened in fascination to the legends of the Blue Grotto, a part of her was keenly aware of Alex’s thigh pressed against hers. She’d been right about the grotto. It was touristy. Being with Alex made it exciting, sensual, and magical. She suspected he’d bring a vibrancy and excitement to even the most mundane things.

Finally, ducking their heads, they went through the low opening in the rock. Once inside, Cat straightened and gasped, filled with awe at nature’s beauty spread before them. The water was a deep, glowing turquoise lit from below by phosphates. “This is amazing.”

Their boatman began singing an operatic tune in Italian. Cat relaxed into Alex and let the beauty and the romance of the moment wash over her. On this enchanted island, in this mystical grotto with a thrilling, attentive guy at her side, she could allow herself to fantasize that she and Alex really were lovers. Cat’s practical side dashed cold water on that thought. She and Alex lived an ocean apart.

“Do you still think it is touristy here?” Alex placed a tender kiss on her temple.

She snuggled into him. “Not touristy at all, not with you as my guide. Thank you for showing me the
Blue Grotto.”

He bent and touched his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to this exciting man in this magical place. Need and yearning coiled deep inside her.

“There is so much more I want to show you, Cat,” he whispered against her lips.

Like the gentle mist of the grotto, his throaty voice enveloped her with the promise of romantic adventure.

They rowed around the grotto, one boat among many. Cat, wrapped in Alex’s arms, felt as if they were the only two in this place of legends and otherworldly beauty, this place made for lovers.

Although their little sojourn ended too soon, and they were back on the island, the sensual enchantment of the Blue Grotto clung to Cat like caramelized sugar on crème brulee. She barely noticed the crowds pressing against them as they strolled hand-in-hand along
La Piazetta.

Alex tugged on her hand and drew her into a narrow alleyway between two buildings. He gently cupped her shoulders and pressed her against the rough stone wall. “My Cat,” he whispered in that low, sexy accent. “
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Her purse slid off her shoulder to land on the cobblestones. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Alex.” She released his name on a breathless sigh.

He brushed his lips over hers, slowly, tentatively, giving her the choice.

She savored his kiss, his scent of warm musk, his scorching touch. Heat licked her skin and traveled through her, igniting a flame low in her belly. His lips moved over hers, coaxing and teasing, inciting her to press closer, to seek his warmth.

When the tip of his tongue traced the line of her lower lip, she opened for him, craving his passion and his heat. Their tongues met in a primal dance. A volcano of need erupted within her. He did more than kiss her. He claimed her.

Awash in desire, Cat was in heaven and she never wanted to leave. When Alex threaded his fingers through her hair, a tortured moan escaped from deep within her.

He pressed his lips harder against hers, hot and intense. His tongue filled her mouth, exploring. Boneless, she melted against him.

Sounds, muted at first, then louder, penetrated her sensual bubble. In protest, she burrowed closer to Alex. She didn’t want the magic to end, didn’t want to leave the shelter and heat of his arms.

Children shouting out on the street brought Cat back to Earth with a thud. Her breathing rushed, she pulled away from Alex.

His eyes were glazed with want and desire. His skin stretched taut over his high cheekbones and his ragged breathing matched hers.

“Wow!” she said when she could talk.

He brushed his knuckles against her cheek. “
you are an amazing woman.”

She placed a hand over her heart, feeling the pounding beat begin to slow.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you from the minute I saw you strolling down
La Piazetta
, lovely and sweet,” he said.

“I-I wanted to kiss you too. Capri is like a love song. It makes people dream of love and kisses.”

“It’s not the island that makes me want you.”

She swallowed. “Wow again. I need a drink.” She bent to retrieve her purse.

He cupped her elbow. “We’ll have drinks and lunch before I drive you back.”

“Lunch sounds great.” Afterward, back at the villa, she’d face the real world of Nolan, Tinsley, and especially Bailey.
. Thinking of the villa made her remember something, something she’d tried to forget. Cat pulled on Alex’s arm, stopping him. “I forgot to mention this. When I got back to the villa last night, my dad and stepmother were waiting. I told them I was seeing you today, and they insisted you have dinner with us tonight.”

“Then I will have dinner with you.”


Later, dressed for dinner, Cat studied herself in the beveled mirror in her bedroom. Her short skirt in varying shades of blue and her turquoise tank top enhanced the light tan she’d gotten since she’d been here. She hoped Alex would think her beautiful and that he’d kiss her again. Definitely kiss her again.

Before her mind could conjure up images of kissing Alex and a whole lot more, she exited her room and met her father coming out of the master suite down the hall.

He stopped and stared at her with an expression she didn’t recognize. “Caitlyn, you look so much like your mother.” His voice had softened.

“Thank you, Dad.” She swallowed around the unexpected lump that formed in her throat. Her father held out his arm and Cat placed hers through his. Longing for what she never had, a father who adored her, pulsed through her.

Cat had long suspected her parents, who’d married very young, still loved each other. But her dad had cheated on her mom with Nolan. When Cat’s mother discovered his betrayal, she threw him out, right into Nolan’s arms. Knowing Nolan, and how miserable she made her dad, Cat felt sure her stepmother had seduced him into marrying her to elevate her social standing and her wealth. Not only did Davison Connors’ family have money, they had platinum social credentials.

Her father had ignored his only child, and Cat didn’t understand why. Growing up, the summers she’d spent on the Connors’ family ranch in Napa, California, were filled with daily ridicule from mean girls Tinsley and Bailey and their wealthy, spoiled girlfriends. They liked to mock the no-label clothes Cat preferred.

Pushing aside the melancholy brought on by the painful memories, Cat plastered a false smile on her face and pulled her arm from her dad’s as they joined the others in the spacious dining room. White curtains at the open French doors that led to the patio fluttered in the soft breeze and the scent of lemons floated through the room.

Entering this den of vipers, Cat squared her shoulders and prepared for battle. She hoped Alex would arrive soon.

Her father went immediately to the bar and poured himself a whiskey. Huntley was already there, a tumbler of whiskey in his hand. Tinsley, wearing a tight black strapless dress and black Roman-gladiator sandals, stood at his side sipping from a champagne flute.

Tinsley nodded at Cat, seemingly unaware that her fiancé’s lecherous gaze trailed over her stepsister.

Cat took a glass of Dom Perignon offered by Paolo and walked to one of the comfortable chintz-covered chairs positioned around the room. The dining table, set for dinner, was white glass surrounded by modern chairs in chrome and white leather. The flowered chintz on the side chairs lent warmth to the cool room.

“Dinner will be served in ten minutes,” Paolo announced.

Nolan, wearing a deep purple knee-length dress that showed her long legs, marched over to Cat. She bent to whisper in Cat’s ear. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but
Alessandro Viteli is better matched with Bailey. Leave him alone.”

“Seriously, Nolan? You can’t order me around.”

Nolan’s eyes sparked green fire. “You ungrateful little bitch. We’ll see about that.” She stalked away.

Shrugging, Cat sipped her drink. She felt as effervescent as the bubbling champagne. All these years she’d been intimidated by Nolan and her daughters. How freeing to no longer fear them or what they could do to her.

Bailey stepped into the room, wearing a tan sundress that fit her like a second skin. With a tight-lipped glare for Cat, Bailey grabbed a flute of champagne and flounced to sit at the other side of the room.

The doorbell rang, sending Paolo to answer it. A few minutes later, Alex sauntered in. His navy pants and crisp white shirt unbuttoned at the neck showcased his virility and style. He could have stepped from the pages of a fashion magazine, modeling the latest in couture for men. With his dark blond hair slicked back and a light stubble on his face, he could be a pirate on the cover of a romance novel.

His face broke out in a grin when he spotted Cat. Before he could take a step toward her, Nolan and Bailey hurried to him, flanking him.

“Alessandro, thank you for accepting our invitation,” Nolan said in a simpering voice.

Give me a break.
Cat resisted rolling her eyes.

Bailey linked her arm through Alex’s, one artificially enhanced breast pressing against his arm. Cat could swear Bailey batted her eyelashes.

Across the room, Cat’s father watched with a frown on his face. Huntley and Tinsley, deep in conversation, ignored the others.

“Good evening, everyone.” Alex extricated himself from the women and offered Nolan the wine bottle he held. “Thank you for sharing your meal with me tonight.”

“How nice of you, Alessandro,” Nolan said, taking the bottle from him.

“Please call me Alex.”

When Nolan saw the label, her eyes widened. “Paradisio 2007 cabernet! This wine is very hard to get. The winery makes so few bottles a year that they’re in high demand. How did you manage it?”

Alex lifted his chin. “My family owns the winery.”

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