Capri Nights (6 page)

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Authors: Cara Marsi

BOOK: Capri Nights
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“Caitlyn.” He held out a hand.

She stomped away, proud of herself for standing up to him, for saying the things she should have said long ago. Her good feeling lasted until she got to her room. She threw herself on the bed and cried for the father she’d never had, for the death of her childish dreams that she and her parents would live together in their own happy-ever-after.

Cried out, Cat sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. She was finally free to be the woman she always knew she could be. Through the years, her mother had tried to shore up her confidence, but Cat had been so intimidated by the mean-spirited treatment from Nolan and her daughters and by the benign neglect of her self-absorbed father, that she’d retreated into herself. No more. Her new clothes were the outward symbols of her self-assurance and freedom.

There was Alex. He made her feel desirable and beautiful. No one had ever done that before. She recognized his core of sincerity and goodness. He couldn’t be guilty of any crimes.

Sadness rose in her. They lived an ocean apart. Nothing lasting would ever come from their brief flirtation on this magical island. She pressed a hand to her chest as if she could somehow touch her heart and soothe away the dull pain that formed at the thought of leaving Alex.


All that day, the villa bustled with workmen, caterers, and cleaning people, preparing for the huge party her father and stepmother were holding that night. Restless, wanting to see Alex and not wanting to spend another evening with Nolan’s friends, Cat called Angelina to meet her for lunch. Friends since their undergrad days at Berkeley where Angelina, a native of Capri, was an exchange student, the two women had remained close.

Angelina drove to the villa to pick up Cat, and now they were seated at one of Capri’s ubiquitous outdoor cafes finishing a lunch of yellowtail fish roasted on a bed of fennel with sides of fresh tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, topped off by espresso and strawberry kiwi gelato.

Cat patted her stomach. “I’m going to weigh a ton by the time I get home.”

Angelina’s brown eyes glittered. “I’m sure your Alex will think of imaginative ways to work off the pounds.”

“Alex and I haven’t made love. I barely know him.”

“Ah, but you are falling for him. I see it in your eyes.” Angelina leaned forward. “Admit, it, Cat.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Angelina laughed. “You protest too much. I never saw your face light up when you spoke of Ethan the way it lights when you say Alex’s name.”

“I like him. Love? No way. Even if I did fall for him, we live in different countries. I have a new career, one I’ve worked very hard for. I won’t leave San Francisco.” She grimaced. “Once Alex’s legal troubles are over, he’ll have a ton of work to rebuild his company and his reputation. His life is here.”

Angelina shrugged and picked up her wine goblet. “I have only met him a few times, but he seemed like a decent guy, not a playboy like some of his cousins. Very serious minded.” Her lips tilted in a wicked smile. “He’s hot too.”

“Yeah, he is hot, and decent. I’d hate to see Bailey get her claws in him.”

“I knew it! You are jealous of that bitch Bailey. She is nothing compared to you.”

“I’m not jealous. I’m so over caring about Bailey and Tinsley.”

Angelina touched Cat’s hand. “Be careful of Bailey. She always seemed to have a meaner streak than Tinsley, even back in college. I suspect she’s not changed. If she thinks Alex is hers, she may get nasty.”

Cat snorted. “Bailey can’t hurt me.”

Cat’s phone rang. When she saw Alex’s name on the ID, she lowered her head to hide her grin from Angelina. She answered and struggled to keep the elation from her voice.

“Hi, Alex.”

Across the table, Angelina thrust a fist in the air. “Yes!” she mouthed.

After a few minutes, Cat hung up to face a smirking Angelina.

in love!” Angelina said. “Your face is lit up like the sun. He is coming here, yes?”

“Yes. We’re going to spend the day together. He’s close so he should be here any minute.”

They paid the bill and headed out to the square to wait for Alex. When he arrived, he and Angelina exchanged hellos, then Angelina left, after getting reassurances from Alex that he would drive Cat home.

When they were alone, his hungry gaze devoured her. “You look good, Cat.”

“Thanks.” She felt good too, in the yellow cotton sundress and gold sandals. Cat hefted her large straw bag over her shoulder. “Where are we going?”

“I have a special surprise for you.”

He took her hand, squeezing it as if he never wanted to let her go.


Alex held Cat’s hand, helping her negotiate the cobblestones in her high heels. She took two steps to his every one. “Where are we going?” she asked again, glancing up at him.

Her sparkling eyes and the trusting way she held onto him made him want to taste her sweet lips, to protect her from her stepfamily, and give her the happiness she deserved. Facing prison, he had nothing to offer her. If exonerated, he’d spend the next few years rebuilding his business. Cat had her own life an ocean away. She was his today and he’d make her happy.

“We are almost there,” he said.

He led her to a tiny lane, then up narrow stone steps to a walkway that overlooked the bay
As in the rest of Capri, flower-filled boxes lined the pathway. Quaint shops selling Limóncello, the sweet liqueur of Capri, couture clothes and shoes, and upscale household goods opened onto the walk.

“We’re here,” he announced.

They entered the tiny
filled with hundreds of perfume bottles of varying shapes and sizes.

“A perfume shop?” Cat said.

“The best
in Capri.”

“Sandro!” Maria rushed from behind the counter and embraced him. Maria and her mother Lucia, along with Ernesto, had stood by Alex through his legal problems. They believed in him, and he would always remember their kindness. Their faith in his innocence gave him strength to keep fighting. He wanted Cat to know the people who’d remained loyal to him, unlike most of his family.

Maria shouted toward the beaded curtains. The beads tinkled like tiny bells as Lucia came out from behind them. When she saw Alex, she hurried over to give him a hug.

He took Cat’s hand and pulled her forward, saying in English, “Maria, Lucia, this is Cat, my special friend.”

Lucia grabbed Cat’s free hand and said in heavily accented English, “We are always happy to meet a friend of Sandro’s. He is a good man.”

“I, too, am happy to meet a friend of Sandro’s,” Maria said with a welcoming smile.

Gratitude for his two friends sent a rush of warmth to Alex’s chest.

“Come, we will make a perfume just for you.” Maria waved a hand toward the work counter.

“Perfume for me?” Cat asked.

Alex nodded. “Maria will make a unique scent that no one else has. Every time you wear it, I hope you will think of me.”

Her eyes wide and glowing with pleasure, Cat said, “That’s so sweet. But I won’t need perfume to remember you.”

Alex wanted to take out his heart and hand it to her.

They walked to the counter where Maria was pulling vials from drawers. She poured tiny amounts of the contents onto small blotters for Cat to sniff. Most Cat rejected as too sweet or too heavy.

“I like these two,” she finally said. “What are they?”

Alex picked up the vials and read the labels. “Lime and basil.”

“Lime and basil? For perfume?”

“These two scents plus an added special ingredient will be perfect for you,” Maria said.

Cat clapped her hands. “Cool! Thanks.”

Lucia touched Alex’s arm. “The perfume is our gift to your beautiful Cat.”

“No, I will pay,” he said.

“My mother is right,” Maria said. “You are our friend. We help our friends.”

“Thank you both.” Alex’s throat thickened. He owed these two, as he owed Ernesto.

Like a chemist concocting a secret formula, Maria mixed ingredients, then poured everything into a small blue crystal flask. She held it out to Cat.

Cat took the bottle and sniffed. “Oh. My. God. That is the best smelling perfume ever.”

Maria laughed. “Try it now. Please.”

Cat dabbed some of the perfume on her wrists and brought one hand up to take a whiff. She moaned softly. “Who knew lime and basil could be so heavenly?”

Maria sealed the bottle with a glass stopper, then put the flask into a blue satin bag and presented it to Cat with a flourish.

“Thank you so much,” Cat said. “I can’t wait to wear this. It was wonderful to meet you.”

With a sly grin, Lucia said, “We will meet again.” She put a hand over her heart. “I feel it.”

Hope sprang up in Alex. Lucia was known to be psychic. If only she was right, and Cat would someday come back to Capri and to him.

Waving goodbye to the women, Cat and Alex left the shop and sauntered leisurely back to
La Piazetta

Clutching the small pouch, Cat looked up at him. “Thank you for the perfume. I love it and I love that you wanted to give it to me.”

He took her hand and pulled her to the side, away from the crush of the crowd. “I will never forget you, Cat.” Ignoring the twinge in his chest at the thought of her leaving, he bent and kissed her lightly on the lips.


Sipping from small glasses of Limóncello, Cat and Alex sat on the balcony at one of Capri’s best restaurants. They’d spent the day talking, laughing, sightseeing, people watching. The golden glow of the setting sun on the bay and over Vesuvius in the distance couldn’t outshine the glow inside Cat.

“I’m so glad you called me, Alex. This has been a great day.”

“Every day is great when I can see your beautiful face.”

Despite his serious words, the glint in his eyes and his teasing tone made her laugh. She leaned closer. “One thing I like about you is that for a smokin’ hot guy you don’t take yourself seriously.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “I love your American honesty.” Settling back in his chair, he asked, “What else do you like about me?”

“Now you’re fishing for compliments.” She tapped her chin with her finger. “Let’s see. I like how your English is perfect, especially since I don’t speak Italian. I like that you make me feel good. I like that you’re fun to be around. Is that enough?”

He frowned. “That’s all?”

“That’s all you’re getting for now, mister.”

Chuckling, he sipped his drink.

Cat checked the time on her phone and grimaced. “Damn. I need to get back. Nolan and Dad are having a party for their San Francisco friends who arrived today.”

“Do you have to go to the party?”

She chewed her lip. “Not really. I doubt they’ll miss me.”

“Then stay with me. I’ll make dinner for you. I want to hold onto you a little longer.”

“You’ve made me an offer I can’t refuse.”

Thirty minutes later, they approached his villa. Cat’s heart pounded when the white structure with the blue tiled roof that glistened with small white lights set around it came into view. A fairy-tale castle for a princess. Cat felt like Cinderella tonight, a casually dressed Cinderella. Was Alex her prince? A thoroughly modern prince, he hadn’t returned her glass slipper but her phone. If this was her own private fairy tale, she’d enjoy it while she could.

Alex drove down a long driveway bordered by flowering shrubs and pulled up to the circular drive in front of the house. A bubbling fountain with a statue of Neptune surrounded by fish spewing water adorned the circle. Marble steps led to a large wooden front door painted red. A stone wall curved along the top floor of the house, and Cat guessed it offered a view of the bay.

Alex cut the engine, exited the car, and walked around to her side to open her door. Taking her hand, he helped her alight.

With his hand on the small of her back, he led her up the steps.

“Wow,” she said when they entered the mosaic-floored entryway lit by large floor lamps set around the perimeter. In shades of deep blue and green, the floor mimicked the sea outside. Here and there, colorful fish seemed to swim between the undulating waves. “I feel like I’m floating in the ocean. It’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it.” He drew her close and kissed her, gently at first. His lips firmed over hers, hot and demanding. After several passion-filled minutes, he pulled away, his breathing ragged.

“First, we have dinner,” he said softly.

“And after that?”


“What’s for dessert?”

“Whatever you want.”

At the smoldering intensity of his eyes, a slow, simmering ache began to build in her. Cat pressed a palm to her stomach. Alex for dessert? She could handle that. “I’ll help you with the meal.”

Alex’s large, open kitchen with its white cabinets, white tiled floor and dark blue granite countertops continued the feeling of floating in the ocean. French doors opened to a garden. The breeze brought the scent of roses. The center island looked out over the living room, furnished with modern, almost sparse furniture, with pops of blue and green, like underwater fish and fauna, among the sectional and chairs covered in white fabric.

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