Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (19 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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The others followed along and
that only added to my despair. The more he sang the more my guard fell,
crumbling like the walls of Jericho. I tried to distance myself but his lyrics
kept pulling me back.

When he got to the end, he sang
of his regret of watching her walk away. How he tried so many times to
apologize but the words got stuck in his throat. The song came full circle when
he sang about putting the words in a song.

I secretly wiped the tears away.
I knew it was for me. But it only made me angry. I should have loved that a man
would write a song just for me but he had ripped open a wound that hadn’t
healed yet. He was making me relive these precious moments with him and I
didn’t want to relive that. I had forced myself to suppress those feelings
because he pushed me away two seconds after fucking me. Now here he was
confessing his feelings to me in a song. I hated his games. I pounded another
beer and felt my body relax.
Yes, getting drunk was exactly what I needed.

I didn’t look to Avery when the
song finished. Every one clapped and praised him. I wrapped my arms around
myself and bit the inside of my lip nervously. In that moment, I knew that I
had to push Avery Jameson out of my heart, out of my life, or he was going to
break me.

Sara moved around to the side of
the pavilion and I sat in a trance and stared at the fire. I didn’t want to
look across from me. I didn’t want to see those beautiful sad eyes staring back
at me. I was too angry. I was too hurt.

The chords of ‘Happy Birthday’
broke through my self-wallowing and I looked up to see Sara with a large cake
with candles blazing. I smiled widely at her.

“Twenty?” I crooked my eyebrow
at her.

“Of course,” she beamed up and
down while everyone sang Happy Birthday to the six acoustic guitars around a
campfire. I smiled for the first time, feeling lucky that I had made so many friends
over the last few weeks.

“Make a wish,” Sara urged.

I tried with all my might not to
look at Avery. But I wore my heart on my sleeve. I would have to wait one more
night until I placed the shield back around my heart. Until I could be strong
enough to lock him out of my life forever.
My traitorous eyes
found Avery and I watched as his fingers finished the last chords of the song.
His eyes locked on mine.

“I already got my wish.” I
watched as Avery’s soft smile fell and he swallowed hard. My eyes moved back to

“I have all of you here with me.
What more could I ask for?”

As I drew in a deep breath I
knew that I would never have another chance with Avery. As the flames of the
candles fell dormant, so did my heart. Looks like everyone had a good time
Everyone, except me.






here I was, Friday morning, and my head pounded to the rhythm of my heavy heart
combined with a second hangover in as many days. I sat there pondering the
hours that led up to this moment. I realized then I had to treat my problem
with guys just like a hangover. Pretend it never existed. Push past it and
never look back.

As I lay there staring at the
wooden rafters of the cabin, I was surrounded by everything that Avery’s own
hands had built
. God, it sucked!

He created this world that until
two weeks ago I didn’t even know existed. I knew one thing for sure. I liked
these new sexual experiences. I didn’t come here by choice – not this
type of camp anyway. I came because Sara said it was a getaway from the
pressures of life especially from school. I had to admit, this place was
exhilarating. There was no better way to blow off steam than to feel the rush
of an orgasm taking over your body – leaving you satiated and your mind a
little fuzzy.

A smile grew on my face and I
knew in that moment what I needed to do. I was definitely going to dive in.
First stop – Sybian class. I’ll be honest – I was intimidated by
the thought of it at first but now I felt it was calling to me.

I stood and stretched my arms as
my eyes landed on the fresh wild orchids on my dresser. I sucked in a breath,
trying to remember where they came from. I wanted to throw them across the
room. I didn’t want to be reminded of him. I saw the card sticking out of the
top. I shook my head and ignored it.
How many times could I break until I

After my shower, I pulled on my
lace bra and panty set, tight low cut shirt, and short workout shorts then
hearing a noise, I left my room. I moved closer and I could hear Sara heaving
in the bathroom as I approached. I tapped lightly on the door and peeked my
head in. She was green.

“Sara, are you okay?” 

“Uhhh. No,” she mumbled as she
hung her head lower.

“Can I get you anything? Hair of
the dog?”

“Funny,” she said spitting into
the toilet. “I called off from my classes already. Sienna is hungover too.”

“How’s Colt?” I asked.

“I can’t get a hold of him.” She
heaved into the toilet again. I turned my head.

“Feel better,” I said as I
grabbed my backpack and left, wishing I could help make her feel better.

The camp wasn’t bustling with
people like it usually was.
Was everybody hungover this morning?

I made my way to my first Sybian
class. When I entered the cabin, I waited to shed my shirt and workout shorts.
I had planned on going for a run after class. I waited hoping class wasn’t
cancelled. The room was empty except for the masterful piece of equipment. I
couldn’t help but to get nervous and excited at the same time. I paced around
it, staring it down, and turned my back to the door while I studied it.

“Bad news. Colt and Sienna are
both hungover.” I stiffened at the sound of his velvet voice. I closed my eyes briefly,
opened them, and turned around with a wry smile.

Damn it!
didn’t look as nearly as 
uncomfortable as I was. He was his
well-composed, hot and steamy self and I was just another notch on his cigar

“I guess that was my fault. I
didn’t restrict the alcohol consumption yesterday, but then it was a special day,”
he huffed. “So, I am forced to oversee a few of the classes that are actually
occurring today. Pierce is helping me along with five other instructors,” he
rambled on. “I cancelled all other classes for today. You don’t seem worse for
wear,” he said that like maybe he was more nervous than he let on.

“No. I’m good,” I lied coldly.
has a way of sobering a drunken girl up.

“Okay, good.” He pushed his
hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “So, the Sybian. Have you ever
seen or had any experience with this kind of heavy duty machinery?” I shook my

He stepped up to it. “The Sybian
is one of the main events at the Camp Olympics. We hold it just like it was a real
rodeo. The Kittens will ride a rocking horse that has been converted into a
full Sybian. Only no one’s allowed to see it yet. It’s a surprise. Every year
we find a new design for the Sybian. Last year, it was a dime store racecar.
This is a normal Sybian for training new riders.”

I blinked up at him as he
pointed to the intense looking machine and rambled on.

“The Sybian rodeo works just
like a real one where the Kitten rides the bull and see how many seconds she
can stay on while the attendant slowly cranks up the power. No Kitten has ever
made it to ten without jumping off or yelling stop. The highest mark ever
achieved was an eight.”

He ran his hand through his hair
nervously. “Anyway, Colt and Sienna feel you’re ready to try this. I’m just not
sure from what I’ve seen but I’ll switch it on so you get used to its
mechanical lore and we’ll see how you do.” I didn’t like what he was implying
by that comment, but then he went on.

“This is my own design.”

I purposely stared at his
forehead. I was not going to look into those beautiful eyes that made me melt
two nights ago. I wasn’t going to stare at his perfect round lips, the ones
that had devoured me and seduced me. I switched gears and remembered the story
about the Sybian during girls’ night around the campfire.

“The saddle-like feature makes
it easier for the Kittens to reach climax,” he swallowed nervously.

I listened to his instructions
but I wasn’t really listening. 
My thoughts took me away to two nights
ago. His gentle touch. His loving eyes. I pushed the memory away, gritted my
teeth, and stormed to the credenza that held my only escape. I covered the name
up on the Jameson whiskey bottle and poured a small amount into a glass and
slammed it back.
Yes, at that moment, I was that petty.

I didn’t want anything to remind
me of him. I still hurt too badly. I could feel Avery’s eyes on me. I made
myself not look into those gorgeous emerald eyes and let the alcohol work its
Gotta love Irish whiskey.

“You really are my little whiskey
girl,” Avery said. The corner of his mouth rose up slightly then he cleared his
throat. “Get on your knees on the table and pull your mask on.” I looked to him
curiously. “Colt’s notes say you like being blindfolded,” he smirked.

I quickly downed a little more
of the liquid courage and 
blocked out Avery’s chuckle as I slammed my
glass back 
down on the counter. I went to my backpack and dug through
it. My shaky hands found my mask and I sighed 
inwardly. I guess there’s
no point in fighting any of this. This was his camp. I was bound to run into
him at some point.
Why not every damn day!

I shimmied off my shorts and
t-shirt with my back turned toward him. I left my light pink bra and panties
on. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me naked yet again. I
breathed in a shaky sigh and tried to look unaffected by him being inches away
from me. My insides were quivering, though.
God, how was I going to do this?

I knelt on the soft plush
blanket beside the machine and pulled the mask over my eyes.
Damn him. Why
does it have to be today of all days that he has to cover classes. I’m not
going to let him ruin this for me.
I kept telling myself that. I let the blackness
fill my world. The machine still purred beside me. The constant noise drowning
out Avery’s steady breaths helped. I could feel him nearby. This couldn’t be
more awkward.

“I would recommend pleasuring
yourself first. You really need to be turned on for this,” he said softly.

I stand corrected. It
get more awkward than this very moment.

“Fine,” I huffed. Colt never
mentioned that you had to be turned on prior to using this machine, besides he
could just let me have some lube if it mattered that much. But if that’s the
way he wanted to play, then he’d better prepare himself because it was about to
be one hell of a show. I reached down into my panties and began to play. The alcohol
was helping to relax me and was giving me the courage to show him what he was
missing out on. Still, I 
wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of seeing me
naked just yet and judging from the outline in his pants before I put my mask
on, I was having an affect on him, whether he wanted to admit it or not. I was
going to ride this out until the very last minute.

I rubbed my magic spot, blocking
everything out. I was 
just beginning to get wet when Avery gasped
quietly. I tore off my mask.

“No, Avery. You don’t get to
enjoy this.” I tried to sound angry but my voice shook unsteadily instead.

He swallowed hard and nodded
then took a step back. My anger calmed and I slid the mask back on.

“I need music, please,” I said,
weakly. “Something hard and fast. No more love crap for me,” I muttered.

The music blared to a guitar
solo and I pushed all my anxiety down between my thighs. I reached down and continued
my ministrations.
This wasn’t for anyone, just me. I had to show Avery what
he would miss out on by rejecting me. Worse yet, I had to prove it to myself.

The burning took hold of me
shortly afterwards and my legs began to stiffen.

“That’s enough. If you’re going
to cum, you will want 
to do it on the Sybian – trust me,” his
voice was surprisingly steady.
Trust you!
I was glaring at him through
my mask as I slid off my panties. I lifted my blindfold and waited for Avery to
guide me.

He never spoke as he stepped
beside me and reached for my hand. With every fiber of my wounded heart, I wanted
to pull away but I knew he was doing this for me. I was to move forward up over
the machine. He had already cleaned the vibrating phallus and I was glad that
there wasn’t a long interruption.

I lowered myself down onto it
and repositioned my mask. The machine began vibrating and grinding slowly and the
Sybian began to move inside me.

It was slow and steady, not as
overwhelming as I had imagined. As my body relaxed around it, I could hear
Avery click the remote in his hand and the gentle, smooth grinding increased. I
anchored my knees on either side of the beast.

“Squeeze your thighs together,
Aria, as you start building again. Move up and down now, like you’re cantering
on a horse. Good.”
God, this was so deep.
I threw my head back and let
my fingers find my clit.

“Nice,” he purred. “Feel the
vibrations move through every part of you.”

The humming of the machine was
extraordinary. My fingers circled faster while I cantered up and down. I found my
clit burning and seeking release faster than I had ever thought was possible.
The relentless machine moved inside me. I fell deeper into it against its gyration.
I rose up and fell back down on it, repeating the maneuver over and over.

It only took a few moments more
of gentle rubbing to reach my release. My body quivered and soared. A moan
erupted from deep inside me. My vision blurred and stars crept into my
periphery. I was panting hard. The machine clicked and slowed but kept going.

“One more, Aria. Let go.”

“I’m too sensitive.”
you, two nights ago,
my subconscious sneered.

“Use it. Push past the initial
response and I promise you, you will build faster and harder to an even more intense

I nodded, not sure if I could do
it. My insides still quivered. I reached down and rubbed my fingers over my wet
clit. I spread the moisture and rubbed in circles. He was right. Within
moments, I was building harder and faster. The mixture of vibrations of the
machine that was slow and steady, my numb legs, and the burning inside me
pushed past my usual orgasm and I was climbing higher than I ever thought I

I circled my clit a few minutes
more. Without warning, his fingers clamped around my nipple over my bra and my body
convulsed hard and fast. I cried out uncontrollably. The machine sped up and I
cantered up and down as the thrusts of the machine prolonged my orgasm. I was trembling
when the machine slowed to a stop.

“That was amazing,” I breathed
drowning in my new euphoria. I felt warm hands touch me and lift my mask. I opened
my brown eyes to see his emerald green ones staring back at me. I saw so much
in his heated stare. Lust, desire, and something else he was trying to hide,
need. His breathing matched mine and he took a step forward between my legs.

“That was wonderful. You made it
up to number two,” 
he said.
Oh my god, that was only on two?
thought, but then he ruined my amazement. “Aria, I’m sorr..”

“Don’t,” I said hopping down
from the table to the side away from him. My legs were wobbly as I took a step toward
my clothes. My hands shook as I pulled my underwear back on.

“I don’t want to hear your
excuses, Avery.”
I gave you my heart and you smashed it.
He reached out
toward me. His eyes pained. His despair was overwhelming. “I can never forgive 
for how you treated me. It was like I didn’t matter to you,” I whispered
fighting back the tears that pooled in my eyes.
Just like Nate.

I pulled on my shorts and my
t-shirt, then my socks and 
shoes. I grabbed my backpack and pushed it
over my shoulder.

“Don’t go,” he pleaded.

I glanced to him for a moment
then looked away. “That’s what you should have said two nights ago.” I shook my
head. “It’s too late.”

I took a step toward the door
then stopped. I let my shoulders sag. I tightened my grip around the strap of
my backpack and pushed through the door. I let the door slam behind me, never
looking back. I wished that he would chase after me. But I knew deep down…he
never would.

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