Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (18 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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All my thoughts escaped me as he
sauntered toward me. He was perfectly fit. I was buzzed and I couldn’t quite
place which twin I had.
Ugh. What a time to be impaired, to not be able to
think clearly. Damn it, I really wanted to know which one he was.

He spread my legs with his hands
and he devoured me with his mouth. My body was a flame under his touch.
guess this means round two.

He finished unzipping my costume
and pushed it over my shoulders. It fell to my waist as he rushed to kiss my
bare skin. I tilted my head back and my body bowed, craving his touch. His lips
alternated from warm and soft, then wet and firm. My body hummed underneath his
command. His dexterous fingers trailed down my legs and he swiftly removed my
high-heeled shoes. They clumped to the ground, then my stockings followed. He
wrapped his arms around my waist and set me on my feet. My costume fell to the
floor just leaving my black lacy panties. He lowered those to the floor with
his teeth and then pulled me into the shower. It was no time at all before I
was pressed to the darkened steamy shower walls and he was having his way with
me again.

We never spoke a word. We simply
moaned, both of us. We just lost ourselves in each other, over and over again.
It was only when we had rinsed the soap away and my body shook from exertion
that he reached over to switch off the shower.

I toweled off, careful not to
dislodge my mask and then I reached for my panties. I was strangely comfortable
in his presence. He smiled greedily and before I knew it, I was straddling him
on the bathroom counter again. His penis was growing hard against me again. He
pulled away a moment studying me. He intertwined his fingers with mine and
pulled me to a standing position. His head motioned for me to follow him.
guess we’re not done.

We both grabbed our clothes and
I followed him out to the queen sized bed against the far wall in the attached
semi-private room.
Round three.
Yes, I was counting. This man was hot,
sensual, strong, and
oh my, did he have stamina
– it was
everything I ever wanted in a lover. I was not letting him out of my sight
– or my grasp, for that matter.

The fast music that was pulsing
through the walls quickly changed to a slow seductive song and the masked man seemed
to be moved by the music of Joe Cocker’s sexy voice. His kisses were soft as he
undid my hair clamp and let my hair fall around my naked shoulders. He looked
at me like I was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen then laid me down on
the satin sheets. His body, heated by the shower, covered mine. He traced my
body with his hands and threaded his fingers under the sides of my black lace

A slow grin crept over his face
and before I knew what he was doing, he twisted them in his grasp and shredded
through them with his fingers. He pulled away to take in my naked body and
purred in delight at not having enough of me. I smiled crookedly, letting him
take me in.

I ran my hands through his silky
hair. He ran the palm of his hand down my chest between my breasts and traced
the line of my stomach, navel, and let his hand cup my sex. He placed soft
kisses on the heated skin of my thighs then moved to his knees. He spread my
legs wide and let his kisses trail across my hip to my clit. He pressed two more
kisses over my kitten and then slowly let his tongue rotate around it.

My body instinctively rose off
the bed and I groaned. It was so sensitive. He had made me cum four times
already and my body wasn’t slowing down, it wanted more. I didn’t find it weird
that besides the contraceptive topic, we still hadn’t spoken a word to one
another except our groans of pleasure. Who needed words when all I wanted to do
was feel him. All of him.

He slipped two fingers inside of
me and let his tongue work his magic on my sensitive clit. The burning from the
orgasm in the shower had barely subsided. When he stroked me, my body picked up
right where it left off and I was climbing higher than I ever had before. Maybe
it was the fact that I never had four orgasms in a row before. Maybe it was the
fact that they were so close together. No, it was all him.

My attraction for this silent
stranger helped me to open up to a place I never knew I could reach. My
thoughts turned to Avery and how grateful I was to him that he created this
place, whatever the reason was for doing it. I pushed the thoughts of Avery
away as my legs burned for release, my body was still building and climbing,
then I convulsed around the stranger’s fingers. He let my body quiver under his
heated look and my legs fell limp from pleasure. He smirked, leaned over, and
kissed my silky pop-tart, causing me to gasp.

My eyes met his and he grabbed
my hips and brought me on top of him. I sunk down on him and cried out in
pleasure as his hard powerhouse buried deep within me. I tried to catch my
breath but then he moved to missionary position and then he began to move
slowly over me. His hardness filled me resplendently and he stopped when he
could enter me no more.

My eyes burned with curiosity as
his eyes opened to look at me. His hard muscles trembled over me. I didn’t know
if it was from fatigue, or fear. He pulled out slowly then pushed back in even
more deliciously slower. He hovered over me with his hands on the sides of my
face and stopped to really take me in. Passion and caring filled his eyes. I
could feel my body tremble as well. His mouth curved up into a smile and all I
wanted to say was;
I feel the same way.
He was making love to me. I
beamed back at him and he took a slow steady breath and moved out and in
slowly, feeling every inch of me. His eyes never left mine. My smile never went

He delivered a slow, delicious
thrust in and out of me. My hands memorized every detail of his body as I
traced his wide shoulders, his back, and his abs. He was perfect. I heard the
words of Joe Cocker’s ‘Feels Like Forever’ for the first time. Word for word it
matched how I felt in this exact moment. How this man was turning my world
around and I never would forget him. How one moment in my life when everything
felt right and how my heart was exploding in my chest for a stranger that could
melt me with just his touch.

My hands ran over every inch of
his skin now beaded with sweat. The song embraced us. In that moment, his soft
lips covered mine. I closed my eyes and felt him inside me, all around me,
embracing me like he was holding on for dear life.

A deep groan filled the back of
his throat and he picked up the pace just slightly. I opened my eyes to see his
passionate glowing eyes. He threaded his hands through mine and moved them
above my head. When I stretched them above me something about it made it feel
more intimate.

Palm to palm, lips to lips, body
to body, and soul to soul. In one night, we had connected deeper, more than
anyone I had ever met. He pressed harder and faster. We reached the brink and
both our bodies climaxed together without warning. I pulsed and quivered
beneath him. Our eyes still locked on each other, closing only briefly while we
orgasmed. He moved his head to the side of my chest and we both tried
desperately to catch our breaths as the song finished.

Midnight was fast approaching
and I couldn’t wait. He lifted his head and leaned up to kiss me gently. Then
he moved directly over me and cradled my face in his hands. I knew that
shortly, I was about to learn who he was. He kissed me more passionately than
he ever had before then leaned his forehead against mine. Our breathing was
uneven but slowing.

The chime of the clock rang
throughout the speakers. Fireworks exploded outside over the camp. Their glow
illuminated us in crimson through the windows. It was finally midnight and that
was the signal that all would be revealed.







the fireworks intensified outside down by the lake, his eyes flashed to mine.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited in silence for him to say
something. He still didn’t speak. I could see the gears starting to turn in his
head. The fireworks seemed to be sobering. I was holding my breath waiting to
see what he was going to do next.

He stiffened, as the fireworks
bathed the room in gold and blue. They seemed to call his attention to
something. He sat up quickly and let the sheet fall to his waist. I followed, sensing
his nervousness. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration as the lights
of the entire Lodge increased in intensity– I was sure it was that he was
more frustrated with himself than with me, but I couldn’t be sure. I knelt in
front of him.

“It’s okay,” I said moving
closer to him. “This was right. For me, this was everything I ever wanted.” My
voice was drowned out by another salvo of deepening booms outside our window.
Then another pushed through the quickly building awkward silence. He shook his
head and rubbed his forehead as the rockets whistled into explosions. His hands
trembled. He seemed to be trying to figure something out. He was growing more
distant by the minute.

The bell chimed again and he
sighed heavily. He seemed to be weighing his options. Then something dark
passed over his face, and like a switch, I saw his guard go up.

He stared at me like I was a
snake that was about to bite. I untied the satin ribbon and removed the mask
from my face and I tugged lightly on his arm for him to turn toward me. When
his eyes met mine, he wasn’t surprised. It was fear I saw instead.

I moved to undo his mask. I
wanted to see all of him before I lost him for good. I couldn’t understand his
behavior. The passion, the closeness felt like it was getting pushed further
and further away with each moment the clocked ticked from midnight. I reached
for his hand first and kissed the back of it, trying to diffuse the situation.

Another explosion rang out again
and he stood frozen, watching me with curiosity and uncertainty. The finale
started roaring in the air above the lake as my fingers slid under his mask. As
I brought the mask away from his face, the finale outside intensified, his
shoulders stiffened and by the look in his eyes, the man I just spent hours
with, was gone.

“Avery!” I said breathless.

“Aria!” Avery cursed under his
breath and grabbed his mask forcibly from my trembling hands. He rushed to put
it back in place then glanced around the room. Relief flooded his eyes when he could
see we were still alone.

My shoulders sank. They looked
so much alike. They could have been brothers. Avery, Ethan and Wren were so similar
in hairstyles and builds. My magnificent bubble had just burst. I knew he had
been hurt before and he never got emotionally involved with the guests. He was
a player. He was spiteful of women and never allowed himself to fall in love.
He built this camp to serve as his own personal amusement park and now I was
his latest ride. I felt ashamed.

His naked body stood and in a
hurried pace he rushed to get dressed. He was glorious but at that moment, I
hated myself for succumbing to his charm. I watched as he quickly threw on his

I sat seething. He didn’t
acknowledge me any further. He didn’t look at me. He didn’t address me. He was
now cold and distant and he was too busy getting dressed to see the tears
running down my face.
Didn’t he hear me sniffle?
My heart was broken. My
first love rose and fell all within a span of one evening.
How pathetic was
I? You don’t come to sex camp to find love.

He was stomping on my heart like
it meant nothing but I know we felt something together. I quickly lost my
empathy for him. I purposely held my gaze away from him. But I knew he never
once looked to me. It was like I didn’t exist.

A man burst through the door in
a drunken stupor, laughing and devouring the two women in front of him. I
didn’t care about the details as I pulled the sheet up around me and felt my
heart close down. I was numb. My body wouldn’t move from that spot. I was weak
but not from any orgasm or from the night of pleasure, but from the betrayal of
a man that when he took his mask off, revealed his true self.

Avery stopped short and turned
with regret in his eyes. I didn’t look in his eyes. I avoided his soft lips. I
could only look at his forehead. His mouth fell open like he was trying to find
the words to appease his guilt. I held my hand up in warning and shook my head.
I don’t know how I found the strength, maybe it was my anger, but I rose to my
feet, leaving my shredded panties lying on the floor, and reached for my dress.

He watched me nervously. I
turned my back to him and quickly dressed. I forced myself to turn to him. I
reached down and lifted my panties – they looked more like webs. A small
smile played on my lips and I stuffed them into his hand. I frowned knowing this
was it.

“To remember you once had a
beautiful butterfly,” I said stiffly. I was fighting back the tears that were
threatening to spill at any moment. I was more frustrated with myself that I
was in this position, that I could let myself believe that I would find love in
a place like this.

I didn’t want to touch him
anymore so I pulled my hand away and let it fall to my side. I turned my back
to him, grabbed my stockings and shoes, and pushed through the door.

I didn’t notice any of the naked
bodies that filled the multiple rooms on my way out. My sights were only on the
exit. And I never looked back. It was after midnight. Today was officially my
Happy fucking birthday to me!






I grumbled. To say I was hungover was a gross understatement. I crawled out of
bed slowly and only because the noonday sun was shining through the window
right on my head. I made it into the shower then as I went into the kitchen, I
found Sara’s note on the table telling me to meet her at the beach. It also
instructed me to down a quick beer to beat the hair-of-the- dog back and that’s
exactly what I did, but it actually took two beers.

“Happy Birthday, Aria!” Sara and
Sienna squealed and pulled me into a group hug as I arrived on the beach. I
smiled, trying to make the best of it.
My life couldn’t get much worse could

It was midday Thursday and Avery
decided to throw a barbeque with shrimp and steak. Avery knew I loved steak.
Maybe he was feeling guilty for last night but everyone was excited for the
change up, everyone except me.

The beach filled up with every
Kitten, Cub, and Instructor at Camp Jameson. Everyone partied in swimsuits and
either sat baking in the hot sun or swam in the crystal clear lake while my
favorite band Three Miles Out played in the background through the giant Bose
sound system.

I glanced to see Nate talking
with Avery. I couldn’t help but see the similarities. They both were one-night
stands and they both fucked me over afterward, like either I had the plague or
my vagina smelled like swamp juice. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the latter.

Sara had her eagle eye on me as
I watched the two men converse. I quickly diverted my attention to the beer in
my hand, trying to hide my true feelings and numb the sick feeling in my tummy
from drinking last night.

“Aria, can you go get me a Long
Island Iced Tea?” Sara asked. I saw her narrow her eyes at Nate as I nodded and
headed in the direction of the outside bar. When I came back I could hear
Sara’s voice over the music.

“I don’t care if you were
engaged and made a mistake. You fucked her over asshole. Stay away from her,”
Sara scolded Nate. “No one screws over my best friend and gets away with it.”

I saw Avery’s eyes widen at
Sara’s words. I could see how much those words stung him. I stepped beside Sara
and handed her the Long Island. I was met with two pairs of merciful stares.
Sara could be harsh when she wanted to and I could tell both men secretly
wanted to flee.

“Sara, let it go,” my voice
cracked and held more emotion than I was willing to show. Nate looked at me
apologetically and turned toward the bar and Avery stood looking at me with a
mixture of guilt and regret.
Geez, I knew how to pick ‘em.

“Fine,” Sara huffed and dragged
me to the sand volleyball court, mumbling under her breath.

I quickly drowned myself in the
music and found the strength to play beach volleyball with my friends. And
drank beer. Lots of beer, and after a bit, I did start to feel better.

I was on the team with Sara,
Colt, Travis, Sienna, and Sean. The sun beat down on us but we were

After the third game, I fell to
the ground in exhaustion beside Sean’s feet after I scored the winning point.
Sean collapsed next to me and braced his arms on either side of me then hovered
over me. His eyes were burning with desire.

“Birthday girl, I can’t take it
anymore. Kiss me, you beautiful athlete.”

I kissed him reluctantly at
first. His lips were soft and seeking. Then with the mix of alcohol and his
tight body laying over me I decided,
what do I have to lose?
So I
wrapped my arms around him and deepened the kiss. That’s when Avery cleared his
throat and announced the steaks were ready.

“Damn girl, you can kiss!” Sean
called out. Everyone chuckled. But I could feel Avery staring at me. I didn’t
make eye contact. I closed my eyes and laid my head back in the sand. I didn’t
want to think of Avery.

Before I knew it, Sean had
cradled me in his arms and lifted me from the sand. He spun me around and I
squealed in delight as he spun me faster.

“Let’s go, hottie! We need to
feed that little body of yours,” he said, carrying me into the grass and
setting me down next to the pavilion. He growled in delight then smacked my
ass. I jumped and smiled back at him. My skin prickled on the back of my neck
and I knew Avery was watching, but I never turned around. I couldn’t. I was
afraid that the tears would come when I looked into those green eyes that now
haunted me. I wasn’t feeling strong enough to find out. I was still too wounded
from last night.

“Looks like Sean has a new pet,”
Sienna smirked at me. My eyes arched upward and I smiled nervously to her. I
had no idea what that meant.

After we ate, I stood amongst
the usual crowd with Sara, sipping on my beer and listening to Sean, Travis,
and Colt banter about who could bench press more.

“Dance with me, beautiful,” a
deep husky voice purred. I turned and my eyes landed on Ethan. I smiled softly
and nodded.
I needed a distraction.

He lightly gripped my small hand
in his and led me to the makeshift dance floor occupied by several dozen
couples enjoying a beautiful summer evening. Three Miles Out ‘Only One’ began
to play. And I let myself get lost in the music as he pulled me near.
couldn’t I have found him last night?

“Where you from?” Ethan asked.

“Northeast Ohio.”

“Are you a student?” he asked.

“Yes. At Kent State.”

“What’s your major?”


He smiled wickedly at me. “A hot
nurse. You’re the spitting image of every man’s wet dream. How did I get so
lucky?” he teased. My face flushed red. I tried to hide my face and turn into
him but he was studying me so closely. “You’re adorable when you blush.” I

“Thanks,” I said softly. “Where
are you from?” I asked trying to change the subject quickly.

“San Francisco.”

“California. Nice,” I replied.

“Ever been?”

“No. But I always wondered what
it would be like to live in California.”

Ethan ran his hand down my back
and let it rest on my hip. “I won’t bite you know. We’re just dancing. Getting
to know each other. Aria, I gotta tell you, ever since I saw you in your little
running outfit the other day I’ve been hoping to get a moment alone with you.
You’re quite popular these days.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You’re with Avery’s friends.
You’re popular. And very hot, I might add.”

I stiffened at his comment.
“Oh,” was all that I could say. I wasn’t with Avery, though.
I never would
I studied his soft brown eyes. He was being gentle with me and I smiled,
glad that I made a friend.

“I have only one regret,” he

“What’s that?”

“I’m sorry it took me three days
to get up the nerve to finally come talk to you. I’ll be honest, I was afraid
I’d get turned down.”

“Really,” I raised my eyebrow at
him. “Do I come off that hardcore?”

“No, I just meant I thought you
were particular about your men. You had only been hanging out with a select few
here at camp. I didn’t think I’d fall into that category.”

“It takes me awhile to get
warmed up to people,” I said.

He shrugged. “I knew you loved
to dance so I thought at least I could get a dance with you.”

“You know what, Ethan.” I moved
closer to him. “I think you’re hitting on me,” I flirted.

He laughed louder. “Whatever
gave you that idea?” he said mockingly. I felt myself relax against him. He was
nice. And I liked his honesty and he did resemble Avery.

“Is it my turn yet, Romeo?” Wren
cut in.

“Fine,” Ethan huffed. “We’ll
finish our chat later, Aria.”

“Sure I’d like that,” I replied.

Wren scooped me up and twirled
me around away from Ethan. He growled in my ear flirtatiously.
It must be a
twin thing.

“God, you’re beautiful. I could
spend every day devouring you,” Wren lowered his head and drew in a slow
sensual breath. I giggled. “I couldn’t keep my distance anymore. I want to get
to know you,” he said.

“I’m flattered,” I answered.

Wren stepped closer as a faster
song began to play. He swiveled his hips into me and led my arms around his

“Go Aria,” Sean called out as he
pulled Sienna to the dance floor beside us.
Why did he have to do that?

I was glad that Wren couldn’t
see my face as I buried my head further against his shoulder. He was a good
dancer and I felt at ease beside him.

We didn’t talk like Ethan and I
did. It was purely physical. I got lost in the dance music with Wren. I looked
to Sara across the dance floor talking with Colt and Avery. She looked over to
me and winked. My eyes met Avery’s. He was listening to Colt with his arms
crossed, but his eyes were fixed on me.
Why? He made it clear he didn’t want
me. So why were his eyes filled with jealousy?

I turned my head away from Avery
and let myself get drowned in Eth...I mean Wren and the music.
Damn, they
look so much alike.

I danced the day away taking
turns with Ethan and Wren. The twins were sweet, smart, and strong in their own
way and incredibly funny. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much. It was exactly
what I needed. I kept my back to Avery, knowing that he was watching me. But I
forced myself not to go there.

I excused myself to go to the
bathroom and when I came back, I was a little relieved when I saw Wren and
Ethan starting a game of volleyball. I walked to the edge of the lake and waded
my feet in the water, letting my mind drift away from everything. The water was
warm from the summer sun. It was very calming.

As the sun set, Pierce, Travis,
and Colt lit the many fires along the beach and crowds of people gathered
around to each one. I moved to the seat nearest me and took in the laughter
that could be heard all around us as Pierce lit the one closest to our group.
Avery and I kept at opposite ends of the group. We were back to being

Sean, Colt, and Sienna were good
friends with him. There was no avoiding that. Sara and Sienna were chatting
non-stop about a new clothing line that had just hit New York.

Travis and Colt were talking
about the homerun that someone hit on some baseball team today. I wasn’t really
listening. I was lost in thought staring out at the lake, sitting in my chair
and sipping my beer.
God, this place was beautiful.

Maya and Amber were giggling
about something but my thoughts were too distant to care. I looked to see
movement beside me and my mouth fell open. I quickly composed myself and tried
to reign in my emotions as Avery and Pierce brought out six acoustic guitars
and set the cases on the nearby pavilion. Avery handed Travis, Colt, Maya, and
Sienna each one. Pierce grabbed his, then Avery held one and they both sat in
their chairs.

I had no idea Avery played. I
had no idea any of them played. Each one dexterously strummed and tuned the
chords to their liking. I hadn’t realized I was staring at Avery when his eyes
met mine. The campfire seemed to brighten his eyes. My insides sank and Sara
broke my internal disorientation by placing her hand on mine. My eyes shifted
to her.

“You okay?” she inquired.

I looked back to see Avery still
looking at me and tuning his guitar. He mouthed the words ‘Happy Birthday’ and
my eyes quickly fell away. I nodded to Sara and gave her a small smile. It was
the only thing I had the strength to do.

“Here’s a new one I’ve been
working on,” Avery’s velvet voice purred. My eyes met his in surprise. His eyes
were locked on mine. “It’s called ‘Falling’. Hope you like it,” his voice
sounded strained, like he was holding back some heavy emotion.

My heart broke out into a fast
patter and I wanted to run.
I couldn’t do this.
So I did the only thing
I could think of. I reached for my beer and downed it. Then I leaned over to
the cooler and dug out another one while Avery taught the group with guitars
the chords. They ran their hands down the neck of their guitar with ease. Avery
hummed the melody.

After a few minutes Avery spoke.
“Ready?” Everyone nodded and let him lead.

I tried to keep my breath even
as Avery began singing about a special woman. He sang about how he liked the
feel of her name on his lips. How she took his breath away with just one look.
How her eyes dance when she laughed. How he tried to steal every moment he
could to be with her.

My heart pained as he sang of a
sweet girl that turned his whole world upside down. How he couldn’t trust his
heart anymore. He sang about blue wings of a butterfly and the stillness of the
world as he took in its innocent beauty. I pushed the lump down in my throat as
he described the waterfall and compared the moment to paradise.

In the next verse, he sang that
he hated how he didn’t make the most of the situation when he had the chance
that day. He sang of how he wanted to make love on a bed of wild orchids.

I don’t think I took a breath as
he sang about riding the aftershocks of the most intimate night he’s ever
known. How her scent lingers when she’s not there. How one touch from her
shattered his guard he worked so hard to keep in place. How he wonders if
she’ll ever forgive him for hurting her.

The next verse he sang about his
crumbling walls falling down all around him. How when he sobered he looked up
and saw the most beautiful woman he’s ever known. He sang of his fear. Even
though his words tormented me, I was mesmerized. I loved watching him play. I
didn’t realize how much one man could surprise me and make me fall for him all
over again, but he did. I hated him for it.

I gripped my beer tighter and
listened to the words of his new song. His voice was sexy, strong, and
desirable. He was in his element and so at ease with the six-string guitar
beneath him. The strings danced under his beautiful fingers. Those same
relentless fingers that touched every part of my body and brought me pleasure,
just last night, in ways I’d never known before.

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