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Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (17 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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This was that awkwardly pristine
moment during a lull in conversation where I wasn’t sure if I should continue
my run or just close my eyes and let them rip my clothes off. The thought of
being seduced by twins was thrilling to me. But then Sean broke that moment and
handed me my exit.

“We’ll let you get back to your
run. I just wanted to take a second and introduce you. See you later.”

I smiled appreciatively to Sean
and gave them a little wave. They got back to their game and I continued my

I picked up the pace until I was
in a full sprint and ran toward a lightly wooded area. I could see picnic
tables at random intervals in the woods. I was excited to be somewhere new. I
took some curves at a brisk pace, careful not to step on any roots or misplaced
stones that lay near my footfalls.

In just a few minutes, I was
heading down one of the more secluded pathways. The air felt warm and the sun
broke through the tree canopy, illuminating the forest. I crossed over a small
brook, careful not to slip off the large flat stones as I used them to cross
the water then headed around another curve and up a steep hill.

I was about a mile into the
deepening forest. I could feel the burn in my calves as I made it to the top
and was just about to turn around when I saw Pierce and two girls sunbathing
nude on a wide rock embedded in the earth at a small clearing near the edge of a
ravine overlooking the lake.

I looked closer to see Pierce
resting on a soft blanket on his side. His hips were angled to the side and a
blonde woman was leaning over him. He moaned in delight as the woman stroked
his shaft up and down. I stared as he wrapped his hands around a redheaded
woman’s pelvis and drew her closer. She quickly lay on her back and spread her
legs wide for him. He pushed two fingers into her and I watched her writhe
under him while his tongue found her clitoris.

I stepped behind a tree and
looked around to see if anyone was nearby. I was panting from the strenuous run
and my heart was beating against my chest, but my mouth fell open at the sight
before me.
God, it was hot.

I watched as the blonde
submerged Pierce’s cock with her mouth and his hips gyrated in anticipation. He
reached up and pinched the redheaded woman’s nipple in one hand. She rose off the
blanket and cried out. He watched as she quivered underneath his vigorous
tongue and continued to pulse his fingers in and out of her until she fell

Pierce lay back as the blonde
moved to straddle him. She sunk down onto his engorged shaft and groaned with
pleasure. Pierce hissed between his teeth and grabbed hold of her hips and
swiveled his hips deep into her. He lifted her rapidly and I could hear the
sound of skin against skin smacking.

The redheaded woman got to her
knees and let her hands stroke gently over the blonde’s body. She pinched the
blonde’s nipples between her fingers and the blonde threw her head back in
pleasure. I was breathless as I watched the scene unfold. It was the most
erotic thing I had witnessed so far.

Pierce sat up mid-thrust and the
blonde was now sitting in his lap. He gyrated slowly as he cupped the redheaded
woman’s breasts then dipped down and sucked her nipples. He kissed her roughly
and included her in his pleasure. The blonde was on his lap with his manhood buried
deep within her. The redhead was lip-locked with his seductive tongue while she
rubbed her clit with one hand and twisted the blonde’s nipples with her other.
Pierce kissed the redhead harder and thrust into the blonde deeper.

“Yea, baby, that’s it. Cum for
me. That’s right,” Pierce said. His voice was heavy and deep. The blonde bucked
hard against him and shook as her body unleashed. The redhead rubbed her clit
twice more and cried out with pleasure again. Pierce pumped once more, fell
forward, and unloaded inside of her. All three were panting and left satiated.

I turned my back against the
tree and hid behind it while I caught my breath. I was shaking, turned on, and
for the first time I wanted to do those things. I wanted to feel that kind of
pleasure. I could see the pleasure pool before me and I wanted to dive in. I
stepped back out onto the path and ran back to camp, toward my fantasies.







heard you met Wren and Ethan Cartwright yesterday. Did you like either of them?
They’re both pretty hot aren’t they?” Sienna said.

“Sure, I mean yes, they are both
quite attractive,” I said, distracted. I was thinking about the masquerade ball
tomorrow night. I didn’t have anything to wear. Sara didn’t pack me anything
for such a fancy ball. All I had were costumes, corsets and sundresses and from
what I’ve heard this is the second biggest ball of the camp.

“Sean said they were both really
into you. And that if you want to hang out with them sometime, that he could
arrange it.” I shrugged not really hearing her.

“You seem tense again, Aria. You
have to relax,” Sienna said. She turned toward me and began to rub my shoulders
as I sat on the edge of the massage table. I let my head fall back enjoying the
feel of her hands. The continual strokes really helped relax me.

“Lay down,” she commanded.

I laid on my back on the soft
blanket of the massage table and let Sienna stroke my shoulders. I found myself
wondering what it would be like to be with Sienna. She was gorgeous and I was
flattered that she was here giving me a massage. I closed my eyes.

It was only Sienna and myself
today, at least for the moment, so I let her rub my shoulders, working away
knots in each one. She then moved down my arms, giving gentle squeezes. A few
more strokes and my body was even more at ease. I thought of Avery and how
badly I wanted it to be his hands caressing me. Then I started thinking of
Ethan and Wren when Sienna let her hands trail down my breasts and rolled my
nipples between her fingers. I could see myself with either one of them. My
body arched upward in response. My thoughts then drifted to Colt and how I
yearned for him inside me as I felt a gentle fur glove cascade down my
shoulders, breasts, nipples, and belly, over the apex of my sex, then down my
thighs to my feet. But when Sienna opened my legs wide then repeatedly caressed
my inner thighs moving up again to my breasts and down again to my inside
thigh, I forgot about men altogether.

My breathing increased and
Sienna climbed over me, letting soft kisses reign down on my neck.
it. I was hers.
I wanted her lips on me as Sienna encouraged me to let my
stress go. Sienna’s lips were soft and warm on my skin.

I heard footsteps and looked to
see Colt enter the room and sit in the far corner. Sienna ran her hand over my
face and closed my eyes. Sienna gently kneaded my breasts and nipples then
kissed my navel. My mind went numb and I wanted so badly to cum.

“Relax your mind and your body
will follow. Block everything out except my voice and feel the heat of your
skin rise as I touch you.”

I could feel Sienna’s gentle
hands now gliding over my skin in the same pattern as the fur gloves.
I told myself.

“That’s it,” Sienna encouraged.
Tenderly she touched me from head to toe and a gentle wave of warmth began to
spread throughout my body. My nipples rolled between her steady fingers. My
body arched again. Soft tender hands led down over my kitty and concentrated
there with swift quick strokes, then my inner thighs one at a time. I moaned

My legs stiffened as the touch
went from my nipples to my apex and back again. My breasts burned and my sex
was wet with anticipation. I ground my hips against her merciless hands as they
reached my clit again. Steady fingers pressed small circles against me. I
tilted my pelvis forward.

Her tempting hands continued on.
The other hand gently glided down my inner thigh to my foot and in one swift
motion pressed the nail of her thumb up the instep of my foot from heel to toe.
That sent a quiver up my groin. With the circular motion on my clit and the
spasm to my groin, I cried out. My vision fluttered and a mind-blowing orgasm
erupted from within me.

I opened my eyes to Sienna and
Colt smiling. I smiled nervously back at them. “Holy shit! Damn you’re good,” I

Sienna chuckled. “I know. I made
you forget your worries didn’t I?” I nodded my head appreciatively, and then I
got dressed slowly, allowing my head to clear, and headed back to my cabin.

When I stepped through the
doorway, Sara was grinning wide at me, which, usually meant she had been up to

“I have something for you. Well,
two things really.” I looked at her sideways.

“What did you do? The last time
you were acting like this I got swept away to sex camp.”

“Don’t ruin my fun. It’s an
early birthday present.” She reached behind the door and held up a garment bag.

I nervously undid the zipper and
peeled back the bag to reveal the most stunning blue corset dress. My face
broke into a smile. “Wow! This is beautiful.” My eyes met Sara’s and she was
bouncing with joy.

“I knew you’d love it,” she

“When did you get this?” I asked.

Her face fell a little. “Don’t
be mad, but I didn’t like what you were planning to wear so I bought it today
at Avery’s boutique.”

“He has a Boutique?”

“Yes. It’s in the spa cabin. It
features Sienna’s new lingerie line. I’ll have to take you there sometime,”
Sara said. I looked back at the dress. It would just cover up my behind. I
could feel Sara eyeing me. I turned back to her and smiled.

“You did good,” I said.

She squealed in delight. “You
sure?” I nodded. “Okay, I got you some black thigh highs and you can borrow my
stilettos. I brought two pair,” she said, excitedly.

“This is going to be so much
fun. I can’t wait until tomorrow night. Maybe you will have hot sex with a
masked stranger?”

I looked to the ground
nervously. Sara grabbed my hand and stepped closer.

“Aria, it’s been a week and a
half, it’s okay to hook up with someone,” she said, studying me. “I know what
you are thinking. There’s the side of you that is a romantic at heart and
secretly, you want to be swept off your feet. Then there’s the part of you that
is telling you that men will only hurt you. Don’t let how Nate treated you in
the past keep you from exploring who you really are. The guys are great here.
It’s all consensual sex. There are no misunderstandings this way. Just promise
me you will think about it. One way or another, I’m getting you laid. Even if
it’s just you and me,” Sara winked.

I laughed aloud. “I promise I
will try to be more open about having sex,” I said. “Geez, the things you make
me do,” I teased.

Sara let go of my hand and
reached over the side of the bed and brought out a medium sized white paper
shopping bag with handles.

“This is for you, also.” Her
eyes sparkled with excitement. I reached into the shopping bag and brought out
a black satin pouch. I unraveled the strings that bound it and pulled out an
elegant, laser-cut metallic blue butterfly-shaped eye mask with satin ribbon
ties. It had silver sequined crystal-rimmed eyes. I gasped.

“Isn’t it perfect?” Sara
squealed. “This is a masquerade ball after all. We have to wear our masks until
midnight. That’s the rule. No matter what happens, keep it on until midnight,
but you’re allowed to take everything else off,” she winked.

I loved this mask. It was so
elegant. I could only think how it matched the colors of the blue sundress I
wore when Avery and I met the first day of camp down by the lake, and his
reference to me being a beautiful butterfly that had him hypnotized. I
swallowed hard, trying to bury how it made me think of the morning we spent at
the waterfall. The butterfly we saw was a blue monarch. It was too much. My
heart thudded against my chest wanting to escape the pressure it was feeling as
I tried to force a barrier up around it.
I would never have Avery.

I ran my hand over the sequined
lined eyes. It really was beautiful. And no matter what happened tomorrow night,
I couldn’t disappoint her.

“I love it,” I whispered.

“Awesome.” Then Sara rambled on
about how she and Colt swapped with Sienna and Sean after the pole dancing
qualifying rounds Saturday night and how fucking hot it was. But all I could
think of was how this costume
perfect. If only the rest of the fairy
tale could come true.






made a point that we should start getting ready for the party early. She even
had jello shots ready for us while we got dressed. I admit Sara knew what she
was doing when it came to dressing me. She had a knack of putting me in the
right clothes to accentuate my curves. I did look pretty good as I checked
myself out in the mirror. If Nate was there tonight, he was going to eat his
heart out for dumping me.

Sara kept teasing me about Ethan
and Wren, telling me that I’m only allowed to pick one and I teased her back
saying I couldn’t pick one without sampling both, even though I’d probably
never be able to go through with it. I assured her I would do my best to feel
sexy and we’d see what happened after that.

As we walked into the ballroom,
there were signs everywhere that read: “Welcome to the Camp Jameson Fourth of
July Masquerade Ball.”

Everyone looked so elegant and
beautiful in their masks and costumes. The decorations of an almost life-like
New Orleans were breathtaking. The walls were lined with the very ornate French
Quarters of Bourbon Street and the motif was steeped with history and folklore.
Avery even had a live jazz band playing beside the DJ booth. The beauty of it
seemed to capture everyone as they were milling about seeing if they could
recognize anyone. I followed Sara and Colt up to the bar. With all these masked
people, I felt like I could have been swept away to Louisiana.

In the dim party lighting, I
watched as the barmaid poured the Jameson whiskey into the round shot glass and
recapped the bottle. I tilted the glass back. I felt the whiskey burn as it
went down my throat. Sara and Colt were beside me and they followed suit. We
all three clinked our glasses back down on the bar and smiled at each other.

“Reload!” Colt said, and we
quickly downed another.

“It’s gonna be a good night. I
think I’ll have another,” I said.

Meg, the woman with big breasts
behind the bar poured me another. “Four’s the limit tonight, honey,” she said
with a deep cigarette voice.

I frowned and threw back my
third one. Damn, they were counting tonight. Colt winked at me and I realized I
didn’t need to worry. I followed Sara and Colt to our table.

“Fair warning, Aria, Ethan’s on
the hunt for you tonight. He practically begged me to tell him what you were
wearing. So did Wren. They’ve got it bad for you, girl,” Sara said, taking a
sip of her red cocktail.

I picked up the large red index
sized card from my dinner plate and read it as we sat down.

Tonight, Roses are a bloom,

And Violets are as bright as
a moon swept night.

To keep the Mystery in the
darkened room,

Don’t take your mask off

Only then, can you reveal
your true self,

And allow your fairy tale to
come true.

“Don’t take your mask off until
midnight, Aria. Those are the rules under which we all play tonight.”

I smiled to myself as I looked
at Sara. She was radiant in her very short Mardi Gras spaghetti strap dress.
The bodice of the drop waist dress was a deep purple with gold braided straps. A
short tulle petticoat underneath was gold and green. Sara was all-legs in her
black high stilettos. She accented the outfit with purple feather eyelashes.
Her blonde curly hair was pinned back on both sides of her head. She wore a
violet Venetian lace mask with rhinestones. If I hadn’t come to the ball with
Sara and Colt I would have never been able to find them.

The lights dimmed around us and
I could see that they kept it dark in the ballroom tonight just to make it
harder. I guess tonight’s all about the mystery.

The men were dressed in button
up shirts with bright colorful masks that hid their faces perfectly. I scanned
the room trying to find someone I knew, but part of the fun this evening was
that you were supposed to sit with people that you didn’t know. Avery just
loved to mix things up to get people talking to one another.

Several couples sat down at our
table and try as I might, I couldn’t tell who they were, not even by their
voices. I didn’t see how I was going to be able to find Ethan or Wren at this
party but I was at least sure that Nate wouldn’t recognize me.

Full-length mirrors lined the
Main Lodge and I garnered several looks at my new sexy costume. It was a dark
blue corset mini dress with a low cut sweetheart neckline that unzipped in the
front. The skirt was pleated and very short. A harlequin diamond print mesh
panel ran down the center. I had borrowed Sara’s extra black high heels. I
wasn’t wearing a bra, just sexy black underwear and black thigh highs. The
costume barely covered my behind. And I smiled to myself.
I felt sexy.

Light jazz music started and the
staff began to serve dinner. I let the music fill my ears and tried to block
out my thoughts except one.
Tonight – all I wanted was to get drunk
and maybe find Ethan or Wren to have sex with and make Sara proud. Was that so

My heart plummeted into my
stomach when I realized I wasn’t sure I could even go through with it. But I
told her I’d try to relax and go with the flow. I realized wearing a mask had
its advantages. I smiled at my next thought.
In the dim light, no one would
know it was me.
Tonight was about letting go with total anonymity.
could go wrong?

After dinner and a few more
shots thanks to Colt, I was feeling good and drunk when Sara pulled me to the
darkened dance floor. The jazz band had disassembled and the DJ took the
reigns. The only thing illuminating the dance floor were several strings of
lights fanned out from the middle to the corners.

Beads were dangling around most
of the guys’ necks. Their faces were unrecognizable. A woman with ebony hair
beside us was letting a man tease her nipple with his mouth. She threw her head
back in pleasure. He slipped some beads over her head and she winked through
her mask and moved on to the next man.

Song after song played as I
cleared my mind and let the music move me. Several guys danced with me but they
didn’t hold my attention long. I wasn’t satisfied. They had asked me if I
wanted to join them in a room but I declined every time. I kept dancing even
when Sara and Colt wanted to escape to a room. For a moment, I thought they
might take me with them, but in Sara’s guilt she latched onto the next guy that
walked by the dance floor and shoved him toward me.

“You. Come here. Dance with
her.” She pulled the strangers’ hands and mine together, gave me a small wave,
and took Colt in tow behind her to a private room.

“Go get ‘em, tiger,” a familiar
voice across the table said. I tried to recall whose voice it was but my brain
was too fuzzy at this point to care. The man beside me slammed the rest of his
drink and set the glass on the nearby table and pulled me back to him on the
dance floor.

He paced a circle around to the
back of me. I was contemplating leaving until strong hands wrapped around my
waist and pulled me back against his chest. He didn’t speak as he moved to my
ear and planted a soft kiss behind it. My knees went weak. I kept wondering if
this was either Ethan or Wren. I was sure it was one of them. Sara knew them
well enough to grab one of them for me because in my current state it was all I
could do to keep standing. I was clearly drunk.

He twirled me around and brought
us nose to nose. He was still several inches taller than me and I was in
four-inch stilettos.
Or was it five?

I studied him, trying to find out
who had me so enthralled. I couldn’t wait to unmask him and see which one was
my prize. They were twins so I figured my odds were good either way. It was
hard to see the color of his eyes with the scantily lights. His delicious
looking lips and square jaw were the only features I could make out behind his
full-face black satin Venetian mask with gold trimmed eyes. It was exquisite
with diamond crest, which sprouted a number of black feathers mixed with black
and gold ribbons draping from the temple and tried to place him.

The lights and the music pulsed
through me as I let him press against me. He was dressed all in black. He had
wide shoulders. I could feel his muscles through his button-up shirt.
didn’t narrow it down any. Everyone here had tight abs.

His hands moved like magic under
my long curled hair that Sara took an hour to do, to reveal my bare skin
underneath. His lips trailed across my neck and shoulder as his fingers teased
my bare arms and I lost all sense of logic and the idea to find out which twin
this masked man was. I had never craved anyone’s touch more than I did in that
moment. When his fingers met my hands, he intertwined them together and brought
them between us. He softly kissed each one and smirked valiantly. My foggy
thoughts lifted for a moment and I was intrigued. I wanted more.

“Who are you, Ethan or Wren?” I

He startled for a moment then a
slow seductive grin spread across his face. He completely distracted me as he
trailed kisses across my jawline then down my neck. He unzipped my dress down
past my breasts and slipped his hands inside then cupped my breasts.
His touch was electric. I stepped closer.
Why did I want to know?
only thing I could concentrate on was that I wanted more.

My lips parted and I ran my
tongue across my bottom lip and left it wet. His eyes dropped instantly to my
lips and his mouth fell open slightly. Within seconds, his mouth found mine,
and a low moan escaped his throat. I moved my hands to rest on his arms while
he pressed his lips harder to mine. His lips were all consuming.
Jesus, this
man could kiss.

We were in the middle of the
dance floor but it was only him I could see and only him that I wanted. He
still had his hands cupping my breasts beneath my costume as our tongues
explored one another and our hips ground against each other to the beat of
Britney Spears ‘Slave for You’. He tasted of tequila and sweet lime. I couldn’t
get enough of his warm velvet body, his tart cologne, and his lips. He leaned
away, grasped my hand, and pulled me behind him. I followed him down a dim
narrow hallway with closed doors on each side. I had never wanted someone to
touch me like this. I never wanted him to let go of my hand. I couldn’t wait to
be alone with him.

He brought me into the round
room with ten or so people on a large platform bed. People were all interwoven
together and with the shadowy light, I couldn’t tell who was who. I looked up
at him when he gripped my hand tighter in a possessive manner and pulled me
through the endless sea of naked and grinding bodies. The nearby speaker in the
corner still playing Britney drowned out their moans. He led me up a
rope-lighted staircase past a smaller crowd of people – six or so, and
pulled me to the other side of the hall toward a more private room. We almost
made it to the room when we were finally alone. He spun towards me and pressed
me against the wall. His lips found mine again and he buried his pelvis into
mine. I could feel his excitement through our clothing. His tongue invaded my
mouth and I did what I always wanted to do. I let go.

Our breathing was erratic now as
our desire built beyond anything I had ever known before. My hands urgently
moved to unbutton his pants. I slid the zipper down his black dress pants and
let my hand dip down beneath his boxer briefs. I was holding my breath when I
wrapped my hand around his quickly hardening cock. He gasped when my hands made
contact with his warm skin. I could feel my heart pounding like a jackrabbit in
my chest as I stroked his shaft up and down. His chest rose and fell rapidly.
His tongue pushed further into my mouth. When that was no longer enough, he
lifted my legs around his waist and pressed my back harder against the wall. I
wrapped my legs around him as he pulled my lacy underwear to the side and
tilted his pelvis towards mine. I felt his shaft sink into me and I tilted my
head back in sheer pleasure as his hands firmly moved to my hips. He thrust
deeper into me. I felt him lift me then I fell back upon him. His mouth
urgently found mine again.

Thrust for thrust he ground
deeper inside me. I was quickly building toward my orgasm. His hands dug into
my hips and he lifted me like I was light as a feather. Up and down he moved me
over him. Our breathing was hard and fast. Our movements were urgent and I was
building higher in the darkened hallway. His touch shook something inside me. I
couldn’t get enough of him and I let the moment move me. My legs stiffened and
I couldn’t stop my body from convulsing around him in an instant. He thrust
twice more and poured himself into me. He pulled away and I could see the
question in his eyes.

“I’m covered.” I switched off my
always-interfering thoughts and relaxed against him. Before I had time to
really study him he smiled in relief and lowered his head down and kissed my
neck. He breathed in a slow deep breath and reached behind me. He tightened his
grip as he twisted the doorknob to the closest bedroom and kicked it open with
his foot.

He carried me across the room
with my legs still wrapped around his waist toward the bathroom and set me on
the cold countertop. The entire bathroom was glowing in a soft flicker of
light. I reached for his mask. He shook his head no. His gentle hands wound my
hair up and I felt a hair clip pinned to the back of my head. I looked at him
curiously. He kissed the top of my head and reached for the shower stall. He
turned on the two-headed shower and adjusted the controls. The top shower
turned off and I realized what he was doing. He only left the body showerhead
on. We weren’t supposed to remove our masks until midnight. Avery’s rule. I
rolled my eyes. I was not going to think of Avery at a moment like this. Ethan
or Wren, whichever one this was, distracted me from my thoughts as he pulled
his shirt from his body and let his pants and underwear fall to the floor.

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