By My Side (13 page)

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Authors: Michele Zurlo

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

BOOK: By My Side
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She blinked, a little shocked and a lot under the influence of his brand of magic. He wanted her heart and soul? He already had those things. Marcella licked her lips and took a deep breath. She’d never wanted to be a full-time submissive because she didn’t want to give someone else complete control over her life. In her previous relationships, that extra spark and deeper connection always seemed to be missing. It didn’t inspire her to want to do anything other than scenes.


But she knew Sean, and she knew he wasn’t overly controlling or unreasonable. He might be demanding and dominant, but he also possessed a great amount of empathy and flexibility. The terms of their relationship would always be negotiable. He needed the perspective she brought to his life. In return, he made her feel emotionally safe and secure. She knew he meant it when he declared his love for her, and she knew she was the most important person in his life.


Her voice trembled, but her hands stayed steady. “Being a full-time submissive requires an enormous amount of trust. I’ve never trusted anyone the way I trust you. I’ve never had the sense that you want me to be something I’m not. I don’t have the feeling you expect me to let you walk all over me, or that you want me to accept everything you say without argument. You respect me, and I gave you my heart and soul a long time ago.”


He reached into the shopping bag he’d put on the floor. She hadn’t noticed him pick it up from the chair by her desk and bring it over. He extracted a long black velvet box, out of which he pulled a delicate necklace. An odd-shaped heart dangled from the lowest point. Marcella peered closer and read the inscription.


“I want you to wear my collar.” He inserted a tiny key into the back and the heart split in half, revealing that it was actually a lock.


The heart symbolized that she belonged to Sean and that he had given her his heart. A tear fell from the corner of her eye. Fuller had once told her that Sean had never offered his collar to anyone. Unable to form words, she nodded.


He placed the collar around her neck, locked it, and put the key in his pocket. The depth of emotion simmering in his hazel eyes slammed into her gut, and her need to make sure he got everything he wanted reasserted itself.


She’d forgotten to tell him about Fuller’s offer. “Sean, what if Fuller took your place at the benefit? He’s played with Gretchen before.” She held her breath and hoped he didn’t repeat his insistence that she cancel the event.


Sean sighed. “He’s not exactly dominant enough for her. I’m not sure he’s comfortable assuming that kind of role.”


Fuller’s whispered encouragement made her think he knew exactly what it felt like to be in her position. Or he desperately wanted to make someone feel that way about him. Marcella leaned forward and brushed a kiss across Sean’s lips, testing the change in their working relationship. “I already talked to him. We can’t let four months of work go to waste. You can still be the host, and I’ll be by your side for moral support.”


Chuckling, Sean lifted her onto his lap.
“By my side.
Exactly where I want you.
I like that.”


Loose Id Titles by Michele Zurlo


Yes, Justin

By My Side

Michele Zurlo

I wear a lot of hats for someone who doesn’t like anything near my head. I’m a wife, mother, teacher, and when I have spare time, a writer. My childhood dreams tended to stretch no further than the next book in my to-be-read pile, and I aspired to be a librarian so I could read all day. Alas, that dream faded when I got a social life.


Years later, I happened upon a free laptop that didn’t come with games of any kind, which I figured was a good thing because I didn’t have that much free time to throw down the Minesweeper Black Hole. Staring at the brand-new computer, I thought it would be a shame if it went to waste, so I decided to write a novel. Once I started writing, steamy, sensual stories poured from my fingertips, and now I just can’t stop using that laptop. I hope you enjoy reading these tales as much as I enjoyed writing them.


Read more about Michele and her books at

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