By My Side

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Authors: Michele Zurlo

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

BOOK: By My Side
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Table of Contents









Michele Zurlo




Safe Word: Oasis 2: By My Side

Copyright © January 2012 by Michele Zurlo

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.



Editor: Tamzin Mitchell

Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs

Printed in the United States of America


Published by

Loose Id LLC

PO Box 809

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This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


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Oasis: Adult Fantasy Fulfillment

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*Oasis reserves the right to reject any application for any reason. Oasis is not an escort service. We match people on the basis of their fantasies and arrange for those fantasies to be fulfilled. Fantasies are fulfilled at the discretion of management.


Case 2


We’ve worked closely for over a year. Just for one night, I would like him to notice me, to want me the way I want him, to see that I can be the submissive he needs.

Chapter One



“Fuck.” Sean Winquist slammed his cell phone on the hard surface of the mahogany desk in front of him. Though it technically belonged to him, the desk happened to be occupied by his assistant, Marcella Abbott. She jumped at the unexpected bit of violence from a man she’d never seen lose his temper, not once in the thirteen months she’d worked for him. “Two days. How the hell am I supposed to find a replacement in two fucking days?”


She smoothed her skirt and took a breath before she looked up from her keyboard. The heat in his hazel eyes had nudged them closer to brown. Marcella swallowed and squeezed her legs together. If he once directed that kind of heat in her direction, she would be naked and on her knees in no time. Who was she fooling? He had only to ask. Heat could be generated after the fact.


“I could do it.”


His eyes widened in shock, and she dropped her gaze, afraid of a judgment she couldn’t handle. She snaked out a hand, grabbed his phone, and examined it closely. If he’d broken it, she would need to make sure he had a new one.


“That was Gretchen.”


He spoke softly, and she cringed at his tone. Day in and day out for over a year, she had been at his side. She traveled everywhere with him. She lived in a suite in his mansion. She planned his days and organized his house. At first he hadn’t given her much to do. Within two months of her arrival, though, he had trusted every aspect of his life to her capable hands.


When she first began working for him, he would disappear for a weekend here and there. Marcella had arranged accommodations for a different woman each time. By the time six weeks had passed, he had divested himself of every one of his submissives except for Gretchen. Though he now only saw her sporadically, Marcella knew damn well when he spoke to Gretchen.


The tone in his voice conveyed a refusal.
Thank you, but no thank you
. He would gladly tie up Gretchen and whip her until she climaxed, but he wouldn’t touch Marcella at all. Once, while traveling in New York City during the spring, she had slipped on a patch of ice. He’d caught her, pulling her so close to his body that she could feel the hardness of his chest against her arm and shoulder. And then his cheeks had reddened. He had let go and turned stiffly away, nodding vaguely at her expression of gratitude.


Why in the world did she lust after a man who hated the very thought of physical contact with her? She’d taken the chance only because of the wish she’d submitted to Oasis. Surely this development meant an opening for Marcella. They’d told her to expect fulfillment soon.


Outside of a new scratch it could have picked up anywhere, the phone hadn’t suffered damage. She placed it back on the desk. Gathering her courage, she raised her gaze to lock with his. “I know.”


He shook his head and turned away, but not before she caught the spark of interest that flared briefly in his eyes. “No, Marcella, you don’t know. You have no experience with this kind of thing. Cancel the event. Refund the donations.”


“No. Sean, you can’t do that. We’ve spent four months planning this. People paid ten thousand dollars each to see you with a submissive.” She didn’t have to remind him that the money would benefit his favorite leukemia charity. His younger brother had lost that battle at the tender age of thirteen. Sean had been fifteen and completely helpless as he watched his brother’s valiant fight.


He crossed the room and pressed his forehead against a windowpane. Tension radiated from his body. This meant so much to him. After achieving fame and fortune as a Hollywood producer by age thirty-five, Sean had turned his philanthropic efforts toward raising money for charities that funded research and provided assistance for families affected by leukemia.


Marcella’s heart seized a bit as she watched him. Throwing caution to the wind, she rounded the desk and came to stand behind him. By moving away whenever she came too close, he’d trained her to keep distance between them. Now she ignored his unspoken rule. She reached out and rested her hands on his shoulders. A shudder ran through him, but she didn’t let that bit of rejection dampen her mission.


“Sean, I know I’m not beautiful and sexy like Gretchen, but if you put me in one of those bustier tops and a mask, the lighting is low enough so that nobody will really know the difference.”


Personally, Marcella found Gretchen’s skeletal thinness unattractive. Women were meant to have curves. The augmented breasts that rounded out Gretchen’s padded bras couldn’t hope to compete with Marcella’s natural endowment. Marcella didn’t spend hours of time and thousands of dollars on her makeup or hair, but she did take time with her appearance. If Gretchen was a ten, then Marcella considered herself a solid seven. Prettier than average, but not jaw-droppingly beautiful.


His shoulders moved as a desperate chuckle fell from his lips. “Fuck. Marcella, it’s not about beauty. If it was just about beauty, I’d use you in a heartbeat.”


The pulse in her throat picked up a little. He’d never before commented on her physical appearance one way or the other.


“Gretchen knows me. She knows what I want almost before I ask it.”


Marcella barely refrained from gritting her teeth. The key to convincing Sean lay in her ability to keep her temper under control. He didn’t respond well to outbursts. “I’ve worked for you for over a year. You’ve said several times that I always know what you want, and that I do it how you want it done.”


He turned away from the window and regarded her somberly. “I need a submissive who doesn’t question me. I need one who doesn’t analyze my orders looking for a way to second-guess me. You’re an excellent assistant, but you’re not very submissive, Marcella. Look at how you responded to my order to cancel the benefit.”


She waved away his concern. He might want a sub who didn’t question him, but he sure as hell needed someone to keep him on his toes. “You don’t want to cancel the benefit. This means too much to you.”


His hands came up, and he grasped her upper arms lightly. Never before had he attempted such an intimate touch. “And you responded by refusing to cancel. You’ve spent the past five minutes arguing with me, trying to convince me to change my mind.”


If she backed down now, her chance would evaporate. “Sean, I’m not second-guessing you. I know what this means to you. I’m trying to make sure you get what you want. I’m trying to please you. I spend every moment of every day trying to please you. I don’t see much of a difference between being your assistant and being your submissive.”


A muscle in his jaw ticked. “You’re not my submissive, Marcella. If you were, you’d be facing a punishment right now.”


Though she wasn’t a whips-and-paddles kind of woman, any kind of punishment where he touched her body would be worth it. She shivered with anticipation. “When you interviewed me for this job, you asked me if I would have a problem working while you had a naked woman kneeling at your feet. I told you then that I was a submissive. You know as well as I do that you liked the idea of having a submissive for your assistant. You knew I would move heaven and earth to please you. Let me do this, Sean. Let me do this for you.”


His hands dropped away. He straightened and took a decisive breath. When he moved around to stand behind her, Marcella didn’t move. It might have been a little while since she’d been active on the scene, but she knew when to stay still.


“You’ll be exposed in front of a hundred strangers who paid to see you that way.”


She kept her eyes facing forward. “I know most of the people who will be there, because they’re friends or acquaintances of yours. And I handled all the ticket purchases and background checks. Besides, I’ll be under your protection. Nobody will touch me without your permission.”


Nobody would dare. Sean might be quiet, but it was a strong kind of quiet, backed up by his physical strength and the innate power radiating from every pore in his body. He could have had a successful acting career full of leading roles. Instead he had remained behind the scenes, a carefully controlled powerhouse.


He stood close to her back. She felt the electricity of his chest as he hovered a maddening few inches away from physical contact. “Round one is teasing, a warm-up. You’d be bound to a bar above your head. A spreader bar would be placed between your ankles. I plan to use a heater, clamps,
beads. One lucky person who donated an additional fifty thousand gets to choose another instrument of torture. Even I don’t know what that is yet.”

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