BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series) (381 page)

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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I sucked her and licked her like that for a while before finally taking her clit into my mouth and sucking and licking and nibbling on it wildly.

“Oh oh oh!” I could tell she was getting ready to come. I slid my thick finger inside of her and she cried out again. I slid a second one in while I continued tasting her clit and she screamed. I moaned. All mine.

“Fuck! Fuck! Oh I’m coming!” She was bucking her hips off the bed as I slammed my fingers into her repeatedly.

Suddenly while her hips were in the air, her body went rigid and the walls of her pussy clamped down tightly around my fingers. I coaxed her through it, loving the feeling of her silky juices making their way down my fingers.

When she finally relaxed and stopped shaking, I pulled my fingers out and slid them into my mouth. She tasted so fucking good. She shuddered and I felt her hands on my shoulders, trying to pull me back up.

When my face reached hers she shoved her tongue into my mouth as she licked and sucked my lips…the taste of her on me seemed to drive her crazy too. She had my cock aching so badly I didn’t know how much more it could take. It physically hurt.

“I need to fuck you baby.” I reached into my top drawer and quickly sheathed myself with a condom.

She spread her legs wider and reached down to take my cock in her hands. She gave me a few strokes up against her wet lips before finding her opening and lining me up.

“Fuck me,” she said in a sexy, raspy voice. She had her eyes wide open and I looked directly into them as I thrust myself gently into her depths. I clenched my jaw and forced myself to take it slow. I didn’t want to hurt her.

Kiara’s eyes widened as her fingers dug into my shoulders. I rocked in and out slowly for a few seconds so she could get used to me and then I felt her lift up her hips and wrap those sexy, long toned legs around me. I reached for her face and she sucked my thumb. Fuck!

              Our hips began to rock wildly together and with each thrust and moan it felt like her tight walls were engulfing me, pulling me in deeper and causing me to reach new heights of pleasure that I’ve never seen before. Between her tight pussy and her tight mouth around my thumb, stars were exploding in my head and causing tingling throughout my entire body.

I grunted and reached down underneath her so that I could hold her body tighter against me. I didn’t want to be separated from her by even a breath. I wanted everything…her moans and gasps…her sweet fluid…her sexy, curvy soft body…her soul. I wrapped my arms around her waist and flipped us so that she was up on top of me now.

The sudden movement impaled her down on me and she screamed out, “Patrick! Oh fuck!”

Her long legs were down along my sides and her sexy breasts were crushed into my chest.

“Ride me mama. Fuck me baby, please.”

She sat up and the sight of her sitting on top of me with her head thrown back and my cock sliding in and out of her, made me almost lose my entire fucking mind. A surge of happiness and contentment surged through me as we made love and I knew that she had ruined me for any other woman ever again.

She rocked back and forth and up and down, every so often calling out my name as our pace became faster and harder. My self-control was waning and finally without warning, it was gone.

I plunged into her as deeply as I could one last time and I let go fully. I felt her walls clench down around me. Her body sucked me dry as I panted her name over and over again.

When she stopped moving, she collapsed down on top of me and I held her there, running my hands through her hair and knowing that I’d never be able to let her go. She burrowed her face into my chest and sighed contentedly. I wanted to stay this way forever.

Eventually she rolled off of me, but she didn’t go far. She snuggled herself into my side and I held her like that all night long, not moving again until we woke in the early light of dawn, only to make love again one more time before I fed her breakfast and took her home to her son.



              Kiara and Kalen and I had a date for pizza two nights later. Her friend Angie and her husband Rick were going to go out with us too. I was looking forward to it not just because I couldn’t wait to see Kiara, but because she told me Kalen was excited about going too.

I was still grinning like an idiot from making love to her two days ago, as I bounded up the stairs to her front door. I’d brought her flowers again…she deserved so much more. I was rapidly falling in love with her, but I hadn’t told her yet…I didn’t want to do anything to scare her away.

When I got to the door I realized it was cracked open. Just then I heard the sound of glass shattering and a man’s angry voice. I didn’t hesitate. I pushed the door open and ran inside. 

There was a man in the kitchen with his back to me. Kiara was facing him and I could see tears running down her cheeks. There was a shattered plate between them, like she was trying to warn him off. It took me about half a second to take this all in before I spoke up.

“Hey! You need to leave.” The man turned towards me. I could see in his eyes that my size intimidated him as he looked me over, but he wasn’t going to make this easy. This must be Damien.

I stepped over towards Kiara. I wanted to take her in my arms so badly…but I needed to deal with this fool first. I gently nudged her behind me as I said, “You need to go. Right now.”

“Fuck you, pretty boy! You go around dressed all pretty, driving your pretty car…you think your money is any cleaner than mine?” His eyes were bloodshot and foggy. No telling what he’d do.

“I know who your father is! You think you’re better than me asshole?! This is my family! Go get your fucking own!”

I steadied myself and looked him right in the eyes. “My father is ruthless, I will give you that. But you know what my father never did? He never raised his hand to a woman. He had the balls to stand up and fight other men and you....”

Damien lunged at me and my instincts kicked in, adrenaline coursing through my veins quickly. He threw a punch and I deflected it and threw one back. He was thrown back into the wall with a loud yelp.

My blood roared and I could faintly hear Kiara yelling at us to stop, but he came right back at me. This time I threw a left uppercut and I heard his jaw come unhinged as he screamed and fell to the floor. How dare he!

I heard the new voices as Rick and Angie ran in. Angie ran to Kiara and Rick helped me wrangle Damien up off the floor and into the wall. My head pounded with anger as I turned back to check on Kiara.

That was when I saw Kalen in the doorway. His brown eyes were the size of saucers and I suddenly worried if I’d gone too far.

“You have the right to remain silent,” I heard Rick saying as he pushed Damien’s arms up behind him and led him across the living room. Damien was howling like a wounded animal.

I stepped towards Kalen and we eyed each other for a few seconds before he suddenly ran at me and wrapped his little arms around my legs. He hugged me tight and I leaned down and hugged him back.

When I stood back up, I looked at Kiara. She looked traumatized. Angie made eye-contact with me before giving Kiara one last hug and holding her hand out to Kalen. He took it and they left us alone.

I reached out for her and she cringed back against the counter. “Baby, it’s okay now…I’m not going to hurt you.” Her lip was bleeding. It made me want to kill that son of a bitch.

“Please go home, Patrick.” Her voice was flat and monotonous. I thought she was in shock…surely she didn’t mean it.

“No baby, I don’t want to leave you…”

“This is why I didn’t want to get involved. Don’t you see? We were finally past the drama. I don’t want to do this again…I can’t do this again!”

I leaned closer but she glared at me. “Go home Patrick! Go!”

I felt like someone had reached through the walls of my chest, taken my heart into their fist and squeezed the life out of it. I opened my mouth, but the look on her face said that it wasn’t going to matter what I said right now. I turned around and left.

As I passed Damien and Rick in the parking lot, it took every ounce of self-control inside of me to keep from pummeling him to death. He’s really lucky that I am not my father.



Angie pressed the soft cloth to the cut near my lip and I winced. I had bruises on both of my arms where Damien had grabbed me and on my back from where he shoved me into the counter. I shifted on the stool and she whispered, “Be still.”

I looked over at my sweet baby, asleep in the chair a few feet from us. He wouldn’t leave my side until he finally passed out.

“I’m okay, Angie.”

She sighed. “Physically, maybe. I called Marge and told her to take you off the schedule for a week…”


“Don’t argue with me,” she said through gritted teeth. “You may be okay physically, but you need a break, and Kalen needs you here at home.”

“Are you angry with me?”

“No. I’m angry with the situation. I hate seeing you go through this. I hate seeing Kalen go through this. What might have happened if Patrick hadn’t shown up?”

“The problem was that I went out with Patrick in the first place. I shouldn’t have done that. This is my fault.”

“Okay, now I’m mad at you! This is not your fault…but you cannot continue to let that monster run your life. One of these days he’s going to kill you and then when will Kalen be? You are going to have to press charges or he will never leave you alone.”

“And put my son’s father in prison?”

“Your son’s father put himself there. Are you really willing to give up a chance with your new life… with Patrick…for this? This is how you want to live your life? This is how you want Kalen to grow up?”

Tears were rolling down my cheeks. “I thought I was doing the right thing for Kalen.”

“I know you did, honey.” Her tone softened. “But I’m telling you that you’re not. He needs to see his mother be strong enough to say enough and refuse to live her life this way. And he needs a good man like Pat in his life…and so do you. You have got to believe you deserve that.”

My head was spinning. I wanted nothing more than to be with Patrick, but I had such a hard time imagining a better life.

want him,” I whispered.

Angie smiled and kissed my cheek. “Then go get him.” I nodded and looked at Kalen.

“Go, I’ll tuck him in. He’ll be fine.”

“Thank you.”

“I love you. Go get your life.”

When I got in the car, I dialed Patrick’s number. Mrs. Rose answered. “Hello?”


“Yes. Kiara? How are you dear?”

“I’ve been better, Rose. Where is Patrick?”

“He went home. He must have left his phone at the center. He was awfully upset honey.”

I started crying again. “I know. I hurt him. I’m so sorry.”

“He told me what happened. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

“What can I do Rose? I don’t know what to do. Is Kalen going to hate me for putting his father in jail?”

“Honey I don’t think your son will hate you no matter what decision you make. I used to think my sons would hate me for not leaving their father. They didn’t, but now that he’s in jail I do realize that just because you love someone…or a part of them…doesn’t mean that you can change who they are. You have to do what’s right for you and your son. Is he a good example? Would you want your son to be like him?”

“No! Not ever!”

A silence hung between us before she spoke again. “Do you care for my son, Kiara?”

“So much.”

“Then I think you have your answer. I know I’m biased, but Patrick is a good man. He would never hurt you.”

“Thank you Rose. Is he at home?”

“Yes. Remember this…Your son’s father has chose
way of life. You didn’t choose it for him. He knows by now that you won’t ever live with him or marry him because of it…yet he continues on. He’s not going to change. Unless you let him accept his own consequences, he’ll continue to heap the blame and the pain on you and your son.”

“I’ll remember that. Rose… do you think it’s too late? Do you think he’ll still… want this, want me?”

“Honey, ever since things got bad in our family, Pat was the one that held us up. He hasn’t been with a woman that he cared to tell me about since he was a kid…and he tells me everything. He doesn’t want to lose you…and he doesn’t want to be with anyone else.”

I raced to Patrick’s apartment, praying the whole time that Rose was right and I wasn’t too late. He protected me…he stood up for me…he did what no other man has ever done for me. Rose is right; he is a good man…the best. If I lose him, I will be losing the best thing that ever came into mine and my son’s life.



              The whiskey burned as it went down my throat, but as soon as the glass was empty, I poured another. I wanted to be drunk enough to forget the look in Kiara’s eyes when she told me to leave. I downed the next shot and let my eyes fall on the photo of my brother Shane and his wife Kenya and I at their wedding. Shane told me that night that he was finally complete. I believed him. That’s what I want…I thought I’d found it with Kiara. I thought she was the missing piece.

I threw the glass into the fireplace and took some small pleasure in listening to it shatter the way my heart had when she’d thrown me out.

I walked over and looked out over the bay into the lights of the city. None of this mattered if I was all alone. Dropping down onto the couch, I let the pain lull me into sleep. Just before I drifted off I heard the doorbell.

              I sighed, thinking it was either my mother…or she’d sent Colin over to check on me. I heavily made my way to the door and pulled it open.

I was shocked to see Kiara standing there. She had tears staining her face and her eyes were weary.  It only served to make me want to kill Damien again…no matter how angry she got with me.

              “Can I come in?” Her voice sounded smaller than usual.

Absently, I stepped back and let her in. She paced over to the window and stood looking over the skyline. I closed the door and waited. From here she looked so beautiful with the foggy city lights flickering around her. She finally turned to face me. “I’m so sorry, Patrick.”

              “For what?”

              “For pushing you away. You protected me. You stood up for me…I’m just so afraid.” She looked down. I wanted this woman so badly.

              “What are you afraid of Kiara?” Was that my voice that sounded so small too?

              “I’m afraid…oh God Patrick, I’m afraid Kalen will hate me for what I have to do and I’m afraid that… eventually all of this will be… an illusion. That you’ll change.”

              I smiled, slowly making my way in front of her. “Kalen worships the ground you walk on. What you should be worried about is that he won’t leave you until he’s forty.” She gave me a half smile and looked up, her eyes glittering with tears.

“I’m not going to change into a monster, Kiara. I had plenty of opportunities to do that when I worked with my father and I refused. I will never hurt you.”

              She swallowed hard and straightened her back. “Okay. So, can we still be friends?”

              I tried not to smile. “Friends? Is that what we are baby?”

              “I don’t…I mean…what do you want us to be?”

I took her hands in mine. “I want us to be everything. God, I love you Kiara. I want to be everything to you…and your son… I want to be totally yours baby.”

The tears were spilling down her cheeks again. She wrapped her arms around me. “I love you too.”

The world tilted on its axis and a piece of my life felt complete. “I need you Kiara...”

              “I feel the same way,” she said.

I put my arms around her and propped her up against the glass wall. I found her lips with mine and we kissed deeply, sucking and licking each other’s lips like we were starving. I didn’t want to rush her after everything she’d been through but the way she whispered my name told me that this was what she wanted.

We both quickly peeled off our clothes as our hands sought to touch every part revealed. She reached down and took my cock in her hands.

“I need you right now,” she whispered into my ear. I moaned loudly as she lined me up with her opening. This was my woman and I wanted to give her every fucking inch of me.

Reaching down, I picked her up and she wrapped her sexy legs around me. I pressed her back into the glass as I pushed hard into her. Pulling one of her hands above her, I pounded my cock deep inside of her making sure to leave marks along her neck with my mouth. I wanted her to know she was mine.

I kept kissing her and sucking on her tongue working my way gently over her cut. She groaned into my mouth. I could feel her juices running down my thighs as I relentlessly drove my cock into her. I’d never needed anyone as badly as I needed her tonight. She pulled her mouth away from mine and panted. “Fuck Patrick…oh yes!”

I slid a hand down between us and dipped my fingers in her wetness, taking the time to flick her clit while I was there. She cried out and I brought my wet fingers back up and spread the juice across her nipple.

Still fucking her, I leaned down and sucked it into my mouth. She used the muscles in her thighs to clench onto me tight and bounce up and down. She was getting close. So very close.

I pulled my mouth off her and brought it up to her neck. I kissed and sucked and bit there before putting my mouth to her ear.

“Come for me baby…come for me…”

“Come with me!” She screamed out. I was right on the verge. I thrust a few more times hard and deep before she went rigid in my arms. I let myself go then and we both cried out as I rocked a few more times up inside of her, milking out every drop.

“I love you!” I panted out.

“I love you too,” she said in a sexy, husky voice.

I needed her again. As I carried her down the hall to the bedroom she giggled in my arms.

I’d never felt so right.


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