BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series) (376 page)

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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              As I stepped out of the cab at Christopher Columbus Park, my first thought was that the day was too gorgeous. The Boston sky was an azure blue and big puffy white clouds drifted across it, occasionally passing in front of the sun and providing a little relief from the eighty degree day.

As I walked down the path that would lead me to the fountain, I admired the soft green lawns and took in the scenes around me. There were couples cuddling on blankets and dogs rolling in the grass. Sweet little children ran and played and some people sat alone using their laptops, having their lunch or reading a book. I’d forgotten how much I loved this park.

I walked through the vine covered arbor, inhaling the fresh scent of the rose garden mixed with the fresh salty air that drifted in on the breeze. The sounds of soft jazz were everywhere and they reminded me of my youth and the many long, wonderful days I spent here with Colin. Walking through the covered arbor was like a time portal, instantly transporting me back to a place and time where some of the best memories of my life were made.

I remembered the first time Colin brought me here at night and we walked hand in hand underneath the arbor as the blue lights twinkled above us. It was so romantic, and every so often we’d stop walking and he’d nudge me into one of the posts and kiss me…If I close my eyes and remember I can still taste him. To this day I’ve never had a kiss better than the ones that he and I shared.

I finally made it to the fountain
Our fountain
I’d taken the long way around because I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this. It hurt so much the last time. He was harder for me to get over than anyone before or since. I don’t know if I have it in me to do it again.

Back then when my parents were always fighting and talking about divorce…he’d listened to me and he’d been my rock. Then all of a sudden he wasn’t and when I needed him the most, he wasn’t there for me any longer. My heart was crushed and at the time I thought it would never heal.

I paced back and forth, looking out towards the harbor, torn between fear and self-preservation, and this intense need to see him again. With a heavy sigh I told myself this was ridiculous…you can’t capture the past. I spun on my heel, determined to walk back the way I came and go home…and I came face to face with Colin.

He grinned and something inside around my heart melted. “Hi.”

“Uhm, hey.”

“I wasn’t sure you’d show up.” His deep voice echoed through me.

“I wasn’t sure that I would either.” My voice sounded small.

He reached up and put the back of his hand against my cheek. The sun was shining down into his eyes making them twinkle like sapphires. His dark hair was shiny and gorgeous and the blue polo shirt he was wearing fit the hard lines of his chest and arms way too well.

His touch was sending waves of shock through my body and making it hard for me to think…or even breathe. I took a step back and for just a second I saw something that looked like hurt flash in his eyes.

“I missed you Cami. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left.”

“When I told you we were leaving, you didn’t act like you cared.”

There I said it. I turned and looked into the fountain, concentrating on the water so I could ignore what was going on inside of my own head. He stepped around me so that I could see him. God he looks so good. I want to run my hands underneath that shirt and feel his hard chest…

“You didn’t let me know when you were leaving. One day, you were just gone.” The sadness in his voice made my heart ache.

“I told you I was going, I expected you to ask when….I wanted so much more. I wanted you to ask me to stay… You didn’t, so I just assumed you didn’t care, Colin.”

“You assumed wrong, Cami. I had all of these ideas in my head that you were leaving with your mom instead of staying with your dad because of me. I thought they didn’t like me and didn’t want you around me. I thought that maybe they had talked you into believing we shouldn’t be together.” Lines of worry etched in his face and I glanced back at the fountain.

For the first time in all of these years I realized that maybe he was as attached to me back then as I had been to him. I had let myself believe that he couldn’t have been feeling the same things that I was…I had even almost talked myself into believing that he only wanted me for sex. It was a devastating thought, but I honestly thought if he loved me the way I did him that he would have begged me to stay.

“I wanted you to ask me to stay…” I said, so softly that even I wasn’t so sure I said it. He reached out and took my right hand in his warm hand. That simple touch caused something deep inside me to tremble. I wanted him to touch me all over, but I felt that need again to protect myself. I pulled my hand loose and wrapped my arms around my body in a protective shield. It was better this way.

He started to reach out again but then he pulled back and ran a hand through his thick black hair.

“I should have Cami. I should have paid more attention. I should have begged you to stay. I was so busy then, overwhelmed a little bit, actually. My dad had me going non-stop. He was working all three of us so hard. I knew that you were going through crap with your parents though and I should have found more time to be with you. We were so young and I was so stupid.”

“Yeah, you were scary stupid,” I said, quoting his favorite saying from when we were teens. I tried to keep a straight face, but the shocked expression on his made me lose it. I started laughing.

He laughed too as he stepped in closer, hesitatingly. “Can I touch you?”

I nodded and he took my hands in his again and turned me so that our eyes were locked onto each other.

“We’re laughing but it’s really true. I’d have to be the biggest fool there ever was to let you go Cami. I was crazy about you. I was lost without you when you left.”

I felt hot tears filling my eyes. “I felt the same way….and it took me a really long time to get over you…” He put his warm hand against my face again and this time I leaned into it.

He smiled softly and said “You got over me?”

I closed my eyes and tried to fight the tears. Smiling through them I said, “Until the second I saw your face yesterday I thought that I had.”

“I’m not over you, Cami. I grew up with guys whose guns were just another extension of their body. I dealt with murderers, thieves and drug dealers on a daily basis. By the time I was sixteen I’d been in more fights than most guys get into in a lifetime…most of them with guys twice my size and some of them that I wasn’t sure I would survive. But, I have never, ever been as scared as I was when I realized that you were gone. I was lost Cami and that’s the God’s honest truth.” 

I reached up and cupped his face with both of my hands. I came up on my toes and pressed my lips to his. At first our kisses were feather light…whisper kisses. But the need burned between us too hot.

With a growl that came from deep inside his chest, he leaned down and possessed my lips. I parted my mouth and tipped my head back allowing his tongue to find mine and then I wrapped my hands around his big neck so I could pull myself up higher and press in deeper. He sucked my tongue into his mouth and ran his teeth along it…I shivered as my whole body came alive with desire.

“My place. Now.”

I didn’t have enough air to speak…so I nodded.




              I opened the door to my apartment and let Cami step in first. Her pretty skin shimmered in the light that came through the huge windows and her eyes looked more gold than ever. She was wearing a black skirt that hugged her curves on the bottom and a red sleeveless blouse that was cut just low enough to allow me a peek of her cleavage on top. Her slender legs were accentuated by a pair of black heels and as good as she looked in all of that, I couldn’t wait to get her out of it. She takes my breath away.

              I slammed the door closed with my foot and took her petite little face in my hands and pulled her in for a kiss. I kissed her deeply, loving how easily she responded. Her tongue swirled around mine until I had to pull back slightly to suck in a breath. The smell of her perfume, so light and feminine ignited the already burning fuse inside of me.

I grabbed her and pushed her shoulders against the wall in the hallway. I kissed her harder and let my hands slide down to her hips. I moved them up, underneath her blouse, my hands shaking as they came into contact with soft, smooth skin. I slid them higher, pushing her bra out of my way.

Still kissing her, I found her right nipple. She moaned into me as I rolled it between my thumb and forefinger. I shuddered as it hardened in my fingers. She was flexing her hips into me as I cupped her entire breast in my hand and realized that she’d definitely filled out since high school
Fuck yes.

I slide my hands back down on her hips and start walking her backwards down the hall as I suck on her throat. I stop halfway and take possession of her mouth again. She sighed into me as my hands reached for the buttons of her blouse. Crazy out of my head with desire, I popped it open. Buttons flew across the hall, slamming into the wall and scattering across the carpet at our feet. She pulled my shirt over me and flung it aside with a smile.

I pushed her bra all the way up as she shrugged out of the blouse. I could hear her breathing heavy as I bent down and closed my mouth over one of her juicy breasts.

I start walking her backwards again as I suckled, finally making it to the bedroom. I pushed open the door and practically pushed the poor girl over my bed.

By that time she had the button and zipper of my jeans undone, releasing my throbbing cock from its tight space. Every nerve in my body was tingling as I took in a deep breath and tried to regain control. I found the zipper of her skirt and nearly tore that open too before I got it unzipped and let it fall to her feet. I know I was moving too fast, but I had to touch her.

I let my fingers run over the front of her thong. Her juices were already flowing, soaked into the thin material and warm to the touch. I clenched my jaw. Fuck.

The ache inside of me was dull and deep in my core. I didn’t just want to be inside of her, I needed it. Adrenaline was surging through me as I ripped down that tiny thong and pushed her back on the bed. I slid it the rest of the way off and then I pressed my lips to her shapely calves as I unbuckled those sexy shoes and slipped them off her slim, sexy feet.

She moaned my name and pulled me closer, her eyes full of longing. I moved back up and slid two fingers inside of her. She moaned out louder and I began moving them in an out of her, thrusting harder and faster as her body shuddered beneath me. I watched us and I swear she had the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.

“I need you now, Cami. Right, fucking now!” She was panting, but she nodded as I mounted her. Not even considering a condom, I fisted my cock and lined up against her slick opening. I teased her with a few strokes before I saw my precum slide onto her. Fuck foreplay. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I thrust deep inside of her with one thick jolt. Her silky walls closed around me and I felt a warm gush of fluid as she came.

“Oh baby…oh fuck! God I missed you! Fuck!”

She was gasping as I thrust harder and faster. Her hands gripped my shoulders, digging into my flesh with her nails. I was on the verge of coming already. I felt like I was fucking sixteen years old again.

“Colin!” She screamed out my name and that was enough to send me over the edge. My movements became frenetic then and she was bringing her hips up to meet mine just as quickly. It was chaos…but it was the sweetest, sexiest chaos I’d ever experienced.

I felt her clamp down on my cock again and then her sexy body went rigid as she let out one last long moan. I slammed into her hard one last time before I let out a loud gasp as I came deep inside of her. Heaven.

I dropped down on top of her still running my hands up and down her sides, reveling in the feel of her soft, warm body. My head was spinning and my nerves were still raw as I struggled to catch my breath. We were a heap of limbs and the sheets she’d pulled apart surrounded us in a mess.

When I brought my head up she smiled and everything inside of me liquefied. I found her lips and kissed her slowly. Her eyes were shining and I could practically see the fire burning behind them.

“You’re so fucking sexy baby. Jesus…I haven’t come that quickly…. since we were kids.”

“Me too,” she said kissing me again. I kissed her eyes and then let my mouth run down the side of her face and across her long, slim neck. I paused to nip and bite at the soft skin just above her collarbone before letting my lips drop down to one of her nipples.

I could feel my cock beginning to grow and harden again already. I wrapped my tongue around her hard nipple and flicked it. Then I sucked it into my mouth and let my teeth scrape across it. She arched her back up and wrapped her fingers in my hair, pulling me into her harder.

I moved over and licked and sucked the other one, letting my hands run over the sexy curves of her hips and sliding them underneath her to feel that sweet, full ass.

Finally, I made it to the top of her mound. The smell of sex was intoxicating and my cock was aching once again. I let my fingers come up and tease her lips apart before leaning forward and sliding my tongue across the nub of her swollen clit. She cried out and once again wrapped her fingers up in my hair and pulled me into her. I pushed my thumb into her as I sucked her clit in between my lips. I let my tongue flick back and forth across it. I could feel her silky thighs trembling and she was making sexy little whimpering noises.

“Oh Colin, please fuck me baby! I need you back inside of me!”

I didn’t argue. I flipped her over and she automatically brought that beautiful ass up. I lined my now rock hard cock up with her slit before taking a cheek in each hand and pushing back into her. She was gripping onto the sheets as I pushed into her hard and deep, my balls feeling heavy.

“Is that what you want baby girl?”

“Oh yeah…harder baby…please Colin!” I felt her contract her muscles and grip down on my cock like a vice. Her whole body was trembling now as she white knuckled the sheets. I buried my cock in her as deep as it would go and felt my balls slap into her again with each thrust. I grabbed ahold of her hips and fell into a rhythm of in and out as her body shuddered and jolted back against me.

“Oh God! I’m coming again baby! Oh fuck!” She convulsed once…twice…three times before I felt her body and the walls of her pussy relax.

Once she’d reached her climax I snapped and began thrusting and pounding into her…mine was coming and fast. I pushed forward and pulled her backwards one last time before unloading inside of her again.

This time when I collapsed down into her it took me longer to catch my breath. I finally got myself under control and slid off of her so that she could breathe as well.

              “Wow,” I breathed out. She flipped onto her back and smiled sideways at me. She looked so sexy with her lips bright red and swollen from being kissed and her hair tousled and hanging down over her forehead and sticking to her cheeks.

              “Yeah, wow.”

              “I mean seriously…fucking wow!”

              She giggled. “Yeah…fucking wow.”

              I kissed the side of her face. “You’re incredible baby.”

              “So are you. It’s a good thing I never forget to take my pills though Mr. Didn’t Even Mention a Condom.”

              I laughed. “I think subconsciously I was trying to knock you up. I want you to have my babies, Cami.” I couldn’t believe I’d just said that out loud…but I had. Cami stopped breathing for a few seconds and the room got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I thought she was going to ignore me until she finally spoke.

              “We already lost that chance.” My stomach dropped.



BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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