BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series) (358 page)

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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              After she ate her cake and ended up with more of it on her face than in her little mouth, I gave her a bath. We read three stories before I finally got her settled down and tucked in…it was my fault for agreeing to the cake so late.

Once she was finally asleep, I cleaned up the kitchen and went in and took my own shower. I came out completely refreshed. I did my skincare routine, brushed my teeth and secured my hair. By the time my own head hit the pillow, I was exhausted.

              I laid there in the dark for a while, willing myself to go to sleep and not to think any more about Jackson Hanks. My libido had other ideas. Just the sound of his name in my head while I was tucked tight into my bed in the dark…made my panties a little bit damp.

I closed my eyes and pictured his beautiful face…those sparkling blue eyes…those lips…God I’d love to run my tongue across them. I shivered at the thought and let my mind move to his arms. Wouldn’t I love to grab onto those sexy arms while he’s on top of me and sliding in and out of me.

I felt my own hot hands cross my stomach and as if they had a mind of their own… I finally touched the hem of my silk panties, a shiver running up my spine as images of Jackson flowed through my mind. I bit at my bottom lip as my pulse began to race. I hooked my thumbs around my panties and slid them down. It was crazy, but just the thought of a man I’d only just met had caused a hot throbbing sensation between my legs that was making my writhe before I’d even touched myself.

I closed my eyes and let my hand trace across the warm flesh of sex. I pictured him again, pictured myself licking my way across those full, sexy lips. I shivered all over at the thought of his tongue coming out to meet mine and I let my fingers press hard down into my swollen clit. I gasped as I let them make tiny little circles across my sensitive area.

I pictured him above me, looking down at me with those incredibly intense eyes… My free hand slid up underneath my night shirt as if it had a mind of its own and took hold of one of my breasts. The other hand was still busy, rubbing my clit harder as the moisture and the tension continued to build.

I imagined reaching up and grasping those strong biceps as he slid his hot, throbbing cock into my soaking wet pussy. I pinched down on my nipple and moaned. God, I was hot. I pushed the thick covers all the way back and opened my eyes. In the moonlight that came through the blinds I could see my wet flesh and my hand between my legs.

I closed my eyes again and once more Jackson was there. This time it was his tongue in place of my fingers, moving across the flesh between my legs. I flicked my clit and imagined him sucking on it, licking in between my folds. I was bucking up off the bed and rubbing hard. I let go of my breast and slid the other hand down.

Imagining he was sliding those thick fingers into me while he licked my clit…I slid two fingers into my hot, wet opening and moved them in and out furiously as I brought myself close to orgasm. My legs were trembling violently as I spread them as wide as I could. My hips were coming up off the bed…in my mind now to meet his as he moved up to fuck me once again.

In my imagination he leaned down to tell me how good it was…just as I felt my whole body begin to first shake and then stiffen as an explosion inside of me. The pleasure washed over me in wave after wave and once again I bit down on my lip to keep from crying out and waking up Nala.

My pussy clamped down tightly around my fingers and I felt the warm rush of bliss seep from me. My body was on fire and I rubbed slowly now, working myself through the orgasm…until at last I went limp and collapsed down onto the damp sheet.

              I lay there panting for a good five minutes before I could shake off the after-effects of the explosive climax.

Finally when I felt the feeling come back into my legs, I pulled myself up and went into the bathroom to clean up. I glanced at myself in the mirror, thinking I’d be slightly ashamed of myself. But the girl in the mirror was still thinking about Jackson…and she smiled back at me, brightly.


Jackson has been amazing at his past couple therapy sessions. His determination and grit are impressive. We don’t often talk about his career. For one thing I almost can’t bear the thought of knowing he gets in a cage and someone beats on that gorgeous body of his. But I’m spared the gory details.

For whatever reason he doesn’t seem to want to talk about it…other than to tell me he’s retired and his time in the cage is over. I find it odd sometimes because he’s usually so confident about everything else. Some would even call it arrogance. I have to admit that I expected him to want to talk constantly about his fighting or his women. He’s a shameless flirt, but he’s never crossed that line and tried to talk to me about anything overtly inappropriate.

He’s also never brought anyone with him to his sessions except occasionally Caroline and he’s never mentioned a girlfriend. In the fantasies I still have about him, he’s single. It’s not that I’m thinking there will ever really be anything between us…but it’s nicer for me.

I was setting up for our session when I heard Gloria and Edna giggling like schoolgirls at the front desk. I knew he’d entered the building before I even looked. Both ladies are old enough to be his mother but every time he comes in they both get worked up like cheerleaders in the presence of the football hero. It’s cute and a tribute to his charms. I slid over slightly so that I could see what was going on without being seen.

“Trick or treat,” I watched him say with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a glint in his sexy eyes.

“What are you supposed to be?” Gloria asked him with a giggle.

“Guess,” he said with a sly grin.

“Oh! I know! You’re Zeus, God of everything.”

Oh dear God! She’s been married for twenty-two years and she has grown children. I rolled my eyes.

He winked at her and I swear I saw her visibly melt. “Good guess, but not quite.”

“I know!” Gloria piped in. “You’re Prince Charming!” I laughed out loud and he looked up. His eyes met mine.

be Prince Charming,” he said, “But I’ll need a Cinderella first.” He didn’t take his eyes off of mine, a look of adoration twinkling in this eyes. I had to consciously will myself not to shy away.

The girls turned to see what he was looking at and saw me. They gave each other a knowing glance and then Edna slid a bowl of candy corn towards him.

“Okay Prince, grab your candy and get to work before our lovely Cinderella has to run home.”

He grabbed a handful of the candy, winked at the ladies again and looked back my way. He was still wearing his brace, but he hardly ever used his crutches any longer. I had no interest in his cage fighting, but it was easy for me to see why he was a champion. He had a presence about him, masculine and sure. And with the way he looked at me, I felt… safe somehow. More protected and protective.

“Hi, beautiful. Are you ready for me?”

More than you’ll ever know

“The question is Champ, ar
ready fo
?” I think I saw him wince at the nickname… but he covered quickly with one of his famous grins.

He looked back at Edna and Gloria. “My lady awaits.”

His lady...?

We came through the studio door and he leaned forward to swipe his warm lips across my cheek. I liked the way his big hand felt against my back and I tried desperately not to lean into his fresh masculine scent. He had started greeting me this way a month or so ago. I struggle with the professionalism of it, but I also look forward to it… so I’ve let it go on.

As he pulled back and looked into my eyes today, I could see something more there. It was another thing I’ve been picking up on lately…he wants more. I can feel it down to my core.  My fantasies aren’t just mine it seems. The chemistry is undeniable sure…but I’m just not ready to cross that line. We still have a lot of work to do and I still have a daughter to raise.

“You ready?”

“Yeah,” he grinned.

I prepped the rig, trying my best to concentrate but I coul
his eyes on me. Those weren’t the only things I wanted on me. Gah

“It’s kinda hot in here. Can I take off my shirt?” His voice was casual but his real intentions were just under the surface of his words.

I shook my head. He’s really something. “No, you cannot.” I scolded. “I’m the boss here so...”

“Oh, I’m sorry. You go ahead…”

Confused, I turned to face him. “Go ahead and do what?”

“I though
wanted to take off my shirt… You’re right, yeah. It’s probably best you do it. I’m feeling a little weak today...” He feigned exhaustion but I saw the mischievous smirk hidden at the corner of his lips.

“Jack! I am not taking my shirt off and neither are you. Mr. Lucas and Ms. Betty are around today! They’re seventy years old. Now what if they saw you hobbling around here looking all sexy without your shirt? It might kill them!”

His gaze was suddenly intense. “You think I’m sexy, Amara?”

The air left the room. “I… I have other clients today. We need to get on with this.” I sputtered, pushing down the flutters in my chest.

His gaze remained intense but I saw a hint of playfulness. “Do you cheat on me with other patients…?”

“That’ll be enough of that,” I told him, stepping back with a laugh. “Come on let’s go, grab the bars.”

He grinned, but did what I asked him. He knew exactly how he was affecting me. I’m a terrible actress, especially when my body is doing things of its own accord.

“Okay,” he said, gripping the bars. I didn’t miss the way his biceps bulged against his cotton shirt. The cords in his forearms rippled as he made in his way across the parallel bars.

“Just keep in mind that if I faint in this stuffy room you’re obligated b
to give me mouth to mouth...”

“Jackson! Watch where you’re going!”

He chuckled again and paused on the rig. “What straight? I can do this with my eyes closed! I’ll bet you I can make it all the way to the end today with no hands and no breaks.”

He hadn’t done much weight-bearing yet. I wasn’t sure he was up to it, but he sounded confident and he’d had enough time to heal so it was worth a try.

“Okay, show me,” I said with a nod to the other end.

“Eh, I’ll need a little incentive,” he said, casually. Much too casually.

“Incentive?” I said, quirking an eyebrow.

“Yeah, like a reward if I make it.”

I shook my head again and said, “What? More candy corn?”

“Nope. Something sweeter... I’ll need... a kiss.” He focused those blue eyes on my face and waited for my reaction. The challenge had been thrown down. I did my best to look unenthused.

“Fine, whatever it takes to get you to do some work today.”

“Whatever? Wait…can I change the terms then?”

I couldn’t help myself. I laughed. “No, you cannot! Come on, you’re stalling.”

One more killer smile and then he was all business. The fact that he was a born competitor was evident in the determination that was etched into his face. He started out slowly, still gripping the bars with his first step. I was quiet…not wanting to break his concentration.

I watched almost nervously as he let go and began to walk. I was so excited for him that it was hard not to clap and cheer as he made it to his third step…and then his fourth…when he took that last step and grabbed onto the bars at the end, I could see just a touch of pain in his face. But the triumph was also there. He’d made it.

“That was amazing, Jack! I’m so proud of you!” And I really was - exhilarated even! What progress!

He stood still and watched me. In his eyes was a look I was all too familiar with. It had been reflected back at me every time I got up in the middle of the night to freshen up after thinking about him

I quickly glanced around. No one.

Stepping up on my toes, I leaned up to him but paused. He didn’t budge, seemingly content to let me make the first move. He smelled so good this close - like shampoo and sunshine.

I brushed my lips gently against his. God…they formed snugly against mine as I had always imagined they would. He leaned into the kiss, his nose brushing mine but he didn’t make any move to deepen it. I was surprised and... annoyed. I needed so much more than this innocent peck.

I tilted my head and adjusted the kiss as my head swam dizzy from being so close to his powerful chest. I swayed forward and afraid that I would fall over him, I caught my hand against his body. Huge mistake. I felt the ripple of his defined abs billow with his sharp intake of breath as he moaned into my mouth. My touch was enough to fuel the fire.

Jackson pulled me up into him and the slight stubble across his jaw tickled my skin deliciously as that tongue I’d dreamt about so many times parted my lips and slipped inside. Fireworks exploded in my head as our tongues danced and he explored my mouth like it was hidden treasure. He tasted like a sweet candy. I had to stop this before it got totally out of control.

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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