Business Affairs (11 page)

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Authors: Shirley Rogers

BOOK: Business Affairs
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The afternoon turned into evening. Alex waited on Jennifer relentlessly, making her tea and bringing her crackers he'd bought at the store while she'd slept. Around five o'clock, she began to feel well enough to attempt a shower.

When she came out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later, her hair washed and somewhat dry, her teeth brushed, she felt almost human again. Alex was waiting for her, trailing her movements as she started for the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” he asked, stopping her with his hand on her arm. Her hair was slightly damp and she smelled like roses. She'd slipped on another nightgown and robe, but this thicker one hid her tempting curves. His stomach muscles tightened.

“To the kitchen.”

“Uh-uh. I want you back in bed.” He just wished she was up for what he really wanted.


Naked beneath him.

For hours.

Alex reminded himself he was here to help her, not to take advantage of her. And surely her illness would prevent him from trying anything with her should he lose his faculties and touch her.

Jennifer flushed. His words caused all kinds of tantalizing images to flash through her mind. She didn't argue, though, when he steered her in the direction of her room. “It was nice of you to stay, Alex, but I'm fine now,” she told him as she climbed into bed. If he didn't leave, she was going to do something crazy—like make love with him.

Whoa, she really was better if she was thinking about making love.

“I think I'll stay a while longer,” Alex told her, wanting to be sure she would be okay. “Tomorrow's Saturday. You should rest up this weekend. Don't think about work or anything you've missed. I've talked to Paige. She's handling everything.” He tucked the covers around her. “How about trying to eat some soup?” he suggested.

“I don't think I can.”

Please go home.

But he didn't. He'd found the serving tray she kept in one of the cabinets and he brought her soup and more toast. And water. She picked up the glass and drank, then tasted the soup.

“You're quite a chef,” she commented, finally accepting the fact that he wasn't leaving until he was good and ready. She managed to get down quite a bit of the soup. Her nausea had subsided, but no doubt it
would be back the next morning. And the morning after that. And the morning after that.

“Opening a can is the extent of my talent in culinary matters.” When she put down the spoon and shoved the remainder of the soup away from her, Alex picked it up and finished the soup she'd left in the bowl.


“I won't get sick.”

Jennifer groaned silently. Of course he wasn't really in danger of catching the flu. And he couldn't
morning sickness.

“How's your father doing?”

“Better, my mom said.”

“I'm glad to hear it.” Alex picked up the tray and carried it to the kitchen. He was losing the battle with his self-control. If he left now, he'd have accomplished what he'd come over for. To make sure she was all right.

You wanted more than to make sure she was all right.

Yeah, he did. He wanted to kiss her luscious mouth, to touch her gorgeous body. He wanted to slip into the bed with her and make love to her. The smart thing to do was to leave. Right now. Before he broke another promise to her.

Instead he went back into her room and sank beside her on the bed. “Feeling better?” he asked, his gaze raking her face. All day, he'd been holding himself back from touching her. Now, he thought he'd die if he didn't.

“Yes.” Jennifer's heart slammed against her ribs. When his hand touched her cheek, her pulse took off at breakneck speed. “Alex.” She'd meant to say his name with warning. It came out sounding like yearning.

He leaned over her, his mouth hovering above hers.
“I know I made a promise not to touch you, but hell, Jennifer, I was worried about you today.”

She sucked in a breath of air, her gaze falling to his mouth, inches away, tempting her. She could feel his hesitation, knew all she had to do was to say
Alex would have gotten up and walked away from her.

But, oh my, she just couldn't. She wanted to be with him one last time, wanted to feel him inside her. She lifted her head ever so slightly and their mouths met.

He kissed her tenderly, so sweet and gentle, she thought she'd disintegrate right here in his arms. Then his body was crushing her to the mattress. Jennifer wasn't aware of how his clothes had disappeared or even how she'd come to be naked against him. She didn't care. He was here beside her and that's all that mattered.

His hands stroked her, caressed her, as his lips found hers again. Her hands were busy, too, sliding down his back, cupping his butt, pulling him more fully against her.

His erection pressed against her thigh and her need for him spiraled out of control. Then his lips touched her breasts, kissed her belly. As she tried to absorb the ecstasy spiraling through her, he opened her legs, spread them wide and tasted her.

And, oh yes, he knew just how to make her his.

“Please.” The rush of desire spiraled through her. She squirmed beneath him, arching her back, begging him to take her, reaching for him with her arms.

“I'm right here,” Alex whispered, then kissed her mouth, her face, her throat. He shifted himself between her legs, entering her slowly, dragging out their pleasure.

Leaning down, he angled his head and kissed her deeply. He loved her mouth. The way she felt in his
arms. Her exotic, addictive scent. Her silky smooth skin. He wanted to keep her like this forever.

“Now, oh, Alex, now,” she pleaded.

He kissed her again, felt her muscles tighten around him. Moving his hips faster, he sank deeper and deeper inside her. She felt so good.

So perfect.

So right.


The phone rang, startling Jennifer as she lay in the aftermath of Alex's lovemaking. Not wanting to think about what she'd done, she reached for it and checked the Caller ID.

Her sister.

Thinking Lil could be calling about their dad, Jennifer pushed the talk button. “Hey, sis.”

“I called your office. They said you've been sick for two days.”

“Yeah. I think I have the flu or something.”

“Are you all right?”

“I'm fine.” Jennifer tried to sound convincing. She was exhausted. Making love did that to a person when they'd been ill for two days.

“I'm coming over.”

Panicking at the thought of her sister finding Alex in her bed, Jennifer quickly said, “No. I don't want you to get sick. You'll just take this bug back home to your family.”

Lil thought about that for a moment. “Okay, you're right.”

Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief. But it didn't last long.

“I'm calling Tony. He should be leaving the hospital soon. He'll swing by and check on you tonight.”

“No!” Jennifer protested.

“Don't argue,” Lil told her sister.

“But I'm fine,” Jennifer said, then stole a look at Alex. He was sitting up beside her, watching her. She didn't want her brother anywhere near her. She couldn't lie to him. He would know in a heartbeat she was pregnant.

“Then you won't mind Tony confirming it.” She hung up.

Jennifer sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. Then she turned to face Alex. “My brother is coming over. You'd better leave.”

Alex protested. “I'll get dressed,” he said. “But I don't have to leave.”

She bit her tongue. “You have to leave, Alex. If you're here, he'll draw conclusions. I don't want him to get the wrong idea. You know, like there's anything going on between us.”

But there was, Alex silently protested. He wasn't sure what. But he was damned sure he wanted to explore it. “Jen—”

“Please,” she pleaded.

Alex wanted to argue with her but it was obvious she wasn't ready for her family to know they'd slept together. “All right. If that's what you want me to do.” He got up and jerked on his clothes, not happy that she seemed ashamed of being with him.

Well, what could he expect? With his record of short, shallow relationships with women, could he blame her for not wanting him to stick around?

“I'm sorry,” she said because he seemed upset.

He shrugged. “It's okay.”

Clearly it wasn't. As he buttoned the last button on his shirt, she started to get up. “Don't.”

“I'll walk you to the door.”

“No, I don't want you to get up,” he said, unable to remain annoyed with her. His gentle expression tempered his stern tone. “Stay there until your brother arrives.” He leaned over and kissed her, letting his lips linger long enough to stir the desire inside him again. Pulling away, he said, “I'll come by tomorrow and check on you.”

She nodded, but she knew she'd made a grave mistake by making love with him again. If he came over tomorrow, he'd find her sickness was a routine reoccurrence. As smart as Alex was, it wasn't going to be long before he figured out the real reason she was ill before she was even able to return to work long enough to type out her resignation.

Jennifer lay still and listened as Alex walked through her apartment, then left through the front door. Sleeping with him again had been unwise. But she was weak where he was concerned. She wanted to be with him. Forever. She laughed bitterly. The odds of that happening were laughable.

There was only one way she was going to be able to control her feelings for him.

She had to quit her job.


ennifer lay in bed the next morning curled in a ball, her stomach in turmoil. She'd gotten up really early to use the bathroom, then brought hot tea and a plate of crackers back to her room. Reaching for one, she groaned when she managed to knock the entire plate off the dresser, scattering the crackers on the floor. Inching to the edge of the bed, she fumbled around for one, congratulating herself when she captured one between two fingers. Just as she was about to eat it, the phone rang.

She took a bite of the cracker, then reached over and picked up the receiver, glancing at the Caller ID.


No surprise there. She should just let it ring. No, if she didn't answer it, he'd charge straight over. If she talked to him, at least there was the possibility she could head off his appearing on her doorstep.

“Hello?” she said, making an effort to keep her tone natural.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Alex asked, sounding as if he really cared.

“Better,” she answered. She didn't read anything special into his warm tone. Maybe his concern was genuine, but once his attraction to her subsided, she'd end up with a broken heart. She didn't think she could stand a full-out affair that would, no doubt, end badly. Alex didn't want the same things in life that she needed. He didn't want children. And not having them wasn't conceivable to her. “The crackers have helped. Thank you for getting them.”

“You sound tired,” he remarked.

She was amazed at his ability to judge her condition through the phone. “I am a little,” she admitted. “I'm sure I'll be able to come to work tomorrow, though. I might even go in for a few hours this afternoon.”

“Don't you dare,” he ordered, his voice bordering on impatience.


“I want you to take care of yourself.”

“I am,” she insisted. “Tony came by last night and gave me something for the nausea.” She didn't tell him her brother had diagnosed her condition within minutes. He'd known without asking that the father of her child was Alex. Jennifer had given her brother the bare essentials of her relationship with Alex, to which Tony had demanded to know if Alex was going to marry her.

Furious barely described her brother's demeanor when she'd told him that she and Alex weren't in love and that marriage between them wasn't a possibility. Clearly upset, he'd driven back to the hospital, return
ing promptly with some medication safe to take during pregnancy. He'd also given her orders to see a doctor immediately. Jennifer had assured him she would and had made him promise not to tell anyone about her pregnancy until she was ready. Grudgingly, he'd agreed.

“So is the medicine helping?” Alex asked.

“Yes,” she answered, wondering if he was planning to come by. He would want to see for himself that she was better. She was going to have to find a way to discourage him.

“Jen, is something wrong?”

“No, not at all.” He asked the question as if he had some inside knowledge of her plans. Jennifer knew he couldn't possibly, but she took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. So far he hadn't mentioned coming to see her. Which was good. She needed some time alone to decide what to do. She couldn't think with Alex here.

“All right.” But he sounded as if he didn't believe her. “Look, I hate to do this now. I mean, with you not feeling well, but I have to go out of town. Joe Daughtrey called about the Vinson Corporation proposal. They're set to offer us the contract, but Ted Vinson wants to meet and talk with me personally before they sign. I'm flying out to Los Angeles today.”

“That's great, Alex. I mean, that Com-Tec is getting the contract.”

“I have to be at the airport in an hour. I thought I'd run by and check on you on my way.”

“No, don't,” she insisted. “You'll just run late for your flight.”

His tone deepened. “I want to see you.”

“I'm doing better. Really, I am. I'll see you when you get back.”

“I don't know how long I'm going to be gone. Probably a few days.”

“All right.”

His apprehension seemed to spill through the phone. “Jen…I'll see you soon.”

“'Bye, Alex.” Without waiting for him to answer, she hung up.

And never felt more like crying.


Alex got to the airport just in time for his flight, which proved Jennifer right. He'd wanted to see her, but if he'd gone by her apartment, he would have missed it.

However, something about their conversation continued to nag at him as he accepted a beverage from the flight attendant. Jennifer had sounded distant, as though something was definitely bothering her.

Was it because they'd made love? He promised not to touch her, but she'd been a willing participant. She'd wanted him as much as he'd wanted her.

Hell, he'd made a mess of things between them. Within the space of a few days, he'd broken his word again. Even now, he wanted her more than ever. What was it about Jennifer that was different from every other woman he'd been with?

You're in love with her.

Alex felt as if he'd been hit by a two-by-four.

Was he? Hell, he didn't even know what love was.

You want her to distraction. You can't stop thinking about her. You want to be with her every minute of every day.

Making love to her for the rest of your life wouldn't be long enough.

Okay, if all those feelings were symptoms of love, he was in a world of trouble.

Because even as the airplane taxied onto the runway, he wanted to forget his obligation to business and go to her.

What if he loved her? What would it mean?

You want to marry her.

No, Alex denied to himself. He didn't do marriage. Hell, he didn't even do commitment! And even if he did, what reason did he have to believe that he had anything emotionally to offer Jennifer? She wanted a lifelong arrangement. Children.

Alex shook his head. His parents were the only example he had for what it took to make a marriage work. He'd learned from an early age that love didn't last.

He thought about the night he'd spent with Jennifer's family when her father had become ill. Meeting them, watching them interact together, had forced him to reevaluate everything he'd believed. The support and love they'd shown each other was nothing short of amazing.

And eye-opening. Could he give Jennifer that kind of love and devotion? Alex wasn't sure. The only thing he knew for damn certain was that he wanted to be with her.

And he was stuck on some airplane headed to California.


“Paige, please ask William Stanton to come to my office,” Jennifer said into the intercom on Monday once she'd arrived at her office. Against Alex's warning, she'd gone into work for a few hours yesterday while the office was unoccupied to make preparations for her departure.

That done, she was ready to begin phasing in someone to temporarily take on her responsibilities. As senior vice president, William Stanton was more than qualified to handle her workload. Convincing him he
might take a little work. Especially since Alex was still in California.

Jennifer had taken her brother's advice and had called her doctor's office this morning. After explaining her symptoms and what the pregnancy test indicated, they'd worked her in as the first appointment. The doctor had prescribed something to ease her nausea, which she hoped would do the trick. As it was, she felt as if she'd lose the contents of her stomach every single minute.

No doubt when William saw her, he'd take over her workload just because she looked like death warmed over.

Her office door opened and she looked up. “Come in, Bill,” she said, and invited him to take a seat. Without hesitation she forged into why she'd needed to see him. “Something personal has come up, and I'm leaving Com-Tec.” She paused a moment for him to digest her words.

He stared at her in disbelief. “Leaving?”

“Effective immediately. I'd like to bring you up to date on my work, and I'm asking you to take over my position until Alex returns from California.”

Bill Stanton sat forward. He was a nice man whom she respected and had enjoyed working with. Which made it easier to make this decision in Alex's absence. She was leaving the company in good hands.

She had to be gone by the time Alex returned from California. The only way to avoid a confrontation with him was to break all ties with her job.

With him.

Immediately. Cut her losses before she did something really foolish—such as beg Alex to love her. But she couldn't do that because she didn't deserve his love.

And if he learned she was pregnant, he would feel obligated to help her.

She didn't want his help.

She wanted his love, and she refused to settle for anything less.

Bill Stanton gave her a long look. “Jennifer, are you sure you want to do this? Maybe a leave of absence—”

“I'm sure,” she said, cutting him off. She gave him a polite smile. “My decision's made.”

“Of course I'll do anything I can,” he said. “But Alex—”

Again, she cut him off. “Alex is out of town. I'm in charge. I need to know if I can count on your support.”

Though he appeared baffled by her decision, he nodded his acquiescence. Jennifer forged right into briefing him on her ongoing projects. After several hours, she made arrangements to meet with him again the next day.

When Bill walked out of her office, she sat back in her chair and stretched her shoulders, but the exercise did little to ease the tension building inside her. Alex had called several times while she'd been meeting with Bill. Although Jennifer had told Paige to hold her calls, she'd interrupted her each time to inform her Alex was on the telephone.

Jennifer had refused his calls, then had eventually told Paige that she was too busy to take
calls, and that meant calls from Alex, as well. Bill's expression of shock when he'd heard her had made her wish she
hadn't been so authoritative. She could just imagine what he was thinking.

And Paige. Jennifer owed the woman an apology. She hadn't meant to snap at her.

But talking to Alex wasn't a good idea. By the time she went home, she was exhausted. She screened her telephone calls during the evening with her answering machine, letting it pick up Alex's calls. From the tone of his voice he was more than irritated.

Well, he wasn't going to be any happier when he returned to Virginia and found her gone.


At the end of the second day, after everyone had left the office, Jennifer pushed the enter button on her computer, then reached for the paper she'd printed. Her hand trembled as she read the words.

Effective immediately, I am resigning my position as…

It was the right thing to do. She had no other options. Alex's baby was growing inside her. It wouldn't be long before she would be showing, and Alex Dunnigan was not a stupid man. He would know that the baby was his.

She folded the letter, slipped it into an envelope and wrote Alex's name on it. Beneath it, she wrote
Slipping on her coat, she grabbed her purse, then went into Alex's office and placed her resignation on his desk where he'd see it when he returned.

Tears spilled over her cheeks and she brushed them away as she got into the elevator and left her office for the last time.


Alex cursed the pickup that cut in front of him as he steered his car onto the exit toward his office. He had
wanted to see Jennifer the moment his plane had touched down on Thursday morning. But because he'd been anxious to see her, he'd caught the red-eye back to Virginia Beach. Considering that she'd been ill, he hadn't wanted to wake her this morning.

So he'd cooled his heels at home. At eight, he'd called her house. Instead of Jennifer answering, her machine had picked up the call.


How many times had he called and gotten her damn machine? He'd been telling himself it was a coincidence. When he'd left her, she'd assured him she was feeling better. Now he wasn't so sure.

Something was wrong.

She hadn't taken any of his calls over the four days he'd been in California. His messages at her house had gone unanswered. Every time he'd called her at work, Paige had told him that Jennifer was too busy to talk to him.

Too busy!

Hell, he was the CEO of the damn company, and she couldn't take

He stormed into the building and went straight to Jennifer's office, thinking she'd already arrived at work. As soon as he stepped inside, an odd feeling of doom caused his chest to ache.

Jennifer wasn't here.

God, was she ill? Again? Despite her claim that she'd felt better, she'd been really sick when he'd left her. Cursing under his breath, Alex berated himself for not staying with her in the first place. He should have made sure she was all right. Or at least called someone in her family and asked them to check on her. Why hadn't he at least done that?

He heard the elevator doors and turned to see Paige step out of one of the cars. “Where the hell is Jennifer?” he demanded. At her look of trepidation, he schooled himself to calm down. “I'm sorry, Paige. I didn't mean to bark at you.”

Her eyes wide, she stood rooted to the carpet. “Yes, sir.”

“Where is Jennifer?” he asked again, trying very hard to stay in control. The look on Paige's face alarmed him. “She's all right, isn't she?”

Paige swallowed hard. “I think so.”

He didn't like the sound of that. “What do you mean, you think so?”

“Maybe you'd better check your desk, Alex,” she suggested, her voice trembling.

What did that mean? Without asking, Alex spun on his heel and stormed into his office.

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