Mackenzie Blue

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Authors: Tina Wells

BOOK: Mackenzie Blue
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Mackenzie Blue
Tina Wells

Illustrations by Michael Segawa

In memory of my grandparents,
Loretta Mae Waters & Felder Featherstone Moragne

For Zoey & Azairea Bronson



First Day Blues


A Sour Note


The New Girl


(Not So) Hot Lunch




The Message


Rock-and-Roll Teacher


Party Time


Text Trouble


Teacher Feature


Yes No


Student Teacher


Detective Disaster


The Diary Thief


The Apology


True Friends


High Note


The Audition


The Band


First Day Blues

Hi, Diary,

Today I'm kind of blue. Not blue as in Mackenzie Blue, which I always am. (Ugh! I can't believe I just made that joke.) This kind of blue is so not even funny. Not even a little.

First, my BFF Ally moves ALL THE WAY to PARIS, which is incredibly great for her. Who wouldn't want to live in France? The French have the most fabulous food, très chic fashion, and THE CUTEST guys. (Oooo la la!) Mom says Ally's move could be good for me, too. I'm not sure.

from Mackenzie Blue Carmichael's computer interrupted her. She slipped her diary and pen off her lap and rushed over to her desk. Awesome! An IM from Ally!

 SPARKLEGRRL: R u there?

Zee typed quickly.

E-ZEE: Yes. I was just thinking of u!

 SPARKLEGRRL: Help! I h8 school!

E-ZEE: What's wrong??!

 SPARKLEGRRL: Everything. I can't sleep. No 1 here wants 2 talk 2 me. Maybe it's because I have NO idea how 2 dress like a French person. Did u know they have a thing against sneakers here?

E-ZEE: Making friends isn't easy, especially in a new country!

So true. Zee became great friends with Jasper Chapman after he moved to Brookdale from London, England, over the summer. Jasper told Zee he had been lonely before he met her at the pool. Even with Jasper, Zee still missed Ally. They had been best friends and had gone to Brookdale Academy's lower school since preschool. And Zee needed Ally more than ever now that she was a seventh grader in Brookdale Academy's upper school—in a different building with different teachers.

E-ZEE: I m nervous about my 1st day of school 2.


E-ZEE: What if I can't find my way around? What if I 4get my locker combo? What if my life ends bc all I have time 4 is homework?

 SPARKLEGRRL: I know how u feel. I got lost AND 4 got my combo. No hw yet tho.

E-ZEE: Ugh! Being a 7th grader in Upper is like being a kindergartner in Lower. U r 1 of the little kids—except no 1 thinks u r cute.

 SPARKLEGRRL: At least you are not alone. Like me.

E-ZEE: No, u r not. U have me. BFF!!!!

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