Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance
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Chapter Twelve








I'm alone in the library when a familiar pair of hands suddenly embrace my body, almost causing me to jump right out of the chair. Beau leads me on with a cheeky smile and wandering hands, he knows exactly what he's doing. I'm surprised to see him hand me a small handful of daisies, a nice gesture if I didn't know exactly what he is after.


"We had a deal," he tells me. "I, um, my team just won the game."


If he's not telling the truth, it's not like I would know so I had a right to be skeptical. Even though he's dressed in his civilian clothes, he's still sweaty and dirty, the smell of his perspiration causing exciting feelings to run through my body.


"Shouldn't you be out celebrating then?"


The musk of the manliness that drapes his body, the essence of the alpha man, pounds my senses and I'm once again flustered in his presence. He knows what he wants and he's come to get it.


"Well maybe I..." I start to say without any idea of how to finish the sentence. Beau's face twists and he dives at me, surprising me as he puts me up over his shoulders. We make it only a few feet before I swat him on the back a number of times and demand to be put down. Beau lowers me gently and brushes off my arms as if that accomplishes anything. His naughty boy smile returns as he looks at me with the devil in his eyes.


"Wanna get out of here?" he asks as if it's proper when it's still light outside and there are people all around us. I can feel my impulses taking over and speaking on behalf of my brain though.


"How far away is your place?" I ask in a quiet whisper. Beau hops to and takes my hand gently in his, guiding me out of the building and into the public space but running so fast so that nobody can possibly see us. It's an adventure and exciting knowing that we're completely risking being caught. We race along the tree-lined edges to hide our forbidden rendezvous from judgmental eyes. Giggles escape from us both as I can't believe I'm actually running away with him to his apartment, abandoning my studies for the very definition of what I'm not supposed to do. My deal with him was made when I didn't honestly believe he'd come to collect.


He stops me at one point between two large oak trees so that we can catch our breath. With our fingers still intertwined, he presses his hard body to mine and leans me against a mighty trunk. His big, strong hands are gentle and he cradles my head to protect me from the tree, his lips careful not to be sloppy. A moan leaves my mouth as we merge, my leg wrapping around him doing everything I swore I wouldn't do.


"Say my name," he demands of me and repeats his request when I don't answer immediately.


"You're Beau. Mr. Beau Tillman." The words leave my mouth like the scandalous whispers they are and hit him like a weak breeze.


"When we get home, I want you to scream that much louder."


His cockiness turns me on despite myself. Goosebumps cover my flesh as I feel a wetness growing between my legs. My brain is on fire telling me to stop but the bulge pressing against me makes my body want as much of him as I can get.


"Let's get inside," I whisper in his ear before biting the soft lobe and keeping him in my mouth for a little longer than a moment. Beau happily keeps my hand in his as we giddily hurdle through the woods, racing towards his on-campus apartment with dizzying urgency.


Usually mindful of my surroundings, I surprise myself by not inspecting his living quarters upon arriving. The second his door is closed and we're inside, Beau and I attack each other like rabid dogs; privacy has set us free. We never separate as he skillfully and softly guides me up the stairs, our mouths and hands with insatiable thirst for more of the other.


When Beau's hands find my shoulders, he leads me into an open door and we tumble inside. As I kick off my shoes, Beau closes the door and returns to me. Almost immediately I drop to my knees in front of him, fiddling with his belt buckle as my eyes get large in anticipation, desperately needing what he has hidden inside.


"What do you want?" he asks while lifting up his shirt and looking down at the top of my head. My eyes find his as I lower his pants. "You know what I want," I tell him. My hand caresses the outline of his huge cock underneath his boxers, this is what I had been lusting after since that day in the showers. He throbs and swells under my hand and I tease him a little before freeing the beast.


When my hands pull his boxers down his legs, Beau's inflated phallus comes springing out and all I can think of is having it fill me at all ends. To stretch me and make me feel completely filled with his impressive manhood. As Beau's fingers run through my hair, my hand feels all that his shaft has to offer, caressing and holding his hard rod in my palm. My eyes look up at his and watch him closely as my lips pucker and approach his throbbing head, each of us eager for my lips to envelop him. I sense Beau's knees weaken as my wet mouth parts and takes a little of him inside.


"Oh," he is the one to moan this time and encourages me to continue on with passion. My lips clamp tightly and I slowly slide my mouth further down his shaft, letting more and more of him fill up my mouth. There's not much room, he's larger than I had remembered. The thought of him somewhere else in my body caused a tingle to race all over me.


With one hand ahead of my mouth on his cock, my other one holds on to the back of his leg and pulls him further into me. His cock is slick from my mouth and slides in and out of me with ease. Beau is careful not to be rough while guiding me on his prick and seems pleased by my undaunted enthusiasm.


"I'm going to cum inside of you, Quinn," he tells me and my mouth picks up the pace. There's nothing that I want more than to please him and feel his juices flow into me though I know it won't be enough to satisfy. I won't be done with him that easily, I had held myself back from this for too long. As soon as the first emission bursts onto my tongue, I'm already dreaming of the next step.


"I swallowed all of it," I proudly tell Beau once the last of his spurts tapers out. It's clear he's now finding out that I'm not like most girls. Just as quickly as I finish speaking, Beau lifts me to my feet and spins me around so that my front is flat up against the door with him pressing into my backside.


"It's your turn now," he whispers in my ear and my legs widen as if on impulse. Not a moment after standing and Beau has already undone the button on my pants and lowered them so that my cotton panties are pressed up against his amazingly erect-again cock. I can feel him so very close to where I desperately need him to be. His hands roam around my inner thighs, teasing me by completely ignoring the glowing source of heat between my legs. One of my hands finds my covered breast for stimulation as the other braces against the door.


"These don't come off," he says while toying with the elastic edges of my panties, "until they're soaking wet."


My back arches further into him, relinquishing full control to the man. Beau's hands continue to flirt along the edge of my increasingly damp underwear and even lets his fingers gingerly dance over the soft spot covering where I want him most. My pussy becomes alive by his teasing touches, like electric sparks that charge my whole body.


Beau cries 'uncle' first as my hips twist and grind in his hands. He lowers himself behind me and starts to pull my wet panties down, giving a playful bite on the soft flesh of my ass once it is exposed. Though there's nothing more that I want, I suddenly betray my body and heart by stopping my underwear from going down to my knees.


"Wait," I say and can't believe it even as I hear the words leaving my mouth. Beau stops at my command and asks what's wrong.


"You still have more games to win, sir," I remind him while pulling my soaking panties all the way up and shimmying them back into place. I can feel both of our disappointment without even looking at him. When I do turn back towards him, he's not angry but appears to realize that he may have met his match.


"It still doesn't change things," he tells me and when I ask what he means, his smile gets wider. "I can win games, that's the easy part. And when I do, you're going to be on my bed with your legs wide open begging me to show you what a real man can do."


I tell him that sounds nice so I rush out of his room and his house as quick as I can in order to get home and take a nice, long, hot bath. My body screams at me for letting it down again, wondering why I stopped from getting what I want so badly.





Chapter Thirteen






Before even arriving, I know exactly what I'll find. Dad will be sitting there with a newspaper folded in his hand over a plate of barely touched egg and toast, a piping hot cup of coffee right beside his watch. When I arrive he'll look down his nose and above his glasses, making me instantly feel I'm a child again, his salt-and-pepper hair giving him the authority to put me in my place. Upon entering the diner we had agreed to meet at, I find that I was one hundred percent accurate in my assumption.


"You're late," he says with his pupils rising above his frames.


"Yeah, I had to do something and it took longer than..."


"Beau," he says while putting the newspaper down on the table, "you're gonna have to start getting serious. Playtime is over, you're an adult now."


I mumble an acknowledgment and before I can even look at the menu, he informs me that he has taken the liberty to order for me. A plate of toast and eggs arrive and I don't even touch it.


"These scouts keep calling, they seem pretty confident that you'll go high in the draft after a few more off the books interviews," he says while staring me down until I made eye contact. "College has served its purpose for you, you're ready to move on."


"Dad, I want to be there for my team." Before I'm even finished he just laughs.


"You're just making that Coach look good while you piss away your one big opportunity. You have to understand how these things work. We don't know if you'll have this much interest if you stick around school much longer. What if you get injured? Have you thought about that?"


"What about my diploma?"


"If you get drafted and in the system, a diploma will be worthless. But if you really want one, you can always get credits in the off-season somewhere down the line. This is the bigs we're talking about, our dream since you were little!"


His enthusiasm is noted by a few people in the adjoining tables but Dad doesn't make any attempt to quiet down.


"Well, I've met a girl," I say like some sort of lovelorn teenager who believes in a soul-mate.


"And once you're in the majors you'll meet tons of girls. You have to believe me that you're in a position right now you may never be in again. You need to either focus on your career now or forget about it forever."


I have nothing left to do but poke the egg and toast on my plate until he simmers down a little.


"There are scouts and teams that will need to meet this week," he says and gets my attention.


"We're in the championship, I have to go to those games."


"If there's time, fine, but if you do miss those games, the team will be alright. None of it matters. I expect you to make the right choice."


I return to poking my food and wonder how I'm going to let Coach, Enzo and the guys know that I have better things to do.




Given my status on campus, there isn't really anywhere to go where I won't be bothered. As of late I've found the library is the perfect to hide and I was starting to become a regular. Once I slip inside, I look around and don't see anyone I know and no one reacts upon seeing me. I wander the rooms looking for a chair when I see a stunning brunette sitting alone at a table with books all around. One step closer and I see that of course it's Quinn.


Unlike last time I hang back to study her. Quinn doesn't see me so I'm able to watch her unnoticed. She has on a tight black top that shows off her amazing chest and a short skirt that makes me think of her legs wide open . Watching her mouth move as she reads words from the book in front of her and I immediately remember Quinn on her knees in front of me, worshiping my cock.


"Hey," I say while standing before her, surprising her.


"Really? The library again?" Quinn asks. "This stalking is getting old."


I don't justify her accusation with a response and instead just slide into the seat next to her. Quinn acts all annoyed and moves some books and her bag over to make room.


"I'm here to study, I really need to figure this stuff out or I'll fail," she says.


"Let me help you," I offer.


"I'm fine, I don't need your help."


Red marks on the papers sticking out of her bag give a clue that she is lying. I pull one out, one marked with "D" written on it and show it to her. It's too late for her to stop me from seeing it so she twists uncomfortably in her chair. The warm weather caused her to leave the house with minimal clothing and the eyeful I'm getting in that moment encourage me to continue to lust after her body.


"Let me see," I say and take her book from her, a book full of numbers and symbols I will never understand. When I do find some sample questions and answers, I get an idea.


Quinn watches on with curiosity as I copy down one of the sample equations. While I'm not completely sure I'm writing correctly, at least it looks like what is in the book. When I'm done, I hide the book on my side of the table so she can't see the solution.


"Figure this out," I tell her, "like the smart janitor in that movie."


"Why are you doing this?" she asks with a heavy dose of annoyance.


"You've chosen this over singing so you might as well succeed at it."


She laughs and instead of getting angry, her face twists again as she ponders the problem. She has that sweet, shiny gloss on her big, pink lips and I start to remember that taste. As she struggles with the problem, I watch her lips and remember them wrapped tightly around my cock, sliding all the way down until I was deep inside of her warmth. My pants get tighter as I watch her try her best to finish the problem. As Quinn hesitates putting the pencil on the paper, I place a hand on her bare knee for encouragement.


"Not in the library, Beau," she says in a bashful whisper but still my hand remains. Once she finally starts to write something down, my hand moves up a little bit further, feeling the soft, smoothness of her inner thigh.


"Beau," she says again in a more breathy whisper. Quinn looks around the room to ensure nobody can see what my hand is doing under the table.


"Keep going," I implore and she keeps writing. After checking the book, what she's scribbling resembles what is in the answer key so my hand slides up a little further, soon between her two naked thighs that press against my hand. Quinn starts to gyrate her hips and her slightly covered femininity rubs against my hand. I can feel how wet she is getting.


"Beau," she moans just above a whisper.


"You almost have the answer," I say sternly. "Keep going."


Quinn's eyes close in pleasure as she presses harder against my hand, begging me to put her out of her misery. She scribbles on the paper quickly, barely even looking at it in a race to get the answer down. She slams the pencil down on the desk and throws her head back while continuing to get friction from my wrist. I check the work, slowly, and find it resembles what it is supposed to be.


"Hey," I whisper and snap her out of her passionate daydream. Quinn leans in close while keeping her wetness pressed firmly against me. "You got it right. You can do this," I tell her. Our faces are close, real close, but neither of us are going to make-out in the library. Instead we stare deep into each other's eyes as my hand flattens and sneaks just past the serrated edges of her panties. My middle finger traces the boundaries of her folds before pressing firmly at the softest spot. Once the tip of my finger penetrates her, Quinn is unable to prevent the shocked and sharp inhale that escapes her pretty, twisted mouth.


"I want you to cum for me," I whisper to her and Quinn nods, understanding as if it were the last part of the problem I asked her to solve. As my finger easily slides in and out of her well-lubed pocket, she continues to press against my open palm, a controlled twisting in her chair as if she were riding a bull at a very secret rodeo. She watches me the whole time until her eyes suddenly close and she gets lost in the moment. Her pussy clenches on my finger, the finger on the same hand that deals 96 mile-per-hour fastballs, and I feel even more wetness cover me.


Quinn has to bite her lip to stifle any sound as her hand shoots down and presses mine down hard, real hard against her pussy. She bucks like a cowboy as her body is briefly possessed by some power that is not her own. The chair scoots on the floor making a sudden noise but she doesn't care. The whole area around us is soon draped by the scent of sex. It isn't until Quinn directs my hand away from between her legs that I retreat. She does her best to catch her breath as her flushed face and the hair pressed to her sweaty forehead give away the thrill she just had. She wants more, I want more, but we restrain ourselves.


"I'm available to tutor you anytime," I tell her and before she can respond, I take my shiny finger and place it in my mouth, letting me taste her juices. I get up from my chair and before leaving her, whisper in her ear, "You taste amazing."


As I'm leaving I wonder why I don't come to the library more often.




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