Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance
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Chapter Three





Due to the way the school is laid out, I have to go all the way into the middle of campus when I want to use the gym and  work out. Not that I'm complaining, trips across the quad afford me the luxury of getting a good look at the beautiful ladies who attend this fine university. Without fail, each time I'm there, more than a few lovely co-eds will go out of their way just to come over and say 'hi', some saying nothing, just throwing smiles with some serious bedroom eyes my way.


As I take the long, scenic trip across the quad, my eyes stop wandering from babe to babe when I see the only one that matters. Sitting on a bench with her nose deep in a book is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. It takes a moment to remember the last time I've felt this way, it was in Coach's kitchen when I saw this girl for the very first time. Now, here in the middle of campus, Quinn is no less stunning than she was the other night. I tell myself it probably has to do with her being the forbidden fruit but that doesn't dampen my feelings for her at all. Her tiny white skirt shows off a pair of long, tanned legs that I dream about being wrapped tight around my body. I can feel myself getting hard just staring at her so I figure I might as well go and talk to her.


"Don't I know you?" I ask upon arriving in front of her and it takes her a moment to look up and see who has cast a shadow over homework. Her shirt scoops low enough to give a hint of the soft quivering flesh that makes me think things I know I definitely shouldn't.


"Don't think so," she says and returns back to her book, treating me in a way I'm definitely not used to. That being said, I'm always up for a little challenge.


"The other night," I say, "In your kitchen. I play on your dad's team..."


All I get is a condescending smirk in return before yet again, she returns to her book. This is still not enough to get me to go away.


"I could help you study, you know," I offer and sit down next to her. She just laughs. "No seriously," I insist. "Don't let the good looks fool you. I'm pretty smart." She just laughs again and says "I bet."


In an effort to show her my willingness to prove myself, I reach for the book on her lap, my hand overshooting and landing on the bare skin of her leg. It was an accident but I don't immediately move it because of the connection I instantly feel. A jolt through my body that makes me feel alive and I know she can feel it too. Quinn finally looks right at me and we stare into each other's eyes as my hand continues to rest on her bare thigh. When she breaks off our eye contact to look down at my hand on her body, I slowly pull back.


"Sorry I- " I start to say before she cuts me off.


"What is it you want...Beau, is it?" she asks, revealing she knows exactly who I am.


I lean in close. "I want to hear you say my name again, only louder."


"Beau," she says as our faces move closer together. I want her so badly it's taking everything in my power not to kiss her right there.


"Louder," I instruct.


"Beau," she says and the creeping corners of her mouth tell me that she believes she's teasing me.


"How about again, but back at my house? My room has great acoustics."


Quinn backs away and we both need to catch our breath, my heart is racing a mile a minute. Still though, I hold nothing back. "Don't act like you don't want to. It's only a matter of time before you're unable to control yourself and you're screaming my name from the top of your lungs with your legs wrapped tight around me."


She's much more serious now, avoiding eye contact while getting her things together.


"You know what I want, Beau?" she asks.


"Yeah, I know exactly what you want. You just won't admit it."


"What I want is for your little baseball team to win. When you win, my father is in a much better mood and leaves me alone," Quinn tells me.


"That can be arranged but what's in it for me?" I ask and she returns to me, getting closer to my face again so that I have to mentally warn myself against giving in and kissing her right there.


"You know..." she starts to say and  the scent of her beauty infiltrates my nose and sends electric pulses  firing through my brain. "My father would kill us both if her ever saw us even sitting together."


Through Quinn's deep brown eyes I watch her try and make the decision of moving on or fucking me right there on the grass. Her breath has become shallow and she's momentarily at a loss for words.


"I have to go," she whispers while still close to me, the two of us breathless in place for a moment before she breaks and finds the strength to be the one to walk away. There was straight electricity between us and I feel my energy fading as she puts distance between us. She continues on to the student union without looking back, her legs moving her body away as fast as she can, before her heart makes her turn around.


I feel empty now that she's left me and nothing else seems important, not the championship, not getting drafted by a major league team. All I want is her,  baseball is suddenly so insignificant. Not willing to act like a puppy and follow her, I head off for the gym, knowing I'll feel Quinn next to me sometime again. But first, even before a workout, I need to take a nice, cold shower to get myself to calm down.





Chapter Four





My legs carry me as confidently and quickly as they can into the building; my face flush, my breath somewhat elusive as I get as far away from Beau as I can. Far away before I do something stupid.


"Oh.my.God," I hear just before a pair of hands grab me and hold tight. Looking up I find my good friend Becca is the one with her claws dug into my arms and she's pulling me away with her. "He's talking to
?" she asks. I free myself from her grasp and pull my bag's strap back on my shoulder, resetting myself as I try to figure out why my friend is acting so strange.


"He's trying to get in my pants," I tell her, "Like you said he does to all the girls."


"No, I said he's been around but Beau Tillman is pretty damned selective. Just having him trying to get with you is a big deal. I've been here for a few years, trust me, this will make your status on campus jump way high."


"My 'status' here is just fine, thank you. My father is the head baseball coach, after all."


Becca's eyes grow wide. "Shit, that's right. My God, if you play this right, you can be the most popular girl in the school in no time. Little Quinn Steele, I knew you when you were just a nobody!"


"Stop, I have no interest in getting popular because of anyone else. You've just given me even more reason to stay far away from that lunkhead jock."


For the first time ever, I feel like I've let Becca down. She shakes her head and tells me, "You're crazy not to see how lucky you are."


"I've already forgotten his name," I tell her as we start to walk again. "Bob is it? No, Bill. I've already forgotten all about Bruce."


Becca can't help but laugh as she continues to insist I'm throwing away something special.


"If only he could hear you sing. He'd be following you around wherever you went!" she continues to plan out my future for me, just like everybody else.


"The two very things my father has specifically forbidden me from doing...singing and his players. Great call, Becca."


Becca's head goes back to moving side to side, unable to understand me. "I'd kill for the life you're giving up. You're such a talented singer and the most popular guy in school wants you but, as always, you're being Ms. Goodie Two-Shoes and avoiding both! How about we go get your head examined?"


"Can't now, I'm going to go meet my father for lunch but I'll be sure to let him know what a good influence you are," I tell her.


Becca gives me a playful shove and we part ways; me to go find my dad, her to figure out more of what I should be doing with my life.




"Meet me in my office," was all my father said to me when I agreed to lunch. I innocently believed that I'd be able to find his office easily but damned if that was the case. Not only are there no clear signs but every person I ask just points me towards the gym. I find it hard to believe that my father has a desk in the middle of the basketball court but I give them all the benefit of the doubt and go to check it out.


The school's resources are on display as the gym is much more extravagant than I had assumed it would be. There's not only the basketball court I had figured was there but weight rooms, a wrestling room, a cardio room. This makes the general population gym pale much in comparison, ours is so much more simple and stripped down. It occurs to me that I may be able to sweet talk my father into letting me workout here,as long as I promise my homework is done and that I'll stay far, far away from his players. The thought of exercising among the cute jocks somehow both entices and repulses me.


"Coach Steele's office?" I ask a pair of guys passing a basketball back and forth. They look at me with predatory eyes, not putting together who I am and why they shouldn't be looking at me like the way they are. If they did, I certainly wouldn't be getting mentally undressed right there in the middle of the gym. Both say nothing and point to a big blue metal door in the corner of the gym, returning to their game without even waiting for a thank you. I give one none the less and move towards the door hoping that they had told me the truth.


The door is quite heavy and upon pulling it open, I'm dismayed to not find my father sitting there waiting for me. Instead I'm in an empty locker room, benches and lockers lining the walls. While there's no immediate sign of the office I'm searching for, the room appears to be one of many, a hidden labyrinth I will have to explore. A blanket of humidity hangs in the air, likely from a nearby shower, and I know I need to hurry as to not cause an embarrassing situation for whoever is washing off. I head in the opposite direction of the sound of the showers but find myself soon at a wall; there's no other option than to pass the showers as fast as I can.


Noticing the shockingly white tiles just up ahead and the sound of water hitting the ground getting louder, I realize the showers are wide open and I'm closer than I want to be. My feet pick up my pace with my eyes firmly on the ground, longing to get out of there. Just when I am about to land on the other side to safety, outside of the steam cloud, I hear a voice.


"Hey!" a deep bellow echoes off the tiles, bouncing around the room. "Hey!" he repeats. I should run and get away but find my feet unable to move, fearing I had been caught somewhere I didn't want to be in the first place. When I turn to find out who is about to read me the riot act, I see Beau emerge from the fog.


And he's completely naked.


In an act of generosity, Beau is obscuring his special parts with his hands but I get a full view of the body of an athlete. His broad shoulders, his well defined chest, those sculpted abs...


"You looking for me?" he asks and even though my hand is on my forehead to obscure my vision, I can tell he has a wide smile on his face.


"No. No!" I insist, my eyes still trained on the ground but stealing occasional hidden glances to witness his fine form. A tingle of excitement runs up and down my entire body even though I badly want this awkward encounter to just end. "I'm just looking for my dad's office."


"Look up here," he tells me and when I don't immediately obey, he repeats, "Look up here." Against my better judgment I drop my hand and slowly raise my eyes to find his, promising to myself to look there and there only.


"Where's his office?" I sheepishly ask, naively assuming he'll just send me on my way. Another time, a different set of circumstances and I would've indulged what my body was screaming for me to do. This is just so forbidden, so wrong, so hot.


"You want to touch me, don't you?" he asks and when I don't immediately respond, Beau reaches for my hand. I relinquish control and he guides my hesitant fingers to the well defined muscles that make up his abs. He watches me closely as he lets my fingers feel the contours of his toned body. We both hold our breath as he moves me lower with his hand, his massive cock now freed and pointing right at me. I don't pull away as Beau leads my fingers to find his manhood and against my better judgment, my digits firmly wrap around his thickness.


"I can feel something between us," he tells me as I grip his thickness. "And I know you can too."


A million taboo thoughts run through my mind upon contact, thoughts of more intimate interactions with the swollen cock in my hand. A deep desire to feel him push inside of me makes me wet with desire that I know is so, so wrong. But I can't bring myself to let go, unable to remove myself from him and ignore the lust that burns deep inside me.


He knows for certain that I want him like he says I do. There's no use in pretending, at least not now, so I bring myself closer to feel his body heat against me. His cock throbs in my hand as his arms embrace me and even though I keep telling myself that we can't, I find myself unable to push away. I have a sudden change of heart when we hear some people enter the locker room from a door at a very far end. I look to Beau with a sincere need for help and he just places his hand on mine, the one holding his cock, locking me in place.


"Let's go out," he says without blinking. I can't believe that that is what he's concerned about right now and when I tell him such, he doesn't seem bothered. "You and me, on a date, and I'll help you hide right now."


"You would be in much more trouble than I would if we got caught...like this," I call his bluff. His cock only swells larger in my hand and he shrugs his shoulders, telling me I have to change positions. "Fine, we can go on a date," I finally give in as the commotion gets even closer.


"Tonight," he says and after I put up a protest, he makes sure he's clear. "Tonight," he repeats as if I didn't hear him.


"Distract my dad a little so he takes some heat off of me, or else I can't go," I negotiate with urgent panic dripping from my words. Beau simply nods.


"Fine, fine, fine," I say and when I pull my hand back with force, he releases me and my arm flies back rapidly. Beau says nothing and just points to a door at the absolute last second. Without any care or concern about where it leads to, only that it gets me away from the incriminating company I had been keeping, I pull the door open and leap into the new room. I slam the door closed and press my back to it, trying to catch my breath as sweat mats some hair to my forehead and my pulse races. Looking right back at me is my father.


"Good, you found me," he says flatly as I slowly die inside. I can barely hear over the sound of my thumping heart, can barely get words out as my brain is still full of thoughts of Beau. "You alright, Sugar?" my dad asks and I have to assure him that I'm absolutely fine. When I sit in the chair in front of his desk, I have to pretend that my skin isn't still on fire, that I'm not still feeling Beau's touch on my body.


"Ready for lunch?" I ask with legs crossed and a forced smile.


"Yes and you can tell me all about how your classes are going," Dad tells me, "I want to hear all about what you've learned." Just when I'm about to tell him that everything is fine, he's distracted by his phone. He stares at it silently for a few minutes and continues to look down at it as he speaks to me. "Sorry, dear. My best pitcher Beau just texted me that he's having some shoulder problems. Any chance I can get a rain check for lunch?"


The smile I'm forced to hide is for Beau giving me such a great gift. I pretend that I'm annoyed but am secretly relieved to have some free time this afternoon. If only there were a way to get a rain check for the date this evening as well.


Dad personally escorts me from the locker room and I'm able to witness all the jocks in various stages of undress as they ogle me. Beau just holds court from the back and sends a wink my way that causes goosebumps to run all over my skin. Dad is sure to usher me out quick though, apologizing for his rowdy group.


"What about dinner tonight?" he asks.


"Sorry, I have plans tonight," I tell him, "Studying at the library." There's a great hope in me that he'll protest and demand I spend time with him for dinner but I'm amazed when he readily accepts the excuse. He has no idea that he can save me and keep me away from Beau but Dad just tells me that he has some work to do anyway. I'll have no choice but to go on this date with Beau Tillman.





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