Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance
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I look to Beau for help because I don't initially understand.


"Just sing for us, like you did in the park today," he tells me and soon I feel every eye in the restaurant trained on me. I want to crawl under the table and hide forever. I can only stiffly shake my head towards Beau and hope he understands.


Eventually Beau communicates to Giuseppe that it's not going to happen and the host leaves the table and the wonderful woman on stage returns for another song. I'm flustered and embarrassed and don't know what to say to Beau.


"I'm sorry, I just..." he starts to say and I can feel tears well up behind my eyes.


"I can't Beau, I just can't," I try to explain. "I made a promise that I would focus only on school. I'm supposed to forget about all of that, at least for now."


"But today...in the park," Beau says.


"Nobody was supposed to see that. That was just for me. I shouldn't have been doing that. I shouldn't even be out with you," I tell him and realize it is a bit too harsh. So would storming out which I have half a mind to do. After a few more moments of awkward silence, Beau asks me if I want to go and I nod 'yes'. We slip out mid-song and the air outside has grown cold, a breeze washes over me and causes my entire body to shiver. Ever the gentleman, Beau wraps his arms around my shoulders and gives me the needed warmth.


"Beau, I'm sorry," I tell him as we start to walk.


"I guess I just don't understand why you keep holding yourself back from everything you clearly want," he says and his words sting my body all over. We walk in silence on the long walk back to the truck and I'm sad I brought the mood down so far. It's not his fault, he had actually tried to do something really, really kind. In an effort to break the tension, I give him a playful shove as we walk, one he doesn't take lying down. Beau shoves me back to which I reciprocate. It isn't long before smiles return to our faces.


When we arrive back at his truck, Beau opens the door for me and lets me use his shoulders again to lean on for support. He closes the door and races to the driver side in a cartoon-ish manner to make me laugh. He swings himself into the truck's cab with ease and plops down in his seat. He turns the engine over before facing me with his disarming, charming smile.


"I guess I can't just bring you to your house, huh?" he asks and a loud laugh escapes my lips.


"Not unless you want my dad to kill you!"


"So...my place then?"


There are so many emotions running through me. I did have a legitimately good time out with Beau and know deep down that this is the last time we can be together. Against my better judgment, my voice speaks the word I know I should definitely not be saying.






Chapter Seven






My cock presses hard against my jeans even since Quinn agreed to come back to my place. I keep as quiet as possible in an effort to not screw things up, knowing I need to play this perfectly. Not far into our long, silent drive back before I can practically hear her mind changing.


"Actually," her voice squeaks in a break of the silence, "why don't you just drop me back off near the diner? I can take a shuttle home."


Her tone tells me that there is little room for negotiation, her mind has fallen over to the other side. Looking over at her as she brushes the hair out of her face though, the way her shirt clings to her chest and shows off the two, sizable melons underneath, I can't give up so easily.


"You sure? My place isn't that far..."


"I'm sure, Beau. By the diner."


Moonlight streams through the window and illuminates her beauty, breaking my heart to have to leave her so soon. I pull up to the diner and convince her to wait in my truck for the shuttle to arrive, there's no way I'm going to let her just sit out in the dark alone. While Coach may kill me for taking his daughter out, he would absolutely murder me if I let something happen to her. She agrees and we're left to wait in my truck together, trying to find something to pass the time. Luckily, she seems to have the same idea as I do.


My heart starts to race and my cock start to throb when I see Quinn undo her seat belt the second I turn off the engine. She leans over across the bench seat and moves closer to me. Quinn smells perfect and makes my hair stands on edge. The heat between the two of us fills the cab and, in a very uncharacteristic move, I tremble with anticipation. The calm, cool Beau Tillman has been replaced by an inexperienced teenager.


Quinn says nothing as I boldly place my hands on her body, gently coaxing her in closer as I feel all around her back and sides. She places her own hands on me and explores as well, the tension in the truck building to a point where the windows start to fog. Quinn bites her bottom lip and looks up at me, on the verge of accepting what we both want so bad. When my head tilts, so does hers and we start to move our mouths closer together like two puzzles pieces that will fit perfectly.


Our lips finally touch and I feel an excited explosion in my heart once her tongue touches mine. My hands find her chest and I feel the vibrations from a moan inside of her as I cup her breast from over her shirt. Quinn's leg swings over my body, her lightly covered thighs and everything between them pushing up against my raging manhood. Quinn rocks back and forth on my bulge, purring as I kiss her bare neck and grasp as much of her body as I can.


"We shouldn't be doing this," she says through pants and moans before returning her lips to mine.


"I've never wanted someone so bad," I tell her.


"I want you," she says and presses her barely covered pussy down harder onto my cock. When she kisses my neck and collarbone before moving herself lower, I really like where this is headed. Quinn lifts my shirt and kisses my stomach as her hands flirt with the waistband of my jeans. She pulls a small bit back and kisses my sensitive skin underneath before I feel her entire body pull away. One second I'm staring at the top of her head and the next I'm seeing her at the other end of the truck.


"Shuttle's here!" she announces with a glee that confuses me. My cock hasn't gotten the message and is just as confused as I am as it continues to press hard against my jeans, pointing towards the only girl I want. The look on my face must be very clear.


"I knew that was all you wanted! I told you I wasn't gonna fuck you," she says. "I'm not that type of girl."


She leaves my truck's door open as I watch her stunning body sashay over to the waiting shuttle. I'm desperate but Beau Tillman doesn't beg. Quinn gets on the shuttle and sits by the window, watching me with a ridiculous smirk on her face until the bus finally pulls away.




Coach demands more of his pitchers and that's why I'm up jogging so early, just a few hours after his daughter gave me the biggest set of blue balls I had ever had. I'm laughing about it though, shaking my head in disbelief that a girl had actually pulled one over on me. I admit it, she got me, I was convinced we were about to get down before she up and pulled away.


I round the hill just outside of campus and I can feel someone coming up behind me. Keeping my concentration on my own jog, I don't even turn around to find out who it is until I feel a heavy slap on my ass. Now I'm certain it's Enzo.


"Pick up the pace, meat," a female's voice taunts me. It takes a second to realize that the shapely figure that blazes past me is Quinn. From behind I can see just how toned her body is, her workout clothes leave little to the imagination. I have to remind myself to not fall for her tricks again though I know I'll end up walking right into another trap. It would be better to just let her escape and get away but I reluctantly find myself pushing my body to catch up.


I manage to see Quinn far off ahead turning back towards campus, towards the fields. Sweat pours down my forehead in buckets as I try to catch up, managing to only barely keep her in my sight. She thinks she's crafty by dipping into the likely empty student conditioning center and I rush up to surprise her. Heart pounding and drenched in sweat, I pull the door open quickly to find her resting on a stack of mats, a smug look on her face.


"You're never gonna give up chasing me, huh?" she asks before taking a swig from her water bottle. Her cropped top shows off an impressively toned stomach and hugs her chest to keep me interested. She's in a pair of bright shorts that show off the tanned, smooth thighs that I spent all night dreaming of. Going for broke I approach her, putting my body between her open legs in an attempt to pick up where we left off.


"You didn't get rejected hard enough last night?" she asks as I move in even closer until our bodies are only an inch apart. I can  feel the heat radiating off of her body and we both take deep breaths while looking into each other's eyes.


"I don't think you understand," I tell her as the very tip of my hard cock presses against my shorts and makes contact with the soft spot between her legs. "I'm not the one that gets rejected." My hands land at her sides on the mat to brace my body. Our breathing has synced up and our chests are heaving up and down at the same time.


"Do it then," Quinn teases. "Reject me." Her hands start to feel along my chest, moving underneath my t-shirt to feel my sweaty muscles as she grinds her lower half harder into mine. I want to kiss her, to take her in my arms and give her what we both so desperately want but I'm also ready to call her bluff, to leave her with the heavy feeling of frustration like I felt last night.


Quinn let's out a surprised gasp when my hands find her soft hips and guide her closer into me. Those big, brown eyes watch me anxiously, waiting for me to give her what we both want. I feel her move her lover half to grind all over my cock, begging me to take her right there.


"We really can't keep doing this," I tell her. Quinn drapes an arm around the back of my neck and presses her forehead to mine. Our mouths are so close, each set of lips begging to merge with the other.


"You're right. There's too much in the way. It wasn't meant to be," she says. My arms are behind her and practically lifting her up as I pull her closer. I wonder if she's wet and ready, done with the tease.


"So you can just walk away, just like that?" I ask as my hand paws at her chest.


"Yeah, I'll have no problem."


It's time to show her my strength. Very gently I pull her arm off of my body, pull my pelvis out from between her legs and put some distance between us. "Bye," I say as I back out of the building, never turning my back on her and watching as she sits there out of breath with her legs wide open. Outside of the building I pick up my jog again, trying my best to get far away before I do something I'll regret. Only a few paces away I realize that I'm running at full attention; my cock is pointing straight forward, confused yet again.


"There he is," I hear and this time it is actually Enzo along with a few of the other guys from the team who are out for a jog as well. While nobody says anything about the very obvious boner I'm sporting, I do my best to will it to go away.


"We were just talking about you," Enzo fills me in. "Wondering when you're gonna make your decision about coming back in the fall."  Some of the other guys chime in with a few 'yeah's' and keep pace with me to pressure out a statement.


"I don't know yet," I inform them and hear a number of grunts come back at me. "You guys will be the first to know, promise." This isn't good enough and I hear more grunts.


"Well, we need you to make a decision before the championship starts, the rest of the team is committed, you have to be too," Enzo tells me. "Don't jerk us around."


If anybody knows anything about being jerked around, it's me. I try to make them feel better but it's clear the pack isn't satisfied.


"Don't forget," Enzo says with a serious look on his face I didn't recognize. "Your decision affects all of us a great deal. We'd appreciate it if you could figure that shit out asap. It's time to finally commit to something, buddy." 


The group of my teammates quickly pick up their pace and leave me alone to figure my shit out.




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