Buddy Holly: Biography (74 page)

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Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

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“stood for a fresh:
pp. 243–244.

Chapter 12

Mark Twain was seventy: Kaplan,
Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain;
Mark Twain, Family Man,
p. 213.

five-hundred-thousand-word autobiography: Twain,
Autobiography of Mark Twain,
1959 edition, Neider, ed.

on the same spot: Author interview with MEH.

With Peggy Sue he created: “BH,”
Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll,
Miller ed., p. 79.

L. O. Holley had suggested: BG, “Our 9th Year,” RM 32, Fall/84, p. 1.

it sold ten million: BG, “PS,” p. 5.

“We were paying nine hundred dollars: Author interview with MEH.

“a red cent,”:

most powerful men in U.S.: Summers,
pp. 272–73.

“the boss of bosses: Koch and Rauch,
p. 14.

“It was a corner: Author interview with MEH.

“the basic stories:

living as a draftsman: MEH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 133.

skilled and resourceful: EH in BG, “Mrs. Holley,” RM 2, 3/77, p. 3.

“late at night or early: Author interview with MEH.

Ginsberg and fellow poet: Gooch,
City Poet,
p. 202.

Kerouac, who’d just published: Clark,
Jack Kerouac,
pp. 169–70.

Joyce Glassman: Glassman,
Minor Characters,
p. 245.

“a silent castle for sleeping: Miles,
p. 251.

“Tom Dooley” had sold: Murrells,
Million Selling Records,
p. 117.

“as if they were manufacturing: Quoted in Miles,
p. 248.

Greenwich Village was settled: Ware,
Greenwich Village,
p. 7.

“Buddy loved the jazz: Author interview with MEH.

Max Gordon’s Vanguard: Gordon,
Life at the Village Vanguard.

“Johnny Johnston had a jazz: Author interview with MEH.

walk from club to club: Hentoff,
Jazz Is;
Miles Davis;
Pleasures of Jazz.

“We were always around:

Gate resounded with the: Author interview with Frank Fried.

regulars there: Quoted in BG, “Buddy Knox,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 6; “Farewell to Eddie Cochran,” p. 39.

“were probably the only: Quoted in BG, “Buddy Knox,”

“The only movie Buddy: Author interview with MEH.

“The first pictures that:

from fan Jeff Speirs: Quoted in BG, RM (unpaged, undated clipping).

“We were working: Author interview with MEH.

flagship recording studio:

“Phil Everly came into town,”:

Segovia’s albums: MEH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 123.

lived in suspense: PE in G&B, RB, p. 110.

did nothing to allay:

“Rock ’n’ roll is being integrated: Quoted in Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, p. 191.

“people were always asking: p. 41.

one of the few persons: G&B, RB, p. 110.

rock ’n’ roll had solidly:

experimentation and change:

reported nothing more: Whitburn,
Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits,
pp. 81, 148.

He was drinking over: PE quoted in PN,
Road Goes On Forever,
p. 38.

“I can remember him:

manufacture a Buddy Holly signature model: TGBH, p. 84.

entered into negotiations:
p. 86.

Don cut out the pick: Whitford et al,
Gibson’s Fabulous Flat-Top Guitars,
pp. 90–92.

“a thinking man,”: Quoted in G&B, RB, p. 56.

fed up with being: DE quoted in Loder, “Everlys,” TRSI, p. 148.

slammed his guitar to:

decided to learn Spanish: Author interview with MEH.

didn’t consider them good enough: MEH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 123.

“He wanted so desperately: Author interview with MEH.

“I love Mahalia Jackson:

Lana Turner tearjerker,
: Schwerin,
Go to Tell It: Mahalia Jackson, Queen of Gospel.

present it to his parents: G&B, RB, p. 124.

His favorite part:

“Buddy was a twenty-two-year-old going on: “Chicago Scene,” CT, Tempo 2, Section 5, 6/24/88 (unpaged clipping).

parents came to New York: BG, “1981 BHMS Convention,” RM 21, 12/81, p. 23.

“He didn’t eat: Author interview with MEH.

lessons at a dance studio: MEH quoted in BG, RM 3, 11/84, p. 10.

apartment on December 3: G&B, RB, p. 129.

ask if the song was any good: MEH quoted in
p. 127.

became seriously ill: MEH quoted in G&B, p. 133.

As an ulcer sufferer: p. 133.

Valentino, died in agony: Shulman,
p. 329.

Buddy was ill for the: G&B, RB, p. 133.

never again would she:

an almost instant million: Murrells,
Million Selling Records,
p. 446.

Buddy Howe and Tim Gale: Denisoff,
p. 58

and rejected the offer:
p. 59.

“It’s sure gettin’ to be: Author interview with LH.

“Look at this!”:

“begged”: EH in BG, “18 Interviews (all at once),” p. 3.

“It was not really an: Author interview with MEH.

“he didn’t have any group: Quoted in BG, “18 Interviews (all at once),” p. 3.

They were in Clovis: MEH in G&B, RB, p. 140.

“had not got any: G&B, RB, p. 145.

Sinks tried to ape: I am grateful to George Blaisdell for providing the records of the post-Holly Crickets, including the LP
Crickets: Back in Style,
MCA Records/EMI Records Ltd., liner notes by JB.

sign up Larry Welborn: BG, “LW,” RM 45, 11/86, p. 15.

Terry Noland was also: BH letter to Noland quoted in BG, “Second BH Auction,” R50, 8/91, p. 24.

had borrowed enough money: TA in G&B, RB, p. 138.

$2,500 advance: Denisoff,
p. 62.

to shower his family with: TBIK.

financially strapped:

a high of forty-nine: LAJ, 12/25/58.


Miss Yvonne Skinner,:

62 degrees:

had them completely outfitted: LH in RBHS.

the outskirts of town:

always preferred the simpler: Author interview with LH.

“play second fiddle: TBIK.

“going to hell”: Quoted in BG, “Terry Noland,” RM 27, Summer/83, p. 7.

“He came in and: Author interview with KJ.

“had it made,”: Quoted in G&B, RB, p. 132.

Morris Fruit and Vegetable Store:

flopped in his hometown:

Buddy Holly homecoming concert:

“up a building higher: “WJEN,” RM 25, Winter/82, p. 8.

One day Buddy told Waylon: Quoted in WJRBH.

“You’re the One.”: BG, “KLLL radio,” pp. 7–8.

clapping their hands: WJRBH, p. 74; Larry Corbin quoted in “KLLL radio,” p. 8.

playing the guitar accompaniment: BG, “More and More About ‘More and More,’” RM 43, 7/86, p. 11.

offered him a job: Larry Corbin quoted in BG, “KLLL radio,” p. 8.

as electric-bass: Author interview with MEH; WJRBH, p. 74.

Maxine was pregnant: Denisoff,
p. 60.

“An artist:
pp. 60–61.

a leave of absence: Larry Corbin quoted in BG, “KLLL radio,” p. 8.

He and Jack Neal, his: BG, “JN,” p. 5.

“got mad,”: RB, p. 140.

go commercial,”: Author interview with MEH.

Buddy piloted a Cessna: BG letter to author, 11/7/94, p. 2; LH quoted in RM 42, 5/86, p. 8.

Larry was also: Author interview with LH.

“behind my back: RB, p. 140.

“Buddy’s flyin’”: Denisoff,
p. 243.

New Year’s Eve: TA in BHTLL, p. 106.

“get ahold of: CB quoted in BG, “CB,” RM 20, 9/81, p. 7.

“dyin’ to gig”: BHTLL, p. 106.

March 27, 1909: Millard,
Country Music,
p. 6.

innovator of Texas honky-tonk: Malone, pp. 164, 166.

prostitutes sat next to him:
p. 167.

“I’ll Sail My Ship: Millard,
Country Music,
p. 81.

“Sweeter Than the Flowers.”: Malone,
Country Music U.S.A.,
p. 230.

No one in the Odessa: TA quoted in BHTLL, p. 106.

for legal reasons: G&B, RB, p. 140.

frightening dream:
Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, pp. 193–94.

“Anywhere I go: Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, p. 194.

“Don’t worry,”:

“and all of a sudden: BHTLL, p. 108.

“he intended to make: “WJ,” RM 25, Winter/82, p. 10.

Waylon quaked at the prospect: WJEN quoted in BHTLL, p. 108; G&B, RB, p. 139.

Buddy bought him one: WJEN quoted in WJRBH, p. 72.

play it in fourteen days: WJEN says BH gave him 2 weeks in WJRBH, p. 72; in G&B, RB, pp. 139–40, he says it was a week and a half.

gave Waylon his albums; G&B, RB, p. 139.

“everything he had ever: WJRBH, p. 72.

p. 74.

appeal to Tommy Allsup for help:
p. 72.

“could sing rock ’n’ roll better:
p. 73.

“a week or so: Author interview with MEH.

“lazy sound,”: WJEN quoted in WJRBH, p. 74.

borrowed Buddy’s Fender:
p. 73.

p. 73.

“really turned me on,”:

The opening guitar lick:
p. 73.

Rolling Stone
rated: Cott, “BH,”
Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll,
Miller, ed., p. 81.

meticulous detail:
p. 74.

“was learning as I went along: WJEN quoted in WJRBH, p. 74.

rented hall in New York: BHTLL, p. 106.

Waylon sang harmony: WJEN in WJRBH, p. 74.

worked on “Gotta Travel On,”:

nineteenth-century: Jancik,
One-Hit Wonders,
p. 282.

“I’m going to cook: Author interview with MEH.

establish a studio band: TA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 126.

Buddy invited Noland: “Terry Noland,” p. 7.

steel guitars and fiddles: TA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 126.

$50,000 to 80,000 of Buddy’s: G&B, RB, p. 138.

“In mid-January: Author interview with BG.

“I’m going to Clovis: Denisoff,
p. 62.

advance from GAC: BHTLL, p. 106.

Allsup, received $250: TA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 136.

Waylon received $200:
p. 71.

“Buddy was very concerned: Author interview with MEH.

Blair House Restaurant: Dick Jacobs quoted in Jones, “Dick Jacobs,” p. 9.

“very nice”:

produced thirteen early Holly: Owen Bradley in ACOB.

“went over and talked:

she wanted to go on the tour: Author interview with MEH.

driving dangerous if not: Stallings,
Rock ’n’ Roll Confidential,
p. 190: “one of the worst winters on record.”

“I had found out: Author interview with MEH.

“The only reason Buddy went: WJEN quoted in Stallings,
Rock ’n’ Roll Confidential,
p. 190.

“Buddy said, ‘I want: Author interview with MEH.

Chapter 13

the city was snowbound: TA in BG, “TA,” RM 15, 6/80, p. 13.

Buddy and his bride:

apprehensive about meeting Ritchie: EH quoted in BM, RV, pp. 108–109.

as sixteen-year-old Paul Anka: NS quoted in G&B, RB, p. 112; EH quoted in BM, RV, p. 109.

they accompanied “everybody”: CB quoted in “CB,” RM 20, Spring/81, p. 8.

nothing like Buddy had imagined: EH quoted in BM, RV, p. 109; BG, “Bits and Pieces,” RM 20, 9/81, p. 5.

responded warmly to friendly: BM, RV, p. 22.

grown up among gangs:
Ward, “Fifties,” ROA, p. 192.

the Silhouettes: Lazell et al,
Rock Movers & Shakers,
p. 524; Clifford,
Harmony Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock,
p. 180.

“Ritchie Valens and I: Author interview with MEH.

hadn’t yet received his royalties: Stallings,
Rock ’n’ Roll Confidential,
p. 191.

much-needed guidance: Author interview with MEH; BM, RV, pp. 122–123.

“Buddy was talking to Ritchie: Author interview with MEH.

“a straight shooter.”: “The Dick Cavett Show,” televised (or re-run) 9/22/92.

beer or shots of: Denisoff,
p. 65.

Adrianne Joy Fryon: Gales, “‘Bopper’ Died Just as Career Was Climbing,” MCGG, E-4, 2/1/88. Gales spells Mrs. Richardson’s maiden name “Fryou” but it is spelled Fryon by writer Randall C. Hll in “BB,” p. 11, in AC’s booklet

Adrianne was pregnant: Gordon Baxter quoted in Thomas, “Gordon Baxter,” RM 19, 6/81, p. 5.

“Bee-bop’s big and I’m big: Gales, “‘Bopper’ Died Just.”


,”: Hill, “BB,” AC,
No. 3, p. 4.

Made of silk: Collier,
Art of Lacemaking, passim.

“little bitty cute: Quoted in Thomas, “Gordon Baxter,” p. 5.

scheduled to tour Australia: Rogers, “Hidie Hodie Everybody!”, reprinted in AC,
No. 1, p. 47.

“I once asked [the Bopper]: Hoffman, “We Belong Together,”
5/59, p. 35.

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