Buddy Holly: Biography (78 page)

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Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

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“The wire services were: Author interview with Elwin L. Musser.

Mortitians Van Slyker:
Musser photo in BG, “Spotlight,” p. 12.

“gathered Buddy up”: WJ, “CA,” p. 3.

The police were hesitant: RES, “Coroner’s Investigation,” p. 1.

They decided to wait:
RES wrote that only three bodies were removed before he left. RP’s body could not be removed until permission was granted by the inspector for the CAB and FAA. On p. 2 of Smiley’s report he states that field representatives of the CAB did not arrive at the crash site until “the evening of February 3rd. They visited the scene of the crash for preliminary survey before dark that day.” In “Death of Singers,” a CLMR journalist wrote on 2/5/59, p. 1, that the investigators did not arrive in Clear Lake until “late Tuesday.”

Guards were posted: JT, “Investigator Offers Theory.”

field representatives headed by: RES, “Coroner’s Investigation,” p. 2.

From the $193: Coroner’s Report of Investigation: Coroner’s Transcript of Fees—To County Auditor (Form 205-G), Coroner’s Transcript 1784, Investigation of Death of Charles H. Holley, filed 2/18/59, approved 3/2/59, by Elmer Luscomb; Transcript 1783 (JPR); Transcript 1782 (RP); Transcript 1785 (RV).

were arterially embalmed: George T. Joyce, M.D., pathologist, “Microscopic Description,” p. 4 of RP autopsy.

G. W. Wilcox Funeral Home: Coroner’s Report of Investigation, Coroner’s Transcripts 1784, 1782.

the Ward Funeral Home:
Transcripts 1785, 1783.

his tattoo, “R.V.”: Certificate of Death.

They still weren’t sure: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 3.

Larry Holley reveals in a 1992: Author interview with LH.

Peterson was the only one: “Spotlight,” p. 12.

various controversies: Author interview with JP, former MCGG reporter; “Pistol in Plane Wreck Not Fired,” MCGG, 4/30/59, p. 14; “Revolver Found at Crash Scene,” unidentified clipping in Mason City Municipal Airport files; JT, “Investigator Offers Theory”; P&T, “Lingering Mysteries”; BG, “Spotlight,” p. 12.

four autopsies were done: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 12.

“‘missing’: Jerry Dwyer quoted in

or covered up,”: BG,

Mercy Hospital in Mason City: Coroner’s Report of Investigation, Transcript 1782.

the amount of crushing: RP Autopsy, p. 1.

“multiple small fragments:

$100 autopsy fee: Coroner’s Report of Investigation, Transcript 1782.

Hundreds of students throughout: Hoffman, “We Belong Together,” p. 34.

pink stucco house at 13423:

“We finally got in: BM, RV, p. 111.

Concepcion sitting beside:
pp. 110–111.

pride and self-respect: Hoffman, “We Belong Together,” p. 34.

Concepcion rocked back and forth: DLF quoted in BM, RV, p. 111.

clinging to her: “Girl Ritchie Left Behind,”
p. 45.

“I was so proud: Quoted in Hoffman, “We Belong Together,” p. 34.

at one
Wednesday: “Investigator Offers Theory.”

“while they were in:

shipped to California: “Death of Singers.”

Morales and Bob Keene identified: RV, p. 111.

Nobel Chapel Funeral Home: Certificate of Death.

black sweater and black skirt: Hoffman, “We Belong Together,” p. 34.

flag was at half:

St. John de la Salle:

Bob Keene said he paid: Keene quoted in BM, RV, p. 111.

Requiem Mass was celebrated: AC,
No. 2, p. 28.

dismal and damp, a thousand: BM, RV, pp. 112–113.

Chicano crowd to riot:
p. 119.

Donna Ludwig knocked a photographer’s: DLF quoted in
p. 112.

Ritchie and Donna had broken up: John Alcaraz, Freddie Aguilera, and DLF quoted in
p. 56.

“my silly father: Quoted in
pp. 115–116.

wore a black scarf: Photo on p. 26, AC,
No. 2.

“a good boy: “Life and Death of RV,”
Modern Screen,
p. 39.

modest brown casket: 8/60, reprinted in AC,
Tribute to Eddie Cochran,
p. 20.

The officiant, Reverend: AC,
No. 2, p. 26.

“O gentlest Heart of:

crew-cut youth from: Sherlock, “We’ll Remember Ritchie,”
5/59, reprinted in AC, RV, No. 2, p. 30.

“honorary member”: “Life and Death of RV,”
Modern Screen,
p. 39.

“and cried like a baby: RV, p. 113.

No stone would mark:
p. 122.

The stone was engraved: AC, RV, No. 2, p. 26.

Broussard Funeral Home in: Certificate of Death.

wife arrived from New Orleans: “Death of Singers.”

blurted over KTRM,: Gordon Baxter in Thomas, “Gordon Baxter,” p. 6.

“a horrible thing,”:

Bopper’s guitar to Dion: 2/60.

Presley and Col. Tom Parker: “Texas Concert Will Honor BB,” MCGG, 2/1/89.

photographer from
Hill, “BB,” p. 4.

“bodily ejected”:

“the other side: Quoted in Thomas, “Gordon Baxter,” p. 5.

Baxter ran the:
p. 6.

“a spiritual kind of:

“a sacred offering with: 3/1/59, reprinted in AC,
No. 3, p. 25.

Roger Peterson had two funerals: “Death of Singers,” p. 1; BW and BG, “RP Story,” p. 6.

“If it wouldn’t be for those: “Pilot’s Parents Can’t Forget.”

“a delicious lunch: Quoted in BW and BG, “RP Story,” p. 6.

“The music doesn’t bother: “Pilot’s Parents Can’t Forget.”

West Texas Aircraft and: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 14.

“I just wanted to remember: Author interview with LH.

“laughing, hollering, and: LH quoted in BG, “LH,” p. 9.

He took one look: Author interview with LH.

They drove out to:

scraps of metal since shortly: Collison, “Open Probe of Accident Here,” MCGG, 2/5/59, unpaged clipping.

It was snowing: Sheriff Jerry Allen quoted in BG, “Sheriff Allen,” RM 13, 12/79, p. 5.

The FAA team, Eugene: photographs in the MCGG, 2/4/59.

“faintest idea”: “Four Killed in Clear Lake,” p. 1.

In Dwyer’s estimation, the:

could wind up with only one: Collison, “Open Probe.”

“We went out in the snow: Author interview with LH.

“They had just installed: BG, “LH,” p. 9.

“misread the instruments”: “Lingering Mysteries.”

“It was a very: Author interview with LH.

“These are Buddy’s: Quoted in BG, “Spotlight,” p. 10.

“Just as I was leavin’: Author interview with LH.

Garrison Keillor: TV newscast, Tifton, Georgia, 8/93.

Buddy’s pistol would remain: “Pistol in Plane Wreck Not Fired,” 4/10/59, p. 14.

loaded on a flatbed trailer: CA quoted in WJ, “CA,” p. 3.

“silverish—a metallic gray: Author interview with NS.

had to be grounded: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 14.

“They had Buddy’s music: Author interview with LH.

“It was real sad: Author interview with TC.

Maria Elena flew from: Author interview with MEH.

“killer storm”: “Storm Slashes Into East,” LAJ, 2/4/59, p. 1.

“heavy sheet ice: “Sun Cracks Icy Mantle in Texas,” LAJ, 2/3/59, p. 1.

“new surge of arctic: “Storm Slashes,” p. 1.

Waylon Jennings’s wife:

Larry Wilburn and Bobby Burgess: LAJ, 2/4/59, unpaged clipping.

“hurried way”:

“buddying up”: Freeman Hoover interview, 11/2/57.

“only one person: Author interview with TC.

Niki to be a pallbearer: NS quoted. in BG, “Buddy’s Funeral,” RM 8, 9/78, p. 1.

a capacity crowd of fifteen hundred: Author interview with KJ.

“flew down: Quoted in TRSI, pp. 146–47.

had a framed twelve-by-fourteen-inch: Author interview with KJ; “BH Rites Are Held in City,” LAJ, 2/7/59.

pallbearers included Sonny Curtis: LW quoted in BG, “LW,” RM 45, 11/86, p. 16.

two of the Roses: Robert Linville in BG, “Clovis’s Own Robert Linville,” p. 4.

Niki Sullivan sat between: NS quoted in BG, “Buddy’s Funeral,” p. 1.

Norman Petty, despite: NP quoted in BG, “NP,” RM 32, Fall/84, p. 8.

Vi Petty, who just: Author interview with TC.

Peggy Sue nervously scanned: PS quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 10; BG, R50, 2/89, p. 14.

“heavy density of teenagers,”: LAJ, 2/8/59; BG, R50, 2/89, p. 14.

to sit by herself: PS quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 10.

“The thing I remember:

“His bride of less: LAJ, 2/8/59.

“I was in Lubbock, but: Author interview with MEH.

“There was one pew: Author interview with KJ.

“surprised and amazed”: NS quoted in BG, R50 11, p. 7.

“Ever’body was tryin’ to: Author interview with TC.

Bill Pickering sang “Beyond: Bill Pickering quoted in BG, “Bill Pickering,” RM 21, 12/81, p. 8.

“What lies beyond the: Sanville,
40 Gospel Hymn Stories
in Horstman,
Sing Your Heart Out, Country Boy,
p. 39

“I don’t think the service: NS quoted in BG, “Buddy’s Funeral,” p. 1.

Sunday morning church service:

“Brother [Ben] Johnson had: Author interview with KJ.

“I had never heard: BG, “Bill Pickering,” p. 8.

long a favorite of Buddy’s: G&B, RB, p. 147.

passed in front of: NS quoted in BG, “Buddy’s Funeral,” p. 1.

shown no emotion throughout:

“made it easier:

Joe B. still thought Buddy: JBM in RBHS.

had to go back inside: BG, “Buddy’s Funeral,” p. 1.

Peggy Sue could stand: PS quoted in BG, “PS,” p. 10.

unable to face the cemetery:

“sat mostly in silence: “Buddy Holly Rites Are Held in City”: LAJ, undated clipping.

“There were some tears: NS quoted in BG, “Buddy’s Funeral,” p. 1.

gave them the letter: Terry Noland quoted in BG, “Terry Noland,” p. 7.

“hating rock ’n’ roll: Bob Church, quoted in

“that changed everything: Terry Noland quoted in

“Up to this date: Author interview with MEH.

she his eternal bride: MEH told
magazine on 12/8/91 that she hadn’t changed since the day of BH’s death, that although she underwent many changes, it was as if she were walking in her sleep.

“to you who for refuge: Author unknown, early American melody,
Soul-Stirring Songs & Hymns,
Rice and Martin, compilers, p. 154.

“They definitely felt that”: BG, RM 11, p. 7.

Some of them gathered: Author interview with TC.

“We all then went: NS quoted in “Buddy’s Funeral,” p. 1.

“Brother Johnson, I want: Author interview with KJ.

The original tombstone: BG, “Buddy in Bronze!” RM 17, 12/80, p. 1.

an upright guitar: BG, “Reader’s Forum,” RM 23, 6/82, p. 3.

Chapter 15

pilot error: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 13; P&T, “Lingering Mysteries”; Mann,
A–Z of Buddy Holly,
p. 30.

rumors of foul play: BG, “Spotlight,” pp. 11–13.

Delbert Juhl’s father: Author interview with BG.

finally turned up the gun: “Pistol in Plane Wreck,” p. 14.

“while clearing small bits: “Revolver Found at Crash Scene,” undated and unidentified clipping (probably MCGG) in files of Mason City Municipal Airport, courtesy Jerome J. Thiele; “Pistol in Plane Wreck.”

pistol were empty: “Revolver Found.”

rumors spread: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 9.

“there were no shells: “Revolver Found.”

“fired all four bullets:

“only one shot had: BG “Spotlight,” p. 9.

Stillwagon, was solely interested: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 13.

report was “pretty sloppy.”:
p. 12.

than candy wrappers:

no drug tests were: RES quoted in
p. 12.

after arterial embalming:
Dr. George T. Joyce, “RP, Autopsy A-8-59. Autopsied 4 Feb 59,” “Microscopic Description—Comment.”

Blood tests can only: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 12.

Dwyer denied that the: Quoted in
p. 11.

“my pilot was incapacitated:

“There was more than: Quoted in
p. 12.

“I could tell the: Quoted in

was adopted on September 15, 1959:
p. 13.

“we didn’t see the report”:

Stillwagon had “overruled”:

“people to move around:

CAB found that the heaviest:

the Bopper—was sitting:

the implication is that Buddy Holly:

Jerry Dwyer “simply doesn’t:
p. 12.

dismissed charges of drug:

Jeremy Powers, a reporter who: Author interview with JP.

plane was sold for scrap: CAB report quoted in BG, “Spotlight,” p. 13.

“The plane is out here: Lisa Latham and Shelley Allison of Clear Lake, both employees at Mason City Municipal Airport.

“It was snowing,” … “The: Author interview with Jerome J. Thiele.

suddenly and mysteriously dropped: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 13.

Ritchie’s mother sued Dwyer: “For Richie [sic] Valens: $1½ Million Lawsuit in Local Plane Crash,” unidentified clipping (probably MCGG) in files of Mason City Municipal Airport, dated 6/26/59, courtesy Jerome J. Thiele.

$50,000 from Dwyer’s insurance: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 13.

“The aviation industry was: Author interview with Cy Egan.

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