Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1)
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“What are you doing?” he asks, stopping to meet my hungry gaze.

“You’ve seen me naked. It’s my turn to see you.”

Grinning, he releases the fabric. It falls to the floor with a soft

I whimper upon seeing his massiveness, strained with dark veins and waiting for me. Apparently it isn’t just his handsome looks and talented voice that make him a rockstar. When trying to decide how I could possibly fit my lips around just the silky domed head staring back at me, jerking slightly beneath my stare, I shiver.

“Wow,” I finally say before biting my lower lip. I can’t stop ogling his arousal, wondering how my body will stretch for it. “That’s…intimidating.”

With a quiet chuckle, Charlie's hands run up and down my bare arms. “Another reason why we should wait. I’m scared I'll hurt you.”

I reach out to wrap my fingers and thumb around as much of the shaft as I can, giving it a gentle caress. A dull ache settles between my legs where I’m already dripping wet for him. I want this beautiful man more than I’ve wanted anything in my entire life.

Tilting his head back, Charlie moans, then reaches up to twist his fingers in my hair at the back of my head. “Damn, baby. Keep it up and the fun’s going to be over in no time.”

“Make love to me, Charlie,” I plead.

Dropping his chin, he stares back down on me with a slack jaw. His sparkling eyes say “hell yes,” but his mouth says, “We should wait.”

“I’m done waiting.” Giving him the kind of sexy little smile I know will drive him wild, I run my fingers along the tattoo on his chest. He flinches when I settle my hand over the word “trust” inked over his heart. “I’m in love with you.”

The way his eyes widen, I fear he’s going to laugh or tell me to get out. “Are you sure?”

Holding his gaze, I nod. “I know it’s early, but—”

Growling, he bends down to steal my words. Tongues gliding, breaths scattered, lips eager for more, it’s one of the hottest kisses we’ve shared. Charlie’s talented fingers release the clasp on my bra in one try and the hand not busy in my hair is suddenly kneading a tender breast. My toes curl and my head fills with fuzzy bliss. There’s no doubt in my mind that I want him inside of me.

All at once he’s lifting me into the air and cradling me against his hard body. His eyes don’t stray from mine as he carries me the short distance to the bed, setting me down with extreme care like I’m breakable. I didn’t miss the fact that he wasn’t able to tell me that he loves me back, but the way he’s being so tender is good enough for now.

When he comes at me, I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him down, ready to go. His arms lock at my sides, preventing him from moving. “Are you on anything?”

For a minute I’m ready to burst out laughing, thinking he’s asking if I’m high, then my face warms when I realize what he means. “Uh…yeah. I’ve been on the pill for a couple of years. My gynecologist put me on it to lighten my periods.” The heat in my cheeks deepens, giving my embarrassment away. We’re ready to have sex and I’m talking about my period? Great mood killer, Evelyn.

Charlie nods thoughtfully. “I want to feel you in the worst kind of way, baby. I've always worn a condom and I promise you I’m clean, but the choice is yours to make.”

I think on it for a minute, wondering if I’m completely crazy for taking him on his word. Isn’t this the part where I should be asking him to take an STD test? Then again, he’s putting a lot of faith in the fact that I’m really on the pill and not trying to trick him so I can tell the world I’m pregnant with Charlie Walker’s baby. And if he has truly always worn a condom, that means I’m the first one he’s wanted to get on an intimate level with.

Hands pressed to either side of his hard jaw, I offer a nervous smile. “I’m guessing either way it’s going to hurt.”

He bends down to lightly brush his lips over mine. Then our foreheads touch with a sweet gesture that seems way un-rockstar-like. “I’ll be as gentle as I can, Freckles.”

“In that case, I suppose we better go bareback. That’s what it’s called, right?” Bubbly laughter spills from my lips. “Saddle up, cowboy.”

Ready to consume every last bit of my man, I use more force to yank him back to me. He falls down, half of him on top of my body. I open my mouth to giggle, stopping when I feel his silky head pressed against my thigh.

Charlie’s eyes are borderline feral when he tears my new underwear clean off my legs. I cant’ believe I’m about to be ravaged by a legendary rockstar.

Chapter 18

ooking down on Evelyn
, I hesitate to go any further. Maybe I need more time to think this through. My dick took over all rational control with the sight of her in the sexy-as-shit new bra and panties. She’s handing over her innocence, trusting that I’ll do right by her in every way possible. I only hope I don’t let her down.

Then her mouth is back on mine and all sane thoughts go out the door. I feel the kiss in every last crevice of my body. Her hands wrap around my neck, drawing me nearer like she’s attempting to make us one. I seek out the heat between her silky thighs, rubbing my fingers back and forth the same way I had on the patio.

Her legs open for me and she releases a strangled little noise that I feel all the way down in my balls. I capture her lips in mine and coax her with my tongue, hoping she’ll make the noise again. As her neck stretches back, she flexes her hips into my touch and releases a little purr that’s just as sexy. I quicken the strokes of my hand and release her mouth, instead latching it over the hard pearl of her closest tit.

“Charlie,” she moans, digging her fingernails into the back of my skull. I smile against her skin, knowing she’s close. Knowing it won't be long until she’s wet and satisfied, ready for me to mark her as mine.

I kiss my way back up to her ear. “C’mon, baby. Give it all you’ve got.”

Her hips buckle and her fingers claw the sheets at her side. Knowing the sure way to help her along, I lower down between her legs and replace my fingers with my tongue. She releases a wicked moan and fists my hair by its roots. Then her voice peaks at a higher octave, crying my name, and her hips lock around my head, jerking ever so slightly at the peak of her orgasm. As someone who thrives on music, I’ve still never heard a sound so sweet. She’s so damn beautiful I almost lose it along with her as I watch her come apart.

Finally she releases me from her clutches, becoming still except for a hand that strokes my tattooed arm in a lazy pattern. From the euphoric look on her face, I’m not sure she knows where she is or or if she could tell me her own name.

Chuckling under my breath, I rise back up, kissing every part of her skin along the way back to her face. I drag my fingers along the delicious contours of her body, knowing she’s still tingling with the aftershocks. She releases a quiet hum and opens her big eyes, flashing me a drunken smile.

“You’re amazing,” she whispers, finally coming back around from her blissful haze. “I can’t wait until you’re inside of me.”

“You sure you still want to do this?” I ask one last time, brushing my thumb over the biggest patch of freckles spilling across her left cheek. “Because I don’t plan on going anywhere and that means you have all the time in the world to decide.”

Biting her lip, she nods thoughtfully. “I want you to be the one to break my dry spell.” Her fingers wrap tightly around my tattooed arm and her gaze darkens. “There isn’t a single part of me that doesn’t want this.”

Her tongue tickles across my colored ink as if to prove her point. I tilt my head back for a moment, finally appreciating that women like to “lick ink” for whatever reason. The way she sexily grins when she’s finished makes me lose my mind a little more.

Leaning in for a tender kiss, I position myself over her and she braces herself against my chest. She’s watching my every move with an intensity that scares the hell out of me, so I pause, waiting for her to give the go ahead.

With her arms firmly anchored around my back, she nods before nudging my hips downward. Lost in the depths of her honey-brown eyes, I lower myself slowly. As good as it’s going to feel without a condom, I know I have to take it slow or I won’t be inside her long before I’m ready to explode.

A pained gasp rips from her throat when I sink my cockhead into her wetness. She sucks in a sharp breath through clenched teeth. “Breathe out, baby,” I whisper.

Her eyes only slightly widen as I push in the remaining distance, filling her to the core. She’s tighter than anything I’ve ever felt before—muscles wrapping around my cock feel like a fist getting ready to squeeze. Just as I suspected, it will only be a matter of minutes before I’m ready to tap out. “You feel in-fucking-sane.”

Evelyn whimpers slightly so I pause. I’m ready to call it off until she meets me for a kiss, sucking my tongue into her mouth and scraping it with her teeth.

My girl wants more.

I pull out with attentive ease and push in again, freezing with the sound of a small cry. “Do I need to stop?”

“No, keep going,” she insists, closing her eyes and burying her face in my chest.

“Look at me, Freckles,” I plead. When her eyes return to mine, I intend to tell her that I love her back. But putting my heart out there, letting her know it will always belong to her, scares the living shit out of me. “You’re my world, baby.”

With another thrust, her fingernails dig into my back and she mewls.
“Oh God,
Charlie! It’s starting to feel good now!

My heart swells, unable to believe she’s real or that this is finally happening. Before now I didn’t have any idea that sex could feel this spectacular. No one told me it’s that much better when you’re out of your mind in love with someone.

Her hands guide my ass, encouraging me to speed up. I don’t look away from her big eyes, ready to be done when she shows any sign of pain. But her hips meet mine, thrust for thrust, and her lips part with little noises of pleasure. The loud slaps of skin-on-skin penetrate the air, adding to the intensity of our lovemaking.

“Christ, baby,” I grunt, thrusting in and out with the drive of a man completely possessed. “You’re so fuckin’

Clenching around my cock, she climaxes a second time, crying my name. Seeing my beautiful girl let loose like that when I’m inside of her does me in. I yell a string of obscenities as stars burst behind my eyelids and I release into her body. The three words I know she’s waiting to hear stick in my throat with an intense wave of pleasure so grand I think I may pass out. With a satisfied moan I become still, stretching my head back toward the ceiling.

Once I’ve caught my breath, I wrap my arms around her lithe body and bring her over to lay on top of me. The scent of sweat, and cum, and Evelyn are overwhelming. While she’s still catching her breath, I kiss a trail across her face, giving special attention to her freckles. Before long she’s dragging her lips along my neck and shoulder while stroking my chest. I’m all sweaty and should probably push her away. But I’m too spent to move and besides, it feels pretty damn good to hold her.

The freckles along her nose spread with a proud smile. “Did we wait long enough?”

I grunt with a satisfied sigh. I want to tell her yes, because she put every last one of my conquests to shame, but I know better than to cheapen the moment. “
long.” My finger traces along her curved side and I shiver with her femininity. Though a drive to have her again rouses my cock, I know it’ll have to wait until she’s healed. “These past couple weeks were the most excruciating I’ve ever known.”

“Yeah, but it was well worth the wait,” she whispers, nuzzling my neck.

“Got that right.” Capturing her face in my hands, I wait until I have her full attention. “It was my pleasure to be your first in a long time.” If I have anything to say about it, I’ll be her last too. “This is just the start of what I want to show you.”

A sexy little grin stretches her lips. “I like the sound of that, Walker.”

ot sure how
I tear myself away from the sight of her naked body sprawled across my bed in the morning, but I leave before the sun’s up for a run. Now that we’re connected in every way, I feel anxious not having Evelyn at my side.

Why didn’t anyone tell me it would feel like this when I found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with? The future of my career still hangs in the air and I don’t have a fucking clue what else I will do with myself if it falls apart. The only thing I can be sure of is that I want Evelyn with me for whatever happens. It’s not like I’m going to ask her to marry me, because that’d be insane this early on. It’s just that I’ll do whatever it takes to prove to her that I’m in this for the long run and don’t plan on giving another chick the time of day ever again.

Get a fucking grip!
Danny roars, laughing.
You’re acting like a fool over a chick!

I shake him out of my head. I don’t give two shits what he thinks anymore. I’m starting to believe fate had a hand in Evelyn coming to my show that night.

As my tennis shoes pound the sand in a steady beat and my muscles strain with exertion, random notes fill my head that would make for a perfect ballad. Soon I’ve created a refrain, complete with meaningful lyrics that describe my intense feelings for Evelyn.

I almost fall on my face when I realize I’m actually writing music, something I haven’t been able to do for several months. Without having to question myself, I know it’s because of her.

The beach house smells amazing when I return. I almost trip over myself when discovering Evelyn wearing nothing more than panties and one of my T-shirts, knotted at her waist. She’s singing along to Alice in Chains at the top of her lungs, shaking her flawless little ass to the beat while tending to the stove.

As I watch her for a minute I can’t seem to swallow, and it’s not just because she’s funny as hell or tempting as shit in black, lacy panties that don't cover much of her smooth, golden curves.

This is how it could be every single day. Coming home to this beautiful, sweet woman after a long day at the studio or wherever life takes me.
Since she’s even less sure what she wants out of life than I am, I’m desperately hoping she could be easily persuaded to ride along whenever I’m touring on the road. Her
any kids we may decide to have.

I’m thinking about
now? Maybe Danny’s right, I need to get a grip. But why should I listen to that dipshit anymore? Every time I look at Evelyn I’m reminded of all the things I’ve done wrong in my life when he was at my side and why it’s time to change. Goodness radiates from her the same way talent flows out of legends like Dave Grohl and Jimmy Page.

Sneaking up behind her, I wrap her in my arms and bury my face in her hair, laughing when she squeals. “You scared the shit out of me!” she cries, setting her hand over her heart and snuggling into my hold.

“Come shower with me, Freckles,” I say, stopping to trail my lips across the soft edge of her jaw. My dick tents my shorts when my fingers come in contact with a hard nipple.

She wiggles out from my hold. “I have to finish breakfast.” Turning, she studies my face and her lips draw up with a million-dollar smile. I can’t help but notice her tits are visible beneath the thin material of my shirt. “There’s time for that later.
we eat.” Her eyes rake over my hard-on. “Besides, I don’t think I could handle the cold shower you need right about now.”

Chuckling, I lift the top blueberry pancake on a stack beside her. “Those look delicious.”

She slaps my hand away before tending to the bacon sizzling on the stove and turning back to me. “Shower first, mister.” When I wiggle my eyebrows, she shakes her head. “By yourself.”

As expected, the shower isn’t as fun all alone. I consider beating one off so I’m not as horned up for the rest of the day, but as I decided, that’s one of many things I’m going to give up while committing to this relationship. Leaning against the stone wall, I let the hot water sooth my aching muscles instead, grinning the entire time with the visual of Evelyn cooking half naked.

By the time I’m out of the shower and dressed, I hear several voices on my way to the kitchen. What the hell?

My blood pressure skyrockets when I find Evelyn cornered by my two nephews, each of them grinning like fools. Despite having taken the knot out on my shirt, her ass cheeks are still somewhat visible and she holds her arms tight against her tits. Between her wide-eyed look and the way she’s backed against the counter, she reminds me of a trapped animal.

“What the
I roar, grabbing Connor by the back of his neck. “Didn’t your mother tell you two clowns to stay away for the weekend?”

My oldest nephew, having arms nearly as big as mine, twists my arm until I let go of him. He gives me an overly confident smirk that makes me want to throw him down to the floor. The kicker of the situation is that he’s nearly an exact replica of myself at that age, knowing he can charm his way out of any situation.

“Listen,” he says, eyebrows raised, “we only wanted to stop by to meet your new girlfriend. She’s almost more famous than you, bro.”

Allen snickers loudly. Only a year younger than his brother, I’ve noticed him becoming even more cocky over the past couple of years and wonder how much of it has to do with having a famous uncle. Little shits don’t have a clue how easy they have it.

I point to the sliding glass doors. “Outside.
Now.” Until they’re both moving toward the patio, I glare them down with the promise of a beating if they don’t comply.

“It was really nice meeting you, Evelyn,” Connor calls over his shoulder. “Hope to see more of you around.”

“Looking forward to it,” she answers dryly. As soon as the door closes behind the boys, her shoulders drop and she throws me a guilty look. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear them come in. They just showed up.”

“Jesus,” I hiss, running my hands through my damp hair as I watch the two boneheads talking to each other. I turn back to Evelyn. “I’m sorry. I would’ve warned you if I had known they were coming. Katie promised we’d have this place to ourselves.”

She tips her chin, almost appearing shy. “I’m going to shower and get dressed. There’s bacon in the warmer.”

My gut roils with irritation as I watch her hurry to the bedroom. Damn kids ruined our peaceful morning. Neither one of my nephews looks up from their phones when I step out on the patio. I clear my throat. “Ever hear of knocking?”

Connor lets out a deep snort. “It’s
place. Remember?”

BOOK: Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1)
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