Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1)
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Chapter 14

rom the minute
Evelyn was inside the vehicle, I knew it was going to be impossible to keep my hands off her until after dinner. In a V-neck that shows the hint of a lacy bra and cut-offs that make her smooth legs longer, hair braided off to one side, and a ton of jewelry that clinks against her wrists whenever she moves, she’s fucking adorable. Whatever floral perfume she’s wearing this time seems to have a direct line to my cock. Whenever I catch a whiff of it, I have to brace myself against the seat to resist kissing her again.

Her fingers don’t stop playing with the hat as she watches out the window. Ever since I brought up the paparazzi she’s been quiet. “Are we going far?” she asks.

I raise one eyebrow. “Afraid you’ll break curfew?”

Her cheeks redden and a sudden storm passes through her eyes. Must’ve hit a nerve. Her brothers must
be overprotective pricks to make her react that way.

no,” she says. “I don’t have to answer to
. Well, at least not until I go back to work. I just…will there be other people there?”

The fame thing is really becoming a thorn in my side. An idea comes to mind that would not only keep her out of the public eye, but would give me the freedom to do whatever I wanted to her whenever the mood struck. So long as she’s on board.
“You don’t have any plans for the weekend?” I ask.

“Nope,” she answers with a small shrug, twirling the end of her long braid between her fingers. I’m forced to swallow down a growl. I want to be the one pulling on that braid as I’m fucking her from behind. This woman has completely disrupted my usual game.

Ignoring my raging hard-on, I lean forward to tap Dante's large shoulder. “Change of plans. We’re heading to the beach house instead. Stop by Tio’s and we’ll grab dinner to go.”

“Sure thing,” he answers, winking at me through the rearview mirror.

Evelyn drops her braid and her mouth drops open. “Beach house?”

Laughing loudly at her adorable expression, I squeeze her hand. “Have you ever been to the ocean?”

“Once. My parents took the whole family to San Diego when my brother graduated boot camp at Pendleton. How far is it?”

“Does it matter? You said you don’t have anything going on this weekend. I can have you back by Tuesday morning.”

“Hold on, Charlie. This is crazy!” she cries in a high voice. Hot damn, I love the sound of my name coming from those beautiful lips. “I can’t just go spend a long weekend with you at your beach house!”

“Why not?” I can’t stop laughing at her innocence. I can’t remember the last time I truly enjoyed carrying on a conversation with a chick or the last time one wasn’t falling all over herself to be with me. “Give me one good reason.”

First she seems to struggle with an answer, then her eyes widen. “We barely know each other!”

“We spent the last two weeks hanging out. I’d like to think we know more than enough about each other by now.” I motion to Dante. “Do you want him to stay with us?”

“No, it’s not like that. It’s just…I don’t have anything packed!” Brow furrowed, she waves a hand, obviously flustered. “And it’s crazy!”

“There are plenty of shops around. You can grab whatever you need for the week, and I'll foot the bill.”

“Why don’t we just turn around so I can grab my things?”

“Because I want to spoil you.” I lean into her, tracing her jaw line with the tip of my nose before pressing a kiss to the soft spot beneath her ear. “It’s the least I can do for making you famous.”

The charm I’m laying on pretty thick seems to be doing its job as her breaths suddenly become heavy. She leans into me. “This better not be a ploy to get me to sleep with you,” she whispers, desire thick in her voice as she eyes Dante.

“Of course not. I plan to wait until you’re begging for it.” I nuzzle her neck, chuckling even though it’s not funny in the slightest. Two fucking hours is going to feel like an eternity when I’m already burning to get inside of her. “If you don’t want to share a bed, there are four bedrooms to choose from.” Assuming no one else is there.

When Dante meets my gaze, I raise my chin in the unspoken request for him to tilt the rearview mirror upward. As always, he does as requested before blasting the radio on my favorite rock station. He’s done it dozens of times in the past whenever I get hot and heavy with chicks while he drives. But this is the first time I wished I could tell him to take a hike as I steal a taste of her freckled shoulders, running my tongue along her smooth skin.

Evelyn writhes against me. “You’re playing dirty, Walker. I can’t think straight when you’re doing that.”

“There are locks on the bedroom doors. You can give Sharlo or anyone else you want the address so long as they don’t sell it to the press. Hell, if you’re worried I’m going to lock you away as my sex slave, I can introduce you to all the neighbors and tell them to stop by every hour to check on you. Mrs. Bauer would
any excuse to come by and see me that often. Those old cougars adore the hell outta me.”

When a husky laugh vibrates against her throat, I draw my hand beneath the hat in her lap to touch her long, toned thigh and squeeze it gently. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Freckles? It’d give us quality time together.”

She winces with my touch and her pupils grow larger. “This is crazy,” she repeats in a mere whisper.

I slide my fingers up to the edge of her shorts and trace small circles over her smooth skin. “Crazy’s just a word made up by people pushed outside of their comfort zone,” I whisper back. “Agree you’ll be mine for the weekend.”

Hissing through her teeth, she steels herself against my arm. “How much longer until we’re there?”

“Almost two hours.” I slip a finger beneath her fairly tight shorts, growling quietly when it connects with the lace on her panties. “A little longer if we have to stop…for whatever reason.”

“If you don’t stop that I’ll attack you in front of your driver,” she says with her lips pressed to my ear. Her hot breath causes chills to ripple down my spine.

Though I take her admission as an acceptance of my offer, I want to make her beg. Pulling on the elastic of her panties, I swipe my finger beneath them and growl again when it becomes wet. “Say you’re mine and I promise to be a perfect gentleman the rest of the way.”

,” she pleads in the same way she had when she wanted me to make her come in the break room.

As her eyes close and her head tilts back slightly, I continue my assault on her pussy with my dick throbbing inside my jeans. She’s nothing short of amazing, worthy of every bit of interest the world has shown her. If Dante weren’t with us, I’d worship her body the way it deserves. Sending my fingers in deeper, I become hard as fuck when her soaking wet lips seem to suck my fingers.

With a yelp, she claws at my arm. “
Holy shit.
” As I bring my fingers in and out, she twist and moans beside me at a decibel barely audible above the radio. “Oh my God,
, it’s been forever since someone touched me like this.”

Watching her soft lips part to release a soundless gasp, I can’t help myself any longer. “Pull off at the next gas station,” I yell to Dante over the music. “Best to fill up before we get too far out.” He chuckles quietly with the bullshit excuse, knowing exactly what’s on my mind, but says nothing as he steers the vehicle toward an exit.

Evelyn continues to squirm from my probing fingers as her small hand clamps around my wrist with a death grip. Sensing how hard she’s trying to be quiet and stay in control, I bite down on my bottom lip and chuckle.

Danny laughs along.
Challenge on.

“You’re awfully quiet,” I whisper before taking her earlobe in my mouth. I suck softly, clicking one of her earrings between my teeth and fighting the urge to bite down hard. “Don’t you have something you want to tell me?”

The way the car slows after a few turns, I know we must be close to stopping. I just hope we can both make it there. Once I give in and kiss her, there’s no way I can keep myself from taking it any further. My hand is practically dripping with her arousal. I can
just how badly she wants it, doing nothing to calm my aching dick.

, we roll to a stop. “I’m going to run in for a cup of coffee,” Dante announces. “Anyone else want anything?”

“Two waters,” I tell him, my arm becoming still. “Thanks, Dante.” I make a mental note to give him another raise as he closes the door behind him.

Evelyn begins to say my name, but I cut her off with a deep kiss. Breathing heavily, she leaps into my arms, kissing me back with even more commitment as her fingernails dig into my scalp. I pull her into my lap and she straddles my strained cock, providing much needed friction when she rocks her hips with mine.

I don’t know what it is about this woman, but it’s as if I’m possessed by a demon when I bury my hands in her soft hair and inhale her scent. I can’t get enough. I need to get inside of her before I explode.

“Wait!” she begs, pushing me back. She locks her arms around my neck, eyes glossy and full lips swollen. “This is crazy.”

“Not that word again,” I grumble.

She crawls off me to sit in the seat, arms crossed over her stomach. “I don’t want to do this with you in the back of a car when your driver could walk in. It feels cheap. Like I’m one of your groupies.”

“If I was going to treat you like a groupie, I wouldn’t have invited you to my beach house,” I argue. “And I can be a total gentleman if that’s what you want. I’ll wait a week, a month, or
.” Though truth be told, my balls are already blue from holding back.

Her beautiful brown eyes widen. “I don’t know if you need to take it
far. I’m just saying I don’t want our first time together to be in the back of a car like a bunch of teenagers.” A coy smile touches her lips and those freckles call to me in a way I can’t ignore.

First time? Does that mean she’s ready? Damn. What’s a guy to do? Her glassy eyes beg for me to touch her again and I can see her pulse racing against her neck. It’s like her body and her mind are warring with each other. Every fiber of my being wants to strip her shirt and little shorts from her body and have my way, especially when I have no doubt sex with her would blow my mind. I’ve never felt this completely out of control with anyone before.

My head fills with Danny’s cold laughter.
Pansy ass! Never thought I’d see the day when you were pussy-whipped!

Ignoring him, I swallow the lump rising in my throat. “I’ll let you take the lead.”

“Is it okay if we just hang out for the rest of the ride and talk?” When I answer with a nod, she pulls out her phone and smiles up from it sweetly. “We’ll just keep our hands off each other until we get to your beach house.”

Once my brain has cleared and I no longer feel like I could crack a brick with my dick, I quickly text my sister.

You’ve probably heard everyone is going nuts over someone I’ve started seeing.

Hardly a full minute passes when Katie replies.

Yeah and WTF? Why haven’t u told me? Gotta say she looks 2 sweet 4 u. Better not go messing this girl’s life up just because you want 2 get laid. I mean it, Char Char. If u r seriously into this girl u better not fuck it up.

Growling at my sister’s babbling, I glance over at Evelyn. She has this sexy little grin on her face as she types on her screen. I’m itching to see if she’s saying something about me, but I tend to Katie instead.

It’s not like that. We’re headed to the beach house. Can we have the place until Tuesday night?

,” I plead under my breath as I wait for Katie to answer. Even though I declared the beach house belongs to the entire family, I’ve never asked to have it all to myself. I’ve put up with my teen nephews having parties, using me as a ploy to get laid, and I’ve never complained. Besides, I’m the one who bought it after hearing my mom say how much she loved her friend’s place in the Hamptons. I figured she deserved something special for putting up with my father’s shit all those years.

Finally, my phone dings with a reply.

Your nephews won’t be happy, but of course we can do that 4 u. It’s your place. Treat this one right, little brother. I expect a full report. I mean it. I want to know everything about her.

When picturing my nephews pitching a fit, I shake my head. Serves the spoiled little shits right.
I never had anything handed to me when I was their age. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to put restrictions on their visits to teach them that nothing comes free. I worked my ass off starting when I was thirteen, writing my own songs and playing guitar on the city streets for change until I found talented enough guys to start a band. For years we had gigs in dives half the size of Leona’s until Thrashtag got noticed.

Just as I put my phone on standby, Dante returns with our waters. Part of me wants to dump the cold liquid in my lap to calm my dick down, even though it was effectively disarmed after talking with my sister. Besides, it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than water to keep me cool when I’m around Evelyn.

“Tell me more about this beach house,” she says, tucking her phone inside her small purse as Dante pulls back out on the freeway. She folds her hands together in her lap and smiles expectantly. “How long have you owned it?”

I settle back on the bench seat, grateful for casual conversation to keep my mind out of the gutter. “I bought it a couple years ago for my family. My older sister and her boys are there the most.”

“Is she married?”


“Do you have other siblings?”

My head throbs with the question I knew would be coming. She may have heard by now that the band’s drummer went missing, but I can’t let on that he’s my secret half-brother, and I don’t want to have to lie to her either. “A brother,” I say quickly. “You?”

BOOK: Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1)
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