Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Brooklyn Rockstar (Kendall Family #1)
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Brows shooting up, he turns back to me. “No touching? Don’t you think that’s taking it a little too far? Does that include kissing?”

Laughter sticks in my throat when I catch the intensity to his gaze. Heat of a different kind fills my cheeks, rekindling the post-haze of my recent orgasm. “Kissing’s good. But no fondling or stroking of any kind while we’re doing it. We all know where that will lead.”

“Does that mean you’ll sleep next to me tonight?”

The visual of laying next to this shirtless god deepens the warm flush in my cheeks. How would I keep my hands to myself? “What happened to taking it slow?”

Eyes darkened, he leans in to steal a sweet kiss and pulls back with an even, serious expression. “I invited you here because I want you like I’ve never wanted anyone before. And tonight I want you in
To keep you close. I can’t seem to get enough of you, Freckles. I want to prove that whatever is going on between us, it’s real.”

The determination behind his words sends a shudder rippling through my core. Before I can fully wrap my brain around what I’ve agreed to, I nod. “Okay.”

The moment I’ve spoken the word, I regret it. Abstinence with Charlie Walker is going to be the worst kind of torture. Especially when I’m dangerously close to falling in love.

Chapter 16

up in my bed to the sound of the ocean and the smell of Evelyn, her smooth arm and leg wrapped with mine, makes me want to quit the business and hide out with her in a shack on a foreign beach until the world forgets all about Charlie Walker. I can’t remember a time when I felt this at ease, this content. One thing I know for damn sure is I’ve never felt this way because of a

We finally passed out sometime around two in the morning after an intense make out session that seriously violated Evelyn’s no touching idea and made me reconsider my resolve not to claim her with my body. Each stolen moment was surreal and kissing did nothing to sate my carnal need to have her.

Being with this gorgeous woman is like kicking a drug habit I never started in the first place. I was floored after turning down her offer to have sex. I mean, I almost never tell chicks no. Then I remembered Lorenzo’s suggestion to use Evelyn as a way to get my career back on track and I almost lost my shit. There’s no way in hell I’ll let anyone use her for anything, including myself. She’s the real deal and deserves more than a weekend fling. When we finally have sex, I want it to feel like some kind of promise that I’ll stick around.

Feeling like a perv for staring at her half-naked body, I silently pray that she sleeps longer.
She took her braid out, fanning her dark locks across the white pillow, and slept in only her T-shirt and panties. She looks like an honest-to-God angel with the warm rays of sunlight spilling over her soft curves. My bed has never looked so inviting.

When I brush a strand of hair away from her face, purposely touching a patch of freckles, she wiggles against me and makes this sweet-ass little humming sound, grabbing my dick’s full attention. Her lashes flutter before I’m greeted by honey-brown eyes.

“Morning,” she says in a groggy voice, giving me a sweet smile.

“Morning, beautiful,” I reply before leaning in to gently brush my lips over hers. It stirs another wave of primal need at the base of my balls.

Humming again, her eyes close and she smiles. “What time is it?”

On reflex, I want to drag her closer to kiss the shit out of those soft lips and run my hands all over her smooth body. My dick is certainly ready. I slide off the bed instead, knowing there’s no hope of keeping things from becoming too obscene. “Time for a morning run. You in?”

“I’d be all over it if someone had let me pack a bag.” She grabs the decorative pillow at her side and chucks it at me, giggling. “You go. I’ll have breakfast ready when you get back, assuming this place has groceries.”

Grinning, I dip my chin with a nod. I already knew she could cook since she mentioned it was one of the things she did for her dad and brothers while they were farming. It’s refreshing to have a woman offer to make me something instead of the usual expectation of going somewhere expensive where I’ll pick up the bill. Snagging a pair of boxers and a T-shirt from my dresser, I toss them on the bed. “You can borrow these until we go shopping after breakfast.”

I catch her eyes flickering to the hard-on pushing against my boxers. “Leaving so soon?” she asks in a thick, tempting voice. Stretching her long lean body, she rolls to her side and beckons for me to join her with a wiggling pointer finger. “Better get over here for a proper goodbye.”

Shaking my head, I choke back a deep growl. “Trust me, kissing you right now isn't a good idea.”

“I feel guilty making you run like…that.” She bites on her bottom lip thoughtfully, gaze sweeping over my bare chest and back down to my impossibly hard cock. “I could help you out. Seems only fair that I return the favor.”

I stalk back toward her, ready to flip her down onto her back and finally have my way. On my hands and knees, I sink down to the mattress, hovering above her like an animal with its prey in sight. It’s total torture not to give my tongue the freedom to explore her body the way it wants. “Baby, it’s always going to be hard as long as you’re in the room. And the no touching thing was your idea, remember?”

Her throat strains with a deep swallow. “Maybe we should reconsider. Hardly seems fair to either one of us.”

It’s one of those moments that I normally delight in, waiting for a beautiful woman to beg for me to touch her and relieve the ache between her legs. But with Evelyn, I want to make it known this isn’t some short-term fling. When we finally do make love, it better be crystal clear to her that she’s the one I want in my bed and not some random groupie.

Making love.
Did I really just use that term?

Yeah, because you’re pussy-whipped, you dumb shit,
Danny says.
Better tap that ass to show her who’s in charge.

Evelyn’s small, warm hands press to the sides of my jaw and she lets out a soft giggle. “What’s with the face?”

“I have to get a move on,” I say, stopping to kiss the tip of her nose where not a single tempting freckle can be found. “We’re wasting perfectly good daylight and I plan to take you out on the boat later.”

In record time I’m dressed and grabbing a baseball cap. I practically stumble away from the house, wondering how in the hell to deal with the strange sensations rippling through my chest and the constant taunt of my asshole brother. I don’t
fall in love
. So why does is it beginning to feel like I can’t breathe without Evelyn?

fter hitting
the three-mile-mark on my morning run in the compact sand, lungs burning and filled with salty air, I head back feeling lighter. Some pretty extreme thoughts have filled my mind since I met Evelyn, and it’s probably just due to the fact that I’m denying myself the pleasure of taking that sweet body and making it mine. In due time, Walker.

Jogging up toward the house, I find Evelyn stretched out on the lounger where she came for me the night before, long legs taunting to be touched as she pages through one of my mom’s home improvement magazines. Her dark hair hanging over her freckled shoulders in subtle waves appears to be wet from a recent shower. Without any makeup, the freckles on her nose and cheeks are darker than ever. Between that and the smoking hot body hidden beneath my shirt and boxers, my fingers burn to strip her naked.

Luckily she sees me before I get too close and jumps up, preventing me from acting on my thoughts. Though I’ve learned to run in long sleeves so I’m not recognized easily, I don’t miss the way her eyes slowly drag across each and every one of the muscles beneath my performance shirt like she’s committing my body to memory.

“Hope you’re hungry,” she tells me with a bright smile that reflects her easygoing charm. “I’ve been cooking for a houseful of men for years, so I probably overdid it.”

I wipe a line of sweat off my brow and wink. “I’m always starving after a good run.” Before walking away, I surprise myself by bending to kiss her cheek. That’s normally something I only do with the women in my family. “Just…give me…a minute to shower,” I choke out, caught up by the delicious way my body wash smells on her skin.

Her eyes hit mine and she giggles with one of her sexy little blushes filling her cheeks. “Great idea.”

By the time I’ve stripped my clothes in the master bathroom, my dick’s throbbing. I step in the shower, intending to rub one out with the visual of Evelyn standing naked in the same exact spot. Then the idea of saving myself for her comes to me like a school girl with a juvenile crush. I’m laughing at myself like a fool once I’ve dried off and dressed for breakfast. First I invite her to stay the week and decline sex, now this. Guess I can count on a long list of firsts to take shape now that she’s in my life.

As if I needed another reason to fall for Evelyn, she proves to be a killer cook. Eggs, sausage, and biscuits were exactly the kind of protein and carbs I was craving after my run. She’s adorable when she eats, holding a hand over her mouth when it’s full of food and she wants to talk. And she doesn’t hold back like some of the skinny chicks I’ve taken out. Either she’s packing a high metabolism or she’s avid about her workouts, which I hope eventually we can do together. Inside
outside of the bedroom.

There’s a light in her eyes as she tells me all about how she met Sharlo online and moved out here because the two of them had become so close. I make a mental note to thank Sharlo for encouraging Evelyn to move in with her. Before long we’re deep into a conversation about our favorite musicians, ninety percent of which we agree on.

“My absolute favorite has always been nineties grunge,” she admits at one point. “Probably because when I was a kid my mom listened to bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam on an endless loop.” Then, smiling brightly, she adds, “But after hearing you that night at Leona’s, I think I’m becoming more partial to the feel good, indie rock scene.”

I flinch with the mention of the fateful night, but try like hell not to let it show. “You probably say that to all the musicians you date.”

“I’m serious. You were awesome up there.” She reaches her hand out and twists our fingers together. “You can’t let those shitty reviews bring you down. You mentioned one night at Leona’s that you were taking a break from performing, but I get the feeling there’s something more going on that you’re not telling me. If it’s because you’re not sure about the new album—”

“I’m sure,”
I snap.
Angry with myself for barking at her, I shake my head. “There’s just a lot going on right now. I’m working on rewriting some of the songs before they’re released.”

It’s a bold-faced lie. I haven’t worked on a single fucking thing since Gwen’s bullshit article went live, and if I’m going to release the album I either need to find another producer, or do it myself. There will be time to tell Evelyn everything, eventually. I’m just worried once I do, it will all unravel and I’m not ready to go there yet.

up while Evelyn’s getting ready. As I’m starting the dishwasher, the door to the garage squeaks open.

“Charlie?” Katie calls out. “You here?”

“Just like I told you I’d be,” I mumble too quiet for her to hear. Guess it’s no big surprise my sister couldn’t stay away. She never has been known to do anything she was told. I clear my throat and call back, “In the kitchen.”

Wherever Katie goes, it’s like there’s a little tornado following her. Swear to God the air coils around the room when she enters, flashing one of her happy-go-lucky smiles, dressed in long shorts covered in prints of tropical fish and an equally obnoxious neon pink shirt. I’ve always wondered if people think she’s full of shit when she tells them I’m her little brother. She’s a third of my size with a narrow face, long and skinny limbed like a teenage boy, and blonde like our father.
Like Danny.

If she discovered she shared more with my drummer than a similar hair color, she’d kill me for not telling her all these years. But I promised our father right before he died a few months back that I would never spill his dirty secrets. It would destroy my mom if she had actual proof that he was unfaithful while they were married. Better to leave that shit in the past.

“Hey, baby brother!” Swiping an apple from the fruit tray, Katie shimmies up to sit on the counter and sinks her teeth into the red skin. “You’re lookin’ good! How’s
Then she leans in close and whispers in a loud stage voice,
“Where is she?”

As much as I want to pretend Katie annoys the hell out of me like she did growing up, her bubbly personality never fails to get under my skin in a good way. Still, I’m not sure I’m ready to share Evelyn with anyone yet. “You said I could have the place for the weekend,” I remind her, trying not to laugh at the comical expression on her face.

“You totally can,” she tells me between chews. “I just stopped by to make sure there isn’t anything you need. You know, groceries….booze…the number of a good wedding planner.”

Nearly choking on a sharp breath, I shake my head over and over.
too early for that kind of talk, Kate. We. Just. Met.” Before she can take another bite of the apple, I pull her elbow down and assist her off the counter. “You need to leave. Now

As I nudge her towards the door, she willingly shuffles along while looking at me wide-eyed over her shoulder. “Will you at least let me know when you’re ready to send out those ‘save the date’ cards? You have to time those little buggers just perfectly or it can wreck havoc on your guests’ social calendars.”

Unable to keep a straight face any longer I stop, chuckling. “Settle down. We both know I’m not that kind of guy. This is all new to me.”

Spinning around to face me, she clutches my forearms. “Can I
just meet her? This kind of anomaly is bound to only happen once before I die of old age and I just want to experience what it would be like to have a brother who isn’t on every woman in America’s to do list.”

My eyebrows lower. “America’s what?”

Eyes wide on something behind me, she erupts in a smile too big for her face. “Hey, there!” she cries out suddenly, shoving me aside. “You must be the mysterious girl my baby brother’s trying to keep all to himself! I’m his sister, Katie! It’s so nice to see you in person and not all over my phone!”

Evelyn glides across the room wearing the little shorts and low-cut shirt from the night before. Her dark hair’s drawn up in a loose, high ponytail that makes her look several years younger, evoking the image of a college cheerleader, and she’s still make-up free. I adjust my shorts before either of the women notice I’ve become rock hard.

Taking in the small bundle of fun suddenly in her face, Evelyn offers her hand. The sideways look she gives my sister as she accepts her hand makes it clear she has no idea
to think. That kind of reaction is pretty normal for someone who’s meeting Katie for the first time.

“Evelyn,” she says, matching Katie’s now-genuine smile.

Katie repeats, letting go to clap her hands together. “Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! Tell me, are you a model? Actress? How’d you and my brother meet? You seem way too sweet to be one of his groupies. Wait, are you a musician too? You look more like a Selena but I bet you can belt notes out like Adele!”

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