Breaking the Ice (11 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: Breaking the Ice
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She kissed him, sealing their
bodies together from their lips to their thighs. 

“I know you have a time-consuming
job.  I will love you extra hard and take extra good care of you when you’re
home.  You don’t have to buy me things or take me places or make grand
gestures…I loved you when you were just another small town boy with big dreams
and an adorable scar over your eyebrow.  I’m low maintenance, Diesel, all I
need is love and to know I’m enough for you.”

Diesel gazed at her for a long
time, running his hands over her.  “I need you to know, to
, I
will never be unfaithful to you, MacKenzie.  I won’t hurt you like that, the
way my mother was hurt by my father.”

“Thank you.”

to buy you
things and take you places and make grand gestures, because I can and because
you deserve it.  During the season, I’d like you to travel with me when you
can.  I’m going to take our son to hockey practice every possible chance I get…and
love all of you more than I love myself.”

He started to lay Kenzie back on
the couch, prepared to make love to her again.  His head on her chest he
moaned, “We have errands…I want to stay here.  To play with you and love on you
all day.  Being an adult is
, MacKenzie.  You’re going to have to
train me like you do our children.  I’m not used to a schedule outside of

Kenzie laughed and ruffled his
hair like she did with Dalton.  “I’m not in the mood to be a grownup right now
either.  I tell you what, you help me to not be so structured and I’ll help you
be a little more structured.  You are so big and warm, staying here would be

She sighed and lifted Diesel’s
head to look at her.  “I have to get groceries in the house or poor Dalton will
.  At least, that’s what he’ll tell anyone who will listen.  He
eats more at three than I ate
.  Your poor mother, I can’t
imagine six boys eating like that.”

Diesel put his elbow on the couch
and sat his chin in his hand.  “Okay, this is the deal.  We go run errands,
mine…then we play with our son and stuff him until he can’t
eat another bite and see if we can’t get him to crash out.  Then, I get to play
with you…until I have you begging me to take you.  Grown up stuff first, then
play time.” 

He reached under Kenzie’s
sweater, stroked her stomach and up over her breasts, tweaked her nipples
through her bra.  Her thighs clenched against his ribcage and she ground her
pelvis against his chest. 

“Kenzie, I want you so bad right
now.”  His hand moved to cup her mound through her jeans.  “You’re so hot, I
bet you’re already wet…”  He shook his head hard and stood up.  “You are going
to kill me with how much I need you.  We have to get up and go.  Right now, or
we won’t be leaving.”

He pulled her to her feet and
caught her against him.  Her hair slid like silk over his hands. 

“You have to get me out of here,
Diesel.  I can only think about getting you inside me with it so quiet and
private…not that I wouldn’t totally fuck you on aisle nine of the grocery store
during a sale.  I just want you.  We have to go.”

“MacKenzie, did you just say
you’d fuck me on aisle nine?”  He threw her over his shoulder and headed for
the stairs.  “No making love right now, Kenzie…straight fucking…hard and fast. 
Then we’ll go, I promise.”

“I would
you to fuck
me like that, Diesel.  It sounds delicious.”  His growl was punctuated with the
flat of his hand slapping her ass.  “You spanked me!  Wow…I got vibrations in
my clit from that…do it again.”  He did.

Diesel didn’t make it all the way
to the second floor.  He set her down and pushed her torso toward the landing; yanked
her jeans and panties to her knees.  “I want to fuck you so bad, MacKenzie.” 

Moving his own jeans out of the
way enough to free his cock, he slipped inside her with no foreplay.  Just as
he’d promised, he fucked her hard and fast, powering her up and over her climax
before taking his own. 

When they could move, Kenzie
turned to kiss him aggressively.  She went to the bathroom to clean up.  By the
time they were in the car, they were breathing normally again. 

“Diesel…we need to do that more
often.  I feel totally energized.”  After a long pause, he heard her hum

“What, that sounded like a
naughty thought…tell me,” he demanded.

Her voice was sweet.  “I think
you should let me tie you up and have my way with you.”  He slammed on the
brakes and they came to a jarring stop in the driveway.

Kenzie’s face was flushed with
arousal.  He ground out, “Would you let me tie you up if I let you try it
first?”  She nodded.  “We might need to hire help just to have playtime.”  He
pulled her over the console and kissed her.  “Let’s get done and I’ll stop for
toys on the way back to the house.”

They ran around for most of the
afternoon, Kenzie calling Thad to check in every couple of hours.  When they
were headed back to the house, she called and he didn’t answer, which made her

“Baby, he’s probably in the
bathroom.  We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Walking up the apartment stairs,
their arms loaded with grocery bags, they were laughing as they opened the
front door. 

Almost every member of their
families were standing in her living room. 

Jenna LeBlanc was holding Dalton
and cooing to him like he was a little baby.  He was laughing and hugging her,
“Hi, Mommy!  Hi, Daddy!  I missed you.  Dese are my ot’er uncles and I have a

Bonnie has a grandma dat picks her up sometimes, now I have a grandma!  Wait
‘til I tell Bonnie!”

Digger and Kat, Damien and
Cristiana, Dean and Jackie, Justin and Jon, and Jenna all stood staring at
them.  Thad was leaning against the kitchen wall. 

“Hi,” was all MacKenzie could

Jenna handed Dalton to Digger
with a kiss and approached MacKenzie.  Looking pointedly at her other sons they
all rushed forward to grab bags of groceries and take them in the kitchen. 

“Mommy!  You got me

You gonna make me a steak…I’m

“I’ll…make you food in just a
minute, baby.  Give Mommy a minute.”

Jenna smiled.  “You know it only
gets worse, right?  He’s going to be huge.”  She looped her arm through
Kenzie’s and led her to her bedroom.  “Let’s talk for just a minute, honey.”

Entering the bedroom, Jenna
closed the door and turned to MacKenzie.  “I want to tell you I completely
understand why you made the choices you did.  I also want to say you are
to put Diesel’s happiness above your own again.” 

She took Kenzie’s face in her
hands.  “You’ve led a rough life.  You deserve happiness, too.  You’re part of
our family now, and we’ll be here for anything you need.  You’ve done a great
job with him, MacKenzie.  Dalton is happy and brilliant.  I couldn’t be more

The two women laughed and then
they were crying and hugging one another.

Diesel knocked softly on the door
and they let him in.  When he saw they’d both been crying, he hugged them both.

“Kenzie agreed to marry me, Mom.” 
She whooped and hugged her son for a long time. 

“I’m so glad this all worked
out.”  She swept past them to the living room and shouted, “We have a wedding
to plan!” 

Kenzie entered the living room to
squeals of happiness, engulfed in hugs and kisses from her younger siblings. 
Each of Diesel’s brothers hugged her and welcomed her to the family. 


Hours later, they all went to
dinner, thirteen people laughing and talking while the males, including Dalton,
consumed more food in one sitting than the women ate in a week. 

Diesel leaned in and whispered in
her ear, “We’re picking out your ring tomorrow before I head to practice.  My
brothers and your sisters are arguing over who gets to stay with Thad and Dalton…we
have the house to ourselves.” 

She didn’t bother to hide the
shiver of anticipation the news caused her.  “I have plenty of suggestions to
keep us busy, MacKenzie.” He caught her earlobe between his teeth and she whimpered

“Mommy!” Dalton’s voice boomed
across the table and every person went quiet.  “When we live toget’er can we
get me a brot’er?  Uncle Digger says boys are better to have cuz dey don’t want
you to play dolls or try to dress you up like Aunt Kat did to Uncle Thad.  I’d
like one ‘kay?  A little brot’er ‘kay?”

With a totally straight face,
Diesel told him, “We’ll see what we can do, Dalton.”




Five years later…


MacKenzie was laughing so hard
she was in danger of peeing herself. 

Wait until Diesel gets a look at
these pictures. 

Dalton threw his almost-nine-going-on-nineteen-year-old
hands in the air, completely disgusted.  “Mom, this not funny.  I mean,
honestly.  Can you stop laughing and help me out?  I have practice in like an
hour.  Mom!  You are not taking pictures of me in my underwear.  Mom, how

His frustration made her laugh
harder and she felt bad about that, really she did. 

The twins were wearing Dalton’s
uniform…and nothing else.  Deacon and Drake were refusing to give it back and
barricaded themselves in the open pantry with canned goods. 

“We wanna go!  You promised to
take us skating, Dalton!  Take us or no uniform.”  Deacon was the speaker for
the twins, hands on hips and little bow lips pursed.  They both had black hair
and blue eyes, just like the rest of the LeBlanc men. 

Dalton crouched down in front of
the canned good fort in his boxers.  He was already built like Diesel and
looked much older. 

“I told you we’d go skating after
practice, guys, remember? 
practice.  You can’t go with me to
practice, you have your birthday party thing to go to.  I need my uniform,
monkeys.  And I’ll tell you this, you both better be good on the potty training
or I’m not going to be happy when I finish getting dressed.  There’d better not
be pee on my gear.”

Kenzie was laughing so hard no
sound was coming out. 

“Drake!  You’re playing with my
mouth guard?  That is just
.  Seriously, not
dude.  Give that to me so I can clean it.”  With a furious shake of his head,
Drake bit down harder on the mouth guard. 

Turning to his mother, he sighed
resignedly, “Mom, I know we amuse you.  I do.  But I need to be ready before Joey
and his parents come to get me.  Please…put the camera down, stop laughing, and
help me wrangle the twins.”

She walked to her oldest child
and ruffled his hair.  “Okay, baby.  You’re just so good with them and you all
make me laugh so
.  I can’t help myself.”  She wiped her eyes and
got it together.  

“Deacon, Drake…uniform

Bubba has to go.”  She held out her hand Drake spit a very slobbery mouth guard
into her hand.  She fought the laughter as they angrily stripped to the skin
and handed her his jersey and pants.  She smelled them carefully.  “No
problems, Dalton.  I’m sorry, baby.” 

He took the clothes from his mom
with a smile.  “Oh, Mom, you’re so cute when you’re pregnant.  You laugh even
more…you’re so easy.  When is grandma coming back with David?  He wanted to go
to practice with me.” 

The twins started throwing a fit
behind him.  “Guys, you have a
birthday party
to go to!  Wouldn’t you
rather go there than practice with me?” 

They were screaming loudly. 

Grandma Jenna made it a habit to
take each of the older boys out alone, taking them somewhere special to eat and
then a movie.  She said it was important when you had twins to remember that
the single births still need you. 

Dalton had gone out all day with
her yesterday while David was home playing with the twins.  Dalton was almost
nine, David was four, and the twins were two. 

“She’ll be back soon, promise. 
Go get ready, Dalton and I’ll smooth things over.” 

She had a sweet but firm
conversation with her twin boys and sent them to get their clothing out of the
den where they’d dropped it.  By the time she’d put everything back in the
pantry, Jenna came in with David who came to snuggle her around the knees. 

“Hey, baby, did you have fun with
Grandma?”  He nodded sleepily.  “Do you still want to go with Dalton to
practice?  You look like you need a nap.”  He perked up and ran to the stairs
to change. 

Of the four boys, he was the
quiet one, more like his mother.

Jenna kissed her and got an
update on the goings-on.  When she saw the pictures on Kenzie’s camera, she
excused herself to pee.  MacKenzie handed her a glass of iced tea when she came

“Kenzie, you are a natural mom. 
You are rounding out nicely with this one.  I can’t believe you get your figure
back so fast after you have them.”

“It’s the skating, I make everyone
skate in shifts for hours.”  Jenna was hysterical.

“I’m going to take a quick shower
before the birthday party.  Hey, why don’t you let me take them?  Jackie’s
meeting me here with little Devon.  We can handle it.”

“You’ve taken the kids so much
since you’ve been here.  I feel like I’m taking advantage, Mom.”

Jenna rolled her eyes.  “Nonsense,
I only come every six weeks.  I have to soak them up while I’m here and I love
every minute.  You rest and I’ll take your Excursion.  Round them all up and I’ll
bring them back after we go eat pizza.  What do you say?”

“I say you are the mother-in-law
that outshines all others.  Thanks.  You’re too good to me.” 

MacKenzie hugged her and Jenna
dashed upstairs to freshen up.

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