The Space Between (The Book of Phoenix)

BOOK: The Space Between (The Book of Phoenix)
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Table of Contents

“This is a completely new twist on the idea of a timeless love story with a paranormal twist unlike any other. The connection between the two characters is bone deep and resonates beautifully. I will never forget this novel.” ~ Heather McCorkle, Author of the fantasy Channeler series

“Kristie has done it again! Her Soul Savers series is my favorite by far and yet
The Space Between
is easily the best book she’s ever written! Readers are always looking for something new, something that’s never been done before, and Kristie really nailed it with
The Space Between.
It’s dangerous, suspenseful, and smokin’ hot. I can’t wait for the next part of the Book of Phoenix!” ~ Marissa, Comfortably Read Book Reviews

The Space Between
is an amazing story of life, love and fates. Author Kristie Cook has you hanging on the edge of every page. This book stays in your head well after the last page.” ~ Mindy, Forbidden Reviews

“A completely unique story with a paranormal twist.
The Space Between
had the perfect blend of romance and mystery with a phenomenal plot that will keep you guessing.” ~ Jessica, Confessions of a Bookaholic

“Beautiful writing and characters are two parts of what make Kristie’s books must-reads. Add in the magic of her stories, plot lines that’ll have you holding your breath and epic loves, and you’ll find rich worlds to escape to and hours that’ve flown by in the blink of an eye.” ~ Lisa, A Life Bound by Books

“I loved this book! The characters, the romance, the plot, the originality! It had everything to make it an amazing book!
The Space Between
is the perfect book to what I hope will be a fantastic series and everyone is going to fall in love with it!” ~ Kendall, Book Crazy

The Book of Phoenix Series

Part One


Kristie Cook

Ang’dora Productions, LLC

Naples, Florida

Books by Kristie Cook

— Soul Savers Series —





Genesis: A Soul Savers Novella

Soul Savers Book 5 (June 2013)

— The Book of Phoenix Series —

The Space Between

Find the author at

Copyright © 2013 by Kristie Cook

All rights reserved.

Published by

Ang’dora Productions, LLC

15275 Collier Blvd


Naples, FL 34119

Ang’dora Productions and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Ang’dora Productions, LLC

Cover design by Regina Wamba at
MaeIDesign and Photography, L.L.C.

Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the copyright owner.

Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

First Edition April 2013

EPUB ISBN 978-1-939859-00-6

For Shawn


First and foremost, I thank The Maker and His Son. My life, my writing career and this book are all blessings from above.

Second, I must thank my husband Shawn who woke up one morning in 2011 while we were on a motorcycle road trip and said, “I had an awesome dream!” He didn’t understand everything going on, but I took the few things he remembered and his dream became The Space Between. Without that dream and his memorable exclamation the next morning, this book (and the rest in the series) would have never been.

Next I thank our fabulous sons, Zakary, Austin and Nathan, who often seem to test how far they can push me while I’m writing, but show their support in many ways. Like putting up with leftovers and carryout and Mom not being able to hang out because she’s under deadline. And giving me great insight into the minds of young males that has given me great fodder for Jeric and other characters. Thank you most of all, my wonderful boys, for being you. I’m so proud of you all.

Chrissi, my business partner and publisher, who is nearly as much my “other half” as Shawn is. Thank you for your never-ending support, for your kicks in the butt, ear to whine in, shoulder to cry on, and for not being afraid to challenge me. I say it often, but not enough: I couldn’t have done this without you.

Thank you to my brilliant Kristie’s Crew: Claire, Julie, Marissa, Jessie, Mindy, Inga, Kate, Debbie, Stacey, Heather, Rebecca, and Christina. Claire, thank you for the fabulous UK fan site you created and thank you, Julie, for helping her admin it and for managing our UK distribution. Jessie (and Dave), thank you for sharing your beautiful phoenix. Marissa, thank you for helping with the release tour, and Claire, Julie, Kate, Debbie and Stacey for coordinating the UK signing tour. Thank you all for beta reading and for your continuous support, shout-outs and for all you do on the streets. You go above and beyond and I am so blessed to know all of you.

Thank you to author Heather McCorkle and Jessica Cook for critiquing
The Space Between
for me. Thank you to Jen Trammell for proofreading. And thank you to Regina at Mae I Design and Photography for my gorgeous cover. Brenda Pandos, thank you for being my Best Author Friend Forever.

Thank you to Cami and Reading Addiction Book Tours for organizing the cover reveal and release tour, and a special thank you to all of the bloggers who participated.

Last but most definitely not least, thank you, reader! I sincerely appreciate your giving up your precious time to read this story. I hope I’ve made it worth your while. (And if I have, thanks for the fantastic review I know you’ll leave. *grin*) I appreciate my readers and fans more than you will ever know. Please don’t ever hesitate to connect with me. I love to hear from you!


Chapter 1

  If I could take the form of a bird and fly high above the roofs of the village and soar over the fields, it would feel like this. With me balanced on his hands, Alberto spun across the stage, my arms and legs spread like a bird’s wings. After he gave me a push up into the air, I tucked my limbs in and twisted in a perfect spiral. My stomach dropped and my body followed as I slid down him and became a graceful heap at his feet just as the music came to its tragic end.

The audience exploded into applause, followed by a standing ovation. The thunderous noise reverberated into my bones, and my chest swelled as I took a bow for the very last time. When the audience showered me with white roses and Alberto and the troupe brought me a bottle of vino, I gave a heartfelt grin that hopefully hid the sadness battling within me.
A dream come true . . . but I’ll never dance on stage again.
My heart knew this truth. Tomorrow I would fly home, and this would all be nothing more than a memory.

But tonight was still mine.

I hadn’t been the real star of the show, not by far, but everyone made me feel like I’d been tonight. After the curtain fell, backstage became as loud as the audience as we all congratulated each other on a great show. I glided on air as everyone gave me farewell hugs and shouts of “Bravo!” and “Eccelenté!” Tomorrow, the dance company would move on to the next town, and the professional dancer who I’d been filling in for would join them. I, on the other hand, would be headed back to reality.

“Move on, move on! Take it to Alonzo’s,” the stage manager finally ordered in Italian. The lights over the stage went dark to emphasize his point. The theater owner was ready to shut down for the night. We all scurried to our dressing rooms.

I pulled out my cell phone right away and texted a message to Uncle Theo as I had every night after a show. I frowned at the phone when he didn’t immediately reply. Since he’d lost nearly all his hearing, I’d taught him how to text and email before I left so we could communicate while I was gone. He’d been a trooper at using the “silly gadgets” up until recently. He hadn’t responded to either my texts or my emails in three days now. A day or two was normal—sometimes he simply forgot. But three days?
There are many possible reasons. Maybe the battery died and he forgot to charge it. Maybe he knows you’re coming home soon and is done with the “damn buttons.” Maybe he’s just too busy with Mira
This last one was more like my Uncle Theo.

“Beautiful as always,
cara mia
,” Alberto said to me in strong English heavy with an Italian accent as he stood in the doorway to my dressing room, distracting me from my phone. He’d already changed out of his costume into street clothes. With dark curls hanging to his shoulders, eyes like onyx sparkling with life and a perfect dancer’s physique, he was a sight to behold, even in jeans and a tight white T-shirt. He knew it, too.

,” I said with a wide grin. “You were amazing, too, as always.”

“Of course I was. You come to Alonzo’s to celebrate, no?” he asked.

“Wouldn’t miss it. I need a little more time than you to look beautiful, though,” I said as I wiped a trickle of sweat off the back of my neck. “And I still need to change.”

“Bah! You should wear that,” he said, flipping a hand at my skimpy costume. “So

I laughed as I pushed him out the door. Alberto was nothing but a tease. After all, he truly had eyes for only one person—Bruno, the sound technician.

Alone in my tiny dressing room with the sounds beyond the door quieting as everyone headed out, I pulled off my golden leotard and the scrap of shimmery material that passed for a skirt. I left my tights on and slipped into a white lacey smock and faded red cowboy boots. My chest tightened and my eyes burned as I folded my costume with deliberation and tucked it into my duffle bag. I’d never again wear it. I’d never again be in a dressing room like this, overhead lights flashing as the theater owner gave a final warning he was about to lock up. I’d only used this particular room a couple of times, but it represented all of those in the last month as I’d made my way across Italy with this dance company. Not exactly what my dream had been, but pretty damn close. As close as I’d ever get.

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